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"So, it seems everything is perfectly fine; all the test results come back normal, but her body is probably adjusting to the medications that we're giving her, which explains why she's still weak and having shortness of breath, but overall, everything is fine,” Cho said, making the team sigh in relief.

While everyone is relieved, you're fighting for consciousness. You're asleep, but you could hear their muffled voice, and you can't move your limbs. All that makes you cry, prying that no one will hurt you.

“Wait, Y/N’s crying? ”Pepper frowns seeing your single tear run down following a few tears, making everybody look at you.

“Is she awake? ”Natasha asked, worried that you're feeling helpless and all you could do is cry.

“It's probably the sedative; it's wearing off.” Cho, look around, seeing everybody surrounding you.

“I think it's best if we could give her more space when she wakes up; we don't want to overwhelm her.” Everyone agreed. Some sat on the couch, some needed to leave because they got a call for an emergency mission, and some stayed standing, not far but not too close.

And since one of your pups keeps crying, Pepper takes him in her arms, lulling him to sleep while singing a lullaby while the other one is peacefully sleeping.

You groan and slowly gain your strength until you open your eyes, looking around, getting scared, and feeling helpless by the number of them around you—6 to be exact—but you're no match for them all. Your eyes went wide, and your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach when you saw Pepper holding on to your pups.

"No, please... do-don’t take him,” you plead, sitting down on the bed. The distress quickly overwhelms Wanda, so she cautiously approaches you, showing you her hands.

“Hey, hey, no one's taking them from you, Y/N/N, I swear we're your family; we will never do such a thing,” Wanda softly said, but your eyes never leave your pup.

“My pups,” you whisper, so Pepper walks towards you with a small smile, followed by Yelena, who took your other son to show you, and then the nurse carefully rolls the incubator next to you, making you tear up.

“He's such an angel, a crying baby, but he's cute,” Pepper whispered, handing you the pups, and then Yelena sat beside you.

“And he's a good one, always sleeping, and such a bubbly baby boy, just like that munchkin,” Yelena shows you, making you tear up while admiring them.

“And here's she; she has some complications, but overall, she's fine; she just needs to be monitored.” Yelena points to the side, making you look at your daughter.

You gulp, afraid to see your daughter in such a condition, but you scooch over the edge of the bed, winching in pain.

“Careful, you're not fully healed,” Cho warned you, but you didn't budget. Sure,  you're lowering your walls, but you keep your guard up in case one of them surges forward and harms you and your pups.

Sure, you still haven't gotten your strength back; you can barely move around, but that doesn't mean you will not fight them; you would rather die fighting than let things happen.

The interaction melted the teams hearts but not Natasha; it broke her heart just by the thought of you getting worried that everyone would hurt you or the pups, making her think that something is not right.

So she shook her head, biting her lips and getting some fresh air, going to the rooftop to clear her mind and a little quiet place to think, plus the fresh air lightly blowing through her face makes herself calm, relaxing her muscles while looking at the beautiful view of the city that slowly succumbs to the night fall, making the lights of everything in the window glow, adding to the beauty.

On the other side, everyone is afraid and gets panicked when your breathing is getting slower and slower, your monitor shows that your body is in distress, and the beeping sounds are slowly dying.

“Get everyone; you can get here ASAP,” Cho shouted to the nurse, who ran out to seek some help; she didn't know what's going on, checking every single sign of what could be the cause of bradycardia.

In every second, you can feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and your body feels like you're carrying a boulder until you lose consciousness while looking at your precious pups.

Someone had to bag you; your shallow breath makes everybody worried, even Cho, who gave you some shots of medicine, and when Natasha came back, everybody’s eyes were on her.

“It's Y/N,” Pepper stated, and Natasha quickly looked at you, but something changed again, and this makes Cho wonder when suddenly your heart rate is slowly getting back to normal.

“Oh my god...” Cho whispered, standing on the chair, pen and paper on the table in front of her.

“What? ”Yelena asked anxiously

“Stop bagging her and Natasha; can you come closer to Y/N? ”Natasha had a frown on her face but obeyed. Your heart rate went up, but still not enough to meet the normal vitals.

“And can you leave the room for a few seconds, please? ”Natasha stopped on her track and saw that Cho had something in her mind that needed to be confirmed, so she left and ayaw your room a few feet.

“And in the room again,” and that's when Cho figures it out, so she quickly writes something in her notebook, making the team wonder what she discovers.

“I get now; that's why Omega has been dying all these years,” she whispered, smiling to herself at the new discovery.

“Well? What is it? ”Tony asked, walking forward and anxiously waiting to see if the formula that they’ve been working on is working.

“It's all about the scent or the presence...”


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