A Night to Remember

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I stood there triumphantly, watching my camp after we had successfully defeated the goblin leaders and saved the Grove. It was lively, with people drinking, talking, and celebrating. Volo stood in the centre, playing a tune and singing. Flashbacks to the goblin camp played in my mind. He performed horribly under pressure, but now, he seemed himself.
My gaze shifted to my companions. I barely had time to speak to them with the festivities. I glanced around the camp and caught sight of Astarion. He was drinking wine.
'Can vampires even get drunk?' I thought to myself.
I approached him, and raised my eyebrow as he drank from the bottle. His face showed distaste.
"You know, I never pictured as myself as a hero. Never thought I'd be the one they'd toast for saving so many lives. And now that I'm here.... I hate it, this is awful," he said.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Think of all the goblins you killed," I said.
"True. That was fun."
I laughed.
"Still, I would've liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and wine that tastes like vinegar," he continued.
I looked at the bottle of wine, then took it from his hand.
It had no label, and was no doubt some home brew someone conjured up.
I had a sip and felt my face tense. It truely was awful, a dry red sharp wine.
"See it's awful," he said.
"Can you even get drunk?" I asked.
"Well... no, it's just nice to indulge in something that's so normal to have. Even if it tastes like shit," Astarion explained.
I could see his point.
"But honestly, all I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?"
"Knowing you, it probably is," I said.
"Don't be so sour. I like a good time just like everyone else."
I watched him, searching for what he was on about.
"You know, we could always make our own fun, darling. Get a little closer, so to speak."
I stood, wondering if he was hinting at what I thought he was hinting at.
"Oh for god's sake. Sex," he said, with a slight hint of impatience in his voice.
I paused for a moment, feeling a rush of panic go through me. While I couldn't remember a lot of my past, I knew one thing, I had never been with anyone before. Call it a feeling, but I just knew. If I had, then Astarion's proposition wouldn't have made me so panicked. Although, I had to admit, I was curious. To bed a vampire would be interesting. Besides, with the parasite in my brain, I didn't want to die never having been with a man. A cheeky smile grew across my face, and my panic subsided. If I was going to do this, I'd at least have some fun with it.
"Maybe. If you say please," I said.
"Ask nicely," I smiled.
"Please...." He said in a seductive whisper.
I had to admit, he had his charms to him.
"Good boy. I'll find you later," I said.
"Cheeky pup. I'll see you later," he said softly.
I left him to drink his vinegar and decided to speak to some other companions.

I approached to Shadowheart first. She expressed how she didn't expect to enjoy helping the refugees. Deep down, I could tell she was kind hearted under her tough exterior.
"You know, I was hoping we could spend some time together. Possibly share a bottle of wine," she said.
"Just a bottle?" I smiled.
"Well I wouldn't want to keep you. It seems like you have made arrangements with Astarion."
"Did everyone in camp see that?" I laughed awkwardly.
"Only the one's hoping to steal some of your time," she winked.
We drank some more before I spoke to everyone else. I saw a friend in Shadowheart. While she could be strong headed, she was kind where it counted.

I walked over to Lae'zel, hoping to ask about the Githyanki. I had to admit I was quite curious about their kind.
"I have seen Githyanki tear a screaming myeogi's legs from its belly to fashion into blades. Yet they could not match your nerve today. It was enough to drive me to madness," she said, as I approached.
"I have no idea what that means," I said hesitantly. Lae'zel scared me a little.
"A pity for us you have promised your night to the vampire. If only I might lay claim to my proper trophy. Come morning, you'll wonder. You will wonder how my lips might have tasted, how my fingers might have felt on your skin. Oh but do enjoy yourself tonight," she said.
I stood there dumbfounded. Was she always this intense? I had to give it to her, at least she knew what she wanted.

After more chatter and a few more uncomfortable moments, I found Astarion. We made our way to a clearing, a bit further from camp. I watched him walking in the moonlight, and realised something, I could feel the butterflies rising in my stomach. A wave of anxiety flooded me as I realised this was really happening. I knew my first time would be slightly anxiety inducing, yet I didn't realise how intense the feeling would be. As I followed, I could feel my muscles stiffening. I stared at the ground, trying to regulate my thoughts.
'Just breathe, it will all come naturally to you,' I repeated to myself.
My gaze shifted solely to him. His hair curled perfectly, and his shoulders were broad. Astarion was quite attractive, but up until now, I hadn't really given it any notice.
My eyes moved to his arms, where I could see his veins protruding.
'Does a vampire's blood even flow?' I paused, and rolled my eyes.
'Is that really what I'm thinking about right now?'
All of a sudden, he stopped, and turned.
"Gazing upon my beautiful features?" He asked, teasing.
"You wish," I said playfully.
While I was nervous, I gave a performance that could give any bard a run for their money.
"And yet you are here," he said, the distance closing between us.
"I...." But I couldn't finish. His face drew closer, and his gaze shifted to my lips. Astarion's lips touched mine. I felt sparks explode, and kissed him harder. As he kissed me, he unbuttoned his shirt, then mine. Astarion lifted me up, with relative ease. I rolled my neck to the side, motioning for him to drink. As he gently lay me down, he dug his fangs into my neck.

I awoke the next morning, with a groan. While the forest floor was soft, it still had its sharp spots. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Astarion was sitting beside me, basking in the sun.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Enjoying the sun. Before the parasite I hadn't seen it for almost two hundred years," he said.
I watched his pale skin glow in the sunlight.
"Anyway, enough pillow talk, we should be getting back. They'll be wondering where we went."
My eyes shifted from face to his back. My heart dropped as I realised there was a circle of raised red scars on it.
"Dear lord, what happened?" I asked, reaching out to touch it.
Astarion flinched, before allowing me to do so.
"It's a poem. A gift from my old master, Cazador. He considered himself quite the artist, and used his slaves as a canvas," he said with a hatred in his voice.
I stayed silent.
"He composed and carved it over the course of one night, then continued to make revisions as he went."
I examined the script, knowing I'd seen it before. It was the language of the hells.
"Why is it written in infernal?" I asked.
"Infernal? Who knows.... the bastard was insane," he said.
Astarion sat there for a moment, the cogs turning in his mind. I could tell this had been a revelation for him.
I felt somewhat guilty. While I barely any memory of my past, Astarion did. He remembered everything, and it was clear that he carried every second of it on his shoulders. I squeezed his shoulder, and then lightly kissed it.
"What was that for?" He asked, with a hint of confusion in his voice.
"Your mind was somewhere else," I said.
He watched me, examining my eyes. Was he attempting to see if my concern was genuine?
"Let's get back," I said.
As we reappeared at camp, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Lae'zel's in particular.

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