Chapter 3

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Natasha started to toss around her bed, sweating and whimpering at the new feeling of irritation and discomfort setting inside her, especially her mating mark, which had been itchy for hours and got worse and worse through the night

Natasha groans, opening her eyes after an hour of sleep and uncontrollably tossing around her bed. She's taking a deep breath and throwing the blanket away from her in order to lessen the heat she's been feeling

"Fuck," she mumbled, getting up and stripping off her clothes, leaving her naked

"I need a shower," she whispers, going to the bathroom to have a cold, needed shower

But she stopped when she saw her reflection in the mirror of her bathroom, and her eyes dropped down to her neck — her mating marks were now red. She swallowed the lump in her throat and touched her mating mark

"It must be hurting her," she mumbled to herself while running her fingertips on the bit mark, but before she could go all Alpha again, she shook her head and quickly got under the shower and started her cold shower

"She's better off without me."

"Why don't you talk to your sister?" Wanda asked the blonde Russian, who scoffed at the mention of her sister

"Why would I?" she stubbornly throws at Wanda, who rolls her eyes at the other Alpha

"I know something is going on with Y/N, and I know that it included Natasha, and what is your problem with your sister? And don't you dare say nothing." Wanda gives Yelena a warning look, and Yelena just sighs

Even if they are both Alpha and Yelena being stubborn, she can't afford to be on the bad side of the Witch, plus she's her friend, so she can't do anything about it, but when it comes to her Omega, Kate—oh god, she can be the wild aggressive Alpha she could be, and no one wants to mess with her or any other Alpha in the team, but the team is afraid to be on the bad side of Natasha

Natasha is the aggressive, possessive, and dangerous Alpha when it comes to her properties and belongings; she will not hesitate to kill or give you a lesson if needed, which is why the team is afraid of her, but Yelena, well, she's afraid of her sister but not too afraid like others

"Nothing." Wanda quickly cut off Yelena before she made another excuse for her lies

"Shut it, Yelena." "I know things between you both are nothing, so spit it out," Wanda snapped at the blonde

"Fine. I don't want to talk to her or acknowledge her because I know she's the reason why Y/N has been acting strange these past few weeks. Because Y/N didn't come here to just drop off the food, she's here to visit her Alpha. Natasha claimed her." Yelena huffs, crossing her arm over her chest, and Wanda can't believe what she heard

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner? Oh my god, Yelena, the answer is already a few feet away from us." Wanda was shocked by A. That you've already mated Omega, and B. you're Natasha's Omega

"Wanda" Darcy her Omega cut their conversation

"We will talk later," Wanda said before taking off with her desired Omega, who's in distress

Yelena just ignored her and went back to her and Kate's apartment to spend quality time with her Omega, whom she's been missing for the past few days now.

You on the other side are not doing well too; you're much worse than Natasha; your body is on fire; the discomfort and distress are understatements; you feel unsafe and uncomfortable alone in your house, in the middle of the forest, without anything to protect you, and this makes your heart beat three times faster than it already is

"Mhhmmm." You whimper, rubbing yourself on your nest and releasing more pheromone to coat the room in our scent in hopes that it could bring you some comfort, but it doesn't do anything even a bit; this only makes you weaker than you already are

Without your Alpha, the comfort of her, and her scent, you will never be comfortable in your life, not unless the bond is broken. You could go back to your normal style of living if you survive

"Too itchy, too hot, mmhh," you whimper, clawing your neck. Red line after red line is added until your neck is a shade of angry red

You're going crazy in your nest; you don't know what you're going to do until you pass out in your nest.

"Open up." Yelena bangs on Natasha's door loudly and carelessly. She hates to do this, but she can't just sit down in her apartment with her Omega to have the quality time she needs; she needs answers, and the answers she needs are in Natasha's hand.

"Come on, I need to talk to you." She keeps banging on the door until it opens up, and the angry, annoyed redhead is looking at her like she's ready to kill her sister.

"What do you want?" Natasha growls, only popping her head out of the door; sweat can be seen, and her face is red.

"I want the truth; what happened?" Yelena asked with a growl.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Natasha spit back, not threatened by the young Widow.

"Don't act like nothing happened; I know about you and Y/N, and I know that you have something to do with why Y/N was acting weird after she visited you, so tell me the truth." "What. Happened.!" Yelena said in greeted teeth

"Again. 'I .Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About' so leave me alone," Natasha spat, and she was going to slam the door shut, but Yelen stopped it with her feet and pushed it forward and started attacking Natasha.

Yelena tackled Natasha to the ground, attempting to pin her down, but Natasha quickly fought back, kicking her stomach and pushing her back, making Yelena stumble back, freeing Natasha.

But Yelena quickly stood up, blowing a few punches that Natasha was defending, then taking Natasha's collar shirt and pushing her into the wall. Natasha didn't have a choice but to push Yelena's face away to at least loosen the tight grip on her neck, but before any of them broke each other's necks, Wanda heard the light commotion and pulled them apart with her powers

"Cut it out, you two; whatever you're fighting with, it's useless." Wanda scolded them, with Yelena trying to break free while Natasha took a deep breath. She's thankful that Wanda pulled them apart because, whether she admits it or not, she's weak, she doesn't have much sleep, and her body is itching

"And Yelena, I visited Y/N, and she's not there anymore; her place is clean; there's not a single clue where she was left behind." This makes the two women look at Wanda, shocked, worried, and anxious at what they hear about the news about you

"Free me, Wanda," Yelena demanded, but Wanda didn't do what the blonde said because she knew that she would do something stupid once she freed Yelena

"Wh-what?" Natasha asked, still shocked, and she couldn't believe what she heard. Wanda brought her down gently to her feet

"Oh, now you care?" You fucking cared?!" Yelena shouted, clearly wanting to kill Natasha

"I think you should sit this one out. I don't know what happened between you and Y/N, but all I know is that you claimed her, Natasha. And you failed to look after your Omega....." Wanda, stop and look at what Natasha's state is now

"And by the looks of you, sweating, itching, and weak...." Wanda chose her words carefully, debating if she should mention it and make the two Widows worried or sit the idea out to make them less panicked

"You fucked up!" With that, Wanda left Natasha's room with Yelena behind her, the red wisp still preventing the blond from moving, leaving the redhead Alpha alone with her thoughts running miles, miles away, thinking about you

"If anything happens to Y/N, I will kill you!" Yelena shouts at Natasha. Choosing not to say a thing to either of them is the best choice. ....for now

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