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yn_romanoffdaughter1 AmameLauren  sarabubs  wandaromanoff3  WandaNatClexa139

Sorry for the long wait, I've been busy with Acads


The steady heartbeat of Y/N can be heard all over the room, and the slow and shallow heartbeat

They decided to keep the two healthy babies, Y/N and her third baby, in one room; it's big enough for the four of them and to have enough space when the team decided to stay over night. Well, for Tony, it's still smaller, and he wants to expand the space.

But this breaks their hearts, especially Natasha. Seeing one of her pups in critical condition broke her.

"Hello there, little cutie; you look so beautiful like you, Mommies," Wanda whispers to the one who's separate from the two babies while she gently and carefully caresses her right check with the back of her pointer finger that wraps around the gloves.

"Look at your sister; that's your baby sister over there. Say hi," Yelena said while she held the one and Maria the other, waving their little hand that's wrapped around their finger to their sister.

"Why don't you come and see them?" Clint whispers, standing besides Natasha, who's outside your room window.

Afraid to come inside and look at or hold her pups in her arms, even though all she ever wants is to hold them, the thought of her hurting them or crashing them into her arm makes her fear her whole being.

"I'm good here; I-I think it's better if I stay here, outside," Natasha mumbles, wanting to at least get a glimpse of her pups but unable to do so because her two boys in Yelena and Maria's arms are wrapped around a baby blue blanket, and she can't see her daughter because she needs to stay in an incubator, so the only thing she can see is her tiny, cute foot.

"That's nonsense, Natasha. Come on, let's go inside. Don't you want to see them?" Natasha's eyes then converted to Y/N, who's sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her face is peaceful, making Natasha feel at ease, knowing she's safe.

"Natasha?" Clint gives her a light tug on her shoulder, then opens the door.

"Come on, let's see them." Natasha is hesitant, but when she looks back inside, Maria and Wanda motion for her to come inside, and seeing the look on her sister's face with pure happiness convinces her to come inside and join them.

"You wanna hold them?" Maria offers the sleeping pup in her arm to Natasha for her to hold, but the redhead contemplates her decision. They are tiny and precious, and she's afraid that she will crash them, so the best next option is to step forward and look at her pup, slowly and carefully caressing his cute, soft, chubby cheeks with the back of her pointer finger.

"He's so precious," Natasha whispers, smiling and melting her heart when he reaches for her finger and holds it in his palm, then yawns, nustles her finger in his chest, and sleeps with a smile on his face.

"He likes you," Maria whispered, watching the interaction between the two. Again, she tried to make Natasha hold him, but the redhead shook her head.

"No.....he-he looks comfortable in your arms," she says, giving Maria a smile. Then, when the baby loosens his grip, Natasha proceeds to Yelena, who's busy talking to the sleeping baby in her arms.

"Can I look at him?" Natasha asked, looking at Yelena, who's glaring at her. Yelena doesn't want her near the babies, but by the warning, look at the other three. She nodded and let Natasha come sit beside her, caressing the baby's head carefully.

The three look at the redhead with a smile, happy to see her so soft and extra careful around the babies, happy that at least Natasha tried to approach them, but the quiet and happy moment quickly stopped when an erratic sound of the monitor blaring around the room made the four of them panic, looking at you while Clint quickly ran out to call for help.

Natasha quickly ran out to the room, breathing heavily while tears were rolling down her face, and looked out the window, making sure her pups were okay and convincing herself that Y/N was okay while the doctors were frantically moving around the room, trying to revive you.

It took a few minutes to make your vital signs stable, and when Dr. Cho got out of the room, Natasha quickly stepped in front of her.

"She will be okay, right?" Natasha asked, worried, and Clint stood beside her.

"Honestly, I don't know. But the level of weakness of her body and how it's reacting, I-Ms. Romanoff, did you mate with her?" Natasha looked down and nodded, emberassed that she couldn't be the Alpha to her Omega.

"I'm going to be honest with you; I don't know if you know this or not, but once a mated couple tries to break a bond, there's a big consequence: either one of you will die or survive; some couples make it through survival, but..." Dr. Cho sighs, reading Natasha's body language. She's tense, frozen in her spot, trying to be strong, but deep inside of her, she knows that she's breaking.

"Say it," Natasha whispers, holding Clint's hand so tightly that her chuckles turn white.

"Well, in history, mostly Omega's are the ones who suffer from breaking the bond more than Alpha's, which means, mostly 98% of these cases are... Omega's are mostly the ones who died by breaking the bond and only 2% of their survival rate," Natasha gasps. She can't keep her tears at bay, but rather, they are running down her checks.

"I don't want to give you high hopes, but we're trying everything to prevent it from happening; we're using all of our sources to survive her." Natasha turned around and sobbed while Clint smiled at Dr. Cho, saying thank you and rubbing Natasha's back.

Her knees are getting weaker, so she has to lean on the wall beside her and slowly slide down until she's sitting down, resting her elbow in her knees, and her head is low between her arms, crying.

Clint stayed beside her, sitting down too, trying not to show his sadness, knowing Natasha needs him, but he just sat there, not saying anything because he knows that whatever he says will never change the fact that you could die in any minute now, but instead he just let his presence be there to at least make Natasha feel that she's not alone.

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