The Plan

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We sat by the fire in Gale's living room as Astarion slept.
"So what have you been up to Gale?" I asked.
"Well, I found the crown. Reforged it, and gave it to Mystra. The orbs gone," his voice drifted.
"That's amazing! But why don't you sound thrilled?"
"Holding that power in my hand, I wonder what I could've done with it. How far I would've gotten, and who I could've been," he said.
I frowned, "Gale you have a second chance at life. Take it, and don't look back. Don't dwell on the past, otherwise it will consume you."
"Perhaps you're right," Gale rested his head on his fist.
I watched him as he stared into the flames.
"Mister Dekarios, I have returned from my adventure," I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Taaarrrraaaaa, I missed you. Please tell me every detail," Gale snapped out of his trance.
Tara jumped onto the couch and sat beside him, where she proceeded to tell her story.
I listened, completely flabbergasted as to how a cat could get up to so much.
"And what happened to the troll?!" I asked.
Tara turned her head and laughed, "why I coaxed it to follow me into a nice little trap I laid out."
"Fascinating..." I said. Tara really was marvellous.
We sat by the fire listening to her stories, each one becoming more and more enticing.


A few days later, we were greeted by a knock at the door, it was Shadowheart.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" She said.
I laughed, "I missed you."
Shadowheart leaned in and wrapped her arms around me.
Gale came and joined in.
After we pulled away, she asked, "where's Astarion?"
"He takes his vampiric naps during the day now," I said.
"Ah yes, the pressing issue of why we are all here. I must say I was surprised to receive your request, but nonetheless curious. It going to be fun creating waves at the Sharran temple in Waterdeep."
I nodded, "I'm excited, even more so to see you guys again."
"As am I. All those months in camp seem like a distant memory. Even though it wasn't that long ago. I'm rather fond of those memories too," Gale said.
I laughed, "it hasn't been the same has it?"
"Travelling alone is nowhere near as fun," Shadowheart said.
I agreed with her, then Gale escorted her inside to show her around.

Later that night we all sat in the dining room, attempting to come up with some sort of plan.
"That won't work," Shadowheart said bluntly.
"Why?" Gale asked.
"Because Sharran's aren't stupid."
Gale had suggested we pretend to be followers of Shar.
"What if we got on their radar? Then draw out who we're looking for?" I suggested.
Shadowheart nodded, "that's not a bad idea. But we'll need to grab their attention somehow."
"Well, what better way than to present them with the one who turned their back on Shar," Astsrion chimed in.
"Use me as bait? That could work. But how will we ensure it's the vampire spawn?"
"Vampire spawn attract other spawn," he said.
"They'll definitely come for you. Their master has to be in the city. So if a lone vampire spawn is found wondering around unsupervised, it's bound to raise some questions. Plus with Shadowheart, it will grab the attention of the right people."
Astarion nodded, "then it's agreed. But how will we stir up noise in the city?"
"We'll need to be a threaten to them. The four of us know the nightsong. What if we spread the word that she is in the city with us, but hiding? We could lie and say that it's bring down the city's temple or something. They know I didn't kill her and thus must've earned her favour.," Shadowheart suggested.
"That could work," I nodded.
We spent the next few hours coming up with the finer details of the plan. The first part was simple. We'd simply spread rumours, in anyway we could, then wait for our target to make their appearance.

I collapsed onto bed, brain aching from thinking for far too long. Astarion came and sat beside me.
"Are you okay, darling?" He asked.
"Yes, just tired," I smiled.
Astarion lay down and faced me, studying my face.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm just taking in the view."
"Stop it," I rolled my eyes, but then I stared back.
My heart swelled, as I observed his features. Astarion's pale skin appeared a little dull.
"How long has it been since you drank from me?" I asked.
"A while. Don't worry about it, I want you to have your strength to come up with those brilliant ideas of yours," he said.
I frowned, "Astarion, you barely drank on the ship, and rats are the bare minimum to sustain you. Let me help. Please...."
His face softened,  "okay."
Astarion pulled me in, wrapping his arms around me. I closed my eyes, knowing the pain would only be for a split second. He gently pressed his teeth into my neck and drank. Taking only enough to satisfy him. When he was done, he pulled back.
I looked into his eyes and saw concern.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just getting harder to control how much I take," Astarion said.
"You wouldn't hurt me," I said.
"I'd hope so...." His voice trailed off.
"Has this happened before?" I asked.
"Well I was always starving regardless when I was with Cazador. Then when I was with you all those months in camp, perhaps the parasite satiated my hunger. It's just been growing worse. What if I hurt you?"
"Astarion, it sounds like you're starving yourself. Drink from me most nights and make sure you find some prey while you're out at night."
He nodded.
I smiled. I knew the stress was getting to Astarion but I  never truely knew to what extent.
I leaned in and placed my lips on his. Sparks flew from my lips, down to my body.
"I love you," I said when I pulled back.
"I love you more."
"Not possible," I frowned.
Astarion smiled sweetly, then laid next to me until I slept.

Astarion's point of view:

I lay there, in bed, while she was asleep. Examining her features, I could see the dark circles growing under her eyes. She wasn't sleeping as much these days. Yet, selflessly, Tav still allowed me to drink from her. I doubted for so long that I could be loved, yet here I was. Honestly, I could barely believe it myself, but when I look at my love, I felt hope. If my heart were still beating, I could imagine it would skip a beat every time my eyes fall upon her.
My mind wandered, back to Cazador, to all those years, where I was nothing. Even now, the feelings creep up. Who would I have been if I hadn't encountered Tav? No doubt dead from the ritual. But what if the parasite was still placed within my mind, and Tav was nowhere to be seen? I know for a fact that I wouldn't be who I am now. Even if we'd somehow won the fight. I would be an empty husk, waiting for someone or something to fill it. For that, I'm grateful that I have her.

The next morning, Tav awoke. Before I closed my eyes to rest for the night, I again lay beside her.
"Good morning darling," I said.
She smiled, "good morning."
Tav yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"What did you do all night?" She asked
"Oh just read in Gale's library," I lied.
I wanted those moments to be secret. Tav didn't need to know that I'd read beside her, or simply would rest my eyes with her. Around her I felt safest, and some nights, I needed to feel that safety. When Cazador's scars would grow angrier, I needed Tav.
"Isn't his library grand?" She asked.
"Gale does have a great assortment of books," I smiled.
We stared for a moment before she spoke again, "get some rest, I'll keep planning how we're going to get that ring."
Tav kissed me, and then went to eat breakfast. I closed my eyes and slept.

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