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Natasha decided to sleep in the room to guard her pups and Y/N for 3 days now. She refuses to leave their side as much as possible. She will leave in a few minutes and make sure that someone she trusts will watch them, if necessary.

Now Natasha is currently lying on the sofa, peacefully sleeping. Her left leg is up to the top of the sofa, and her right arm is across from her eyes, shielding her eyes until she hears a giggle that makes her open her eyes and smile.

She stands up and goes to her two pups, who're like talking to each other and giggling; this makes Natasha's hearts melt, kissing their foreheads.

"You're so bubbly today, huh? "Natasha giggles when her pups answer her with a giggle while looking at her.

"Yeah, you're both happy this morning; how's your sleep, my little princes? Did you sleep well? "Natasha nods her head while her pups continue giggling at her.

But her smile fades when she thinks of her other pup. She looks at the side where her daughter is, still in the incubator and sleeping peacefully with a steady heartbeat.

"And how was my princess? "Natasha went to her pup, carefully caressing her cheeks.

"My strong, beautiful princess," Natasha whispered, smiling while admiring her pup. Then an idea popped into her mind when she heard a giggle again.

"You two want to see your baby sister? "She looks at her sons, going back again, not caring anymore if she hurts them or crashes them in her arm.

The only thing on her mind now is to cradle them on her arm and sit beside their sister to interact with because she read, and Dr. Cho told her that it's good and will help her health when there's interaction between them.

Natasha smiles when they coo and start to reach for her. In Natasha's mind, their little arms are so cute while they are trying to reach her.

But on the other side, Y/N's heart started to race when she saw Natasha reaching for her babies, her pups, and even though she herself knows that she's not capable of fighting now, she tries, standing on her wobbly legs and proceeding to walk forward while her head is pulsing from pain and her ears are ringing.

"Don't you...fucking dare... touch my pups." Natasha looks at Y/N, shocked and happy that she's awake, but worry quickly runs through her veins, seeing Y/N's heart beat start to rise and the fact that she's detaching every single thing that's attached to her, making the needle spot bleed.

So Natasha quickly retreated her hand from one of her pups to try to catch Y/N, but once she got close to her, her nails quickly came across her right check, which made a small scratch.

This makes Natasha stumble back, making way for Y/N to go forward towards her pups. She quickly stands guard to protect them from nearby danger, and it hurts Natasha to know-or realize-that she's the nearby danger from your point of view.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm not going to take them. Please calm down and go back to bed. You're still weak and need to heal first," Natasha said cautiously, showing her hand to you and indicating that she's no harm.

"Liar, I'm not a fool; take one step and I'll slit your throat." You threaten, holding on through the near wall because her legs are giving up under the weight of her body.

"I swear, please let me just h-" you quickly shut her up, throwing the IV holder that's sitting next to you, and thank god that there's no IV bag hanging there.

"Leave before I end you! "You growl, and Natasha doesn't have a choice but to nod, putting her hands up again while backing away, making you relieved with each step backwards she takes until she's in the door.

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