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I open my bathroom door slowly and sees the goddess standing under shower whose body is made for worshipping

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I open my bathroom door slowly and sees the goddess standing under shower whose body is made for worshipping. The water escalates down on her body and make it looks like shining. An instant bolt travels down my body making my dick hard.

"What are you doing here?" she whispers.

"It's my bathroom." I reply taking a step.

"I know. Go outside I'm almost done." She says while washing her hair.

"But I'm not done fireball." I say as I pin her against the wall with his back glued to my chest and chokes her neck.

"What the hell" she exclaims.

"Do you really think I didn't notice what you did in the game? How you distracted me?" I say biting her ear.

"Well it's not my fault that your dick has more control on you than your mind. Don't be a sore loser and accept your defeat with dignity." She sasses.

"That mouth of yours." I turn her around and kisses her ferociously.

"Be ready for your bet husband." She says smriking.

"I'm ready wife but there are certain changes as you had play dirty earlier."

"What changes?" she asks narrowing her eyes.

"You'll know about it in the night. Be ready." Now I smirks.

We both shower together or should I say I refrain myself from fucking her here and now but I can't do that as everyone is waiting.

She changes into blue summer dress and I chose my sweatpants as usual.

We exit the room and see Ishika waiting outside. When she sees us her eyes instantly widens.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought Bhabhi was alone so I'm waiting here." She blabbers.

"Calm down Ishika. No need to be embarrassed." Says Sharvari.

"Sorry Vihaan bhai if I disturbed your moment."

"Moment. There is no moment Ishika. Chill." Sharvari snorts.

No moment. What the fuck! We always have a moment. Why can't she see that. Guess I have to teach her a lesson tonight.

"Do you know this family closely?" I heard Sharvari asking Ishika.

"Oh yes. We are family friends. My father did business with Vihaan bhai." Ishika replies.

That's true. Ishika is from Malik family who is one of our initials partners. We became family friends as Ishika and Neil were friends from childhood. Maa also has a good friendship with Ishika's mom.

We all go to the dining area as maa has served the lunch already. Everyone is hungry as hell as they all jump into their food.

"Now I feel like I'm alive" Neil says.

MY MISTAKE (MINE SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now