Chapter 5

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Blood. There's blood everywhere: on the floor, in the nest, even on the blankets and pillows. The bloody red blood is all that can be seen.

"I need to go." Natasha quickly slipped her shoes on and ran down the silent night of the compound, where everybody was already sound asleep.


It echoed in Natasha's head with every step she took and every second passed; it was like a broken record playing in her head.

"So-someone" Her skin is pale, sweat runs down her forehead, and her body is vulnerable.

"I'm" Natasha whispered to herself, then took her bike key, ready to go down to the garage, but was stopped by Wanda, who just got home from mission, and Yelena on the couch eating mac and cheese, letting her sister go crazy over something she doesn't know and doesn't care about as long as it involves her sister.

Woah, woah, easy there, Nat, it's midnight. Where are you going? "Wanda asked, but Natasha brushed it off and ran through the elevator.

"Stop!" Before the elevator door closes, Wanda stops it with her powers, and Steve comes down, yawning.

"What's going on here?" Steve asked, looking at the worried and frantic look of the red hair in the elevator rapidly clicking the close bottom of the elevator, never realizing Wanda stopped it from closing.

"I don't know, but Natasha's thoughts are very loud, and she's going crazy about something," Wanda replied calmly to Steve.

"Fucking move you damn Elevator!" Natasha starts banging the elevator, clearly getting pissed.

"Let her be; the bitch doesn't need someone caring for her." Yelena finally speaks, still eating, and this makes the two adults frown, looking at the young Russian, who's perfectly calm and doesn't care about what's happening.

"I-you know what, Yelena? I know you hate your sister for what happened, but at least give her a little care or try to look at her side." Wanda rolled her eyes, getting tired of what the blonde kept doing, then she heard her scoff.

"Or at least leave her alone if you don't have anything nice to say, please?" She gave Yelena a warning look, and the blonde just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say, witch," Wanda is starting to lose her temper because, first, she's very tired from her mission that went south and many people died, which she doesn't like, and now she's worried because of the state of Natasha and Yelena, who are acting like 7-year-olds.

"Stop it, you two, Nata-"Steve got stopped by the loud bang.

"Stupid elevator!" Natasha punched the elevator, which now has a punch mark from the black widow.

Then she quickly got out and ran down the stairs.

"Sa-save them........ So-someone please. them." Tears kept rolling down her eyes while Natasha felt like burning with the two pairs of those beautiful eyes she loved the most.

"Natasha!?" The two shout and run after the red-haired

"She's your sister after all, Yelena; you have to understand her; whatever your feelings, keep them aside for now, please," said Steve. Say this to Yelena before he goes down to join Wanda in chasing Natasha.

Yelena sighs and looks down. She knew something was wrong with her sister from the moment she sat down on the couch with food in her hand. She could feel it in her bones.

They are not biological sisters or mates to each other, but the bond they both build and share together creates something that keeps them on their toes and gives them this feeling if something isn't right with one another.

But she chose to ignore it, her pride and anger getting the best of her, and ignore the cries of her sister while sleeping.

"Fuck it!" She hissed to herself and went after them to help them see what was wrong with her sister.

"I need to find her," Natasha keeps whispering, looking around through the very dark forest without a light or anything to help her see; she's only relying on her other senses.

"There she is, oh my god, Natasha!" Wanda made a light with her powers; it was a bit redish, but their job was pretty good, and she saw Natasha in her spot looking around.

"No wait!" Yelena shouted, and before she could run again, Wanda held her down with her powers.

AAAHHHHH, GET IT OFF OF ME, SHE NEEDS ME!!!" Natasha shouts, trying to free herself from the red wisp around her waist.

That's the only time she wakes up from her own thoughts and doesn't see, hear, or feel the three avengers around her.

"Natasha, Natasha, calm down; you need to calm down," Wanda softly whispered, kneeling so she could be at her eye level.

Take a deep breath, сестра, deep breath." Yelena rubs her back, but Natasha keeps wiggling, and Steve makes sure to stay alert to their surroundings.

"Take this off of me; she needs me, okay? I need to find her!" Natasha growled, looking into her sister's eyes.

Yelena quickly took her hands off of her sister's back. She had never seen Natasha this aggressive before. Her eyes are pierced with determination, anger, and protection. It speaks power when her eyes are starting to have a hint of glowing red, the sign of calling her mate to calm down or give a message, and she is ready to fight.

Wanda saw this and quickly put her hand in Natasha's head and flashed some pictures for you to at least calm her a little bit and make her talk to them.

"Th-they're gonna'....... Die please someone. Help, sa-save them." Her cries could be heard through the silent house of hers.

Ohhh, what about those? They are cute and squishy. Oh my god, I want them!"She squealed, getting the big, soft, and squishy wolf staff toy.

" help"

"Just a little more, stay still, and let me massage your face so you have a nice sleep and beautiful skin."

Natasha closes her eyes. Her thoughts are getting gambled with by the new memory Wanda is giving her.

And because her body language and her thoughts are getting more and more louder, Wanda stops what she's doing and softly takes Natasha's face, facing it to her, so she can make eye contact with the red-haired

Natasha, I need you to talk to me; tell me what's going on," Wanda said softly but firmly.

"I-I need to find her......... sh-she needs me." Natasha coughs with her own sob that she's been holding since she woke up in the middle of the night again.

"She needs help........she needs me......I need to find her and save her." Natasha again tries to break free.

"Who?" Steve asked frowningly, looking down at Natasha, who's sitting down on the dirt, but he still remains guarded.

"We-we're dying"

"M-my mate........Y/N!"

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