The Next Steps

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Slowly but surely, everyone went their separate ways. Gale left to retrieve the crown, Lae'zel went to join the resistance, and Shadowheart decided to travel. She had only just started really living after all.
Astarion and I began sticking our noses into books to find a way for him to walk into the sunlight.
"Astarion..." I said as calmly as possible, I was afraid my eyes were deceiving me.
"Yes?" He asked.
"The ring of sunwalker... it says it can protect a vampire from the sun."
"Let me see," Astarion took the book, and began reading it.
Silence filled the room for a moment.
"This is it," he said.
Astarion paused for a few seconds to think.
"It doesn't say much," his voice trailed off.
"Well then, we have a name. We just have to find more information about it, and I know just who to ask," I said.

As Astarion could no longer walk in the sun, he started sleeping throughout the day. I got up, tired from researching the night before. I had to find out more about the ring. Quietly, I tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the living space. After Cazador's death, Astarion and I had sold all his riches, as well as his property. Our pockets were full for life, yet we lived humbly, deciding that there was no point settling down until we found a way for Astarion to walk in the sun. I scanned the living room, it was small, yet inviting. The kitchen was right beside it. I quickly made some breakfast, which consisted of a couple of eggs, and some bread. Then I threw on some clothes and was out the door.
I made my way through the streets, eventually arriving at the Elfsong Inn. Making my way to the kitchen, I greeted the inn keeper.
"Haven't seen you in a while Ms," he said.
"Yes, I've been quite busy. It's nice to see you again," I smiled.
I descended the stairs in the kitchen, and made my way into the Emperor's hideout.
When I came to the giant barrel, I knocked.
"Password?" The voice said from the other side.
"It's me," I said.
"Password," they responded again.
I rolled my eyes, "the Emperor rules."
"Hi Tav, it's nice to see you again," Lydia, the Emperor's second in charge welcomed me.
After exchanging pleasantries, I went to speak with him.
"I need information," I said.
"Nice to see you too," the Emperor responded while he looked over some maps.
"I'm still mad you didn't tell me who you were but this could make up for it. I need to know about the Ring of Sunwalker."
"Ah, you want the spawn to walk in the sun."
"His name is Astarion, and remember he helped save your ass too. We all got through it together, so we'd appreciate your help."
The Emperor watched me for a moment, almost as if he was raising a non-existent brow.
"I know that. But you can't change the fact he's a spawn. You'll grow old and he simply won't."
I felt as if I was punched in the gut. Why was he reminding me of that right now?
"Look, will you help or not?" I was becoming exasperated.
"Come on, I'm not heartless. In my many years of existence, I've only ever heard of this ring twice. Your first bet is the black market. These rings are extremely rare though, so I doubt they have it. But it may save you the trouble of a journey. Alternatively, I heard word that the Temple of Shar has vampires in their ranks in Waterdeep. In order for some of their elite to carry out missions, they obtained one of these rings. There was whispers amongst a group of criminals a few months back. They mentioned a vampire tailing them during the day in Waterdeep."
I signed, "how far is Waterdeep?"
"Around a week by boat," the Emperor said.
I thought for a moment, if we were going to do this, it may be beneficial to have Shadowheart in our ranks. She was Sharran after all.
"Thank you," I said.
"You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else," he said.
I nodded, and returned home. As I crept into be, I watched Astarion sleep, chest unmoving. Something the Emperor said stuck with me. I would die one day, while Astarion would live on. What then? Will he find someone else? Or will he crumble?
I shook away the thoughts and closed my eyes, when I woke up, I'd send Shadowheart and Gale a message.

Later that night, Astarion awoke from his slumber.
"Good evening, darling ," he said.
I was sitting in bed reading.
"I went to see the Emperor and I have a lead."
"Oh, do you?" Astarion asked.
I nodded, "Sharran's in Waterdeep have one."
"Are you saying we're going to Waterdeep?"
"Yes, it takes 4-6 days by boat. I sent word to Shadowheart and Gale. They may be able to help.
"Aren't you a smart little one," he smiled.
Astarion closed the distance between us and placed his lips on mine.
When he pulled away, I smiled.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too. Thank you for everything you've done."
"Let's leave on the last boat tomorrow."
He nodded in agreement.


The last boat of the day left at 6pm. Astarion and I were both eager. The opportunity to walk in the sun was life changing for Astarion. We could finally travel Faerun.
The boat trip was about as fun as you'd expect it. The food was average, and the beds were a little too hard. Although it was better than how it was a few months earlier.
The days went slowly. There's not much to do on a ship other than sleep, write or read. We paid to be on the vessel so we weren't expected to assist with the chores. Astarion and I passed the time by
researching the ring. The more Astarion read, the more hopeful he became.
Eventually, we could she Waterdeep on the horizon. The closer we got, the more I could see the size of this city. It was huge. Taking out my speaking stone, I contacted Gale.
"Gale, we are here, where is your house?" I asked him.
"Tav! It's nice to hear from you," Gale said.
He rambled for a while, but 5 minutes later he told me the directions.


We wound through the streets, Waterdeep was just like Baldur's Gate. It was lively and full of cats. I watched them run around in awe. I love cats. Architecturally though, it was different. You could tell a lot of thought went into these buildings. They were adorned with gorgeous trimmings. It truely was the city of artists and scholars.
Arriving at Gale's house, it was as beautiful as the rest of the city. I looked up at a fairly large house with a tower through its centre. We knocked on the door and were greeted by a very excited Gale.
"Welcome, welcome. It's great to see you all again. How was the trip? I bet you're exhausted after being cooped up."
"Ah Gale, same as ever," I said kissing both of his cheeks.
He gave a laugh, "it's only been two months."
"Hi Gale, hope you didn't miss us too much," Astarion said.
"The days aren't the same without you all," Gale said sadly.
"But we must continue. Here let me show you to your rooms."
Gale took us through the hallway and up a flight of stairs. The house looked elegant. It had purple floral wallpaper and knickknacks strategically placed throughout it. Turning right, he showed us to our room. It was large with a queen bed in the middle. There was a wardrobe, dresser, vanity, and side tables in the room. It followed a similar decor to the rest of the house.
"I'll leave you to unpack," Gale said.
As soon as the door was closed, I ran and jumped onto the bed.
I giggled as I lay down. It was incredibly soft and extravagant. I stared up at the purple canopy, making a mental note to get one of these beds. Astarion joined me. He lay on his side, head resting on his fist as he watched me.
"We're here," he said.
I laughed, "we certainly are."
My eyes drifted to his lips. I kissed him softly. When our faces parted, Astarion pulled me into his arms.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I know."
Astarion cocked an eye, "and?"
I acted clueless, "what?"
A smile drew across his lips and he tickled my stomach.
"Stop-...." I laughed.
"Say it...."
"I love you too," I managed to let out.
"Well, thank you darling."
We smiled at each other for a moment.
"You make me happy," I said.
"I know," he said.
I rolled my eyes, and then we proceeded to unpack, wondering when Shadowheart would arrive.

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