His Scars

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We approached the tomb, having no idea what was awaiting us inside. It was next to the house of healing. I briefly recalled the events of the night prior. That place scared the hells out of me. I shivered just thinking about it.
As we approached the entrance, a familiar figure appeared.
"Our hero thought but of treasure ahead, did not consider the peace of the dead...." It was Raphael.
"What do you want now?" I asked exasperated.
"Through the dark they went creeping, and awoke what was sleeping."
I rolled my eyes.
"A new grave they dug, which he himself fed."
"Just get to the point!" I snapped.
"I've grown quite fond of you, you know - in my way. I thought it only fair to warn you of the dangers ahead," he said.
"So what? Do you want me to turn around? I asked.
"Don't be absurd. It would be pointless to bar you from entering. I just thought I'd prepare you for your role.
I signed, "fine. Paint me a picture."
"There is a stage down in the dark upon which a great drama has suspended itself in time."
"Not this again, just tell me what you want to say," I snapped again. I was getting tired of his riddles.
"I need you to kill a beast down there for me."
My mind shot into focus, this was Astarion's chance.
I looked over at him.
"I have a proposal," he said.
"A proposal? If you're hoping to taste my blood little vampling, think again. It burns hotter than wyvern whiskey," Raphael said.
I frowned. Why does everyone automatically assume he wants to drink their blood?
"My old...- well, a long time ago, someone carved runes into my back. I'd rather like to know what they say."
"It's something of great importance to your master. But is it a love letter? A warning? Or a deed of ownership? I can give you all the gory details. I will, once the beast that lurks below is vanquished, and sent back to the hells."
"It's a deal," I said.
"Then we have an understanding. I look forward to our next meeting."
Raphael disappeared in a puff of red smoke.
I turned to the others, "ready?"
"Always," Lae'zel said.
"Let's get this over with," Shadowheart chimed in.
I looked at Astarion, "let's go kill this beastie."
I smiled, and we entered the tomb.


We returned to camps exhausted. After solving four trials, killing the beast and Balthazar, then saving the nightsong - I needed to sleep for an entire day.
I sat by the campfire, half asleep, eating some rations.
"I wonder when Raphael will make his appearance," Astarion said.
"Huh?" I jumped, I hadn't noticed him approach.
"Need someone to carry you to bed darling?" He teased.
"Quite possibly," I laughed.
In a puff of red smoke, Raphael appeared.
"Oh look, he's back," I said.
I got to my feet, and watched as Astarion approached him. I was too exhausted to deal with Raphael's theatrics.
"Do you know what happens when a devil is struck down on this charming plane of existence? It returns to the hells - to the very point where it last stood before venturing to whichever devil forsaken plane it died on. In the case of the beast you just slaughtered, he manifested in my House of Hope. He returned to me chastened but intact, his wounds healed, his body restored. He thought I would dismember him, but he has his uses, so instead, I am re-educating him," Raphael said.
I rolled my eyes, he was never straightforward.
"We delivered the devil. Now I want what I'm owed - we had a deal," Astarion said.
"Indeed we did. I discovered all there is to know about those scars of yours. It's a rather grim tale, even for my tastes."
"Stop stalling," I said.
"As you wish. Brace yourself, Astarion - we're about to unveil your destiny. Carved into that ivory skin of yours is one part of an infernal contract between the archdevil Mephistopheles and your former master, Canada's Szarr. In full, the contract states that Cazador will be granted knowledge of an infernal ritual so vile it has never been performed. It promises to be a marvellous ceremony. Very elaborate, incredibly ancient, and entirely diabolical. All the strengths of the vampiric form will be amplified, and alongside them he will enjoy the luxuries of the living. The arousals and appetites of man will return to him, and unlike Astarion, he will have no need of parasites to protect him from the sun. But the ritual has a price, as all worthwhile things do. Lord Cazador will need to sacrifice a number of souls, including all of his vampiric spawn, if he is to ascend. Imagine how he felt when you disappeared into thin air. You are the final piece he requires to complete the ritual - your scars bind you to it. And that my friend is the twisted tale. Now, I have business elsewhere."
With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke, not giving us the opportunity to question him.
We stood there for a moment. I couldn't think. I knew it wouldn't be good, but I didn't think it would be that bad.
"Astarion...." I said, but he simply walked off.
I signed, I wouldn't be resting any time soon.

I allowed Astarion to have a few moments to think, then went to find him.
He was by the lake, sitting in silence.
"Astarion, are you okay?"
"Well, I wasn't expecting that," he said.
"We won't let Cazador complete the ritual."
"He'll never leave me alone. I didn't think he would when I was just one more wretched toy for him to play with. But I'm the key to this power he craves, he'll hunt me to the ends of Faerun," I could feel the anger rising in his voice.
"We'll protect you," I said.
"What can you possibly do? You don't know Cazador like I do. He'll do anything to get me back," Astarion grew frustrated.
"Hey...," I said, sitting down beside him. "Don't underestimate me Astarion, especially when the man I love is in danger."
He laughed a little, "I forget I have you now. I guess I still have my old habits to thank for that."
"And those habits aren't just going to go away. Astarion, you're not under his control anymore. You survived him. What you carry now, are quite literally the scars he left behind. You're terrified because of those physical, as well as those mental scars. In fact, it's more than likely you'll carry that fear for years to come. But you're not going to do it alone anymore. We will get you out of this," I said.
He smiled. I could see his fangs peeking through his grin, "you know, those were a very lonely 200 years. I forgot what it's like to have reliable people in my life."
"Come here," I said, pulling him into a hug.
I held Astarion for a while, hoping he'd feel safe. I didn't know what Cazador was entirely capable of, but I wasn't going to let him hurt Astarion ever again.

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