34. Round Two!!

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"So they decided to run, huh?" Heatblast asked himself before he transformed into Wildvine. "It would be easier to find them if I just merge with the plants around me but if they're heading for the escape gate then it would be better for me to just meet them there."

Wildvine then merges with plant life around him and re-emerges in front of the escape gate. He then summons vines around the gate and seals it.


"Ben just cut off their escape route!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"He's forcing them into a fight." Katsuki added. "Pretty smart of him to do that."

"There is no way, Ken and Kendo are getting out of this one. It's over." Sero added.

"No, it is not." Aoi replied as he sees the hero team arrive in front of Wildvine.


"Just as you predicted, Itsuka. He's here." Ken said to his team mate.

"I hope this 'power boost' of yours will allow us to get the drop on him." Itsuka replied.

"Oh, it will alright. It will." Ken replied with a smirk on his face.

Wildvine notices the change in Ken's attitude. His nervousness and self doubt is gone. His eyes were now burning with the right amount of confidence. Wildvine smiles at this sight as he summons hordes of vines from the plants and bushes around them.

"That's the Ken Tennyson, I've been waiting for!!" Wildvine thought to himself in excitement as the vines merge together to form a large snake with the head of a Venus Fly trap.

"Okay...That's...A big snake..." Itsuka commented as the snake hisses at the two.

"Take Ben 10k. I'll take that thing down and join you." Ken replied as he dashed towards the snake.

The vine snake tries bite Ken but the boy simply moves to the side and jumps on its head. The snake shakes its head wildly, tossing Ken in the air. Without touching the Omnitrix, Ken transforms into Heatblast in a green flash of light before he begins to form a large fireball. This shocks Wildvine and the other students watching from the monitoring room greatly.

"Hey, Midoriya. Is that what I think it is?" Aoi asked Izuku with a smile on his face in the monitoring room.

"Yeah. There's no doubt about it. That's...Master Control!!" Izuku replied as his were glued to the screen.

Once the fireball was large enough, Heat throws it towards the serpent, setting it on fire. The snake uses its unburned vines to attack Heatblast but the Pyronite simply throws flaming shurikens towards the vines, destroying them all.

At the same, Itsuka dashes towards Wildvine. She enlarges her right fist and tries to punch Wildvine in the face. But Wildvine simply jumps away as he chucks his seeds on back towards his opponent. The seeds explode in front of Itsuka, knocking her back.

Vines emerge from the ground and wrap themselves around Itsuka's wrist. The battle hero simply powers through her restraints and freez herself.


Heatblast creates a hover board using his flames and flies towards the vine snake, coiling around its body. Heatblast creates a sword out of fire from his right hand and cuts the snake to pieces , defeating it.

"Okay. Since that's been taken care of, I can now focus on the main event." Heatblast said to himself as looked over to Itsuka and Wildvine duking it out.


"Trying to brute force your way through again?!" Wildvine asked his opponent, dodging every single one of her attacks.

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