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A/N: My writing is going to be sloppy because I just got a wrist brace so please don't mind any mistakes

No one knew where the name 'Robin' came from. They all just assumed the boy liked the bird and made it his name.

Wally, Bruce and Alfred knew all to well that the name Robin wasn't just a nickname but a piece of the boys childhood.

Bruce first found this out. Dick was his son and he was bound ti come up with a nickname for him. Of course from the same guy named himself Batman came the nickname Dickiebird.

Dick was never bullied at school but whenever his father came to pick him up and his friends heard the words 'Dickiebird' they would burst with laughter.

Now take that and mix that with the team. Young Justice may be a team full of teenagers but teens are not as mature as some think.

-10:20 PM 3/12/2012-

The team stepped off the bio-ship exhausted from their mission.

The 6 had been kidnapped for 3 days and had just barely managed to escape.

Robin had multiple bruises on his side and a scar running up the side of his face. Wally was fine other than a massive headache. Artemis was bleeding from her nose and had a dislocated shoulder. M'gann and Superboy were uninjured but exhausted. Aqualad had some scratches and minor bruises but he was fine.

Each mentor came out of the zeta tubes hearing about their arrival.

"(Dickiebird ești în regulă)" Batman asked in Romanian.

The team didn't understand a lot if Romanian except for Wally who could decipher some words but what they did understand was 'Dickiebird' something that they heard Wally tease the ebony about.

Almost as soon as the words left his mouth the Bat regretted his decisions. The team was already snickering Artemis even coughing to mask her laugh.

"(Chiar tati)" Robin was tired and annoyed already.

"It's fine DICKIEBIRD. How about we go and patch you up." Artemis emphasized on Dickiebird.

"Yeah he'll be fine Bats." Wally reassured.

"Right Dickiebird?" Conner mockingly asked Dick joining in on the fun.

"(Uite ce-ai facut! Nu voi trăi niciodată în jos.)" Dick grumbled and walked off.

The team still amused at his anger decided to keep pushing much to Robins dismay.

Robin sat down in the medical bay removing his shirt to look at the bruises. Just then Wally came in a smirk painted into his face.

"Dickiebird. Need any help?" Wally asked walking towards the ebony.

"Go away." Dick grumbled.

"Aw you don't like your nickname." Wally say next to his boyfriend on the medical bed.

"Not when you all say it." Robin rolled his eyes.

"Would you prefer 'babe' or 'baby'." Wally teased.

"Neither." Dick winced at the wound on his side.

A large round purple bruise laid right below his armpit and two others on his should blade and below it.

"You sure you don't need help Dickie?" Wally was slightly worried.

Dick sighed and nodded for his help.

Wally grabbed some things and began to patch him up. Dick would groan or moan every now and then from the pain but after 30 minutes he was fine.

"All patched up Dickiebird." Wally smiled getting up frontman the bed.

Dick let an annoyed sigh leave his lips and slapped Wally.

"I hate you." Dick crossed his arms.

"You love me." Wally kissed him on the lips and got up.

"See ya Dickie." Wally sped off.

Dick was annoyed but a slight blush appeared on his face.

From that day on, the team would start calling him Dickiebird. It didn't matter if he was on a mission or if he was outside of his mask.

-7:15 pm 6/9/20-

The team was all huddled up in the mountain for lockdown. Bored out of their minds they began to reminisce on old memories.

"Hey what was that nickname we used to call you?" Wally played with his husbands hair.

"None of your business." Dick said eating food at the moment.

"I think it was 'dickiebird'." M'gann placed a hand on her chin.

'Oh yeah. It was such a great nickname." Artemis smiled mischievously.

Kaldur looked between the two and walked back into his room. He didn't feel the need to separate another argument.

An hour later the whole team was sitting watching TV and Conner felt the need to stir up some trouble.

"Hey Dickiebird, pass me some popcorn." Conner grinned when the entire team froze.

"Say that again." Dick turned dramatically slowly.

"Dickiebird." Conner didn't get to finish his sentence before Dick pounced in him.

Kaldur sat up and walked away while Wally cheered his husband on.

Conner would never ever admit it but he did struggle fighting of an average human 23 year old man.

When the two were pulled apart by M'gann telepathically.

"Will y'all stop." Artemis was still watching the movie.

Dick rolled his eyes and stormed off to Wally and his shared room. Wally arrived shortly after, placing a hand on the ebony's hip to calm him.

"I thought you liked that nickname." Wally lifted Docks chine and planted a kiss on his jawline.

"Only when you say it." Dick pouted.

"I haven't called you that in years." Wally said confused.

"Last time you did I said it was annoying." Dick stated. "I did t actually mind though."

Wally smiled.

"Should I start calling you that?" Wally asked.

Dick thought about it before answering.

"I would actually." Dick smiled back at his husband before kissing him on his lips.

A/N: bro my wrist hurts so bad but I hope you enjoyed

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