28. Master and Student

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"Nice to see you too...Coach." Aoi sardonically said, shocking his classmates.

"C-Coach?! Aoi received his training from the hero killer?!"  Izuku thought in shock and disbelief.

"Now that I think about it...The way that villain used his sword against me...Is similar to how Aoi uses his blade!" Tenya mused as he recalled all the times Aoi used his sword in training.

"You're taller than I remember." Stain commented.

"Spare me the chitchat. I'm not your prized student anymore. I'll take you down like any other villain!" Aoi replied as he tightened his grip on his sword. "I won't let you hurt my friends!"

"You call that fake a friend?" Stain asked as he pointed at Tenya. "How disappointing. And here I thought you knew better."

"Knew better? You can't just go around deeming pro heroes as fakes! They're not perfect, I'll admit that. But killing or crippling them is not the solution! You need to make people see the error of their ways, the right way, in order to build a better a world!" Aoi replied.

"The right way? And what good did that ever do? No one listened to what we had to say! All these fake heroes doing what they do just because there's good money in it is not heroic at all!! And this pro hero system, even if you manage to defeat me, those so called 'heroes' will in turn arrest you instead! Why? Because you used your quirk without permission! What kind of logic is that? Punishing someone for doing the right thing? That's inexcusable!!" Stain explained. "Only heroes like All Might, Ben 10000, his boy, you and that green haired boy are worthy of being called heroes! That boy in white armor, whom you call a friend, came to claim revenge on me! Heroes shouldn't act out of vengeance at all!!"

"Oh and who's fault was that exactly?" Aoi asked. "Who was it that crippled Iida's brother? Who was it that ended Ingenium? WHO WAS IT THAT HURT IIDA'S DEAR BROTHER?! HIS ROLE MODEL?! THE MAN WHO GAVE HIM HIS DREAM?! WHO WAS IT?!"

Stain doesn't say anything as he continues to listen to Aoi.

"Getting revenge for a family member doesn't make us fakes! It makes us human! We're not gods!! If All Might lost a loved one to a villain, he'd go nuts! And Ben, if someone hurt his son or his family, I'm sure he'll give that person a beat down of a lifetime!" Aoi continued. "No one's perfect. But that doesn't give you the right to cut the people you deem as fakes down. I was once in a similar position to Iida in the past, yet you didn't cut me down. You helped me instead."

"You were a child. This one is mature in enough to judge his actions as right or wrong." Stain countered as he pointed his sword at Tenya. "Move."

"Do your worst, Akaguro!" Aoi yelled as he enhanced his speed and charged at Stain and brought his sword down on the Hero Killer.

Stain, however, blocks Aoi's attack right in the nick of time with his own sword. The two spit and start trading attacks. Tenya and Izuku watch on in awe as Aoi and Stain duke it out with the fighters perfectly countering each other's moves.

 Tenya and Izuku watch on in awe as Aoi and Stain duke it out with the fighters perfectly countering each other's moves

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