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You're standing in front of Natasha's room, knocking, and when the door opened, you smiled at her, but she just got out of the way so you could come in.

"Sorry, I lost track of time playing with them, but don't worry, they are clean and ready to pick up." Natasha has had the pups for hours, and she was supposed to bring them back an hour ago for bedtime, but she was just so lost on them that she lost track of time.

"It's ok, actually, uhm..." You shyly shift on your spot, getting nervous about what you're going to ask because, since the talk three days ago, she has tried to avoid the subject and you as much as possible.

"Can we sleep here? "The question makes her tense and look up at you, shocked and analyzing you, so you quickly look down, knowing asking something like this to the alpha after rejection might not go well.

"I can take the corner, or we if you don't want to sleep next to them," you fidget the hem of your shirt, getting nervous and expecting her to reject the offer, because for the past 3 weeks all you wanted was to talk to her or be near her, and for James, he put distance between you two because, first, he knows the alpha you want is talk to her or be near her, and for James, he put distance between you two because first, he knows the alpha you want is Natasha, and Natasha wants you, so he distance himself to not make things more complicated than they are, and second, he already found her omega.

"What? "You grip the hem of your shirt, accepting her response as a rejection, so you sigh and look up at her with a small smile.

"Nothing; can I have them now? .... It's already past their bedtime." You didn't wait for her answer; you quickly took two to put them in your room and came back to another one.

You're so embarrassed that you almost run just so you could leave right away from her gaze, and when you're in your safe place, your room with your pups, you quickly shut the door, sigh heavily, and start to get ready for the night.

But 5 minutes after you lay down with your pups, there's three soft knocks on your door, making you frown. You're not expecting anyone at this time, not unless Wanda or Yelena need something.

But before you could stand up or shout to the other person on the other side to come in, the door squeaked, making you nervous and scared until it was slightly open. Then Natasha's face was shown, making you sigh in relief.

"Hey, sorry for bothering you at this time, but..." Natasha clears her throat while you sit up on the bed and look at her.

"Can I sleep here instead? "I could take the floor or the couch." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Natasha has come to you for the first time in 3 days and is asking something so cutely that makes you smile a little, but Natasha feels the opposite; she feels nervous and scared, not sure if this is right that it makes her feel small.

"Or not, it's ok, I'm just going to go back to my room." Natasha lowered her head, ready to close your door, but you quickly took the comforter off of you.

"No, Nat, wait." You took her arm and lightly tugged her, so she looked back and looked at your face with a small smile.

"You can sleep here." You open the door widely and move to the side for her to come in. She smiles at you and holds her pillow tightly, then comes in.

"Thanks, I'll just take the floor." You shake your head at her and then take her hand.

"No, you can sleep with us in the bed; there's plenty of room anyway," you softly said, and when you realize that you're holding her hand, you quickly look away from her but never take your hands off of her.

"It's ok, I'm just going to take the floor, I insist." You nodded at her and retrieved your hand. Honestly, it's kind of hurtful that she refused to sleep with you and the pups, but you understand her and the situation. I mean, you two weren't mates anymore.

"Ok," you go. Take your thickest blanket for her to lay down on and use as a mattress, then a blanket and another pillow for her to use, to at least make her feel comfortable on the cold, hard floor of your room.

You plan to lay it beside you, but when you see her walk to the end of the bed, you quickly go lay it where she is.

"Tell me if you need another thick blanket to lay down or if it's uncomfortable." You then put the pillow down and stand at the bed, giving her space to get comfortable.

"Thanks, have a good night." You just give her a small smile and go back to lay down beside your pups.

But the thing is, even if you try hard to sleep, you just can't. The urge to lay beside her makes it so hard to control yourself to just lay beside her and her scents that's lingering in the air of your room. It took every single fiber of your being to not just get up and be with her.

So when the clock hits 2 a.m. You sit up and set your bed to have a barrier around the edges so the pups won't fall down, then you go stand before Natasha with your pillow. You're contemplating whether this is a good decision or not.

"Just do it," you sigh and slowly crowl next to her, then put your pillow beside hers and slowly lift her right arm since she's lying on her left, then slowly and carefully scoot in the space in front of her, your back facing her front, then gently lay her arm around your waist.

But you didn't expect her to shift, then tighten her hold on you, then pull you closer, cuddling with you while she nuzzles her face in the back of your head, smelling your hair and scent. Your heart flutters and beats faster, happy that she still finds your scent pleasant and is still looking for it, but that's quickly taken away from you when Natasha sits up and scoots away from you.

"You shouldn't be here sleeping; you should be in your bed." You sit up and turn around her, disappointed and hurt while clenching your hands on the comforter in your lap.

"I know, I just want to sleep with you," you mumble, but she could still hear it. You then bite your lower lips, getting nervous and shy around her.

"Just go back to bed and sleep, please." You look down, and Natasha is getting guilty by the second, but she doesn't want you to get a cough or get your back hurt.

"You really don't want me to at least sleep next to you, do you? "You chew your bottom lips and play with the comforter while nervously waiting for her response, but that didn't come; the room became silent once again, and the agonizing silence is enough for you to know what her possible answer is.

But when Natasha was going to answer you, one of the pups started to cry, so you quickly took your pillow, left the comfort of Natasha's makeshift bed on the floor, and went to tend to the needs of your pups.

"You should go back to sleep; I'll deal with them," you said to her. You took him in your arms and lulled him to sleep. You're thankful that he cried because you didn't know how to get out of that situation, but Natasha didn't. She wants to cradle you in her arms and tell you that she craves your cuddles and touch, but when she notices the distance in your voice and presence, her shoulders slump, and she just lays down to try to get at least a little bit of sleep.

Natasha woke up earlier than you or the pups, and because she didn't want to wake you up, she neatly folded the comforters and placed them on the couch with the pillow you gave her. She then quietly left the room, going to her room to do her morning routine before going down to take breakfast and go to the gym.

You, on the other hand, are already awake when she's halfway through folding the comforter, but you pretend to be asleep to escape the embarrassment that's lingering in yourself, maybe hoping that she at least gives you a forehead kiss or the pups, but that didn't come, making you sad and disappointed first thing in the morning, so you just sadly smile at yourself while admiring the face of your daughter that's starting to stir awake, so you scoop her in your arm with the biggest smile you could pull off.

"Hi! Good morning, my little princess. How was your sleep? Was it good? Hmm? "She coos and giggles a little, pulling a genuine smile out of you and making you happy to see her out of a life-and-death situation, but soon the two boys start to wake up, so your morning turns pretty quickly from sad and disappointed to happy and grateful to wake up another day with your pups.

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