Chapter 14

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Natasha has been sleeping in your room on the floor for the past four days now. You don't have a heart to tell her that you four are okay and that she doesn't need to guard you, so you just let her and offer her the couch at least, but she is still persistent about sleeping on the floor, so you just let her again and respect the boundaries between you two.

But Natasha has three reasons why she keeps insisting on sleeping in your room: first, to guard you; second, to be as close to the four of you as possible; and third, to at least earn herself even a little of your trust, and maybe there's a chance. She hopes so, though.

And she's still clinging to the idea that she can still earn the title of Alpha of yours someday, a baby step but still wanting to win you back, and she hopes that maybe you'll lay beside her again and she'll never gonna let you away from her hold, and the fact that she regrets sending you away when you let your thoughts win you and craving her hold.

So Natasha simply and secretly lay besides on the other side of the bed while admiring the four of you, peacefully and safely sleeping, but that's only a few minutes, and she will go back to her makeshift bed to sleep by herself, and that's enough for her to sleep alone in her room.

It took her weeks before you started to open up to her, letting her help you around, like cleaning the bathroom, and letting her help you when your back is hurting from the constant carrying of either one of the pups. To be honest, Natasha gives the best massage, and she also goes with you when you stroll the pups in the park.

But today, Natasha planned the whole day; every single detail was perfectly planned, and she hopes that everything will go according to her plan.

"Hi, I make breakfast," then Natasha lightly brings the tray full of food to indicate that she really makes breakfast.

You blinked a few times and rubbed your eyes since it's basically 6 in the morning and you're not ready to wake up just yet, and the situation you're in makes Natasha chuckle at how cute you look. You glared up at her when you heard her chuckle.

"Why are you laughing? It's too early for your breakfast," you groan, leaning your head on the door frame while you yawn and stretch your limbs.

"It's actually quarter to 7, and I just want to surprise you for breakfast in bed," she says, giving you a shy smile, so you open the door wide open, and then you two proceed to the bed.

But before she could set the tray down, she looked at you, who's already sat on the bed while your back was leaning in the bed frame, giving her a pout and puppy eyes.

"What's wrong? "Natasha then gave you the sandwich she made, then sat down in front of you.

"My back is still hurting." You whimper a little, then take a bite of the sandwich. Natasha frowns at what you said; she doesn't know if you're doing it on purpose, even if your back doesn't hurt for her to give you a massage, or if it really is.

And she doesn't have any issue or complaint about massaging you, but she noticed that your back is hurting a lot these days, and that's concerning her. Maybe something is wrong.

"Have you gone to Dr. Cho? Your back is hurting a lot these days." Natasha then pulled you up a little to sit up and scoot you forward so she could sit down on your back and start to lightly massage your shoulder, making you moan a little at the satisfaction.

"Lower please, my lower back is killing me," Natasha chuckles and scoffs out of amusement, then she lightly bends you down and lightly massages your lower back.

"Y/N, did you see Dr. Cho for your back pain?"Natasha asked again, and you shook your head and looked over your shoulder to give her a shy and apologetic smile, and that's when Natasha knew the answer.

"We should visit her; maybe something is wrong." By hearing it, your mood changed. It saddens you that you have to visit the medbay again and scares you that you will be admitted there again and can't take care of your pups as much as you do, and like Natasha can read your mind, she sits down in front of you.

"Hey, we're just going to visit her and maybe do some tests, nothing serious." You sighed, nodded, and took a bite of your sandwich.

"Ok." You both then start eating your breakfast before the three pups start to wake up, and Natasha goes to Wanda and Yelena to ask if they can look after the pups the whole day since she's still wishing that at least half of her plan will be done.

"Ok, Y/N, Nat, the result came up clean, no sign of abnormalities or anything different, but I would like to give some medicine to help the pain, and also don't lift heavy materials for a week and get rest as much as possible. You need to let your body have a break since tending to the three pups could be overwhelming and hard, and please come back here after a week. I would like to run some tests again to make sure. That's all." Dr. Cho smiled at the both of you and gave you the medicines she prepared right before she entered the room.

"Thanks," you two both said, then stood up to the bed you've been waiting for.

"Take those two times a day, morning and night, after your meal, and you have to take those 12 hours apart." You two smile and nod, then thank her once again before you two walk out of the medbay with a sigh of relief.

"So, I planned this day to go out, and since Wanda and Yelena have the pups, maybe we could go out?"Then Natasha presses the elevator, going up to your floor.

"But Dr. Cho said, 'Get rest as much as possible.'" You mimic her, then Natasha gives you a pout.

"I know, but I swear, no extreme activities, just walking around the park." You bite your lower lips and sigh, knowing you can't say no to those pouts.

"Fine," you said, then Natasha smiled and quickly dragged you to your room to change, and so did she.

"Nat, look, I want those," you pointed to the man who's selling some balloons, a teddy bear, and some bracelets around the park.

"Which one? "Nat asked, already taking your hand and leading you to the vendor that makes you squeak with happiness, and you jump a little, making Natasha laugh at your childishness.

"I want to have us a matching bracelet," you said while looking at the various colors and various types of beads in the bracelet.

"Well, we could get those; which one do you think looks beautiful? "Natasha, then join you in looking at the bracelets.

"Do you want a tulip? Or heart? Or maybe Shell? Gosh, they are beautiful; I can't choose," you whine, frowning, getting a little frustrated about what to choose, but Natasha smirked and saw a perfect bracelet.

"Why not this one? It looks good, and since you love nature, I think it will look pretty on you," Natasha said, taking the butterfly bracelet, where there's a big crystal bead in every two pink beads, and in the middle of those two are a little rock bead, and in the pendant, there's two butterflies, one big with a little butterfly.

"But it's too girly," you mumbled, looking up at her with a question.

"And? So? "Then Natasha put it on you with a smile; seeing it really suits you, she took another one and put it on her wrist.

"Now we're matching," she said, giving you a smile and taking a 20-dollar bill, saying to keep the change, then intertwining your hands with hers.

"But Nat, it looks too girly on your wrist." You stop her from walking, getting worried that she will just throw it away when your back is facing her or that she will talk behind your back. You know, Natasha, she hates too many girly things when it comes to her things, and you already know and heard the way she insults them and the person when someone gives her girly things.

"So, I love it; it matches yours." Then Natasha analyzed your facial reaction and body language and realized what you were thinking.

"I don't care if it's too girly; as long as it comes from you, I don't care what other people say. I love them," Natasha said the last words when she looked down on our wrist with a smile, making me squeeze her hand.

"Now let's go get ice cream," you cheer, and now you're the one who's dragging her to your favorite ice cream parlor.

"What flavor do you like? "Natasha then took out her wallet, and you hummed, thinking and choosing what flavor you liked.

"I would like a mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough." You then stand beside Natasha with a smile.

"Ok, one of those, and I would like a vanilla and buttered pecan, please." You two then wait until they serve you your ice cream, and after you get your ice cream, you two proceed to walk around the park.

But you're suddenly uncomfortable and shifting your stance, looking around the park, then fisting Natasha's shirt and going closer to Natasha.

"Natty? "You whisper, the ice cream is getting forgotten that it is slowly melting.

"Mhh? "Natasha, look at you after she licks at her ice cream. Seeing you uncomfortable and frowning, stop on her track.

"Something is wrong," Natasha says, then surveys the surroundings and sends an alert to the team in case something happens.

"I feel like someone is watching us," you added, and when you feel the cold ice cream running down your hand, you quickly wipe it with a handkerchief and lick the remaining on the cone.

"We should go home," you nodded, and when you two turned around, that's when there's an explosion a few feet away from you, Natasha shielding you with her body.

"Fuck," Natasha said, then saw armed people scattering around, so she pressed the emergency alert again.

"Shit shit shit," then Natasha throws you on her shoulder and runs, getting you to a safe place, and that's when Tony, Wanda, and Sam come to the scene, landing perfectly and smoothly.

"Romanoff!" Tony shouted and came to her.

"I'll go get her to the tower; go help them." Natasha gently put you in Tony's arms, then ran where Wanda and Sam were.

"Thought you might need these." Sam gave her a pistol and a knife, smirking, but Natasha rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah, sure, it will help me in the long run. Nice help, bird brain," they both chuckle, but before Natasha could launch to the enemy, you were screaming her name.

"NAAAATTTT! "You screamed when Tony got hit in the middle of the air, hitting him in the arm and losing balance, making you fall.

"Wanda, catch Y/N!" Natasha shouted and ran to you. Wanda on the other side quickly turned around and saw you falling, so she quickly caught you with her powers and brought you down.

"Nat on your back!" Tony shouted, getting up to the floor and firing at the enemy who's on Natasha's back.

But before you could run to Natasha, someone grabbed you and put a handkerchief over your nose and mouth. You tried to wiggle out of their hold, but the longer you inhaled the toxin in the handkerchief, the harder it was for you to get out of their hold.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Natasha then ran faster, and thankfully Wanda saw what happened, so she quickly flew where you were.

"Put her down! "Natasha's eyes are bright red while she holds the man with her powers in the neck and hand, where he was holding the knife on her neck.

But when he smirked and shook his head, Wanda quickly snapped his neck, and you fell to the ground unconscious.

"The team is already on their way; I'll go take her to Dr. Cho. The pups are with Kate, and Yelena brought your batons, widow bites, and gun," Wanda said when she scooped you up and turned to Natasha, who's checking on you for other injuries.

"I need," Wanda quickly said, shutting her up and taking you away from her.

"I'll have her; I'll make sure she's safe; the city needs you, Nat, and it will be faster and safer if I fly her to Dr. Cho." Then Wanda put Shield around you two and started to fly when Natasha gave her permission.

"Take care." Then Wanda will fly you to the tower without any attacks on her way, and she will get you to Dr. Cho safely as she promised.

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