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Mo Ran was there to sent Wanning and Qing Su off. Thinking he might as well take the time to he cleans the Red Lotus Pavilion. Dusting. Wiping. Organizing the whole place for when Wanning gets back. Even putting away Wanning new clothes. There was so much that needed to be cleaned that Mo Ran spent the whole day cleaning.

But that's done with and now he's sitting with his aunt, who sat making something, as he twitch and thumb his legs.

"Ran-er." His aunt calls his name in warning.

"Yes?" Mo Ran asks innocently, looking at her.

"Stop twitching. You're shaking the table." she asks taking a break and focusing on him. "What's wrong?"

"It's..." Mo Ran looks away, wondering how he'll explain this and not sound desperate. Or expose his true feelings. "I'm worried about shizun." he ends up saying. "He just got back." he adds. The two sit in silence. Madam Wang taking in her nephews feelings. Of course he would worry about his teacher, the same teacher who died for him. She knew about the strain in their relationship. At some point it had gotten bad but Mo Ran never made a request to change his teacher and Wanning never gave a request to stop teaching him so it wasn't her place. Now that he's older, and aware of the sacrifice Mo Ran has plenty to talk about. Madam Wang opens her mouth to say something but Mo Ran continues, "and... I haven't gotten the chance to talk to him yet." he says looking glum.

Wang waits a moment, to make sure that's the last thing he wants to say before saying, "he'll be back, you can talk to him then."

Mo Ran frowns, looking down at his lap. "It's important." he says. From his tone its sounds like it.

Curious she asks, "what's the talk about?" Mo Ran looks at his aunt then turns away. Unsure if he should tell her. He hasn't been the easiest, and though they care Mo Ran has always been selfish. He did what he wanted when he wanted. He broke the rules because he wanted to. At first they were a mistake but after a while he got bitter because it seem like no matter what he did he broke some sort of rule. He's been trying to be better, mostly for Wanning but for uncle and auntie too. Mo Ran has done enough to step on their feet and kindness. The last thing he wants is to make them think less of him. If what he's done before hasn't then this certainly will.

Though, maybe he can simplify it. He doesn't have to tell her in detail. "I wanted to... thank and apologize to shizun. I... have reflected on my actions and now I know I wasn't the easiest teenager or a good disciple. Even then he saved me. Lost his life for me. Maybe we can start anew?" he shrugs his shoulders. It's just a thought.

"Hmm... I see." Madam Wang says. She looks away, at the sight Mo Ran heart drops. She thinks less of him. Why wouldn't she, he's dragged her and uncles name through the mud with his actions. It's about time he gets what he deserves. They have tried to get close, they've happily welcomed him in, it was all Mo Ran who didn't accept their kindness. "That sounds important." she says very softly. She turns to him. A bright smile on her face. "You've grown into a very good man." She says. Mo Ran heart flutters a bit at the compliment. "I'm proud." Mo Ran eyes begin to water. "If that's the case then go after them. I'm sure once the mission is over you both will have plenty of time to talk on your way back. If asked tell Yuheng I was worried. It's true that I am but we all know how he is." She says. Eyes serious as they look at him. Mo Ran smiles so big it about splits his face.

"No fair I want to talk to shizun too!" Xue Meng cuts in, pouting at them. Both forgetting he was even in the room. Mo Ran feels his cheeks warm a bit at the fact his cousin heard everything.

"Meng-er." She calls his name in warning. "You can talk to Yuheng when he gets back."  She says.

Mo Ran lets out a chuckle. "It's fine. I'll race you. See which one of us packs faster. If I get to the gate first I'm leaving you behind." Mo Ran says standing. Xue Meng eyes widen, mouth agape. Mo Ran rushes out the room.

"Hey wait!" Xue Meng rushes to his feet, running after his cousin. She can hear her son's feet against the floor. His cries getting further and further away.

Wang couldn't help but smile. Those two have gotten closer but not by much. Some progress is better than none. She knows those two, on some level, need each other. She wish Mo Ran came into their lives earlier. The two needed a brother figure. Though some things are better late than never.

She stands up, heading to the steps to wait. She wants to send them off. As she makes her way she looks at the blue sky. A smile on her face, content with the way things are. Very glad Mo Ran opened up to her. Happy to see him grown up, a good man with a good heart. Sad it took Wanning to die for that but he's back with them. Things will be better now.

For so long she was worried about him. His sleeping around and stealing. He also never told them anything, always keeping his feelings a secret. She wanted him to open up. They are family, but they can't force things.

It's different now. She smiles as she spots Mo Ran walking to her. He looks up easily spotting her. He gives her a smile. "Auntie?" He questions.

"I wanted to send you off." She says, he gives her a nod. "Are you sure it's okay Meng-er join? Wouldn't you want to have some privacy with Yuheng?" She asks.

He shakes his head, "it's fine. Mengmeng could follow me anyways. Nothing was really stopping him from following me. I'm sure I'll find some time to talk. Mengmeng won't be with us the whole time." He shrugs.

"Then come back safely." She says waving. Mo Ran waves back as he starts descending the stairs.

He's far down when Xue Meng shows up. "Is he gone?" He asks exasperated. Madam Wang nods.

"He just descended." She adds. He perks at that. His eyes sparkle.

"Then I'll be back." He smiles at his mother. Quickly turning to the stairs. He starts running down them, going two at a time.

Madam Wang waves at him. "Be careful!" She shouts at him, not sure he hears it. She stands there by herself, eyes on the empty path. Both have grown into fine men. She's proud. She knows Yuheng must be too even if he hasn't seen much yet. He will.

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