a Little Crush

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“Ughh… I feel so sick” Scy Groan, He really shouldn’t take Michael advice ever again… he sat down trying to get his mind back together.. after a few minutes he notice he was alone on his bed… and in his room, He was about to go outside and look for Hollis but he stop the moment the door slide open revealing His Lover.
Hollis yawn and step into the room, He was Wearing a normal Shirt not his Cybertronian armor “Morning sleepy Head” Hollis Chuckle, Handing Scy a glass of Water and sat down next to him. Hollis lean his head to Scy’s Shoulder “how drunk was I?” Scy ask “Well you were Drunk enough to almost kiss me in front of everyone and Drunk enough to call a Certain Autobot Commander an Asshole” Hollis Chuckle again he sure was having a fun time dealing with drunk Scy.
Scy on the other hand Groan and cover his face with his hand hiding his shame “What else did I do?” He ask Quietly, Hollis Hums “well… you start flirting toward MegaEmpress and I really don’t appreciate that” Scy whine hearing that, He felt so bad… he hugged Hollis and Bury his face on the Medic’s Neck “I’m So sorry” Scy apologize.
“it’s fine” Hollis Sigh, Patting His Commander by the head “I feel so bad” Scy whined again. “at Least you don’t make A Fool of yourself” Hollis Spoke, Scy glanced up at him “… I’m Guessing MixMaster made a fool of himself?” Scy jokingly ask it made Hollis laugh “Not really, He did manage to catch The Eye of a certain Bot but that’s it, It’s Scavanger… she accidentally or purposefully start a drunk fight with OverLord...” Hollis explain.
Scy frown and he sat up straight “Is she ok?” He ask, Hollis nod “Still asleep but I’m sure she’ll be fine, Even if when she woke up… she’ll feel a very Horrible headache and Stomachache” Hollis answer.
“STRAHAN YOU’RE OK!” Light Shouted as he tackle hug the Taller Man, Strahan step back a little he almost stumble and fall thankfully Nova gently push him from behind preventing him from falling on his back, He hugged back “Of course, Did you think I’m dead?” Strahan joked.
Affan shrugged “Well your phone did turned off, we can’t contact your Number… so what happened?” Affan ask, Strahan nervously laugh “I accidentally broke it” he lied, Of course he doesn’t want to tell his Gestalts about the whole experience that would be concerning and worrying for the other… it’s has been 30 minutes since the last time he met Cutler and he already missed being around the Terrorcon…
“Strahan? Are you ok?” Nova ask worriedly, Strahan didn’t realize how silence and tense he is, He slowly let go of Light “I’m Fine… just Tired” Strahan admitted, yea he should’ve get some rest… “so how was the new year without me?” he ask trying to change the subject. “It’s been decent… probably also Hell” Light Sigh “I end up having no fun at all” Affan groan disappointedly it made Strahan laugh.

GOOD MORNING!!!” the door to Scara’s room was slam open both Scara and Husan forcefully awaken from their Sleep and Scara let out a Terrified screech while Husan was already turn his battle Armor on ready to attack the intruder, The culprit that awoken them nervously laugh and wave his hand up giving them a sign that he means no harm “It’s just me it’s just me, Sorry if I scared you” Holly spoke.
Scara stop Screeching and now he’s trying to control his breath while Husan turn off his battle Armor, His whole armor Disappear back into his whilst watch. “God fucking Damn you Hot Spot! What the hell?!” Husan Cursed Annoyed, Computron woke up and let out a cat Yawn before going back to sleep again.
“Sorry, I got over excited” Holly apologize “what are you doing here?” Scara ask after Managing to control his Breath “Bringing you two Breakfast… and Husan why are you here? I thought you said you’ll catch up with us when the fireworks came up” Holly Cross his arm in front of his Chest staring at Husan judgmentally Before Husan can answer Silver arrive out of breath in one hand he was holding a Bag.
“Geez Hot Spot you need to stop Running off like that I can’t keep chasing after you” Silver Huffed, Scara glanced at Husan he didn’t seems to be bothered by Why the Terrorcon Commander was here, He slide out of the bed and walk toward the bathroom before he entered he glanced at the Autobots Commander “You guys can come in If you want… Feel free to do anything you want other than anything sexual” Scara spoke before entering the Bathroom and locking it.
“why the hell are you two even here? For real” Husan huffed he was annoyed that his Sleep was disturb, Holly and silver made their way in to the room while the Aerialbots Commander put the Bag of food down on the counter the Protectobot Commander tried to play with Computron but the feline refuse… “just like what Holly said, We bring you Breakfast” Silver Answer “Scara doesn’t seems to eat that much so we decide to bring some food over” Holly Cheerfully added.
The door opened again revealing Whuan who was holding a piece of paper he stare at the three Commander… observing them one by one they all look at him confused “Commander Hun-Grrr why are you here?” Whuan Ask putting both hand on his waist “I over slept” Husan Answer “Whuan! Whuan! How are you?” Holly ask the engineer “Doing fine… I’m surprised Scara let you guys crash in his room” Whuan chuckle.
He Entered the room the door closed behind him, This was new… the room seems to be more lively, The aura around them seems to brighten up, It used to just be Scara Waiting for him while Computron sitting next to the Technobot Commander. Now? Silver was busy preparing food, Holly and Husan Bickering while Computron just watch with a lazy Laying position. After a few minutes The door to the bathroom opened and Scara walks out.
He look around the room… “Commander Pyra Magna? MegaEmpress?” He spoke surprised the two female commander was also there “Whuan” Scara called out the Engineer who was busy playing cards with the other Commander look up and smile at him behind his mask “Hey there Scara” Whuan Greeted, He pat the place next to him signaling Scara to sit there and the Technobot Commander did.
The place was… lively, of course it was Holly was there after all, He’s always brings everyone together one way or another… “Scy can’t join us he had horrible headache while Oracle dealing with his team and Mohan also have horrible headache” Holly Explain he seems to be disappointed that those three can’t make it.
“why… Are you all here?” Scara ask confused “Me and Bolt Here because we bring you Breakfast! Not sure why Husan was here-“ “I told you I overslept” Husan quickly Defended himself While Whuan and Holly stare at him suspiciously “I was here because It’s Grocery day, Though you want something for breakfast but apparently these two has Cover it up for you” Whuan pointed at Silver and Holly “Holly Called me here” Megaera Spoke “I was just looking for these two because I was going to ask them about Something and I found them chilling here” Pyera Spoke.
Scara gave a small smile “and so all of you decide to hang around here?” and they all nod, Scara let out a sigh this wasn’t that bad. Husan who was sitting next to him lean closely “I don’t think your dad likes me” He whisper, Scara look at him confused “My dad is dead” Scara pointed out, Husan pointed at Whuan “I mean that dad” and it made Scara Giggle.
“hey! Hey! You stay away don’t get to close to my son” Whuan push Husan away from Scara “Wait ScatterShot is your Son?!” Megaera Gasp surprised “Yes-“ “no, Not legally” Scara Quickly Answer he could hear Whuan letting out an Annoyed Huffed.
“Hey there Prince Charming!” Light look up from his book, He was wearing a Mask to cover the down part of his Face and wearing a Black Glasses while His hair was Covered by a dark Green Hoodie, It was of course a surprise someone knew him... Especially outside the Cybertronian HQ.
Light heart calmed down after knowing who it was “Mix- Michael… What brings you here to the park?” He ask In a Soft and Calm tone, Michael smirk and sat down next to him “Nothing Much, Just Hiding From Angry Hook… What about you? Why are you here Prince Charming? Running from your Fans?” Michael teased.
Light Chuckle and Shrugged “Well you can say that, I just need to go somewhere peaceful without others coming up to me and…” “Ask for a Picture, Asking you on a date and stuff like that?” Michael ask, Light slowly nod “But How did you know it was me?” He asked back “oh I know that Crimson Red Hair anywhere, Even if it’s only revealed a little I already can tell it was you” Michael gently pull a strain of Crimson Hair From Light’s head.
“and… also The Jacket gave it away” “of course” Light chuckle, It was the Jacket Michael gave to him 2 years ago... There was Clearly a Decepticon insignia behind the jacket. “still not going to give it back?” Michael ask Light playfully smile behind his Mask and shake his head “I don’t think so, I’m keeping it” Light Joked.
Michael laugh “So Prince Charming want to accompany me walk around… out of this park?” the Constructicon ask he was looking at a certain direction nervously, Light Glanced at thw direction Michael was looking. Oh there was Hollis Glaring around In one hand a Syringe and Next to him was a Nervous Scarlett “let me guess, You Skip on your check up?” Light glanced at Michael who slowly nod. “what you’re not going to help me? Come on~ Throw that Good Boy Attitude and let’s be Bad for once” Michael smirk at him.
Light gave a Nervous look behind the black glasses he wore but then he sigh, He closed his book and grabbed Michael’s arm pulling the Constructicons Up “Just this once…” Light Spoke “That’s The Spirit!” Michael chuckle Before dragging the Technobot out of the park.
“Why did you skip Your daily Check up?” Light ask as they both start running away “well… because… no reason!” Michael wink at The Crimson Man, He lied… he just didn’t want Light to back stab him and straight up called Hollis. He wasn’t feeling well, He was sick but at the same time he doesn’t want to be stuck in the Medbay all day! That sucks! “did something happen that caused this?” Light sigh, Michael quickly shake his head “Nope! Not at all” He lied again.
{Short Dark Brown Hair, Graham Velle Pravare, Nickname Graham.
Use any pronounce he’s chill with anything. (Mostly He/Him)
Code Name Groove, A member of the Protectobots (part time Police)
Age around 20-25 years old, Height 5’0 Feet.
He dislike the term of Fighting, Or war or anything that involved Violence. He rather not involved in any of it… he’s just that one dude that would just sit in the Sideline as the others fight for something stupid, he doesn’t mind what pronounce other use on him or what nickname they gave him he’s very chill about it all. He’s probably one of the calmest and Laid back person you’ve ever met.
Short Dark brown hair, Blue eyes}
Graham was Accompanying Stephen in the hospital, He look outside the Window right when Michael run pass dragging Light Behind him “Oh Look MixMaster and LightSpeed just Ran by” Graham pointed out, How did he know it was them? Let’s just say He’s good at Guessing. Stephen look away from his Phone and Glanced at His Step Brother “oh? Why were they running?” Stephen ask.
Graham stare at the street then he notice Hollis running pass Shouting for Michael while Behind Him Scarlett trying to keep up “Running from an angry Doctor” Graham chuckle. As Cybertronians they shouldn’t bring too much attention to themselves outside work or the HQ Because it might Caused danger but Guessed these guys didn’t think it’s necessary to follow that rule now… it’s not like everyone actually cared about that rule-
“huh, Bet they Attract a lot of crowd” Stephen Sigh, Graham nod “Some people are recording” Graham pointed out “wait… wait… did you say LightSpeed?” Stephen finally fully Proceed what Graham Just said, Graham nod without even looking at His Brother “As In… LightSpeed of the Technobots?” And Graham nod again “The Charming Prince that can do no wrong and always Well Behaved?” “well he’s Not Very well behaved Today Guessed he’s not so ‘Perfectly Good’ after all” Graham Laugh.
“He’s Wearing a Decepticon Jacket, Little too big for his size I’m guessing that’s MixMaster’s Jacket from it’s color and Design looks like a Constructicons Jacket” Graham Explain “Tomorrow when I’m out Of here’s I’m going to report him to prowl” Stephen sigh while Graham just chuckle leaning his head to his arm looking outside the window “Well… what if… you don’t do that and let him have some fun for a little while eh? After all not everyone can keep putting up the Oh so perfect prince Behavior Forever… I’m sure you would do the same if people expected you to act like a perfect prince” Graham defended the Crimson Technobot, Stephen stare at him disbelief but at the same time he know he shouldn’t be too surprised if Graham Would just let people do what they want.
“fine… I’m Guessing you want me to Help them delete those Upload And Live videos of them that just ran by?” Stephen guessed, a Playful Smirk appear on Graham’s face and He Look at the Cop “You know me so well, I’ll get your laptop” Graham stood up and went to grab Stephen’s laptop.
“Where are-“ “Over Here” Michael pull him to an empty dark alleyway, Light almost let out a Surprise yelp but his mouth was covered By Michael’s Hand, The Constructicon pull him closer till their Chest touched. Both of Light’s hand touched the Wall behind Michael supporting his weight so he wont Fully Rely On the Constructicon to keep him on his feet.
Michael watch closely as Hollis and Scarlett ran by he waiting for a few minutes before letting out a Breathless laugh both Hands started to Relaxed at it slide to the wall behind him. “that was fun” he spoke between laughter, His laugh soon disappear noticing how Quiet Light has become he glanced at the Crimson Man “Are you ok?” He ask.
One Of Light’s hand reach up to cover his mouth he look away from Michael even with a mask he fear that His Flustered face can Be seen through it, He quickly nod at the Question and push himself away from the Constructicon “are you sure you’re ok?” Michael ask he doesn’t seems to be worried he’s just confused why Light Suddenly look away “If you’re sick-“ “N-No… I-im perfectly… fine” Light Finally manage to get himself to speak.
“Take that Mask off I think It’s Making it difficult for you to breath” Michael reach to Take Light’s mask Off but the Technobot quickly dodge and Move away “No It’s fine, I Should Probably Get going now Haha… Strahan Might need a set of Hands to Help him in His Work-“ “Oh I heard That Strafe was out of duty for a week” Michael talk back, Light Clench his Fist cursing at how The Constructicons always knew who is at work and who isn’t or anything related to work they just always know.
Michael Step closer and Light Step back “Light Spencer?” Michael Called his Name “Y.. Yes?” Light Shudder “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” Michael ask again “Nothing Is wrong” Light manage to speak without shuttering, But Michael kept moving Closer their face just Inches away from one and another, Light Felt his Heart Was beating faster and he wanted to rip it out of his chest because of How loud he could hear his own Heartbeat.
Too close! Too close! TOO CLOSE!’ Light kept repeating that word in his Head he was freaking Out thankful his phone rang he quickly and clumsily grabbed his Phone didn’t read who called him he just Answer and put it next to his ear, He’ll do anything to get Himself out of this situation he doesn’t want to Embarrassed himself in front of Michael.
“LightSpeed here Who is it?” he Spoke.
→Hey Speed!... Why do you sound like you’re out of breath? What’s going on?
It was Affan, Thank Primus Light Shake his head “Nothing! So You Need me To help you fix tour bike? Sure why not I’ll be right there!” Light quickly Spoke
→Fix Wha?-
Before Affan could finished his sentence Light already end the call “Well It seems like AfterBurner needs my help, Can’t Keep him waiting right?! You know how aggressive he can get” Light Nervously laugh, Michael looks worried now “He didn’t get Abusive did he? He wont hurt-“ “No! I mean If I Didn’t get to him in time Not Sure! I should go now” Light Quickly Answer he should apologize To Affan after this! For using him as an excuse.
Light Quickly Ran Away and his Phone ring again he answered it.
Affan Shouted through the Phone “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m so Sorry!” Light Repeated it again and again confusing Affan even more and irritated him.
→Speed what’s going on?
Affan ask in a more calmer tone now he’s a little worried of what’s going on with his Gestaltmate “I’ll Explain Later!” Light Answer and he end the call he Pull the Decepticon jacket Off from him, He took out his Car key And click a button, a few second later his Crimson red Car Driving on it’s on at the road next to him, Light Spot and the Car stop next to him.
He open the driver Seat Door And jump inside, Close the door, Fasten his seatbelt and drive. He pull the glasses and the mask off from his face “God Fucking dammit!” Light Cursed He forgot his Book, What ever he can Buy another one or Probably Michael will Find it and Gave it back to him… he really need to calm down… Why is he like this?! A perfect Prince! He Trained so much to handle Every situation to control his emotions and yet he fail this time!
“So much for a Perfect Prince” He huffed glaring at the Road in front of him, He just want to Lock himself in his lab… and Rehearse everything all over again from the start to the end.. that’s how it always been, Even if Nova told him he doesn’t have to he felt the fear of Being… imperfect, Even if his parents can’t get him… he still fear those Threats….
YOU COULD’VE DONE BETTER!” a Woman scream throwing the Paper on the ground, The blond Hair Kind Flinch and stare at the ground his body was shivering.
The Woman scream again as the Child closed his eyes tears started to fall down his cheek he was afraid… afraid… “How Many Times do we need to tell you, That you need to have Perfect Grades?!” A Man Half Shouted “I did… I tried my best” The Child talk back “THEN WHY DO YOU STILL GOT 70?!” “it was just on one Subject” The child almost scream.
“You know how Embarrassing it is, Your Brother Got all Perfect Score in his class, Your Cousins and nephew too, Why can’t you? You can’t show Failure in anything! Perfection is the key to a successful Life Spencer!” The Woman scream at him, The Child Step back… he look back at the ground…
It's always like this…
The Man Grabbed his Arm Harshly making the Child Let out a Painful Ow “You’re Sleeping in the Closet tonight” The man forcefully pull him along, the Child struggle and Scream “No! I can Do Better! Please!” He Plead Trying to get away.
The Closet was dark… it’s always dark… dark and cold… and small… there’s not much Space for him to move, His parents knew he was Afraid of Tight Space, Light Scream and Beg but no one let him out…
He was afraid… no one ever come to his rescue no matter how much he scream, Until his Throat felt painful and his Body start to become weak… he fainted…
And yet no one even care to check what’s going on…
It’s always like this…
And every time they let him out he would always need to put up that Charming Prince Act when in front of other people, He always Rehearse a perfect Smile in front of the Mirror, He always reread a Script of the words he always need to say, in front of everyone he need to Pretend… to play Like nothing was wrong… He Train to Manipulate his own emotions to never show something imperfect…
Always be perfect…
No flaws… no Mistake…
The Perfect Charming Prince…
Even if His parents no longer in his life, He still have that fear…
After he arrive at the Underground HQ he drive to the Technobot’s Parking lot he quickly Open the car door and went out of the car Affan was standing there waiting for him confused next to Affan was Nova… Affan must’ve have called him along “So? What’s up? Are you ok?” Affan ask worried.
“Yeah… yeah I’m… I’m fine” “Did you accidentally eat something? Is your allergies kicking in?” Nova ask Light Shake his head “no… I’m just fine” Light look away “You’re Stressed, Did you messed up?” Another Voice added, Light turn to notice Strahan was standing not far behind him “I… I show emotion that I shouldn’t” Light Spoke looking down at the ground feeling disappointed at himself.
He could hear the other Technobots Letting out a sigh “Light… we talked about this, You don’t need to be scared, Stop trying to be perfect your parents aren’t here to punish you when you fail and if they are, you know we’re here to protect you” Nova took a step forward putting a hand on Light’s shoulder trying to reassure him, Light wrap his arm around himself still looking at the ground “Im… I’m just… still so scared” Light Try not to cry.
He was used to showing the Imperfect side of him to His Gestaltmate they always made him feel safe and he can always be himself when he’s with them, But when it comes to other people he always put up a show, Always acting as the Perfect Picture Charming Prince… “Who accidentally make you Broke your Prince Charming Mask?” Affan ask Teasingly “MixMaster” Light Whisper. “what did he say? Or do?” Affan ask again.
Light’s cheek started to blush “I-It’s Nothing Important ok! I just… got caught off guard!” He quickly spoke he hated it, The fact that Michael always somehow manage to make him break out of Character, But at the same time he’s craving for that feeling of freedom, Flying without any fear of falling… floating among the Stars, Running without Consequences.
“did you get all flustered when he talks to you?~” Strahan teased “It’s Not like that” Light Defended himself… No… he can’t be falling in love with a guy… that doesn’t sound Right, His parents would kill him if they found out! “You can love who you want!” Light look up to see An annoyed Expression was On Nova’s face.
“Who cares of what your parents said, You don’t lived with them, They think you’re Dead to them now, We’re your new Family and to us it doesn’t matter!” Nova Continue, He can read Light like an open book, Heck! He can read all his Gestaltmate like an open book! And he hated when Light Fears of something from his past “Light… It’s fine to like Someone that isn’t girls or woman… Your Parents are wrong” Nova spoke again “And Homophobic!” Strahan added.
Light felt his face became flustered “T-Thanks but… it’s not… l…like that, it’s not that I have a crush on Him or anything it’s just that I was caught off guard and end up Acting the way I shouldn’t” Light try to defend himself “What acting like a Teen girl Being near Their Crush?” Affan teased, Nova and Strahan tried to hold their Laugh while Light was getting more Flustered.
“looks like the Charming prince is Attracted to a Bad boy” “Shut Up!” Light Half Shouted, He did not planned to end up being teased by his Gestaltmates! “Awe Come On Speed we’re just Teasing, Trying to lift up the mood a bit” Strahan Chuckle patting the Crimson man’s shoulder.
Strahan wasn’t wrong it did made him feel a little better but still, Even if He’s no longer with his Toxic and abusive Family, Even if His Gestalts will support him no matter what… deep down he still have that Fear of being Imperfect… And he still have fear of being locked up in small places…
He's still afraid of Failure… And Rejection…
3 days has passed, Light was walking around the Neutral HQ, He was greeted by some Cybertronians as usual he was thankful that most of them keep their distance and understand what personal space are… some still get a little too close for his own comfort but Light done nothing to push them away or to Warn them about it.
Michael was walking alongside Scy who was explaining something While Michael Sarcastically talk back at some Point and Scy just sigh returning the Sarcastic Gesture, they were on their way back to the Decepticon Side of the HQ after just a quick Fixing on a broken Door at one of the Neutral Room.
“So I will need you and Long Haul to Start the Proje-… Mixmaster are you listening?” Scy ask looking up from the paper in his hand, He start to feel his companion Silence… silence isn’t good when it comes to MixMaster, It’s either he’s planning something Stupid or he’s not even next to Scy or he just lost in though… and none of those are a good sign.
“MixMaster?” Scy called again looking at the man next to him, Michael was definitely isn’t listening to him, Michael was frozen in place he didn’t even walk forward he’s just… standing there “MixMaster? Are you ok?” Scy started to get Worried, Michael didn’t answer he just… silence… staring at something…
Scy Followed His Gaze noticing a Familiar Crimson Red Autobot talking to A few Cybertronians, and Some of them definitely didn’t know what personal space is… but even if the Crimson Man didn’t pointed out that he’s uncomfortable it could clearly be seen that he isn’t comfortable with the crown around him and even other touching him… “oh Isn’t that LightSpeed?” Scy ask still no answer from Michael, Now he felt awkward.
“Uh… MixMaster? We need to… get back to the Decepticon” Scy Softly Spoke But instead of Following Scy Order Michael walk away toward the Crowd “Michael!” Scy Half Shouted his Name instead of his code name but Michael doesn’t really care…
Why does it hurt?! He wasn’t sure why, It hurt… to see how those Cybertronians can just Be so friendly toward Light, Michael felt Hurt… he doesn’t like it. No He doesn’t like it at all…
He wasn’t sure what’s going on but One thing he know is that He wont allow any of them touch the Crimson Man, He Grabbed Light’s free arm and pull him away from everyone by Force but at the same try he try to be gentle so he wont hurt The Crimson man, his hands wrap around Light defensively.
Light Gasp when he felt Michael Chest touch his, he felt a Hand behind his back and one on his Hair… he wasn’t sure what’s going on, Was Michael trying to protect him? No maybe not.

“Stop Crowding Him, He still have work to do and all of you are in the way, Scram NOW!” Michael threaten and the Cybertronians Left, Some had to complain but in the end they left.
He was too close, Light Felt his face Starting to heat up, No Not again! He can’t lose control of his emotions like this! “Mix… Master” Light Trying not to Break character this time but it was so hard when they’re this close “Sorry, I see you from a far and… I notice you were uncomfortable with them being around” Michael spoke,. None of them make any effort to push away from one and another.
Not until Scy let out a Cough twice earning both man’s attention, Light quickly push Himself away from The Constructicon and look away it made Michael a little confused Since their last meeting Light became more shy around him… he wonder why.
“Commander Scrapper” Light turn his attention to Scy giving the commander a greeting bowing his head a little, Scy gave him a nod “It’s Good to see you LightSpeed, How are you?” Scy ask “I’m doing good, what about you?” “Decent lately, Say have you met your Commander yet?” The question made LightSpeed froze and he slowly shake his head it somehow made Scy frown “so he really didn’t meet his team huh” Scy mumbled.
Michael watch their Conversation for a while they seems to get along “MixMaster, We need to go, We’ll see you around LightSpeed” Scy spoke, Light smile at him and nod “Stay Safe” Light Wave at them as they both walk away, after they’re far enough from the Technobot Scy finally spoke again “You know I think he Likes you” He spoke, Michael shrugged “Yea We’re Friends…” He spoke oblivious of what Scy mean.
Scy just blankly stare at nothing and stop his step after a few second he glanced at Michael with confusion who return his look with the same look “what? Me and him are Friends… more like Close friends actually, But lately he’s been acting strange around me not sure why” Michael spoke Glancing at the ground, Even if he didn’t say it Scy knew Michael was annoyed and Frustrated by it, Scy sigh “I mean like… he Took interest in you, Attraction… Love” Scy Pointed out, Michael didn’t seems to care or understand about it “ohh… well pretty sure You’re Wrong, LightSpeed is Probably Straight from the way he acted and If he did Love me it’s probably Platonic no way a guy like him could like me” Michael laugh, Scy face palm… Dear Primus How dense could this guy be???
“But… if He did end up Find Me Attractive then It’s not like I would know how to deal with it” Michael whisper, Scy look at him he didn’t catch that “what was it?” Scy ask him to said it again but Michael just shake his head “Nothing~ So! So! So! Before this whole conversation what was it you want me to do?” Michael tried to change the subject and it worked Scy Visor Brighten he look at the paper on his hand “Oh right! I almost forgot about that”
Fiacre Was walking around the Autobots HQ, His camera in Both hands he was going to Leave the HQ and find Some Good Scenery to take a picture of but of course since it’s him he… forgot what he was doing or what he was about to do, Instead he was lost in though Fidgeting with his Camera while Looking Straight ahead walking to random direction.
He was lost in his mind, Again he was thinking about something but he just forgot what it was? And he try to remember what he was thinking about he didn’t even realize which way he was going…
“FireFlight?” Fiacre felt a hand gently touched his shoulder, He stop his step and He look at the Owner of the Hand he blink twice trying to remember the person then a smile Appear on his face “ah! Hello Blades! Where’s SlingShot? It’s unusual for the two of you being Separated” Fiacre Spoke, Bladen Gave him a confused look before shaking his head and Sigh ”It’s not that Rare or unusual, You just seem to always meet us when we’re together that’s all… by the way… what are you doing here?” Bladen ask, Fiacre Stare at him confused before looking around his surrounding.
“Uh… I’m not sure? Where am I?” Fiacre nervously ask “You… never Mind, You’re in the Training Ground, You never been here before haven’t you?” Bladen ask Both hands on his waist, He was wearing his Cybertronian armor and Fiacre could Clearly See that Bladen has just finished Training, Fiacre Shake his head slowly “No, I don’t like Combat Training” He admitted Bladen nod Understanding.
Fiacre fidget with his Camera looking down he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, he forgot what he was going to do in the first place “What’s Wrong?” Bladen ask, Fiacre Mouth turn to a thin line he shrugged “I forgot what I was about to do in the first place” Fiacre spoke Quietly “Well the fact that you have Your camera maybe you were going to take a photo of something?” Bladen Suggested “What if I took a photo of you and give it to Sling?” Fiacre Suggested, Bladen who was about to take a sip of his drink stop, He let out a laugh.
“Yea like he would like that! He doesn’t really Like Any Photo of me, He said he burn them all and if I did send in through text he just delete it from his Gallery, He’s both Confusing and Weird Sometimes” Bladen sigh, Fiacre just stare at him with a blank Smile… he was quiet confused at what Bladen just said, Last time he went to Slade’s Room there was a lot of Picture about Bladen… and by last time he meant literally 2 hour ago.
Slade was pretty pissed when Fiacre somehow end up in his room and already opening his box of Photos… If Ai was the one that see’s it he would laugh at it, But for Fiacre it was Sweet knowing that Slade secretly Kept all those photos… “I’m Sure he wouldn’t hate it” Fiacre Spoke, Bladen put the Bottle down on the Bench and he sat down “Very Funny, He would beat either me up or you” Bladen smile at him.
“Oh ok…” what a shame… “Hey while We’re both here, Why don’t I help you on a little Hand in hand combat?” Bladen offered Fiacre Think about the offer for a moment before he slowly Nod, He walk toward Bladen taking his Camera off from around his neck and gently placing it on the Bench “I’m Ready!” “That’s The Spirit”.
They didn’t really hang out much, Maybe because of how different their interest are, But for Fiacre it’s very important that he should maybe know Bladen more than… just ‘Blades from the Protectobots’ after all Slade was his Brother, His only Family member that still with him right now and even if Slade said it’s no big deal for Fiacre to Know Blades that well Fiacre know deep down Slade always wish for his Approval.
And if Slade really love Bladen, Fiacre would do anything he can for his brother… He wanted to know Bladen even if they have different interest, Different work and different Hobby… he still want to understand Bladen.
Fiacre Falls to the ground he let out a painful Ow, yeah… hand in hand combat isn’t for him at all, Bladen Quickly ran toward him and kneel down offering a hand for His Soon To be Brother In law “Sorry About that, Are you ok? Does it hurt that bad?” Bladen asked Worriedly, Fiacre Sat up and shake his head, He gave Bladen a Smile “I’m Fine, It’s a little Hurt but I’ll be fine! This was fun” Fiacre Try to reassure Him.
It was fun! He did have fun, Not because it was combat Training or anything it was because he got to Know Bladen a little More now, Bladen Find joy in Fighting but Fiacre Could feel that Bladen was holding back his Punches, Bladen was afraid if he would Harm Fiacre. And the Aerialbot Knew it that’s why he find it fun, Knowing something new everyday “Are you tired? We could get something to eat or drink if you’re tired” Bladen offered.
Fiacre Eyes Sparkle with Joy, he accepted Bladen’s hand and Bladen Slowly help him to stand up “Can we Get Cake? I like The Sweet ones!” There it is the childish Fiacre… “Sure, I don’t really eat sweet that much… so do you have a good place to go?” Bladen ask, Fiacre quickly nod his grip on Bladen’s hand tighten and he pull Bladen Away from the Training Field he grabbed his Camera “Come on let’s go!” Fiacre Pull him along excitedly.
Bladen didn’t struggling he just smile and nod, He pulls out his phone texting Fidvi to pick up his Water Bottle at the Training Ground, Of course he doesn’t have the nerve to tell Fiacre To wait, The Aerialbot looks so excited Bladen didn’t dare to stop that Excited look on his face. “I have A Place! Me and SkyDive goes there a lot!” Fiacre Spoke “oh? I never expected SkyDive to like Sweets” “I’m not really sure if he likes them or not, He just likes to accompany me there, Sometimes he just order a tea or a random drink I always the one that order the Sweets… the other Aerialbots sometimes are too busy to accompany me there” Fiacre explain.
“Even SlingShot?” “Especially SlingShot” Fiacre Huffed annoyed it Made Bladen Chuckle of course he already guessed that, Slade doesn’t like to admit it but he likes sweets a lot just like Fiacre the difference is just that he doesn’t like eating one in front of anyone… He’s a little embarrassed about it even if there’s nothing for him to be embarrassed about, Liking sweets are a Normal thing.
It didn’t take them a while, Surprisingly especially because Fiacre was the one leading the way, Apparently talking to Bladen about Cakes, Candy and anything Sweets actually keep his mind focus on one way.
After Ordering the sat down at the Seat near the , Fiacre Was busy Looking around the Photos in his Camera while Bladen was Polishing his Rotors, He forgot to change to a normal Clothing and now a few people are staring at them whispering and wondering if they’re a Cybertronians… “I’m so sorry Flight, I didn’t know People would stare” Bladen apologize, Fiacre look up from his camera and smile “You don’t need to apologize… I’m also Forgot to Detached my wings” He nervously laugh.
Ah… Bladen didn’t pay attention at first but now he can clearly see Fiacre was also still in his Armor “And I accidentally put My Code Name instead of my real name in the Order” Fiacre Spoke again, Bladen laugh Of course he shouldn’t be surprised “But don’t worry, Sometimes me and Dive Came here without using Normal Clothing, We just use our Armor and our Code name so it’s not really a secret that I like to come here” Fiacre reassure him.
“here’s Your Order FireFlight” A Waiter Placed down their order On the Table, FireFlight Wings flutter With Joy “Thank you!~” FireFlight Thanked the Waiter before he Left, FireFlight put his camera down to the table and pull the Cake he ordered towards him, He took a bite of the cake his wings flutter again “you really liked sweets huh?” Bladen ask taking a bite of his own Cake, Fiacre nod.
“Hey! Hey! SweetHeart How are you?~” “Blades? What the fuck are you doing here?” Slade look up from the book he was reading, What the fuck was Bladen doing IN HIS ROOM?!?! SITTING ON HIS BED, WHO LET HIM IN????? “Well you know just Chilling, Oh and Here, a Little Treat from me and your Brother” Bladen spoke he Lifted a box Handing it towards Slade who stare confused, Slade slowly walk towards him “So you were With Fiacre?”
Bladen Nod, Slade accepted the Box and Opened it… “Y-You do K-Know I… I don’t eat sweets r-Right?” Slade Shutter looking away Embarrassed, Bladen smile “Both of us are well aware you have a sweet tooth, stop pretending like you don’t Want it” Bladen Snickers “Come on~ try it… for me” Bladen spoke again, Softening his voice at the last Part “I… guess… I could… eat it" Slade whisper it made Bladen Smile.
Slade put the Box on the Table “Where’s Fiacre now?” Slade ask while he was walking around his room looking for a plate, He remember keeping a few here because he doesn’t really like eating outside or he sometimes just buy takeout, Bladen Lays on the bed “He said he’s going to take a few Photos of Birds in the park so I came Back Before him” Bladen Answer, Slade only gave a nod.
Bladen sat up “oh And, Fiacre Said You would Love a Photo of me, So he took a few and told me to give it to you” Blades spoke, He pulls out a few Photos from his Pocket, Slade who was already taking a bite out of the cake glanced at him with a bored and unamused look then he look back at the cake, He swallow the bite that was in his mouth before finally saying “Throw them to the Trash I told you I don’t want to look at your stupid Face through a damn Photo” Slade rolled his eyes.
Bladen sigh sadly, That hurts… especially coming from his Fiancé “Are you sure you don’t want them?” Bladen ask, Without even looking at him Slade nod. Bladen stand up and threw the pictures in the Trashcan, He walk up towards Slade and kiss his Forehead “Yea I’m Tired of Seeing your face too” Bladen Joked and they both know that’s definitely a lie “I’ll See you around Bird Brain” Bladen chuckle before leaving the room.
After a few Minutes Slade Stand up, and Walk toward the Trashcan “Stupid Copter” He huffed and yet he lean down to pick the Pictures up and smile at It… what an idiot…
Slade open a drawer and threw the Pictures inside with the rest of the Pictures he had “So did you like it?” Slade almost Scream! He try to hold his Shout it end up sounded like he was squeaking so loud it made who ever just Spoke Giggle.
Fiacre was Leaning at the Open door, Camera in hand he was giggling “Don’t scare me Like that! And No If it’s about the picture No I Don’t!” Slade Snapped, Fiacre stop giggling but he gave an innocent smile “are you sure? You know It’s hard to Convince Bladen to agree on it” Fiacre Giggle, Slade Glare at him but then he look away “Yes I’m sure” “The Why do you still keep them?” “SHUT UP” Slade Snarl at His Brother who just giggle staring back at him.
“Kisa! Please Listen to me” The Crimson haired man gently grabbed the woman’s hand, She turn around her ember eyes shine under the moonlight he slide one hand to her Waist “you meant everything to me, Please… don’t leave” The man lean down they almost kissed…
“aaannddd CUT!” A Man Shouted, Light Stop himself from Kissing Draelyn he gave her a soft and Gentle Smile “that should be the end of this Episode, all of you can take some rest for now, we will shoot episode 47 Tomorrow, Good job everyone” the director spoke before standing up from his seat and left, Light move away from Draelyn “Excellent work today Draelyn” Light Compliment “You did an excellent work to” Draelyn smile back at him before they both move away from the Filming Location.
Draelyn and Light They knew Each other very well because of their work as an Actress, They Collab in a lot of Movie and Life Series… well mostly The Romance Drama thanks to how they sync each other very well even outside The world of Acting these two still gets along really well, And of course sometimes Draelyn always challenge Light for a car race even if Light already Leave his profession as A Racer.
Draelyn sat down on a Bench while Light went to grab both of them a drink, He return and handed Draelyn a Bottle of Juice and sat down next to her “Mango?! You always knew what I want~” Draelyn dramatically Gasp earning a laugh from Light, She lean to his Side letting out a tired Sigh wrapping her hands around his arm while drinking her Juice, It wasn’t unusual for them to act like this… it wasn’t even unusual if they kiss or make out. Most People even think they’re dating or even Married! Even some Cybertronians think they’re dating or married.
“It’s like we are meant to be together” Draelyn joked, Light knew it was a joke but the people around them though she was Being serious- “you two are so sweet” One of their Co Worker said as she walk by them “I know we are~” Draelyn Proudly spoke while Light tried to hold his laugh, They were the picture perfect couple, Handsome and Beautiful, both are Elegant in their own way, Seeing them together are like seeing a Princess and her Prince from one of those Fairy Tales for Children book, They act so Harmony and Always complete one and another… but little do those people know that they’re not really in any romantic relationship, all their Romantic interaction are Platonic to them and no romantic feeling are blooming between them.
Draelyn phone buzz, She took it out of her pocket and turning it on noticing a new message arrive from Mohan, She let out a sigh “Fuck MotorMaster needs me” She Spoke annoyed, She was hoping to get a little rest! She lean away and fix Her hair Before standing up she lean down and Kiss Light passionate before pulling away “you’re a little tense on the kiss, Take some rest LightSpeed” she whisper to his ear, Gently patting his head before walking away.
Light sigh, Tense? That’s new… He was sure Draelyn Knew something is going on too. “I’m going to leave now, I’ll see you all tomorrow” Light Spoke loud enough for some of his co worker to hear, They nod at him “Stay Safe senior!” one of the shouted back Light smile and nod before leaving the Place.
“Tomorrow Filming start at 8 AM huh” Light whisper to himself he look at the time in his phone saying it’s 10 pm, Filming has been tight lately because it’s still the first month of new year, he felt so tired… he entered his car and click auto drive “To the Cybertronian HQ please” he spoke to the car, It’s Light flicker twice before driving away. Light lean to his seat and sigh he should get some rest before he arrive back at the HQ…
Lately ever since he felt a little butterfly in his stomach every time Michael is around Light doesn’t feel The need to act Romantic Toward Draelyn, Even he started to feel guilty doing it… this first month they haven’t even do anything Sexual which is very rare because of How Draelyn usually Pull him somewhere to make out but Lately Light has been declining her offer telling her he’s not in the mood, he was glad that didn’t change the way she act around him… but he’s still a little guilty for not telling her anything and for actually falling in love with someone that probably thought he’s dating Draelyn…
“Im Hopeless” The Charming prince Groan, He really want to tell someone, He wanted to let all his issues out but he wasnt6sure who to talk to… Draelyn? Yea he was about to tell her but he doesn’t want to because she could’ve told someone else, His Gestaltmate? They already teased him about the smallest detail ever! Scarlett?... No that’s a horrible option! She’s close to Michael! Silvally?... They haven’t talk much since November of last year!
Why is it so difficult? He wanted it all to just… return to normal, like… the old times… after all love will only hurt him and the person he love “System, Call………….. System Call Strafe” he Finally made his mind.
[Calling Strafe] The Voice from his Car Spoke before he heard a sound of Ring…
One ring…
Two ring…
Three ring…
Four ring
Usually Strafe answer at the 2nd Ring, He wasn’t sure what’s going on, And he knew Strafe is a light Sleeper meaning his phone rang would wake him up quicker than it should… then eh heard the 5th Ring… and 6th…
Before the call was answered.
→Sorry… Sorry… Sorry LightSpeed… what do you need?
Why does Strahan sounded Out of Breath? “well Uh…-“
Light Flinch At the Scream, He didn’t get to finish what he was about to say and Strahan already interrupted him… and apparently Strahan isn’t alone? He’s with CutThroat? What is going on did he interrupt something?
→Sorry about that Again Speed, I uh I’m a Little Busy… if you… need anything… call Nova-
And With that the Call was Cut, Yeah He definitely Interrupt something… ever since Strahan and Cutler return from their mission they… become a little bit too close than usual “System Call-“ he stop when he notice a familiar figure Out in the rain, He didn’t even realize it was raining “system Stop the car” He spoke and the car stop, He took off his seatbelt, Grabbed an Umbrella from the back seat and open the car door.
He open the umbrella and rush toward the figure “What are you doing out in the rain?” he ask worried, The short woman look at him… “Spencer?” the woman questioned and Light nod, she looks glad before passing out thankfully Light Manage to grab her before she could fall to the ground.
[Short Black hair, Ruby Diana Victoria, Nickname Ruby.
Use She/Her
Code Name Rust Dust, A member of the Torchbearers.
Age around 23-26 years old, height 4’11 Feet.
She’s a short temper but at the same time she can dazed off A lot, she have a Hair-trigger Personality and Usually ran up to the enemy the second she Sees them, Even with that she’s still a very inspirational person and her word can easily Persuade anyone Even her own enemy, She’s wise in her own way but She rather talk with her fist than her Voice… making other think that she’s just a tiny Ball of Anger and Energy-
Short black hair, Magenta eyes hidden behind turquoise Visor]
After a few Minutes Light return to the Cybertronian HQ, Thankfully at this time of night the hall was mostly empty so he could dash back to the Technobot Shared Quarter Without anyone Seeing, he make sure he dodge the Cameras too he doesn’t want anyone to question anything at all.
When Ruby woke up she was on a bed an unfamiliar bed but a very familiar scent “You’re awake, How are you feeling?” Light ask worried he placed a bowl to the Nightstand next to her and sat on the bed.
“Where?... Spencer… where am I?” She ask, her throat felt heavy and it hurts… a lot “you’re in my room, We’re at the Cybertronian HQ” Light Spoke, Ruby sat up slowly she almost fell back down on the bed but Light manage to Hold her in place “It’s been… 5 years since the last time we say each other and now here you are” Light chuckle, Ruby manage to let out a giggle.
“why are you out in the rain?” He finally ask “I… don’t know… I’m starting to dazed off more than I should” Ruby admitted she look down at the blanket that was covering her, Light Reach out and pat her head “Are you hungry? Do you need anything to drink?” He offered “a Glass of water would be nice” She spoke, He gave her a nod before Standing up and walking to the door “is that all? I can get you another thing if you want” Light offered again but Ruby shake her head “That’s All” She softly spoke.
He left the room, The Silence is back… she hated it… she doesn’t like the silence… she look around the room, It was A little messy but Clean enough for anyone to Walk around and Know where things are, the bed was crimson red, and mostly the Furniture are a shade of red while the wall and the floor are light Grey, It didn’t take a while for Light to return with a glass of water, He carefully handed it to her.
“thank you Spencer” She Thanked him before taking a sip from the Water, He just nod at her. “I’ve been… I’m not sure what to call it but I’ve been starting to lost my Consciousness and somehow wake up at random places, and before you ask no it was not sleep walking… most of it are happen when I’m fully awake, My parents didn’t know what’s happening to me and… no one know what’s happening to me” Ruby started to speak again, Trying to explain her situation.
“I got this from your pocket” he pulls out A Piece of paper “ You were invited to join us… did anyone knew about this?” He ask her, Ruby shake her head “I left a few month ago after I got that Letter, A guy with Red suit and Black glassed pick me up and Take me to a red car…” Ruby spoke “So you left?” and that earn a nod from her “What is the last thing you remember? Before I found you” Light Ask again.
“A Guy in a funny suit was talking to me” “Funny suit???” “he wore red and blue suit, I think it’s funny and out of fashion the color didn’t match and it was too bright…” Light was about to laugh at how emotionless Ruby said it, But he knew she was talking about Optimus prime and he can’t laugh at that, that is not respectful! “He was talking… and then everything went black… and the next thing I know I was standing under the rain and you ran up to me” Ruby Spoke before taking another sip from her drink.
Light Bit his Lip, before gently Patting her Hair “Take as much rest as you need I will Inform Optimus Prime” “who?” “the guy with funny Suit” “oh… ok” Ruby put the glass on the Nightstand before laying back down trying to go back to sleep, Light gave a small smile before exiting the room.
“Hun-Grrr!” Husan Look up before he could do anything he felt himself being pushed Away…
He falls to the ground and he heard a few gun shot, he slowly open his eyes noticing a Familiar Red and white Frame standing in front of him holding out a blaster, Husan Slowly sat up he felt a pain on his stomach “Sca… What are you doing here?!” Husan half Shouted, Scara didn’t answer he kept shooting at the Intruder who shot back.
Husan put a hand on his stomach where the pain was he notice a blood was flowing from it… the bullets went through his Armor, It might Het through Scara’s Armors Too, Ne need to get the Technobot Commander out of this situation!. Husan forced himself to stand up he put a hand on Scara’s shoulder plate “Commander… stand back and go back to your place” He whisper, Scara Grunted he shoved Husan away “Stand back Hun-Grrr” he talked back.
Scara shot another few Bullets before Putting his blaster down and the Intruders falls to the ground probably either fainted or Dead, the place went silence… Scara turn to look at Husan “What are you doing here?” Husan ask confused, This was the first time he see’s Scara wore His armor, he usually just seen the armor being om Scara’s desk or the bed… now that he see’s it he notice how Bright it actually is it makes Scara stand out more as a Commander.
“I called him here” they both turn to look at Meaker who just arrived behind him Hollis and A few other Decepticon medic was there, They start to carry the Falling Decepticons back to the Medbay.
Meaker walk toward them “This was unexpected and most of the Cons and bots are on Holiday Leave, Even the Stunticons aren’t around… so I had to call in a back up from the Autobot side” the Decepticon Leader explained, Husan turn to look at Scara “And you’re ok with this? I mean this was a Crowd place… even if most Cybertronians being on leave the HQ is Crowded and There were a lot of people here and the gun shot are loud too” Husan ask worried, Scara shrugged without saying a word.
“He was about to decline before I said you were the Commander facing the Intruders, He went Straight here” Meaker Laugh earning a Glare from Scara, Husan Blink behind his visor before slowly a smile Appear on his face “Glad that you’re worried about me Commander” Husan Softly spoke “so ScatterShot I’m Hoping you could Patch him up? Fix him like new” Meaker spoke, Scara nod “wait What? Don’t I need a medic for that?” Husan look at them both confused.
“I feel offended” Scara Huffed, Meaker chuckle “ScatterShot IS a medic” “WAIT REALLY?!” Husan ask Surprised grabbing one of Scara’s hand, Scara grunted and stare at him there was a hint of Red on his Cheek could Scara be mad at him? “Yes I am a Medic You Idiot” Scara Snarl pulling his hand away “now let’s get you back to a good condition” Scara look away before grabbing Husan by the Shoulder and Pull him away, Didn’t care how many Decepticon has seen him… Scara doesn’t feel afraid…
Not anymore…
“Are you mad?” Husan Teased, Scara didn’t answer he was still focusing on Wrapping the bandage on Husan’s Stomach, Yes he is mad… but at the same time he was worried, Why the fuck would Husan said he can deal with those intruders alone?! He didn’t even call backup!!! Those Decepticons with him was the cons that Scy called for back up while Husan Said he can Handle it! Scara was mad… he doesn’t know why… but he hated Husan for doing that.
Husan put a hand on his shoulder “hey, at least I’m fine now” He spoke, that was the trigger “YOU’RE FINE BECAUSE I MANAGE TO ARRIVE ON TIME!!!” Scara Shouted, That was the first time he ever shouted, it made Both Computron and Husan Flinch they both Stare at Scara who was trying to hold his tears… he shouted… he was afraid of his own voice and the pressure of losing someone he cared about… he doesn’t like it he doesn’t want to lose anyone… not again, He’s not ready for another Goodbye.
“I… didn’t mean to shout” Scara manage to let out looking away from everyone.
“hey… it’s ok, It was my fault in the first place, I’m an Idiot” Husan Spoke trying to reassure the Technobot Commander.
“yeah you’re an idiot” Scara huffed

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