Chapter 15

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"Nat? Can I borrow you for a few minutes? "Tony asked when he came into your room.

"Yeah," Natasha kisses your forehead, then comes with Tony to one of the meeting rooms where Fury and Maria were, making Natasha frown.

"If you're giving me an emergency mission, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take it," Natasha quickly said when she saw them.

"No, we're not going to give you an emergency mission; don't worry," Maria said, giving her a small smile, then extending the brown folder.

"Then what is this? "Natasha then opened the folder, reading and analyzing every detail in the folder.

"All the information we needed was from the person in charge of the commotion this morning, and—" Maria stopped and looked in fury for him to continue the sentence.

"And we also suspect that this person is the one who's responsible for attacking Y/N right before you found her." Natasha quickly stopped reading and looked up at them with wide eyes, shocked until her eyes painted anger and hatred, wanting to kill this person on the file.

"All the information? "Natasha then read again the file; she's more invested than before, wanting to study every detail of this person so she could plan the very excruciating pain she'll do to him.

"That's all." With the conformation by Fury, she quickly turned around, closing the file.

"Thank you." With that, she's off to your room again, sitting close to you while she reads the files and does research on him while she waits for you to wake up.

"Nat? Nat? "Natasha got woken up when she felt a cold hand on her cheek. She jolted, looking around.

"Y/N? "Then she looked at you, sitting in your bed with a smile on your face.

"Hi," you rasp, and Natasha notices how raspy and dry your voice is, so she quickly hands you a bottle of water with a straw.

"Hi, drink up; you needed it," she smiles back. Sitting on your bed, she then puts her hand on your forehead while you're sipping your water, making you frown and look at her confused.

"What? "Natasha asked with those cute wandering eyes, so you put your drink on your bedside table, then took her hand that's going to check your temperature on your neck.

"I'm fine, don't worry...anyways." You look around the room, finding none of your pups.

"Where are the pups? "She then pulled you a little bit to sit behind you, and she pulled your body against her front, making you sigh in relief and comfort.

"Wanda and Yelena wanted aunt time, so they are probably spoiling them with affection." You nodded and got comfortable in her embrace. Then you saw a folder sitting on your bedside table, so you reached for it.

"What's this? "Before you could open the folder, Natasha carefully and delicately took it in your hand, putting it back.

"It's nothing you have to worry about; it's just some stupid report." You sat up and twisted your body to look at her with a frown.

"Then why aren't you taking care of it? You hate stupid reports. Let me see." Before you could take the folder again, Natasha stopped you and pulled you back into her, resting her chin on your shoulder while hugging you from the back and sniffing your scent.

"I'll take care of it later, but for now, I want to cuddle with you." She then kissed your cheek and tightened her hug on you a little.

"But I want to see the pups," you pouted, looking at her, and she chuckled when she looked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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