40. The Omnitrix Wielder From Another Universe

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It's a nice day in the town of Bellwood. Everyone's out and about their day until a black van speeds around the streets of Bellwood, causing trouble for everyone.

"Can't you drive any faster?!" One of the passengers asked the driver as he held on to a money bag.

"This is a van!! Not a Ferrari!!" the driver angrily replied. "Now put a sock in it!!"

"At this rate, we'll be caught by them!!" the passenger replied.

As the van continued to drive through the streets of Bellwood, it was forced to stop as he a wall of ice appeared in front of it.

"What the hell?!" The driver exclaimed as a large blue reptile landed in front of them.

"Looks like you guys have run into a dead end!" the reptile stated with a smirk on his face

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"Looks like you guys have run into a dead end!" the reptile stated with a smirk on his face.

"Damn it! He caught up to us!" the passenger exclaimed in frustration as he took out a rifle and fired it at the reptile, shattering the van's windshield in the process.

The reptile responds with constructing an ice shield via a blast from his mouth.

"That all you got?!" The reptile yelled from behind the shield before jumping up and firing another blast of ice at them. "Man, Arctiguana is really cool!"

The two individuals exit the vehicle and aim their guns at the reptile known as Arctiguana but before they could fire, the guns are enveloped in a pink aura making them disappear in a pink flash of light.

The two individuals turn around and see Luck Girl floating beside Itsuka Kendo.

"Robbing a bank in a town where heroes like myself and Ben 10k hang out? You guys are such idiots." Lucky Girl said to the two robbers who tremble in fear at the sight of Lucky Girl. "Do it, kid."

"Of course!" Itsuka replied as she aims her palm at the robbers.

Itsuka then chants a spell and releases chains of her Mana and restrains the two robbers.

"I had 'em, you know." Arctiguana said to Lucky Girl and Itsuka.

"Just making sure." Lucky Girl replied as the police arrived. "This is the first time you've tried out Arctiguana after all."

"Oh well." Arctiguana sighed as his Omnitrix beeps and reverts back to human.

"Anyone want to get a smoothie?" Ken asked as he pointed toward a store named 'Mr. Smoothie'.

"That's new." Lucky Girl stated as she stared a the store. "There wasn't any Mr. Smoothie store here before."

"Well, whatever, I'm going in." Ken replied as he headed towards the store.

"Get me a chocolate flavored one!" Itsuka said to Ken.

"Got it!" Ken replied as he entered the store.

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