A Test of Love

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I approached Halsin. He wanted to speak to me about something.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I was forgetting who I was with the shadow curse and the grove, but you lifted the foil, thank you."
"It was nothing," I smiled.
"No, it was everything," he said.
I frowned. I did not like where I thought this was going.
"It allowed me to see you. Truely see you. I have lived a very long time. I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly. But it does now."
"Is he for real?" I thought to myself.
"I want more than to fight by your side, or sit around a camp fire with you. I want to lay with you under the stars, and feel your skin against mine. I think you feel the same way - why else would you be concerned if I have a lover before?"
I frowned. He knew I was with Astarion.
"But tell me I'm wrong, and I will let the matter drop. I do not wish to sour our friendship, but I have to know if we can be something more."
"I'm sorry, I'm in a relationship with Astarion," I said.
"I know his scent lingers on your skin, but it was worth a try. After all, it is natural to take many lovers. I won't let this affect our friendship," he smiled.
I thanked him and left.

I went straight to Astarion, I had to tell him the gossip.
"Hello beautiful," he smiled.
"You won't believe the conversation I just had with Halsin."
Astarion let out an awkward laugh, "I was wondering when you were going to ask me about this."
I frowned, "you knew already?"
"I guessed. The man can't stay quiet about enjoying the freedom of natures gifts. I bet he'd outlaw clothing if he could," he laughed.
I stood there arms crossed. He was not wrong, but clearly he didn't mind me sleeping around, and that pissed me off.
"But can I ask, it's not because...." Astarion hesitated for a moment, "we haven't in a while is it?"
My frown softened as I realised he was masking his true feelings.
"Woah, stop. I didn't say I wanted to sleep with him."
"You don't?" He asked.
"Of course not! Your the only man I want, and honestly - I don't really care about sex that much."
"Really? Are you sure?"
I laughed, "Astarion trust me, it barely crosses my mind. All I want is to be cuddled."
A grin grew across his face, and he closed the distance between us. Astarion wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said.
We hugged for a more moments. Then, I realised something. We had never actually discussed our relationship. I pulled back.
"Astarion, what....are we?" I asked.
He thought for a moment, then answered.
"Well, you're not a victim or a conquest, so whatever could we be?"
"We are partners."
"Do we really need a label?" He asked.
"Yes. You gave me this ring."
He laughed, "okay. Anything for you."
I smiled. 


We camped outside the city. They were preventing people from entering. I decided to explore the town. Rivington was lively, but incredibly overcrowded. Refugees flooded the streets.
"How are we ever going to get into Baldur's Gate? They really aren't accepting anyone," I said, defeated.
"Astarion, shouldn't you know? You spent a lot of time in the sewers," Lae'zel asked.
"Well, there's no sewer system in Rivington," he said annoyed.
"Oh my god! Is that a circus?" I perked up.
"Surely you're not suggesting we go to something so childish," Lae'zel said.
"Of course I am!" I grabbed Astarion's hand and pulled him along.
Lae'zel groaned as she followed us.
We approached the entrance, and tried to go in.
"Hold on there, no one goes in without being checked by this guy," the circus attendant said.
I looked over at the creature. It had a pig nose and sniffed the air around it.
It took one whiff of Astarion, and it's face curdled.
"Disgusting. It smells of death," the creature snarled.
I laughed, I never noticed any smells of death.
"Let us in or I can assure you, there will be trouble," I said, in the most intimidating voice I could conjure.
The circus attendant caved and let us in.
"You're scary sometimes, you know that?" Astarion asked.
"Thank you," I said proudly.
We explored the circus. I came across a mumbling mummy, and after attempting to interpret for a few minutes, I realised they were selling dyes, and face paint.
I brought 4. I had a plan in mind, and it consisted of each of us wearing matching clown makeup.
"No," Astarion said.
I put in my best doe eyes, "please....."
He signed, "fine."
"And you, Shadowheart?"
"No, and you're not going to convince me."
"If you do it, I won't make you stay at camp anymore for a while," I said sweetly.
She rolled her eyes, "okay whatever."
"And you Lae'zel?"
"I would rather die."
"I can arrange that," I said, stone faced.
"What....? You'd kill me over clown makeup?"
I nodded, "I can just revive you again."
"Istik! You're crazy."
I shrugged, "I know."
"Fine," her words cut like ice.
"Yay," I jumped with excitement.
Everyone used the face paint kit. I laughed at Lae'zel's drawn on clown smile. A stark contrast to her resting bitch face.
We wandered around the circus. Performers were situated in everywhere, doing different acts.
As we walked past, a dryad spoke to us, "this city of stone and steel is an endless scream of nature's womb. I have felt no peace here until now."
I approached her.
"Your eyes, stira. There is pain, endless and deep. But also devotion - blazing like the sun. You're in love, are you not?" She asked.
I nodded, "I do love someone."
"You are wise to admit it. When it comes to love, vulnerability is armour. Truth, a sword. And trust, a shield. I pray you yield all three, stira."
The dryad smiled before speaking again, "bring the one you love. I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal, or doomed."
I raised an eyebrow. Surely she couldn't know these things.
I turned to Astarion, "are you up for this?"
While I was skeptical, it could still be fun.
"Oh my love, how could I say no?" He said.
"Close your eyes little ones, be still as a stone to earth. And remember to breathe."
I closed my eyes. Instantly, I found myself next to a waterfall. In front of me was a stream, with a log connecting one side to the other. Astarion stood at the other side of the stream.
I smiled at him.
"I see you. I see the bond between you. So tender. So fragile. But do you see it for yourselves? Astarion: a tumultuous past hides behind mirthful grin. The heart is fraught, so let us start with the joyous. When is he the happiest?"
I thought for a moment, "when he's elbow-deep in gore."
Astarion laughed, "guilty as charged. Sometimes literally....."
"Take a step towards each other," the dryad said.
We inched closer together.
"Hear how your bond thrums with pleasure. Strong. Vital. Pulsing affection. Many things delight the heart, but only one makes it sing. Tell me, what does Astarion desire more than anything?"
I didn't even have to think about this one, "revenge."
"Oh yes, yes please," he said excitedly.
We inched closer.
"The sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue. But now we must dig deeper. Into the most painful reaches of spirit. Fear sits in the soul - to tame it, we must name it. What is his deepest fear?"
A grin spread across my face, "breaking a nail."
"Ha! Well, when you look this good."
We moved closer together.
"Well, you were right every time. I almost wish you hadn't been but you do know me," Astarion said.
"How close you two are. Hearts beating in perfect rhythm. But I know the truth. Only one face haunts your dreams at night. Close your eyes sweetness and she will come to you."
I followed the dryads directions, when I opened my eyes again, Orin had appeared.
I frowned, "why the fuck are you here?"
"How nice to finally see you again. You may have killed Kethric but fear not, your time will come to an end very soon. Your bond will not save you from the events to come," she said, before disappearing.
"She's a fucking shapeshifter," I said.
I don't know why I was so surprised they had this going for them, but just when I thought were winning, something else was thrown at us.

As we returned to camp, I noticed Astarion was acting a little strange.
After dinner I found him watching the town from a small overlook in camp.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked.
"Just thinking about everything that happened today."
I analysed his face. Some remnants of the clown makeup remained. I put my hand to his cheek and rubbed it off. He could only do so much without seeing his reflection.
Astarion dug his cheek into my hand.
"I'm starting to realise how much you've come to know me. It just feels strange. I had no one for long, and now I have you."
"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked.
"Mostly," he said, his mind distant.
I frowned, "what do you mean?"
"Now, I have so much more to lose."
He turned to face me, "what happens if we fail to defeat Cazador? Once the brain parasite is gone, I won't be my own person anymore. He can complete the ritual."
I gazed into his eyes, "I will never let that happen. I will always fight for you."
He smiled slightly, "and I you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Astarion pulled me into a hug and held me tightly. I didn't know what the future would bring, all I did know is that I felt at home in his arms.

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