Pyra Magna

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Transformers? What are those? Huh, Who knows…

In this Universe the Cybertronians or the Transformers are all Humans that works under Earth Government Secret reinforcement, To protect The Earth From some unexpected problems (either from Outer Space Aliens coming to attack or A whole Nation Black Out)

Decepticons and Autobots work under the same Goal, what Separate them From one and another is their way of doing their jobs and The jobs they’re assigned to.

Decepticons are Mostly Military soldiers, so their job is to Fight the Thread Away (Aliens, A bunch of Murderers on the lose and Other dangerous things), Violence and Quick to finish the job… but it doesn’t mean that They’re all Ruthless and Cruel.

While The Autobots work closer to other Humans, their job is to protect and Observe the Danger around Humans Society (Simple Robbery, evacuate the Citizens from a Disaster and Jail breaks), But Don’t underestimate them, They will took out their weapons to defend the weak.

Choosing to be a Autobot or a Decepticon is Not the Choice the Person made, They were chosen by The higher Up.

The People that are chosen to join the Autobot or the Decepticon are Called ‘Cybertronians’.

So? Now that we clear the simple explanation up… let’s dive in to their Life.


“I heard We’re getting a new Gestalts Commander today!” the Greyish Blue haired Commander spoke, He glanced at the Silver Haired men next to him as they both walk down the hallway.

{The Greyish Blue Haired is Holly Sunrise Pravare, Nickname Holly
Uses He/Him and They/Them (non-binary).
Code Name ‘Hot Spot’, Gestalt Commander of The Protectobots.
Age around 20-24, Height 6’10 feet.
Overly Energetic, Friendly, Childish and Reliable! A Golden hearted Person, Always Ready to Do what’s right! But at the same time they can be very childish and playful, ever Since he was so little he already being Trained Under the Earth Defense Force, He Doesn’t know what it’s like to lived a normal Life that’s why He always looks so excited to learn about something new about any ‘Human’ Activity
short Greyish Blue Hair with Red rose Eyes.}

{The Silver Haired is Silver Blake Aridel, Nickname Silver.
Uses He/him.
Code Name ‘SilverBolt’ Gestalt Commander of the Aerialbots.
Age around 23-27, Height around 6’8 Feet.
Calm, Collective, Responsible, Gentle and Forgiving. He’s probably the mom In the family, Mature and Trustworthy and A Very Acrophobia Pilot. He try his best to Be there for those who needs him, But is anyone ever been there for him when He needs someone? He's the type to never let other see him cry or feeling struggled by his role as a leader after all a lot of the Autobot's Aerials Look up to him.
Messy short Silver Hair with Bright blue eyes}

“I wonder which side They’re, Joining!” Holly Chirps, He quicken his step and By the next Second he was already running.

“Hot Spot! Wait up!” Silver Shouted for the Other Commander, The Aerialbot Commander sigh before Running after the Other definitely overly Energetic Commander. Holly Turn to the left to another Hallway, Silver Followed.

But he accidentally bump into someone, The Aerialbot Commander step back a little “Ow… I’m sorry” He Hold His head rubbing the part where it hurts, The other person chuckle “It’s Fine, You were Chasing after Hot Spot again aren't you? Did he get too excited or did he get himself in trouble?” the man ask.

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