26. Everyone Else's Internship

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Well it's time to turn back time a little and see what everyone else has been up to!



"You've got your costumes with you, right?" Aizawa asked as he stood in front of his class at the train staion. "Obviously, wearing them in public is prohibited unless you're on duty and don't lose them either."

"Yessir!!" Mina exclaimed excitedly.

"It's 'yes sir'. Speak clearly, Ashido." Aizawa sternly replied. "Be sure to behave yourselves and mind your manners. Now, go."

"Yes sir!" the class replied before parting ways.

"Where's Ken?" Izuku asked.

"All Might's taking him to Tokyo for his internship 'cus he doesn't know his way around the train services here in Japan yet." Itsuka replied.

"Why Tokyo? He's interning with his dad isn't he?" Ochako asked. "Pretty sure he's hanging out at UA most of the time."

"All Might is letting Ben borrow Might Tower to be used as his base of operations here in Japan." Itsuka replied.

Izuku notices Tenya leaving the group without saying a word. Izuku and the rest of his class had only heard what happened to Tenya's brother, Ingeniuim, after the Sports Festival on the news. While in pursuit of a criminal, he encountered a criminal who had murdered 17 named heroes and crippled 23 of them to the point of never being able to make a full recovery. The Hero Killer: Stain. Tenya hadn't said anything about that.

"Iida." Izuku called out to his friend. The latter turned around to face him, Ochako and Itsuka. "If you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to us. We're friends, after all."

Tenya doesn't say anything for a bit before replying with a forced empty smile. "Sure."

Izuku and his classmates notice this. The verdette thought he should've been more persuasive. After all, he would later on come to regret that decision.

Tenya after his short interaction turns around and walks away with a scowl on his face as he is followed by another fellow hero in training, Tokio Aoi AKA Xaber.

Two days ago, Tokio had noticed that Tenya chose a hero agency in Hosu for his internship. The azure haired boy had heard about his classmate's brother on the news. He quickly connected the dots as to what was going on in Tenya's mind. The brother of Ingenium would most likely be going after his brother's attacker. Tokio absolutely could not let that happen. He knew all too well that going after him would be a death sentence for the young speedy hero. Thus, he decided to intern at the same place as Tenya; to watch over him and keep him from making a mistake that he would later on regret.

The train ride was quiet one. The only sounds came from people talking. The two UA students were sitting silently for a while. Tokio tried to start a conversation with Tenya but the latter remained ominously quiet as he was in deep thought.

After a two hour train ride, the two UA students finally made it to their agency. The Normal Hero: Manual's agency.

Upon entering, the boys are greeted by the Normal Hero himself. After explaining the protocols and rules to them, Manual had the two young heroes in training accompany him in his daily patrols.

While on patrol, the heroes helped out a few elderly people, said hi to some fans and even took out some small time criminals. During the entire day, Tenya had never said a word to anyone. The younger brother of Ingenium was always on the look out for something else. Someone else. Having had enough, Aoi finally decided to confront his classmate and talk some sense into him.

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