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Astarion and I sat at the Last Light Inn, I needed a break from the others. It was always chaos at the camp. That days particular drama consisted of Gale confessing his feelings to me.
"I'm not going to lie. Initially I had a smidge of doubt," he said.
"Oh don't worry. You had no competition. Gale is sweet, but you understand me," I laughed.
He smiled.
"I've done a lot of thinking about what Cazador carved into my back. I don't know much about Infernal, but I know anything written in it is bad news," Astarion said.
"Okay, what do you want to do?"
"Find an expert of course. And I already have one in mind..... our devilish friend Raphael. If anyone's going to know infernal, he will."
"Sure, makes sense."
"I knew you'd see the pragmatic side," he said.
I smiled. I wanted to help Astarion as much I could. Even if it mean't making a deal with the devil.


We explored the over the Shadow-cursed Lands over the next few day. Halsin had asked us to keep an eye out for a boy named Thaniel, the spirit of the area. We had spent days without any luck, then we found someone who had information, right under our noses. A man wailed on a bed of the Last Light Inn. I almost walked past him.
All he said was, "Thaniel."
I froze. Unsure if I heard him right. Then he uttered it again. I immediately brought Halsin there to examine him
"It's a curse of the mind. The only thing that will bring him out of it, is to remind him of who he was," he said.
I signed, "it's never simple is it."
"I'm afraid not my friend."
Halsin decided to stay beside the man's bed, leaving me, Shadowheart, Astarion and Karlach to retrace this man's steps. Truthfully, we didn't have much to go on, leaving us to wander around the surrounding area.
I had no idea what we were looking for, all we had was the name Art Cullagh to go off.
"Do you think he's a bard?" Karlach asked.
"Because his name is Art?" Astarion frowned.
"Yes, obviously," she replied.
"I don't think it works that way," he frowned.
I laughed. The only part of our adventures that I genuinely loved was getting to interact with everyone.

We wandered around a little longer, until we stumbled upon mansion.
There was a graveyard behind it. A young tiefling stood, waving at me. It was Arabella.
"Are you okay?" I ran up to her.
"Hi, you came!" She waved again.
Behind her a shadow rose.
I backed away.
"Twist'em up," Arabella said.
Her eyes glowed green, and the swift movement of her hand, thorns rose out of the ground, trapping them.
"Awesome trick!" Karlach said.
Arabella stumbled.
"Sorry, knocks the wind right out of me."
"Where are you parents?" I asked.
"There was an ambush, and they yelled to run. So I did. Now I can't find them. But I bet you can. You'll help me them. I just know it!"
Of course I would help her, yet I felt a twinge of annoyance. This wasn't the first time she got herself into trouble.
"Alright, alright. Just go to my camp so you're not wandering around this place. It's dangerous," I told her.
"Thanks! I knew you'd help."
Then, she ran off.
"That was odd," I said.
"Agreed," the others chimed in.
We entered the graveyard, and began searching for Arabella's parents. My foot hit something partially buried in the ground. I kneeled down and picked it up. As I rubbed the dirt off, it read it.
"The House of Healing?"
"Perhaps, an old hospital," Shadowheart said.
I nodded.

We wandered around the graveyard, moon lantern in hand. I didn't want any unexpected shadows popping up. As I proceeded forwards, something caught in my peripherals. A translucent blue figure. My eyes shot towards it, but it was disappeared.
I turned to the others, "did you see that?"
"See what?" Shadowheart asked.
"I don't know, it was blue and transparent."
"Did you hit your head darling?" Astarion asked.
I shook my head, "I...-"
It was behind them, "look," I pointed.
They turned around, but it was once again gone.
"Have I drained you too much lately?" Astarion asked playfully.
"Ugh, it was right there!" I shook my head. "Doesn't matter let's justgo."
I turned, as I did, my face was met with the figure, it was a ghost. A sickly person who no doubt died in the House of Healing.
I jumped back, "what the fuck?"
A smile grew across its face, then it vanished.
"Well, I guess you weren't going mad," Astarion said.
I rolled my eyes, "let's go."

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