Five Years Later

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Mo Ran takes a deep breath, purple eyes staring up at the stairs that lead to Shisheng peak. Over 3000 steps.

The same steps that Shizun had climbed for him. Mo Ran takes a quick peek at the lightened red stain on the steps. Blood is hard to wash... who knew? It's now a stark reminder of what Chu Wanning did for him, of the misunderstanding they had, or he had about the older man.

It's been five years though. Five years since he learned about what Chu Wanning did, has done, for him. How ungrateful he was.

Mo Ran takes a step. Then another. Slowly he makes his way up the steps on his own two legs. He takes deep breaths in and out. It's been five years. He's done his best to be better. A man that Shizun would be proud to call his disciple. He's done his best, and hopefully that's enough.

If anything he's a little excited but scared. Excited to see Chu Waning again. That black hair, framing his sharp phoenix eyes, pale skin and strong frame but lithe waist. To hear his Shizun voice again after so long.

But he's scared. His Shizun must be upset with him. Must not really want to see him, after everything. And Mo Ran understands if that's the case. There are many moments he hates himself. Remembering everything he's done. In this life and in their past life.

Once at the top (having ignored the red path now staining the steps) Mo Ran walks down the familiar dirt path. Then stone paths. Making his way through, to the main building to find his uncle to report back in. It's been two months since he was last here. And even then he didn't stay long. Going on mission after mission. Only staying long enough to rest before leaving.

Mo Ran pauses as he spots his cousin looking around like a lost bird. He takes a second to think and decides he'll pester his cousin after talking to uncle. So he sneaks around, heading inside, finding disciples but no uncle. He does come across his aunt.

"Ran-er!" she exclaims happily. He smiles down at her, where she sat on the floor, a table in front of her covered with dried leaves, flowers, herbs, and a few spices. A disciple sat across from her.

"Hi auntie."

She gives him a look, knowing who he's really looking for, but her smile is still on her face. "Husband is away on business at the moment. He should be back in time for Yuheng welcome back party tonight. Are you staying for that?" She wonders, smile faltering a bit.

"I- I'll see." Mo Ran stutters. He's honestly unsure about whether he should stay or not. As much as he would love to see shizun he feels as if he's not qualified to.

"Then... can you check on him. He should have come out yesterday but he hasn't checked in yet. Meng-er has been worrying over it." Auntie asks him, eyes focus on grinding whatever she's making.

"I heard he got a delivery yesterday. From what the disciple said he took it like normal." the disciple who sat across from auntie adds.

Madam Wang let's out a sigh, a slight shake to her head, "go to remind him that the party for him is tonight. Whatever he's toying with can wait." She says firmly. Mo Ran nods. He slides the door close, turning in his steps to go out the building. Once out he easily finds Mengmeng like a bird without their heads. With a smirk that spells trouble Mo Ran calls out.

"Mengmeng!" He shouts, smirk growing at the way his cousin jumps in his skin. Mo Ran can see his ruffled feathers. Xue Meng turns to him, face scrunching in discuss but Mo Ran can see a slight glint of relief in seeing him okay.

"You dog! When did you get back?" Xue Meng asks with a frown as he cross his arms over his chest.

"Just now. I'm heading to shizun." He says without much else. He continues to walk, waving goodbye to his dear cousin. After a few steps Xue Meng mind catches up.

"Wait. I'll go too!" He shouts. Mo Ran doesn't slow down but he also doesn't speed up, like he normally would have. As they walk to the Red Lotus Pavilion they bicker like always. Talk about their missions. Mostly Mo Ran does. Xue Meng has been staying behind to learn a bit about what it means to be a sect leader so Mo Ran has got more stories to talk about. Of course they bicker in between. Forgetting what they were talking about so moving on to different things. Ultimately going to the topic of things they want to show shizun.

Mo Ran let's Xue Meng ramble on and on about the things he wants to show or talk about with shizun, his mind going to actually seeing him. Of course he'll use the excuse that auntie sent him, to remind the Yuheng Elder that he has a party under his name to attend.

They both pause as they spot, to their surprise, Shi Mei waiting in front of the Red Lotus Pavilion doors. "Shi Mei!" Xue Meng shouts. Mo ran just stands with wide eyes. He... has, kind of, no idea how to act around him. He hasn't thought about Shi Mei since... after Xue Meng shouted at Mo Ran about Shizun death. After seeing Chu Wanning... he hasn't thought about Shi Mei, or talked to him for that matter. He hasn't changed. Still beautiful.

Shi Mei gives them a respectful bow and a smile. "Are you both here to see shizun?" He asks as if they'd be here for any other reason.

"Of course!" Xue Meng exclaims happily, jogging to Shi Mei. Mo Ran behind him.

Shi Mei does look sad and worried. Mo Ran has conflicting feelings, no love, that's long gone but he still cares for the man. "Something wrong?" He asks in concern.

Shi Mei looks at them both. With a slight nod he speaks, "I have been waiting for shizun to come out but he hasn't. I didn't even see a lantern being lit." Xue Meng and Mo Ran stand in silence.

"Have you been here all night?" Xue Meng wonders raising an eyebrow.

"I'd come and go, checking if shizun has left or not." Shi Mei answers. Mo Ran let's them talk. It's not much of a concern if their former teacher hasn't come out, the man is horrible at taking care of himself. Especially after hearing he got a package, the man most likely locked himself in his unclean, unorganized, non functioning room to build and tinker away.

But Shi Mei had said that not even a lantern was lit. Now that's unheard of. Silent, and now worried, Mo Ran walks forward. Leaving behind the other two, he pushes open the doors. That catches their attention.

"You undisciplined dog!"


Mo Ran walks in. Going past trees, ponds, gardens, and the pathway that leads to the front door of the building. If they wanted to they can go through the side directly to shizun room but that would be impolite. This at least will end with less yelling and lashing.

He knocks once. Then louder.

With no answer he slides the door open.

"Shizun!" Mo Ran shouts.

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