The Pale Elf

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I watched Astarion, from the campfire. The days events playing in my head. I had awoken confused and unaware of my surroundings. The only memories I contained, were that of the mind flayer vessel. It was a grotesque airship held together by what seemed my organic matter. The only comfort in sight when I woke up on that beach, was Shadowheart lying there, with a strange artefact in hand. I had rescued her from the ship, and now with her here, I felt a small amount of hope.
I shook her awake and watched her face as she came to.
"Are you alright? What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said, as she examined her surroundings.
"How did we survive?" I questioned her.
"I have no clue. We were falling and then we were lowered down," Shadowheart spoke, her voice trailing off.
"We need to find someone who can get this thing out of our heads," I said.
She nodded, "we need to stick together. It's better to travel in numbers."
I agreed with her, and we began to explore the beach more. The shore was littered with bodies and parts of the ship. The crash was violent. How we had managed to survive baffled me.
As Shadowheart and navigated through the wreckage, we came across what appeared to be brains with legs. Memories flashed back as I recalled seeing them on the ship. While they were docile on the ship, it appeared the crash had agitated them. They pounced on us, and I barely had time to react. I channeled whatever power I had left within, throwing balls of fire at them. After a few spells, they lay dead on the ground. I stared at them, realising that I was a Druid. It appeared only fragments of memories would return to me.
"We can't dawdle," Shadowheart said.
I nodded and we pushed forward.

As we followed the shoreline, I could see movement in the distance. I squinted, hoping I could make out what it was. It was a pale figure, fixated on something in the bushes beside it. As we approached, his gaze shifted to me.
"Over there, it's one of those brain things. Quick kill it," he said.
"Kill it yourself," I said, ready to continue forward.
The moment my back was turned, the elf put me in a chokehold, and placed his dagger to my neck, wrestling me to the ground.
"Don't squirm. I'd rather not cut that pretty little neck of yours," he said.
I tried to push him off, but my strength failed me.
"Now, I saw you walking around that ship. What did you and your little friends do to me?" He asked.
"It wasn't me. I was captured just like you," I said, still attempting to shake him off.
"I don't believe you."
As he finished his sentence, something blurred my vision.
'What's happening?' I thought to myself.
Static flooded my ears. I felt my senses overload. All while images played in my mind. I saw the streets of Baldurs Gate, and I was lurking in the shadows.
The vision was over as quickly as it started.
"You weren't lying were you? I just saw them putting the parasite in you," He said.
"No, now let me go," I said exasperated.
He released his grip and I got to my feet.
"I'm Astarion," he said with a slight bow.
I examined him. He was incredibly pale, with curly white hair. Red eyes watched me. My eyes moved down. There appeared to be two puncture marks on his neck.
"I'm Tav," I said.
"It's a pleasure," Astarion said, in a refined tone.
Was he a noble? It was possible with the clothes he was wearing. They were purple and made out of a fine quality of fabric.
"Now, down to business. What do you know about these things in our heads?" He asked us.
"All I know is that if we don't get them out, then we'll turn into mind flayers."
"What? We'll grow tentacles? No, no, no. We need to find a way to control these things in our heads," Astarion said.
"Control? We need to remove them. Shadowheart and I are going to find a healer. You're welcome to join us if you want."
"Well, I guess it is best we stick together," he agreed.
"Just don't pull your knife on us again," Shadowheart chimed in.


My recollection of the day paused. Aside from gathering a group of survivors with parasites imbedded in their brain, only one two consumed my thoughts.
The thoughts of darkness that resided in my mind, and Astarion. My gaze shifted around the camp. I could see Gale, hunched over, seemingly in pain.
'Gale.....I wanted to rip of Gale's hand when I saw it poking out of that portal. No, not wanted. Desired. Blood and gore excites me for some reason. Who was I before? Or what was I?" I thought.
I shook my head, while I had no idea what these thoughts were, they weren't welcome in my mind. I shifted my focus back to Astarion. Pale skin, blood red eyes, incredibly whiny. I couldn't grasp what I was missing. There was something off about him.
I signed, standing up. There was only one way to get my answer.
"It's quite a sight," Astarion said as I approached.
I raised a brow.
"The stars I mean. I could take or leave your chin."
I had no idea what that mean't.
"They are beautiful," I said looking up.
"Yes...." His voice trailed off. "I'm just thinking, reflecting on what tomorrow might bring, when we seek out this Halsin. Will we find out how to bring this worm under control? Will our little adventure be over?"
"What? Will you miss me?" I teased.
"Well you're quite the ally, after all. Traversing avernus. Surviving the crash and everything that's followed."
A small smile grew across my face.
"So, I've impressed you?" I asked. Something told me that didn't happen often.
"Well yes, you're stronger than I gave you credit for."
I frowned, "I thought you didn't like me."
"You have your charms," he smiled, closing the distance between us.
My frown deepened. His smile was a little too perfect. I got the sense that he didn't mean a word he said.
"You're too close," I said.
"Oh, terribly sorry," he said, with an even wider devilish smile. "I was just going for a walk anyway. I need to clear my head. Sleep tight."
I watched as he walked off. On the surface he was a handsome face, but beneath that lay something diabolical. Astarion could lie through his teeth, the question was why?
I lay down on my bed roll and turned in for the night. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

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