Chapter 2

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Your little heart starts to hurt again; it just keeps breaking every damn minute of the day that it hurts so much. You cry in your bed, the bed you share with your Alpha, where her smell is still lingering in the pillow, blanket, sheets, and around the room

It hurt to keep you reminded of her in this room from the best day of your life—the day she claimed you and you claimed her—from the day she turned you down, and now you're here alone again, in your house and in your own bedroom

You remember every second of that day, 1 month ago, every word, their faces, and how her eyes burned you. How could you forget it? It's the day your mate, your Alpha, rejected you as her Omega, and it's already lingering in your head

You woke up with a smile on your face and stretched your limb, then reached out to your left side of the bed just to find an empty, cold sheet. You frowned, looking at the empty space besides you

The sadness is starting to creep up your spine, and your heart is getting torn apart a little by the thought of your Alpha leaving you, but you took deep breaths, thinking of a possible reason why your Alpha isn't in the bed with you

Maybe she's in the bathroom, maybe showering or peeing—no, that's impossible; the shower isn't on, and neither is the light—or maybe she's downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast—that's impossible too; you know that your Alpha can't cook even a single egg—

Maybe she just went outside to buy something—maybe food? or things? or whatever, but you decided to wait for her

While waiting, you get up and do your morning routine, going down to make breakfast since you're hungry. You've been in heat for 3 days, 3 days in bed with your Alpha, and 3 days since you ate food properly, so you're pretty starving

After that, you sat down on the sofa with a book in your hand—the book you were reading before you went into heat; you're almost at the halfway point of the book

And then you wait and wait and wait until it's near midnight, and your Alpha still hasn't come back to you; she didn't even leave a message, let alone reply or answer you

This broke your heart, so you decided to just sleep it off before you became an emotional wreck. That means you will cry, and you can't afford to do that, not after your heat. You're pretty dehydrated after the heat, so you need every drop of water in your body

But the next day is still the same; there is no Natasha Romanoff in your house, so you decide to pay her a visit in the compound, talk to her, and just be with your Alpha, so that's what you do

Going to the compound with Mac and Cheese for your best friend Yelena, who's Natasha's sister, and Lasagna for the rest of the team

You happily drove to the compound from your house that day because you were going to see your Alpha, and gosh, were you excited? Hell yeah, you're beyond excited to see your mated Alpha since after your heat

"Y/N?" You smiled when you heard Yelena's voice once you got inside the compound

"Lena, hi," you say and smile at her and hug her

"What are you-Wait," she said when we pulled away, but she stopped when her eyes landed on your neck, where my Alpha Mark is

"You're—oh my god, you're a mated Omega now." Her jaw drops, and she tries to rub the mark away, but you giggle and gently push her

"I am," you confirm, making her eyes pop out

"WHO!" she screamed in shock. You just shake my head

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