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I remember I read somewhere that sometimes we don't know how we feel or rather we know but don't want to accept it so we keep ourselves in denial

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I remember I read somewhere that sometimes we don't know how we feel or rather we know but don't want to accept it so we keep ourselves in denial. I never faced this issue because I always know how I feel. Love for my family. Hate for my enemies. But as I look Sharvari sleeping beside me I can't comprehend what I feel for her. I always prided myself to be a clear head person but now this girl has messed up my mind. She wasn't supposed to affect me this much. But somehow she is affecting me no matter how much I keep myself in denial.

She stir in her sleep and open her eyes. She looks around herself and finally at me as realisation dawn upon her.

"How long have you been staring at me?" she ask while sitting up. The blanket drop down from her chest revealing my art work on her breasts. I noticed that Sharvari didn't shy away from nakedness. She is confident in her own body.

"I'm not staring. And you have been asleep for past 3 hours." I reply to her. Damn my marks looks too good on her skin.

"What? 3 hours. That means it is evening. Aunty must be worried about us." she screeches.

"Relax woman. I already informed her that well be late."

"Oh then its good. Let me go fresh up and change." She goes to bathroom only to come out shouting next minute.

"Vihaan you fucking jerk. You gave me hickeys all over my body. How can I go like this now?" she asks while throwing a pillow at my face.

"What? It looks good on your skin. Red suits you fireball. And you also mark my skin so we are equal." I say while showing her my back where she clawed at me and my neck where she bit me.

"Well mine is difficult to hide as I don't wear business suits like you." She glares at me.

"So don't hide then. What we did was consensual and now you have to bear the results." I say smirking.

"You asshole. And what with you and all the stunt you pulled with Zayn." She asks while applying concealer on her marks.

"I didn't do anything. He was looking at you in a wrong way." I reply curtly. When I saw two of them hugging and talking at the temple my vision instantly got red. I feel burning in my veins.

"And since when did you start caring about these things. Wait a minute. Are you jealous?" she asks me with mouth open.

"No. Why would I be jealous?" I say shrugging.

"Oh then good as I was planning to have a dinner with Zayn. He is a good man."

Before she can further say anything I choke her throat and pin her down on the mirror.

"Careful fireball. Don't test my limits. And you are not having dinner with that fucker or any other man." I says darkly.

"I was right then. You are jealous." She says with a victory grin.

I narrows my eyes on her and tight my hold while pinching her nipple with my other hand. She gasps loudly and bite her lips. I turn her towards the mirror so that he can see standing behind him choking her.

"Eyes on the mirror." I order while biting her ear. She holds my gaze in the mirror and clutches my biceps hard. I thrust into her from behind and she screams. I'm not planning to fuck her again this soon but she always make me do unthinkable.

"Fuck fireball you are so tight. Look at you strangling my cock." I say while pounding into her mercilessly. She moans my name and increase my pace further. She feels too good. And god her look when he whimpers and moans. I can feel her on the verge as her body starts shaking. I rub her clit and pinch it as she came. I also follow her soon after and shoots my load into her.

After controlling our breathing I pulled out and we both clean ourselves.

"We didn't use protection both the times. Don't you think you are careless?" she asks while draping her saree.

Yes I did realise that I forget to use the protection because I was too eager to sink myself into her heat. But I didn't find myself worrying about the consequences. It never happens with me earlier.

"Do we have a problem?" I ask her.

"Lucky for you husband No. I was already on birth control so you are safe." She replies.

I nodded but don't know why felt disappointment.

After getting dressed we both sit in my car. Sharvari keeps settling her hair to hide the marks.

"Don't worry no one will notice." I say

"Okay Mr. I-am-biting-asshole." She snaps.

"So what happens from here?" I ask her to clarify all the things.

"Nothing. This changes nothing between us. I know you still hate me so don't worry about me developing any feelings."

I stop the car abruptly and looks at her.

"This wasn't nothing Sharvari. From now on you will not let another man touch you else I'll chop him into pieces. And yes we are now going to fuck. A lot. You shouldn't have allowed me your taste because now there is no way I can stop now. You are mine." I declare holding her neck.

She looks at me deeply.

"But this marriage is fake and temporary." She says more to herself.

I hate this word. But I know that she is right and I don't care about this being fake.

"We'll come to this part later. For now you are mine." I say kissing her harsly.

"Then you also keep this thing in mind that you are mine too. I will not tolerate your closeness with other girls either." She says while kissing me back. I nod my head and keeps kissing her.

"Go. Everyone is waiting." She says breaking out of the kiss. I clear my head and focus on driving.

We reach our home and move inside. Luckily there was no one in the main area and we directly move to our wing.

"Thank god Aunty wasn't there." Sharvari says opening her door.

I came inside my room and takes a shower and changes into sweatpants and t-shirt. As I was moving down the steps I see Sharvari has already started talking with maa. She is briefing her about the puja.

"Bhai where did you two go after the temple?" Neil asks.

"No where special Neil. Just at some café where I met my old friend. Lets play games now." Sharvari lie while changing the topic.

I narrowed my eyes on her and she smile at me in return. She changes into full sleeve tee and leggings to hide her marks. I laugh internally.

"So do you enjoy your day." Maa asks me.

"I do" I reply her smiling. Basically we enjoyed way too much but I can't tell this to maa.

"I'm happy to see you glowing like this." She says kissing my forehead and leaves.

What? Glowing. How can I glow? I'm not a bulb who glows. Maa and her weird talks.

I go inside the gaming room and see Sharvari and Arush competing against each other while Neil is doing her commentary.

"Arush you totally suck. Just accept your defeat already." Sharvari says while laughing.

"Don't under estimate me. You are going down very soon." Arush challenges back.

"Bhai come sit and see how Bhabhi kicks Arush bhai ass." Neil says inviting me in.

I go sit next to Sharvari but she didnt even spare me a single glance. She is so focused on the game that she don't even care who is coming and going.

I guess I have to wait until she notices me. Since when she starts mattering to me this much?

MY MISTAKE (MINE SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now