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Chu Wanning finally opens his eyes, finally safe to do so now that the man left the room. Wanning sits up on the cold floor. He covers his nose at the putrid smell of death. Something died here, or someone. Maybe he is on the right track.

Wanning looks down at his bare feet, a chain wrapped around his ankle. He lifts the skirt to see his ankle better, it's not too tight but it's noticeable. He moves the chain to see how long it is, he finds the other end bolted to the wall. He's got a lot of length to explore but would this be enough?

One way to find out. He takes a look around, a basement big enough to hide a whole family. But it's empty. There isn't even a small window to air this place out. The only way out is up the stairs to the door, which are locked from what Wanning has heard when the man left. The walls are thick, no light is coming in besides the small lantern and he can't hear anything from the outside. Anything beyond the door is unheard. And then there's the stench. It's heavy and stronger on the other side. Further into the basement.

Even if this isn't the ghost he should still investigate.

Wanning takes a breath. That's the only place he hasn't explored yet. It may answer some questions. He still doesn't understand what is going on and what that man has to do with this. And who is even doing this in the first place? The man didn't seem like he's possessed. If anything he seemed normal with how much trouble he had with carrying Wanning on his back.

He's here now so he'll solve it.

Wanning pauses, a gasp escaping his lips. His eyes widen at the sight. There is blood everywhere, chunks of skin and other body parts on the floor. A massacre happened. And it didn't happen recently, even with the horrible lighting Wanning can see there are large spots of dried blood. What happened here? With this much carnage none of the woman can still be alive. But with this much carnage where are the bodies? Not even a bone has been found from the victims.

Wanning takes a steps forward but recoils. He snaps his head down to see he's reached the chains limits. He turns to see where the small lantern is, going to where it is but not able to reach it with the chain. He looks down, should he break it off? But if he acts to quick he may not get all the answers. He should wait. For now. Until he gets the information he needs.

"She's beautiful shizun, more than the others?" Wanning hears coming from the door and the sound of the door being unlocked. Wanning looks around, what's the best move? If the other victims have been woman from the city he must act like one.

But how does he do that? 

How do women act? How does a normal person act in this situation? Scared of course. Even confused? Scared is the main emotion. Quickly Wanning goes back to the spot he was set down. How does one act? Oh, Chu Wanning has never been good at acting or faking. Hiding his emotion he's been good at and has perfected it.

The door is opened, Wanning can see two pairs of feet walking down the stairs. A thought comes to him. Maybe he should present to be asleep still. Then again what's he better at, pretending to be scared or pretending to be asleep?

It's all too late as Wanning makes eye contact with one of his captures. There's an evil light to his eyes and the way he's looking at him makes Wanning skin crawl and want to hide away, out of his eyesight. Wanning has never felt this way under a person's gaze let alone a ghost.

"You're right, she is beautiful. A million times more than the others. It'd be a waste to just jump into it." The other man says. Wanning looks at him. Others? So they did this. By themselves? No ghosts? Two humans did all that carnage? Instinctively Wanning backs up, falling back down to the floor, putting as much space as he can between them. Both men are looking at her with the same look in their eyes. He can't place the look because its not murderous but its not good and Wanning doesn't like it. The men get closer.

"Look at her skin, it looks as if it's glowing even in the dimly lit basement." the other (the disciple?) says, looking amazed.

Wanning jumps feeling something on his leg, looking he sees the man pushing up the skirt, exposing his untouched skin. Wanning acts fast as his cheeks warm. Fast he slaps the older man hand hard, hoping it hurts. "Don't touch." Wanning warns glaring at him. The man smiles, not at all threatened by Wanning.

"This is going to be fun. She's a princess alright." the disciple claps, a large grin on his face.

"I look forward to hearing you scream." he says talking to Wanning who eyes narrow even further. Then turns to the disciple, "let's make a plan. This needs to last longer." he says. The disciple nods as his master stands. Turning around to head back to the stairs.

"She's going to last a while." the disciple adds getting one last look at Wanning before shutting the door.

Wanning lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding. His breaths coming in quick and out just as fast, in and out. What was that? Wanning doesn't know normal but that cannot be normal. What is wrong with them? What is their plan? What do they do?

Wanning closes his eyes. Taking a deep breath in then a big exhale out. Calming his heart. He's dealt with worse, with actual demons, two deranged humans should be no problem.

How should he get answers?

Chu Wanning turns his head to the bloody area.

Maybe he should asks the victims? A couple of them, if not all of them, must have become a ghost. He can try to talk to them. Hopefully the ghosts aren't to mindless and in anguish to talk.

And hopefully Mo Ran and Xue Meng don't jump in too early. At least not before he has gotten the answers.

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