57. All For One

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"A question for Eraserhead from Yomiuri TV. Your principal spoke of the students' safety. But from the reports we've received, you urged your students to fight. May I ask why?" a slightly elderly looking reported asked.

"Since we had no way of properly grasping the situation, I made that decision to avoid the worst possible outcome." Aizawa replied.

"'The worst possible outcome'? Is there something worse than 27 wounded students and 2 abducted students?" The reporter asked.

"My 'worst possible outcome', I mean the students being driven to their wits' end and being killed." Aizawa replied.

"It became clear that the gas attack accounts for most of the victims. But thanks to the efforts of Ms. Kendo's and Mr. Tetsutetsu's actions. Their quick thinking minimized the damage. We've also psychologically evaluated the students for any signs of lingering trauma. So far we haven't seen any, fortunately." Nezu added.

"Is there supposed to be a silver lining in all of this?" the reporter asked.

"I believe the worst has been avoided and the students still have a future." Nezu replied.

"Can you still say the same for the abducted Katsuki Bakugo and Ken Tennyson?" The reporter asked. "Speaking of Ken Tennyson, are you sure he wasn't an undercover agent for the enemy since his father, Ben 10,000, was one of the villains who attacked your students? And how can you be working with that traitor who tried to kill a bunch of children? And Bakugo's aggressive personality makes him the perfect candidate for a potential villain. How can you say that those two still have a future?"

"The Ben Tennyson who attacked the training camp was an imposter. The villain shared his appearance and his transformations. As to how that's possible, remains to be seen. As for his son? I whole heartedly believe that he is on the side of good. In the short period of time I've observed him, I've come to know exactly the kind of person Ken Tennyson is. He is a hero. Down to his core. He values life in all its forms. Just like his father. Even when the odds are stacked against him, he still chooses to do the right thing without caring about what happens to him. Even when I doubted him, he proved me wrong when he chose to face Ben 10,000's imposter on his own despite having sustained heavy damage from a fight with another villain before. He even gave himself up to the villains to save his classmates...And me. Something I should have done." Aizawa replied as the last part of his speech shocked all the reporters present.

Aizawa then bows to the reports once more.

"As for Katsuki Bakugo. I apologize for his rash behavior. But know this, Katsuki Bakugo's aggression stems from a place of desire. His desire to be a hero. A victor. Out of all my students, he's working harder than anyone to become the top hero. If the League of Villains think they can turn him and Tennyson to their side...They must be even bigger fools than I had originally thought." Aizawa finished.

"I'm not here for your opinion on those two. Do you have any concrete plan in place for bringing the villains down?" The reporter asked once more.

"We do. We are currently working with the police and the real Ben 10,000 in their on going investigation. Make no mistake, we will find our students and rescue them." Nezu replied.

And with that, the clip comes to an end.


"You said it, Mr. Aizawa!" Katsuki yelled as his hands flickered with small explosions. "DO YA GET IT NOW, LEAGUE OF SHITS?!"

"Pulling off a large scale attack to get me? They basically tipped their hand by showing me how valuable I am to them!"  Katsuki thought to himself as he frantically looked around the bar trying to spot any alternate means of escape besides the door the place already had. "They're trying to break me psychologically. So, they ain't trying to kill me for real...There's 7 of them. While they stick to their half-assed plan, I can beat the crap out of 2 or 3 of them and then make my escape!"

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