Aunt Wang

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Mo Ran takes a step forward, stretching as he makes his way down the path that leads to the Red Lotus Pavilion. There should be nothing going on today. He just got back and Wanning just woke up. He should have enough time to talk to shizun.

He would have tried making conversation during the party but he spent it drinking while watching Wanning the whole time. He seem very content to sit by himself and watch the others enjoy themselves. Mo Ran caught Wanning cracking a smile, a very small one, every now and then when someone was being goofing. Those small smiles would then be hidden by a drink or munching on food. Mo Ran is so happy he caught them. Feeling almost lucky.

Mostly everyone one was busy stepping on eggshells, looking at Yuheng every now and again as if asking permission. Like a child silently asking their mother for permission to go play with their friends. Wanning always made sure to be doing something and not making eye contact. Mo Ran at one point could not help but glare at some of the elders openly ogling Yuheng. Who of course ignored the stares.

"Ran-er?" Mo Ran pauses at the voice. Turning around he spots auntie behind him. She smiles stepping up, standing next to him. She gives him a smile. "Heading to Yuheng?" She wonders.

"Yes." Mo Ran smiles as they continue to walk down the path. "I want to talk to shizun about something." He says. Auntie just smiles, nodding her head, assuming they will talk about what to do now that he's old enough to no longer need a teacher. "You?" Mo Ran asks curious to what auntie is doing. She hardly walks around.

"I just wanted to talk to Yuheng about something." She smiles. Mo Ran is curious and wants to ask more but that would be rude to do. He has no business knowing what they will be talking about. So Mo Ran stays silent. "How was your mission?" Madam Wang asks to fill the silence.

"It went really well. Traveling has helped hone my skills. Especially with Jiangui." He smiles at auntie. She smiles back before turning away, eyes on the ground.

"When will your next mission be?" She asks, sadness heavy in her voice. Mo Ran pauses at that. He's never heard her be sad, he and auntie don't have much of a relationship. They don't hang out with each other a lot.

"I... don't know. That depends on what shizun and I discuss." Mo Ran answers honestly. Madam Wang nods at his answers, after a minute she lets out a sigh. She turns her face to Mo Ran, eyes boring straight through his own even though Madam Wang has to tilt her head up to look at him.

"Don't be gone for too long, we all miss you here. Even Meng-er, even though he doesn't say it he cares. He's... lonely. He misses you and Shi Mei. With both of you busy doing your duties he feels left behind." She says. Mo Ran swallows the lump in his throat.

He's truly an asshole. Why did he hate everyone? Why was he so bad? Horrible? Why did he enjoy watching the world burn and people bow to his feet? And worst of all his Chu Fei did as much as he can to save as many lives as he can. But Mo Ran wanted him to crumble into dust. And that's what happen. But Chu Fei never surrendered.

"I'll stay a little longer. I do want to rest after non stop traveling." Mo Ran answers after a long pause. 

Madam Wang smiles, giving a small chuckle. "Of course. You must be tired." she says. Mo Ran gives her a smile, a true genuine smile.

They finally come to the Red Lotus Pavilion. Just in time to see the door open. Walking out is Wanning, in his cultivator robes. The male ones. Mo Ran can not keep his eyes from roaming from head to toe. Taking in the sight of his teacher. Wanning pauses, having spotted them.

"M-Madam Wang and... Mo Ran." he says, surprise to see them here. Together. "Good morning." He bows to them.

"Yuheng." Madam Wang calls his name exasperated. Wanning straightens looking at her bewildered. They just meet and he's done something wrong already.

"Madam-?" Wanning starts but gets interrupted by the madam grabbing his arm and pulling him back into the pavilion.

"I told you to wear the outfits I gave you yesterday." She says upset with him.

"Are they not for special occasions? And during missions wouldn't wearing my cultivation robes be better?" He wonders. Mo Ran stands watching Wanning get pulled back. After a few blinks Mo Ran follows them inside.

As he enters the two have disappeared. Must be in Wanning room. Mo Ran, being polite waits for them to finish. He's sitting at the table waiting. As he's doing so he looks around. The place is in an urgent need to get dusted. This place hasn't been used in five years. Guess no one thought that It'd need to be cleaned. There are spider webs forming everywhere.

Knowing the rumors that still go around no one is going to willingly come here to clean while Wanning is living here. Maybe Mo Ran will take a day to clean the place. He'll put it on a list of 'gestures to do as an apology to Chu Wanning.'

Hearing a knock on the door, and knowing the two are still busy, Mo Ran stands up. Going to answer. Another knock sounds, this one sounds more frantic than the first. Not even a second later another desperate knock is sound. Mo Ran picks his step up, answering the door before another knock is sound.

The disciple is surprised by Mo Ran being there. Obviously not looking for him. Mo Ran can see the sweat down his forehead. He ran here. "Something wrong?" He asks.

"Is Chu Wanning or Madam Wang here?" He asks instead.

"Yeah why?" Mo Ran asks hoping he doesn't get ignored this time.

"The woman is awake. The one from yesterday!" He says loudly.

"Really?" Mo Ran snaps his head to look at the new voice. He finds Chu Wanning standing there in the same outfit as yesterday. Hair the same as usual, not like yesterday, but in the ponytail Wanning always wears. Nevertheless, Wanning is beautiful, especially up close.

"Yes. Sect leader sent me to get you both." He says knocking Mo Ran out his daze of staring like a creep.

"Madam Wang-!" Wanning turns to call her but she's already standing behind him.

"I heard let's hurry." Madam Wang pushes them all out the door. All four hurry out the pavilion, sprinting to the main building. Mo Ran keeps an eye on Wanning from the corner of his eye. Not able to get over just how breathtaking he is.

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