The Beidou Immortal

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"Shizun?" Xue Meng questions with a head tilt. Did he hear that right?

"So that is Yuheng." Xue Zhengyong says setting the woman down carefully.

"That's the Beidou Immortal?"

"I thought he was a guy?"

"State your purpose." Chu Wanning announces having not gotten an answer. The group of six men stare wide eyed at him. It's not long after that do they start laughing. Chu Wanning feels his eyebrows twitch. This is new and unpleasant. "What business do you have with the Shisheng peak sect?" Wanning asks, standing straight, head held high. Still, he gets no answer, they do laugh harder. Wanning can feel his lips pointing down in a frown. Hands going into a tight fist.

"If you come with us little kitten we'll spare you." one says. A sword in hand.

"From what?" Wanning asks, deciding to ignore the unwanted nickname. Mo Ran jumps down from the roof standing behind Wanning but far enough to not get in the way. Mo Ran gives a murderous glare to the one who spoke but all their attention is on shizun.

"We are here to get what we want." another one says, eyes very focus on Wanning, his chest specifically. This one holds a spear.

"By force?" Wanning asks, head tilting to the side to size them up.

"Yes." A third one giggles, as if that's such an obvious answer. A guandao in his hand.

"I see. You have one chance, turn away now or reap the consequences of your action." Chu Wanning tells them, sounding high and mighty. They don't seem to like that tone from him as they frown at him.

"And why would we listen to you?" One sneers.

"I'm stronger than you." Chu Wanning says, haughty, even as he stares up at them. "Are you not taking my warning?" he asks.

"Well it's no fun if we don't break you in." the one with the sword says, a grin that would have anyone running for the hills. But they deal with far scarier creatures. The one with the spear and guandao look at each other, a grin splitting their face. Their eyes sparkle, both thinking the same thing. In a blink of an eye they charge towards Wanning, swinging their weapons at him. Swinging from either side of Wanning, who stood in the middle.

They have no real training. They are slow. Wanning dodges by jumping in between the blade. Once he lands on his feet, and the two attackers stand frozen, dumbfounded by the results. Wanning looks down at his body. It's more nimble than he remembers his body ever being.

With nothing left to say Wanning jumps forward, summoning his willow vine. After an effortless jump and swing of his arms he lands in front of the man who first spoke up. A shout coming from behind Wanning. The man looks up too see his two friends on their hands and knees, the back of their robe ripped and bleeding.

"Mercy?" He asks. Wanning can see the fear in his eyes.

"I gave you a chance at mercy, you didn't take it." He says, hand raising back.

Mo Ran could only watch as Wanning take on these much larger men. He's seen Wanning fight and battle with spirits, ghost, ghouls and even demons but never has he ever seen him fight another person. Besides himself. Mo Ran isn't the only one hypnotized by the way he move. Light on his feet. Moving side to side. Jumping. Twisting. Twirling. Dodging easily. As if in his hand isn't a holy weapon but a gold ribbon. He's not fighting but dancing while twirling a gold ribbon.

It's beautiful. It's breathtaking.

"I never thought I'd see Yuheng fight in person." One disciple whispers.

"I've only heard rumors." Another whispers.

They could not take their eyes off the fighting form of Chu Wanning. Easily fighting five men by himself with no help.

That being the case the fight doesn't last long. Ending far to quickly.

With five bodies, bloody and limp at his feet Wanning turns. Mo Ran feels his breath get knocked out his lungs. Wanning is beautiful. Of course he's changed but... those eyes haven't. The shape isn't so noticeable, no longer sharp phoenix eyes but softer phoenix eyes and those iris haven't changed . Wanning steps over a body, walking to them. Passing Mo Ran to Xue Zhengyong.

"Is everyone okay?" He asks.

"Thanks to you Yuheng." Uncle Xue smiles slapping a hand on his shoulder. Wanning just lets out a breath.

"What-?" Wanning stops at the sound of chains. He turns in time to see a grey blur then a tightness on his neck. Roughly he's pulled back. Mo Ran stares wide eye at Chu Wanning get choked, letting out a surprised choked sound. He falls to the ground, then gets dragged back. Another man, dressed similar to the bodies on the floor walk out the tree line. The chains around Wanning neck lead to him.

Damn meteor hammer.

Mo Ran steps forward but a chill down his spine stops him. He looks down to see Wanning glaring at him. A warning to stay out of it. With his warning received Wanning turns, getting on his feet. Showing everyone how much his body has changed.

Mo Ran blood boils. He wants to watch but also wants to blind everyone.

Wanning looks down at the chains around his neck. They are normal people. The weapons are not holy so... Wanning breaks the chains with qi. The man stares wide eyed, stopping in place. Silently Wanning summons Tianwen, it glows brightly. Wanning winds his arm back and with every ounce of strength he possesses, swings forward. The willow vine arching forward. The sound loud as it makes contact with the man. He is thrown back into the forest. Without another word Wanning rushes forward. Disappear into the foliage.

Mo Ran shivers at the distinct sound of a whip snapping. Memories of feeling that first hand coming to the front of his mind. Mo Ran turns to join his uncle and cousin ignoring the sound of trees falling. The disciples and civilians look at each other questioningly.

Then things go silent.

It doesn't take long for Wanning to emerge from the trees. Tianwen around the man as Wanning drags him back. Mo Ran eyes go down to the obvious red mark on Wanning pants, then taking a look at the bloody face of the man. Connecting the dots Mo Ran nods. He would have enjoyed seeing the man getting kneed in the face.

Wanning dumps the attackers body with the others. With them finished he walks back to the sect leader.

"So... what happened?" He asks, a frown on his face. More to do with getting interrupted than anything else.

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