52. A Disastrous Summer Camp

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Vilgax descends down on Eye Guy and Izuku. Eye Guy counters by releasing powerful bolts of electricity at Vilgax. The electric keeps Vilgax at bay long enough for Izuku to jump in and land a punch onto Vilgax's face with 10% of his power. Too bad though, because 10% OFA isn't enough to take out Vilgax. Vilgax grabs Izuku's fist before it him then grabs Izuku's face and proceeds to slam him down to the ground.

Vilgax flies down towards Eye Guy who somersaults over Vilgax and lands on a tree. Still holding on to the tree trunk, Eye Guy releases a powerful beam of energy from the large eye of his torso straight at Vilgax. Vilgax dodges the attack and rams straight through the tree Eye Guy hung on to, destroying it in an instant. Luckily, Eye Guy managed to jump off of the tree before it was destroyed. Landing on the ground, Eye Guy releases another energy beam attack from his large eye at Vilgax who forms a shield with his gauntlet to protect himself from Eye Guy's attack. While Vilgax was busy dealing with Eye Guy, Izuku uses this opportunity to sneak up on Vilgax and land a 12% Detroit Smash on his back.

Vilgax hunches forward which causes him to get the shield out of his way, leading him to get struck with Eye Guy's attack.

"Finally got a hit in!" Eye Guy exclaimed with delight as Izuku joins his side. "Hey, I got an idea!"

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"This!" Eye Guy replied as he tapped the Ultimatrix dial and transforms into XLR8.

XLR8 grabs Izuku and rushes towards Vilgax.

Just as Vilgax starts to get up, he's struck with a punch to the face from his left by Izuku.

"Gotta go fast!" XLR8 exclaimed as he picked up Izuku.

"A speedy attack!" XLR8 yelled as Izuku jumps onto Vilgax's head, using it to flip off of him and land a dropkick on his torso.

"A speedy punch!"

Izuku once again comes in from Vilgax's left and punches him in the face with the mad tyrant immediately reaching for Izuku only for the boy to get picked up by XLR8 and escape.

"A speedy kic-"

Before Izuku could land a hit, Vilgax grabs Izuku by the throat and slams him down to the ground. XLR8 comes in from Vilgax's left but the warlord moves his left hand ever so slightly to release black spheres from his gauntlet at XLR8's feet. The sphere's detonate near XLR8's feet, sending him crashing into a tree.

"Little worm...!"  Vilgax growled to Izuku who struggled to break free of Vilgax's grip.

"This guy's grip...! He's so strong! I've got no choice! There's only one way to get out of his hold!"  Izuku thought to himself as his entire arm begins to get covered in glowing red veins.

"100% DETROIT SMASH!!!"  Izuku punches Vilgax in the torso with all of his power, sending him flying away from him.

XLR8 finally comes to and sees Izuku standing with a broken right arm.

"Oh no! Izuku!" XLR8 exclaimed as he rushed to his friend's side. "Dude, what happened?!"

"I had to use it...My full power..." Izuku replied as he flinched from the pain of his broken right arm.

"But you're body isn't ready to use your full power yet!"

"I had no choice...This guy...He's way too strong...! I doubt that my full powered punch took him out..." Izuku replied. "But it definitely should have done some damage at least."

With a loud roar, Vilgax lands in front of the two heroes in training, his left shoulder missing its shoulder pad and the chest region having some cracks from Izuku's punch and scorch marks from Eye Guy's earlier laser attacks.

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