Skin Contact

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Mo Ran flies through the sky, Wanning held close to his chest. Tight in his arms, secure to make sure he doesn't move in his arms as they fly as fast as Mo Ran can through the sky. It's worrying how much Wanning is shivering, no matter how close he's holding the other to his warmer body. The wind is not helping as they fly through the sky.

He lands and rushes in, running to Wanning room. A servant following him to wonder what happen and how she can help. Something that Mo Ran saw are the people in this household seem to love and truly care for Wanning. Though it helps Wanning face hasn't been in a perpetual frown like it usually is. He has actually shown facial expressions, though slightly not fully. A small grin here, a small cute pout there.

"Quickly I need blankets and the room needs to be hot, like a sauna." Mo Ran commands the two maids. He goes into Wanning room, he lets out a puff because of course it's messy with papers, books, and clothes. He moves fast but careful of the objects on the floor as he makes his way to Wanning bed. About to set him down but thinks about changing him.

... her.

"We will change her if you'll wait behind the screen?" The oldest servant says from behind Mo Ran, making him jump in his skin. He turns to her already prepared with cozy warm clothes. He nods not wanting to fight these ladies on this. He hands over Wanning to the women who have everything. One goes to make the room warmer. Another with extra and thicker blankets. Two woman including the older one one work on undressing Wanning. Mo Ran goes behind the screen waiting for them to finish.

He had to remind himself this isn't really his Wanning. At least this body. It's one thing if he had his body before this happened to him, his male body. They wouldn't really blink at Mo Ran willing to help but these women don't know their relationship nor can they. Even Wanning has no idea who he was as Taxian-jun. He wants to keep it that way.

"We are finished." The woman says. Mo Ran goes to Wanning side. He looks so beautiful, no matter what. His ink black hair bringing out the whiteness of his skin. It's looking less blue unlike his lips, still a bit purple. But at least now he's under a mountain of blankets. Even the room is getting more warm. He even spot a woman warming the feet of the bed with some coal. He can only wait as this warms him.

"What happened?" A woman asks looking worried for Wanning. If he remembers correctly she is the one Wanning usually has tending to him.

"He- she fell in a frozen lake or pond while confronting..." Mo Ran pauses. He actually doesn't know who Wanning was confronting but he knows it was someone who did something bad.

"Did you guys find the ghost going after all the woman?" Another one asks hopeful. This grabbing the others attention. All eyes are now on Mo Ran.

"I'm not sure. We got separated but he-Wanning was very serious about catching someone. My cousin is with them, now. He should be bringing them right now, I had to get Wanning here fast." He explains mind a little broken. So much has happened and he's not sure what's really going on. He doesn't even know if he should be trusting them. But he's got no choice because they are keeping Wanning warm.

"I'll go tell the madam." One woman says rushing out the room.

"I'll tell the master." The older servant says calmly leaving the room.

"Are you alright?" A woman asks, looking at him worried. Kindness. All these people are so kind. It's a wonder someone as kind as Wanning fit in with these people, why he let out small smiles so easily. He knows no one treats Wanning like this. Or even him. Uncle has made a wonderful cultivation sect but he can't control how everyone acts. There are assholes. Even to an elder like Wanning. Mo Ran being one of those assholes. To have missed the many kind acts of Chu Wanning, not until it's too late. With what feels like a third chance he's not going to make that mistake again. He's got to be an idiot to let that happen.

"I'm fine." He gives a smile but there's no heart in it. The woman understands, someone important is not well, who would be okay?

"Would you like something warm as you wait, at the very least? You all were gone for so long." She says. Mo Ran nods. Now that he's not moving or worrying the snow has started to melt on his clothes making it rather cold. No wonder he couldn't warm up Wanning by himself.

"Thank you." He nods. She bows, turning away to do her job. The woman comes back just before Qing Su comes barging into the room, manners thrown out the window in search for answers. An older man behind her but much calmer. He gives a curious nod to Mo Ran, then his eyes land on Wanning. He stands there. A bit shocked. Qing Su throws herself to Wanning. If Mo Rn didn't know he'd think she is Wanning younger sister.

"What happened?" She asks looking at Mo Ran for answers.

"Wanning fell in a frozen lake."

"Did she find the ghost responsible?" The older man asks, who Mo Ran just realized must be the family head.

"You're going to need to wait till Wanning wakes up. My cousin and I got separated from Wanning. When we tracked him down to some hidden house Wanning was fighting already. She will have the answers." Mo Ran says firmly more than sure that's true. Wanning always has the answers.

"What about your cousin?" The man asks.

"He should be on his way with two suspects."

"So we can only wait." The man says. Mo Ran nods. "Then I'll return to my room." He says walking back out. Qing Su yawns. Nodding in agreement. There is nothing much they can do.

Mo Ran waits with a cup of tea. Waiting and waiting for Wanning to wake up but nothing. He reaches forward placing the back of his hand to Wannings cheek, shivering at how cold Wanning is still, even after all this time. Mo Ran frowns. He should be warmer.

What's wrong? Wanning can not die like this. He and Xue Meng were so close. Mo Ran was right there, he will not allow this.

But what can he do to warm up Wanning?

Flashes of cuddling with a sick Wanning flashes his mind.

He doesn't need to think anymore. Mo Ran stands, "you both can leave. I'll take care of Wanning. Knock and ask for permission to enter." He commands the woman. Who both look confused until they see him started to take off his outer robes. Their eyes widen then look at Wanning. Looking back between both of them. They blush before nodding, exiting the room, closing the door behind them.

Mo Ran doesn't strip until he's fully naked, just in his undergarments, but his torso is completely bare. The room is warm as he moves the blankets off Wanning, he takes a breath and prays Wanning won't get too upset. He strips Wanning of his clothes. With Mo Ran hands on him, Wanning looks smaller than normal.

Mo Ran takes a second to stare at the mounds on Wannings chest, covered by the undergarments. He lets out a breath, telling himself he needs to warm Wanning not defile him. That can come later, some other time, when they've talked. He moves quick so he doesn't see anything he's not suppose to, letting Wanning have some face.

Mo Ran sets their clothes on top of the blankets adding to it. Then he moves in to spoon Wanning, shivering at how cold Wanning's skin feels against his own.  Mo Ran grits his teeth, pulling Wanning closer, flush against his skin. Bare skin touching bare skin.

"This is to help you Wanning." Mo Ran whispers in Wanning ear. Laying his face against Wanning. He wraps his arms around the cold of Wanning cold torso, around his thin waist.

Wanning smells sweeter, the haitang smell stronger. He's always liked Wanning smell. How could he ever think he hated this man?

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