50. Come the Conqueror

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Aizawa and the students watch on as Four-Arms engages in combat against Albedo (who had also transformed into Four-Arms) and Sunder.

The two Tetramands charge at each other and clash their fists. The collision of their punches releases a shockwave that knocks Aizawa and the other students off their feet. Sunder charges in from Four-Arms's right, his axe at the ready. Four-Arms sees this and immediately breaks off from Negative Four-Arms and jumps back, dodging Sunder's attack.

"Take this!" Four-Arms yelled as he reeled all four of his arms back. "QUAD SMASH!!"

Four-Arms claps all four of his arms with tremendous force, sending a sonic shockwave towards Negative Four-Arms and Sunder. Negative Four-Arms only smirks as he responds with a Quad Smash of his own which negates Four-Arms's attack.

Negative Four-Arms then taps the dial of his Antitrix and transforms into Negative XLR8 who proceeds to run in circles around Four-Arms at high speeds. Negative XLR8 begins to generate a vortex that lifts Four-Arms off of the ground. Four-Arms yells and grunts as he flails around in the air. Using this as an opportunity, Sunder presses a button on his glove. From the bushes a high tech looking glider emerges which Sunder climbs onto. Sunder then flies up to Four-Arms and strikes him with his axe. Four-Arms uses his upper arms to guard himself but gets sent crashing back to the ground anyway.

Four-Arms gets back up as he feels a sharp pain in his left upper arm. Four-Arms then brings that arm closer to his face and sees a cut on it.

"No way! That axe of his sharp enough to penetrate Four-Arms's skin?!"  Four-Arms thought to himself in shock as he shook off the blood that bled through the cut on his arm. "Gotta heal."

Four-Arms then taps the dial of his Ultimatrix and transforms into Wildvine, who immediately heals from all the damage he suffered from before.

"Much better..." Wildvine muttered to himself as he summons vines from the trees surrounding the lounge. Wildvine manages to restrain Sunder but Negative XLR8 manages to move out of the way. Negative XLR8 runs in various patterns around the area, trying to confuse Wildvine.

"Okay then...Let's trip you up!"  Wildvine thought to himself as he plants himself into the ground like a tree. Anticipating his movements, Wildvine looks on to Negative XLR8 and has a small vine stick out from the ground. Unable to see this, Negative XLR8 trips over the vine and is sent crashing and sliding on the ground.

"Ha! Take that!" Wildvine exclaimed as he hears Sunder roar behind him. Wildvine turns around and sees Sunder break out of his restrains with brute force alone.

"TENNYSON!!" Sunder shouted as he flew towards Wildvine, holding his axe over his head.

"Oh man!!" Wildvine exclaimed as he summons multiple vines from beneath the earth and has them form a dome over him.

Sunder quickly cuts up the dome and takes a look inside, only to find it empty. Sunder looks around his surroundings as he hears the cracking of ground behind him. Sunder immediately turns around and swings his axe, only find out that he had cut a vine. Immediately after, Wildvine emerges behind the alien and throws his large black seeds from his back toward Sunder. Sunder barely had any time to react as the seeds explode and knock him off his glider and send him flying into a tree.

"Yes!" Wildvine exclaimed as he pumped his fist in the air with the students and Kota cheering for him.

The celebrations don't last very long as Wildvine is immediately struck by flames on his back. Wildvine is forced to his hands and knees as the pain from his burning back made him scream in agony.

"Oh no!" Kota and the students shrieked.

"There's more from where that came from, boy." Negative Heatblast's said to Wildvine who continued to scream. "A Flourana's biggest weakness is fire."

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