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Mo ran watches as Wanning runs past him. Mind occupied as he takes in the state his beloved is in. He looks more pale than the last time they saw him, and they were separated for an hour or two, not long enough for such a drastic change.

Clank. Clank. Clank.

Mo Ran looks down to see a chain around Wanning ankle, already Mo Ran can spot purple forming around on his clear milky skin, it stands out so much. Also why on earth is Wanning barefoot? Who took his shoes?

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Mo Ran eyes grow large as Wanning runs on the snow, in his bare feet. Mo Ran knocks himself out of his daze. "Shizun!" Mo Ran shouts stepping forward, pausing to looks at his cousin. "Mengmeng take care of him here, I'll help shizun." He orders running before he finish the sentence.

Ignoring the "wait!" being shouted from his cousin.

He rushes after Wanning, luckily they don't get far before he catches up with them. "Shizun!" Mo Ran shouts but it goes on deaf ears as Wanning focuses on the man in front of him. Mo Ran has no clue what's going on but knows it's bad if Wanning is staring at the man they are chasing ready to bring him to the underworld himself, of course after punishing him.

Wanning jumps at the man, bringing both of them down into the large pile of powder snow. Mo Ran rushes to them as he see them scuffle.

"You bitch!" The man shouts.

"Give up!" Wanning shouts. "Face the punishment for your crimes! I know what you've done!" Wanning shouts in a growl making a shiver go down Mo Ran spine. Not feeling uncomfortable about the shiver. He shakes his head, getting closer, he shouldn't be thinking that at the moment.

"Forget the foreplay I should have killed you earlier." The man says and Mo Ran sees the man slap Wanning who holds his face. Eyes narrow deep in a glare, a murderous glare. The man pales a bit at the look, knowing he may have just made a huge mistake. He turns and rushes forward trying to get away from Wanning but even the gods couldn't help him anymore.

Especially not with the way Mo Ran blood boils and his mind almost going back to the mindset of Taxian-jun. The man has the audacity to take Wanning shoes, showing the world his cute little feet and toes, puts a chain on his delicate ankle, makes him chase his ass through the snow and slaps Wanning. His Wanning. His Chu-Fei. Doesn't he know Chu Wanning is sensitive to the cold?

"Mo Ran stop!" Mo Ran snaps his head up, Taxian-jun disappearing as he stares at Chu Wanning honey eyes glowing from the moonlight. They are serious but he can see the worry in them. Mo Ran blinks, what happen? He does stop, pausing as he looks at Wanning questioningly. Wanning doesn't answer but instead turns to the man still slowly running away. "Enough playing!" Wanning shouts, a golden light coming from his hand. Tianwen.

Wanning takes a step back, winding his arm, then steps back forward throwing his arm roughly as the golden vine follows his motion, flying through the air like a serpent. Flying until it reaches the man, wrapping around him like string around a stick. The man starts floundering around, scared out of his mind. That's understandable. Even Mo Ran would react like that.

Wanning pulls him as he screams. "Mo Ran!" Wanning shouts throwing him towards Mo Ran who acts fast catching the man. When Mo Ran looks towards Wanning for an answer he sees Wanning just fall. Mo Ran eyes grow larger, what just happened? Where did Wanning go?

With a motion of his hand, two fingers to the man neck and he falls limp, unconscious. Tosses him to the side as he rushes forward. As soon as Mo Ran gets close, he feels the ground beneath him give a bit. Quickly he moves the snow covering the floor to see what's he's stepping on, only for him to go a bit pale. Ice. Thin ice.

They are standing on a lake, maybe even a pond. Knowing Wanning weakness is cold he rushes forward to the spot Wanning was to see a hole. A large one. Quickly he summons Jiangui, trying to use it as a fishing line, going as fast as he can. Trying to reach Wanning fast.

Luck is on his side cause it doesn't take long for Wanning to be fished out. Cold and dripping wet. Mo Ran calms a little down when Wanning coughs water out, but it doesn't help that Wanning has gone a blue pale. He pulls Wanning flush against himself hoping his natural body heat will help warm Wanning even if it's a little bit.

With Wanning in his arms Mo Ran makes his way off the ice and to more solid ground. Wanning is carefully carried in his arms as the man is dragged behind like a sack of rice. He rushes back to the house seeing Xue Meng waiting for them. He smiles at the sight of his violet eyed cousin but Mengmeng's smile turn to a frown when he spots Wanning in his arms looking close to a ghost.

"What happened?" He asks getting close ready to take shizun in his own arms but Mo Ran shoves the man into his cousin arms. Mengmeng stares shocked, blinking owlish.

"Take care of this here, I need to warm up Shizun." He commands in a serious tone Xue Meng has no choice but to obey.

He watches as his cousin summons his sword. Mo Ran gets on it and zooms away. Xue Meng can't say much about it as he hopes his cousin gets back to the main house fast. He can question Mo Ran about what happened later, once he's finished here.

Xue Meng looks around. What is he supposed to do? Both of these guys won't be waking up anytime soon. And he doesn't even know what happened here, both Mo Ran and Wanning are gone so he can't ask them. Guess for now he can take them in. If shizun was choking one and chased the other they couldn't be good, add in the fact one of them kidnapped shizun in the first place that's enough to cause some worry. He'll need to make sure this house isn't disturbed. He's sure shizun would like to take another look at it. Maybe even the head of the Qing family.

For now he'll get these two guys to a prison.

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