Open Eyes

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Mo Ran pulls Wanning close, his body warmer now. He moves his face into Wanning hair, smelling the haitang that is wholly Wanning smell. He feels so small in his arms. But of course he is in this body.

Mo Ran wraps his arms around Wanning lithe waist. His skin is normal temperature but since Wanning is usually cold he's burning. It's also very smooth. Mo Ran opens his eyes to see the sun begin to light the sky. Enough that he looks down to see Wanning pale shoulder. Beautiful. Mo Ran leans down place a soft kiss. Wanning lets out a soft hum, curling more into his usual fetus position. Mo Ran smiles, that means he's feeling better. He lets out a breath resting his head against Wanning.

Eyes closing, taking a breath in, happy Wanning doesn't seem to be in danger any more. But his mind goes to Wanning answers to his questions. He knows the man must have been delirious because he answered honestly and without lashing out. It's the most he's heard Wanning ever speak not outside of lectures. Mo Ran heart aches at what he heard.

Is that really how he sees himself?

How he feels?

He's so wrong. People do love him. They do want him to be around. Want him to live. He doesn't need to sacrifice himself, he doesn't need to jump into the front lines. But he will because he doesn't want anyone to hurt. He wants to protect everyone.

Mo Ran wants to protect him.

Knock! Knock!

"Mo-zongshi, your cousin has returned. He wants to talk you." A servant says loud but not enough to disturb Wanning resting. Mo Ran waits to see if Wanning has woke up but he continues to sleep rubbing his face into the pillow, which is Mo Ran arm. He lets out a sigh. He doesn't want to leave but also doesn't want to risk Wanning waking to them in a compromising position. But he's glad Wanning is better.

"I'll be out." Mo Ran answers. Carefully he moves his arm from under Wanning head. He dresses Wanning first then tucks him in. Moving his hair to rest on the side. Once Wanning is comfortable he quickly dresses himself.

When he's dressed he exits the room, spotting the maid patiently waiting outside the room. "The princess?" she asks.

Mo Ran smiles. "Better. Warm but still sleeping. I'm sure h-she'll wake soon." he answers. She nods, looking happy with the news. She turns to lead him to his cousin. He is lead to the dining room where his cousin, the mansion owner and Qing Su are sitting.

At the sight of his cousin Xue Meng stands up. "Shizun?"

"She's fine, not in danger but still hasn't woken up. The two men?"

"I handed them over to security. They are in jail for now, I made sure to warn them to not underestimate them." Xue Meng says sitting back down.

"Then we wait for shizun to wake, she's got all the answers." Mo Ran says joining them. Xue Meng frowns, eyes down to his plate of food. He's glad to hear shizun is fine but it's still worrying that he was hurt in the first place. But his teacher is strong so he'll patiently wait.

"After I eat I'll rest and head to the jail to check on the two men." Xue Meng says.

"Then I'll head to the jail while you rest to make sure." Mo Ran answers. The last thing either want is Wanning efforts going to waste.


Wanning slowly opens his eyes, blinking as his vision clears. The room is bright with light. Wanning looks around, he's not is the Red Lotus pavilion.

Right because he's on a mission.

Wanning turn around, a screen blocking his view. What is...?

Someone opens the door, slowly Wanning sits up. He's in the warm nightgown he's been given from the head of the household.

"Shizun!" Wanning snaps his head up looking at Mo Ran wide purple eyes. His features soften, he moves closer. "How are you feeling?" he asks grabbing the blanket and pulling it away to get a look at Wanning bare feet.

"Mo Weiyu!" Wanning exclaims flushing, moving to hide his feet. Mo Ran is stubborn, kneeling on the floor, shoving Wanning hands away.

"I need to check your feet. You ran in the snow without shoes on." he says firm, eyes focus on the task.

Snow? Without shoes?

The mission.

The basement.

Those men.

Wanning scoots closer looking at Mo Ran. "Mo Ran, what happen to those men?" he asks, eyes narrow but Mo Ran can see the worry in those honey orbs.

"In jail." Mo Ran says, fingers running over the soft skin of Wanning dainty feet, snow like skin, smooth to the touch. Almost. There's a bit of bruising from where the chain was on his leg. Taking it off took a while.

"The house...!" Wanning gets up, moving to get off the bed only squeaking when he lands on his foot wrong falling.

"Shizun, calm down." Mo Ran tells him as he help Wanning to his feet. "Breath."

Wanning takes a deep breath. Calming himself. He shouldn't get worked up. He looks up at Mo Ran, having to crane his neck up to see his face. "I'm calm." Wanning says. He moves around Mo Ran to another screen.

"Can you tell me what happen? Mengmeng is also worried. He brought the two to jail when-" Mo Ran pauses, having followed Wanning. Eyes bugging out as he sees Wanning stripping. He lets out a noise from the back of his throat.

"Mo Weiyu!" Wanning yelps out cover his breast.

"S-sorry!" Mo Ran exclaims, twisting around back on the other side of the screen. He clears his throat, having gotten a glimpse of Wanning pale skin getting a shade of light pink around his shoulders, ears and of course his cheeks before he turn away. Mo Ran scratches the back of his neck, cheeks warm with a blush himself. "So what happened?" Mo Ran asking, hearing cloth rubbing against cloth. This was never a problem before. 

"It's best I explain it at once to everyone. So I don't have to repeat myself." Wanning says sheepish about being seen.

"Ah, master Mo, are you hungry?" A maid walks in with a tray. "How is-princess!" She shouts almost dropping the tray but Mo Ran reflexes catch it. She must have seen the silhouette of Wanning. She rushes behind the screen. "Thank the gods you're awake." She says happily.

Mo Ran sets the tray on the table. Moving more things around for more space. Mo Ran can't help but find Wanning lack of organizing endearing. Not proud he once thought it annoying, along with many other things.

"Since you are awake the master would like to talk to you. He wants to know what happen." the maid explains.

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