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"Vihaan get out

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"Vihaan get out." I shout at him and he just grins.

"No way. We haven't fucked in the last 24 hours. I'm not waiting." He reply as he comes behind me in the shower.

"We don't have time. We'll be late." I say glaring at him.

"It won't be long. I promise." He says as he picks me up and I lock my legs around his waist and hands around his neck. He slams into me placing his one hand under my ass and other on the wall. He starts thrusting powerfully.

"Ohhh!!" I moans against his lips.

"Fuck I miss your heat fireball. You are made for me." he grunts as he speeds up his thrusts. My orgasm start building after some time and I came all over his dick. He follows too soon after.

I stand on my wobbly feet and Vihaan starts washing me. He loves doing this. Washing me from top to bottom. He says he likes touching me 24/7 so why miss these moments. Some time I laugh at his talks and other time I feel warmth in my heart. After that day in his office we become more close. Now I can freely accept my feelings because I know Vihaan is here for me.

We both step out from bathroom and goes to our section in walk in closet.

"Wear something casual. Don't come with me like a business tycoon." I say while wearing my dress.

"I'm sure Savi maa will love me even if I wear joker costume." He reply.

"Oh hubby you don't need a costume for that." I say laughing.

"Is there any moment when you give rest to your extra smart mouth." He says in a bored tone. Vihaan is now become habitual of my sassy talks. But still I love talking back to him.

"Yes when it is busy with other activities." I wink at him.

"You'll be death of me fireball." He groans.

I fix my hair and apply my fragrance. We are going to meet Savi maa today. I never thought I'll ever bring someone with me to meet her but I want Vihaan to meet her. They both are special for me.

We already informed maa that we'll be out for the day. Maa is so happy these days seeing us. She said she prayed to god for our marriage to be successful. I thanked god for giving me such great peoples in my life.

We were driving for 2 hours straight and finally we reach the care unit. I told Vihaan to park the car and I'll meet him at the entrance. I call the security and ask them about anything happening weird but they assure me that everything is normal. I see Vihaan coming my way.

"Is everything alright?" he asks placing his hand on my back.

"Yes." I reply and we both move inside. I check with receptionist and she told me that Savi maa is awake.

"Hey Savi maa." I go inside her room and greets her.

"Sharu beta. I was waiting for you. Come sit." I smile and sit beside her. She talks about random things and I engage with her.

MY MISTAKE (MINE SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now