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As the days go by, you're recovering well. You don't need Natasha to be anywhere near you, but also not too far, because it still makes some changes to your body. So Natasha stays close by, but not too close.

And to be honest, you're relieved that there's improvement, and the fact that Natasha does not necessarily need to be close to you—that's a huge relief to you.

Sure, you let her carry your pups once in a while, but as much as possible, you avoid talking to her, making eye contact, or just interacting with her, and this hurts Natasha because she tried to have a small talk, but you just give her one short answer.

But Natasha didn't back down; she was constantly checking on you, reading your body language, and looking out for you. She waited patiently until you fully recovered, and that's what saddened her.

Sure, she's grateful and happy that you're cleared and your daughter is improving and will soon be cleared to the med bay too, but it means that she has little chance to interact with you or take care of you, and she knows that it will be easier to avoid her knowing you could be in your room with the pups while she's somewhere around.

And jealousy was fueled when a newbie and unmated Alpha arrived in the compound; he's Tony's new assistant since Pepper has her own business now, and it grows pretty fast and pretty good.

But the thing is that unmated Alpha is now all over you; when you're in the living room with the pups, he will be there; in the kitchen, he will also be there; in the medbay, he will too; and the anger and jealousy fuel more when he starts to look after her pups too, making a march to him and taking the pup in his arm.

"Romanoff" Natasha stops on her track and looks back at you; her face is neutral, and she sees him close to you more than she likes.

"I'm going to feed him." You show the two bottles on the table, so she walks forward.

"I'll feed him," she said, going to the living room to feed her son, and that's when Wanda came in the kitchen with your daughter in her arms. They were on the balcony, getting some air.

"She's hungry too," Wanda said, so you quickly make another bottle for your daughter and go to the living room, joining Natasha to feed the other two.

As much as Natasha wants to attack and give the other Alpha a lesson not to touch what's hers, she can't because she knows that it will only add fuel to the fire within you.

She also caught you both nearly kissing a month after his arrival, and it suddenly occurred to her that you're slowly choosing him. Even after her efforts, she tried talking to you, giving you meals, helping you with the pups, and going out to buy the necessities and wants of the three of you. frustrated and want to rip his head off.

But she keeps calm, and now here she is knocking on your door, wanting to talk to you, so she's now in front of your door, knocking nervously.

You're giggling when there's a knock on your door, so you put the toy down while shouting 'a minute' then kiss your pups and go open your door with a big smile on your face that quickly fades away when you see Natasha is the one who's knocking on your door.

"Ro-romanoff" Natasha saw how you quickly change emotion, giving her a cold shoulder, and it hurts her.

"How can I help you? "You step back a little to maintain the distance you've been keeping since Dr. Cho cleared you in the medbay.

"Do you want some time with the pups? "Natasha shakes her head while playing with her fingers.

"I do, but I wanted to talk to you first." She saw how you were tense, so she took a step back, not wanting to upset you more, even though it hurts her.

"Please," Natasha quickly added when she saw the hesitation in your eyes, and of course, being your soft-hearted self, you sigh and nod, letting her in.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry," Natasha started quickly looking at you, who's taking a cup of water for her while she went to sit down on the couch.

"I haven't said it to you properly, so I'm sorry for the chaos I cause in your life." Natasha stopped, biting her bottom lips to stop the tears from falling, so she looked down in her lap to prevent you from seeing her this vulnerable, but you smiled a little, then handed her a cup of water.

"Water," she looked up, confused, but she realized that you're handling her a glass of water, so she took it and rested it on her lap with both hands.

"Sorry, I don't have tea, coffee, or even juice here," she said, shaking her head and smiling at you, so you sat besides her.

"It's ok. Y/N, I didn't mean to put you in that position. I don't know if you still want to have me, but I just wanted you to know that I'm deeply sorry for my actions." Natasha sniffed, wiping her tear.

"I know how fucked up I am being your Alpha; I should have been there, protecting you and the pups, but I failed." You put down yours and Natasha's glass on the coffee table and took her hand in yours.

"Nat-" Nat shook her head, squeezing your hand a few times before she let go, retreating her hand from yours.

"I understand if you wanted him, but I wanted you to know that I do love you and the pups, that I wanted a family with you, to live and be with you, I wanted a house for us, just the 5 of us, I do..I do want that with you." She looked up at you and gave you a sad smile, and even if you didn't want to admit it, it still hurts you.

"But I wanted you to be happy, and I saw it: how your day brightened, how big your smile was, and how happy you were with him." You took her hand again and held it firmly. Sure, you're angry at her because you wanted to just attack her or something, but she still has your heart.

"Stop right there; it wasn't what you were thinking," you said, smiling and taking her hand out of yours so she could hold it in both of her hands.

"It's ok if you want to be with him; I'll be happy if I see you happy, even if it's not in my arms."

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