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There is something peaceful in watching a house of card getting doomed by my own hand

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There is something peaceful in watching a house of card getting doomed by my own hand. I have been building these cards only to break them by own hands. Most people think that I am crazy but they won't understand that this is my calming mechanism. I have to keep myself calm today.

"Dude seriously you are still sitting here. Malhotaras has already reached the venue and waiting for us. Move your ass now."

I smirked. They are waiting. They should wait, not only for me but also for their damnation that will come through my hand.

"Don't beat yourself up Rudra. They won't complaint. They are lucky that they are getting a chance to meet me before they will meet their creator."

I started walking out of my office and Rudra follow me.

"Listen Vihaan I know that there is bad blood between you two but you really need them for your deal with Kim Sungs. You have to form your present strategy according to your future goals."

I nodded at him and step out of elevator. I invited them for meeting at a restaurant infront of my office. Obviously I was not going to invite those fuckers in my office. They don't deserve this much from me too but I have to compromise for the sake of my plans.

I entered the restaurant and saw the man who helped my bastard father. VINAY MALHOTARA. I compose myself enough and sit on the chair. I just want this meeting to end as soon as possible before I break his jaw. There are not enough words to describe my hate for this man.

Vinay smiled and asked with smugness." To what do we owe this pleasure to finally meet Vihaan Oberoi".

I lose my tie and looked at him. He came here with his brother Virat. They both look like they know I want something from them.

"We want to collaborate with you for the Kim Sung project. We know that you guys also want this deal so I see no issue from your side." Rudra stated in his no-nonsense tone.

Their eyes shine with something like victory. Like they finally got us.

"My my. How the mighty have fallen?" he said mockingly.

"I won't lie Vihaan but I'm truly shocked. Never thought the day will come when you will ask me of something. Now, I can't deny you, can I? Afterall you are my old partners son."

That motherfucker is deliberately baiting me to react so that he can mock me further. But I will not fall into his trap. I keep my mouth shut and expression detached although Im barely able to control my fury.

"Mr. Malhoatra I dont see any necessity to bring up old matters. We are only asking for your collaboration for this project and I expect you to deal with this professionally. And yes I would like to advise you to not provoke Vihaan because I can guarantee you will not like the consequences." Rudra said calmly.

This is the reason why I make Rudra my right hand. He always knows how to handle those who make me furious. Handling people calmly comes naturally to him. On the other hand, I can barely maintain my composure around annoying people. Contradictory to what people think, I don't have anger issues. They are just dumb and dont know what they are saying.

Vinay Malhotara straightened himself and starts speaking or I would rather say start his garbage talk.

"Well I'm onboard for this project but I have one condition."

AGAIN that word condition. I'm already sick of this word. And who told that sleazy bag of a man that he is in any position for putting down his condition. He should thank to almighty that he got to collab with me.

"What condition and why?" Rudra asked with narrowed eyes.

"I want Vihaan to marry my daughter. Think this as an insurance for me. I don't trust you people and I need some strong guarantee for ensuring that I won't regret this deal."

MARRY HIS DAUGHTER. Yeah sure when pigs can fucking fly. Not in my dreams I would make a bond with anyone related to fucking Malhotaras.

Now I laughed and said "You can shove your deal into your ass and fuck off"

He just smirked and I cursed myself for giving him a reaction.

"I'm giving you time until tomorrow. Think about it and Vihaan you don't have any alternative keep this in mind." said Vinay.

With that he left with his brother.

"We don't have any other option Vihaan" Rudra stated with his head between his hands.

"I'm not marrying his daughter. I don't want a wife and no less than a Malhotara."

"Just do this for the time period of deal and then you both can separate your ways."

"You are saying like she will agree to it in a minute."

"From what I know she didn't have any better relation with her family. So yes I think she will agree with your plan"

I read about her on the internet. SHARVARI MALHOTARA. There is no scandal left that isn't associated with her. She is always in a limelight because of her night activities and of course her surname. I know her father only want to transfer her burden so that his image will not get tarnished anymore. Asshole.

I exhaled frustratingly and said the words that I loathe.

"Tell them tomorrow we are ready for deal."

Start your back-counting Vinay Malhotara. I'm going to destroy everything that is connected to you. EVERYTHING.

MY MISTAKE (MINE SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now