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After a long day of exploring mountain pass, the camp settled down. I watched from afar as my companions ate and drank wine. This was something I never expected to come with the parasite. The friendships we all formed was something special.
"You're not joining them?" I jumped as a voice snuck up from behind.
I turned to see a rogue standing there.
"Jesus Christ Astarion, you scared the shit out of me," I said.
He shrugged, "you're so cute when you're terrified."
I rolled my eyes.
My gaze shifted towards the others.
"You're not hungry?" Astarion asked.
I shook my head.
I was incredibly anxious. My mind wouldn't stop circling with thoughts, but I didn't want him to know that.
"Doesn't matter. Hey, how come we never see you eat?" I changed the subject.
"I need to hunt for my food," he said.
"Oh, that makes sense. Is it hard?" I asked.
"I depends on what you're hunting. Smaller critters are more agile and skittish. Larger creatures require some physical strength."
"Why don't you just drink from me then?"
He gave me a devilish smile.
"You haven't told me I could," he answered.
"I thought you'd just ask if you need blood."
He shook his head.
"What happened when you wanted to drink someone's blood at Baldur's Gate then?" I asked.
His faced tensed and he looked away, "I never was allowed to, you were my first."
My mind flashed back to the vision, then I remembered he had been living off of rats.
"Seriously?" I asked, attempting to not sound judgmental.
He cleared his throat and raised his head high, "yes."
I laughed. Somehow, I found that adorable.
"Why are you laughing?" He frowned.
"I'm just surprised."
"Whatever, I'm leaving," he began to walk off.
"No, wait. I'm sorry," I caught his sleeve.
He stopped.
"Look if it's any consolation, you were my first too," I added.
He stood there for a moment, confused.
"The first time you've been bitten?" He asked.
I shook my head.
Then it dawned on him, "you're first time having sex?"
I nodded.
"You can't be serious," he said.
"Deadly," I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Why did I admit that?
"How?" He asked.
"I just never was all that interested. Plus something tells me my focus was elsewhere with this dark urge."
"Then why me?" He looked confused.
I shrugged slightly, "I don't know. I didn't want to die a virgin."
Astarion stared at me for a moment, contemplating what to say next. I felt my face getting more flushed.
"Did you at least enjoy it?" He asked.
"It was alright," I said.
"Alright?" His voice gave a slight crack, "what do you mean alright?"
"It wasn't as great as people make it out to be."
Astarion rolled his eyes dramatically. He looked as if he was about to stroke.
"Why didn't you say earlier? Like I don't know, when it was happening?"
"I didn't know what to do," I said annoyed. Did he really expect me to understand what I was doing the first time?
He could see the exasperation on my face, "okay, okay, I'm sorry. You don't know better."
We stood there awkwardly for a few moments. Neither of us knew what to say.
"Well, at least let me make it up to you," he broke the silence.
"It's okay, you don't have to. You don't owe me anything. Your body is your own," I said.
Astarion paused for a moment, "no, I want to."
I stared at him. Did I actually want to sleep with him again? With everything going on it be a stress relief. But then again, I was starting to care for him a little too much. At the end of the day, I knew I would get my heart broken. He only wanted protection from me. I wasn't stupid. It was foolish to feel for him.
"Only if you want to, of course. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable throughout it," he said.
My stomach fluttered. Somehow, I felt safe with Astarion. Maybe I wanted to play into his game, for a little while at least. He was the only one who truely understood what I was going through.
"Okay, sure," I said, slightly unsure whether I made the right decision.
"Find me tonight, after everyone is asleep," he said.
I nodded, then excused myself. My mind was racing faster than ever.

Once everyone had gone to sleep, I snuck off to find Astarion. He sat at his tent, reading a book.
"Ah, there's my little treat with her cheeks all flushed," he said as he stood up.
Astarion motioned me to follow, and I did.
I could feel the butterflies in my stomach rising.
'Why am I so nervous?' I thought to myself.
After a few minutes, we found clearing.
He turned to face me and watched me for a moment.
I could feel him examine my body language as I tensed up. I was more nervous than last time.
He closed the distance between us, "you don't need to be nervous. I'll go slowly."
He smiled gently.
I nodded.
"Just tell me what you want, okay?" He said.
I nodded again.
Astarion's face drew closer to mine, and our lips met.
I felt my body electrify, and kissed him harder. He reciprocated, kissing me more passionately than before.
When our lips finally parted, he observed me for a second. As if waiting for my direction.
"Drink from me," I said.
His mouth curved into a grin.
Astarion's teeth met my neck with a lightness it hadn't last time. It felt like a nibble on my neck rather than a bite. I felt a pull towards him, mentally and physically. When he was done drinking, I was a little upset the connection was severed.
Slowly, his hand shifted to my shirt buttons, then to my pants. He kissed me as his took his clothes off.
We spent the night together, and I eventually fell asleep beside him.


I stirred as the sky grew brighter. It was morning. I sat up, and saw Astarion standing there.
He was trying to reach the scars on his back.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh, you're awake. I'm just trying to feel what he wrote on my back," he said.
"I'll take a look."
"What? This isn't your problem, you know," Astarion objected.
"I know, now turn around," I said.
He hesitated for a moment.
"You can turn your back to me, I'm not going to attack you," I crossed my arms.
"Okay, okay."
Astarion turned around. I examined it the carvings. They looked jagged and raised. Slowly, I put my hand out to touch it.
Astarion recoiled slightly as I made hand made contact, then he allowed me to touch it. I ran my finger along it. The scars were textured, I could tell they were deep. This could only be achieved by repeated carving. My heart ached for him.
"Can you feel that?" I asked as I traced it.
He nodded, "it's a circle. But I can't get a clear picture."
"Okay let me draw it. Hold still," I said.
I kneeled down, then drew the scars in the dirt on the ground. After around a minute I was done.
"Okay, done."
He turned around. I could see the surprise in his eyes as he saw the infernal.
"What in the hells did he do to me?" Astarion asked.
I remained silent.
"For almost two centuries I've had this on my back, and this is the first time I've seen it."
"Do you have any idea what it means?" I asked.
He shook his head, "I have no clue."
"Don't worry, we'll find someone who can read it."
Astarion watched me again.
"How sweet."
"Let's head back," I said.
He nodded. "Thank you, by the way."
Hearing Astarion's gratitude somehow made me feel warm inside.

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