Actor and Athlete

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Dick was a famous actor. A famous actor who was dating an average, awkward, and athletic redhead who was currently on every college recruiters wishlist.

Obviously no one knew the two were dating so what a surprise it was when Dick pulled up to Wally's school during a pep rally which conveniently was outside in front of the school.

Wally and his friends sat on the outside bleachers waiting for names to be called.

"Finally we have the athletic section. Please come down when your name is called." The principal of the school said into the mic.

They went through name after name before Miles (Wally's friend from the chapter "First Date") started groaning.

"When are they going to call the soccer team." He moaned and grabbed his sister's shoulder.

"Get off." Niya flicked at his fingers.

"Not until they call the soccer team." Miles held onto her tighter than before.

"Guys stop." Linda shushed them.

"You can't be talking Lin, they already called the Newspaper Club." Miles frowned.

"Because we're better." Linda grinned.

Miles mocked her and they began to argue.

"Why can't you two be quiet. Like Wally." Miya pointed to the redhead who was typing on his phone.

Wally looked up and looked at the three in front of him.

"He's only quiet because he's texting his man." Miles smirked.

"Yeah and?" Wally asked before looking back to his phone.

Miles grabbed the phone from his hands and looked through the text.

"Wow, you guys are really active and I'm talking more ways than texting." Miles scrolled through before Wally snatched his phone back.

"Dude! Seriously?" Wally shut his phone off and shoved it in his pocket.

"At least you're paying attention." Niya told him.

They focused their attention back to the stage where the principal had moved onto field sports.

"Now we'll start with our soccer team who will be playing against our opposing school in a few hours." She called name after name.

"Finally our best player, Wally West."

Wally stood up followed by gazes of most girls in the school.

When at the stage he made a speech about how he was honored to be elected best player and all that nonsense.

The real surprise came when a black Porsche pulled into the front of the school.

Nobody was looking at it but Wally was and he automatically recognized the driver.

"Can we get a clap for the soccer team." The principal said.

Claps rang through the football field. They were so occupied and excited that they didn't even see Dick creep into the bleacher and take a seat next to Miles, Niya and Linda.

"Hey guys." He waved at the group.

"Sup Dickiebird." Miles fist bumped him.

"Where Wally?" Dick asked.

"He'll be coming up after the principal excuses them off the stage." Linda replied.

"That's perfect." Dick smiled and stood up.

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