The Real Enemy

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“SoundBlaster?! You’re back?! How are you Girlie?~” Megaera showered her with Questions as the New Decepticon Tic walk into the meeting room, Sonia raise her head proudly “I’ve been Decent, Good to be back” She Answers. Stamos Gesture to the seat next to him for her to sit.
She sat down “How’s the Tic Work been treating you?” Stamos asked “It has been a difficult change but I can manage” She answers in a more formal tone of voice than when She talked to Megaera.
After Sohan left for the mission he had personally told Meaker to Point out Sonia as the New TIC while he’s gone, even if the decision surprised everyone in the room at that moment Sohan did not back down from his word.
He was always Overprotective Of his Twin sister, No matter what she did… which caused her to Personally think he is underestimating her… which also caused her to have a one sided Rivalry with him- she always do the opposite of what he said… most of the time
Don’t Date Blaster, She date Blaster-
Wear Something less revealing, She told Scavenger to make her Cybertronian Outfit to be more ‘Open’ or revealing her skin.
Don’t go to the front line of battle, She Use a Spear to Fight.
And it surprised everyone when Sohan had told Meaker She should be the next Tic, The tic Work was not even close on being ‘Save’ It’s dangerous… because Every information will be given to her and Others will come after her for it… It was so unlike him to give her something Life Threatening.
But it seems the reason Sohan did not back down from his word was when he sees That Sparkle in Sonia’s eyes the moment he said her Name, That Hopeful gaze...
They were Twins, He was born 4 minutes older than her… and since he was a child he had this unique power…
He could hear everything… he could hear their Minds, He could hear and Even see their dreams… he could hear… he could feel their Emotions when he touch them but…
He wonders why it never works on his sister, His sister was immune of his power, making her unpredictable… making him feared for her life… he couldn’t understand her as well as he could understand others, She was wild and uncontrollably, all of her move is unexpected… he couldn’t read her like an open book.
He couldn’t feel her emotions when he wanted to, he wanted her to be safe… only those two truly know him knew he had some kind of Separation anxiety, But he had dealt with it so well…
He was never close to his parents, they were afraid of him, they knew what he can do… and that’s why they had handed him to the Government for their Cybertronian Agency Program, at First they were only Giving him away but It seems like their daughter always finds a way to find her brother.
Sohan was moved to another Country since he was 5… he has been taken care of by The Agency, He could hear them… he avoids getting too attached, No matter how kind they are… their mind never truly said they want him… they only NEEDED him for his powers… And then he met Shaan… He couldn’t clearly Use His power at them, Somehow… it confused him…
Shaan had told him that his powers wont work very well when it comes to others that have inhuman powers too… Sometimes he could hear Shaan… Shaan Emotions are always Blank… But his mind was racing like wildfires, His Dreams are always empty like he Is not even Human anymore.
Sohan then met with a panther Cub, It was in one of Shaan’s Experiment cage and somehow Shaan had Given up and Gave it to him… he Named the Panther ‘Ravage’ He could hear Ravage mind speaking… after a year having Ravage around Shaan had Given him another two Companion… LaserBeak and BuzzSaw.
Sohan had moved out to a simple house with Shaan so he could lived a normal Junior School life… but then after he grew up to become a college student Shaan had left him alone, For most of his life he had always been an agent of Cybertronian, Trained to be the unpredictable Tic…
But He had Retired from taking any mission for a few years when Maliya Came to Him crying that night, He had gone attached to her that moment… He had Promise something he would never do… fallen in love and got attached.
He never was attached to Shaan even if they lived together for a long time, He had kept his distance and it seems Shaan did the same… but when it comes to Maliya… she was like a magnet to him.
He had told her about his power but instead of running away or being scared he could feel her emotions of trust and adoration… she had put a hand to his cheek and gave him a smile… her mind had said sentences he can’t forget ‘I Love you, No matter what’. She knew he could hear her mind… and she wanted him to hear it.
There was no secrets between them, He told her everything, And even the fact about him being One of The Cybertronian Agent… she had Accepted it and asked for his Name… “SoundWave” he had answered “It fits you” She had told him before kissing his forehead.
He had offered her to Joined him but she had refuse because it was not her Thing… and she wanted to always be there when He comes home after any Mission he decide to take… she knew the risk of being a Cybertronian Agent, Life and death was being Thrown in one Box just to see which one came out… 24/7 surrounding by danger.
A year after the twins were born… Sohan met her again…
On the street he come across a woman… he can’t read her mind… it was… blank… and when he turns to look at her, she did the same…
It felt like time had stopped at that moment, Maliya who was walking forward also stopped
And she put a hand to cover her mouth… that moment he knew it was her… she Ran to Him, Hugged him and cried in his arm…
It felt like all the pain disappear and yet reappear again, Maliya had been watching them with a fond smile, She had heard About Sonia… Sohan had called his Twin’s name in his dream a few times, and when he’s drunk telling how much he misses her…
Sonia Apparently had become a Cybertronian agent Ever since he went to college but She couldn’t seems to find him, She had seek for him everywhere but She can’t find him… and no one is telling her anything!
Sonia had become closer to His Wife, And the twins… this was the life he always hoped for… a happy life… with his Wife, His Sister and His Sons.
Maliya incident broke him to pieces, he can’t pick it up himself…
Sonia was there with him when he crumble down, Crying And Just… Breaking… it’s like a glass being Shattered into pieces…
When he heard of the Plane crash He had screamed so loud the Glass around them had Shattered, Everyone had Ran away… step away from him but She was still there hugging him.
She hold him close.
After the news he was in no condition to take care of the Twins, Sonia had taken them into her Custody… they all moved into the Cybertronian Main HQ, Sonia’s room was next door to Sohan’s, The boys had asked her why was they staying with her and not with their father… she had told them That their father is in no condition to take care of them right now…
But she didn’t stop them from Visiting him from time to times, After moving into the HQ Sohan’s old Companions had run back to him, They were Worried at how messed up he is when they see him, He was shaking, He looks horrible and he had refuse to eat or shower… or do his work…
That day was where Meaker and Stamos Stand Forward to help the TIC they haven’t truly met… They knew Sohan existed but They never truly met him… And Meeting him in this kind of Condition worried them.
“Rumble… Frenzy” Sohan Had Points at the twins “Huh?” Ruin look at him confused “Cybertronian Name” Sohan said before walking away…
For 2 years he had Distance himself from the boys… and want it or not… they could clearly see it… and it hurts them, Sonia tried to cheer them up and That’s where A Certain red haired man came and Tried to do the same… He had Seen them crying for their Father, And how tired to woman looked trying to calm them down… he decide to come to them Pushing both Ej and Rey toward their Direction.
{Short blue Hair, Ej Ctibor Caidyn, Nickname Ej
Uses He/Him
Code Name Eject, Blaster’s Cassette and a Spy
Age around 17-22 Years Old, Height 5’0 Feet
He’s energetic and Playful, Childish as Rey likes to say it… He gets excited when it comes to Sports… He’s a big fan of those, He had learned as much sport game as he can, He could name every Player in a Sport show- aside from his obsession with sports he is not fond of Violence… could be said he is a pacifist but he wont hesitate to raise a fist or a weapon if it comes to protecting Himself or the ones he loved, He is easy to get along with.
Short Blue hair with a Shade of yellow, blue eyes hidden behind yellow Visor}
{Short raven hair, Rey Wilmot Caidyn, Nickname Rey.
Uses He/him
Code Name Rewind, Blaster’s Cassette or an archeologist and Historian
Age around 17-22 years old, height 5’0 feet
He enjoys books, Any type of book especially history he’ll read them in no time, Always seeking for new Knowledge and discovering the ones that has been buried by Times, He likes to keep his precious moment written in a book or Recorded by a camera… when there’s something you need to translate… he’s the guy for the job any language he can translate
Short raven black hair with a shade of red, blue eyes hidden behind yellow Visor}
“Hey, what’s going on, Why are you crying?” Ej asked “Dad doesn’t love us anymore” Ruan Cried, Sonia who was kneeling in front of them shakes her head “No, No… your Father loves you, he loves you very much he’s just not in the brightest place right now, Ok, Please don’t cry… cheer up” She beg trying so desperately to calm them down.
Rey Nudges Blaze’s Side silently telling him to do something, Blaze Hesitate but he kneel down next to Sonia “Hey, How about you two Get Some Ice cream yea?” he offered, The two stop crying for a moment “come on, Cheer up, go buy some snacks… I know a Place” He Offered again before he glance at Sonia silently asking if it was alright and apparently the twins did too… she nodded.

They went out and the twins had stop Crying, They had Stop sobbing… Ej was trying to cheer them up, He was Friendly and it seems that his effort Didn’t go to waste as Ruan and Francis soon become more open and laugh along.
Rey was walking a bit behind the three, Eyes lock on the book he was holding… Sonia was walking alongside Blaze “how old are they?” she had asked “8 years old, Just turned 8 last month” He answered “Oh, They’re both the same age?” She asked and Blaze nodded “Twins” “Twins?! We’re Twins too! And so is Aunty SoundBlaster! She’s Dad’s Twins” Ruin Spoke pointing at him and Francis then at Sonia.
“They aren’t your kids?” Blaze asked jokingly “Nooo, gosh no! I’m still a Single Virgin” Sonia Covered her mouth, Ruan, Francis and Ej look confused at her word but Rey raise a brow and look up from his book and glance back at her… silently telling her she should not say the ‘V’ word in front of Kids- “Really? I thought someone like you would’ve already had someone” Blaze Mutters.
“Nope, Never had anyone… I spend most of my days looking for my brother” She Answered “And you find him” “I did… So… are they your kids?” “Oh No! No no no! They’re my Younger brothers, Our parents die in a Plane crash two years ago… So I’m the only one left to take care of them”
“Plane Crash?” Sonia mutters and Blaze nodded… “September 20, That plane crash incident… our parents was in there…” “My Brother’s Wife was in that plane too” She Mutters.
They both lock eyes but instead of Bursting into tears She let out a Giggle and he laugh, Oh how good the timing was… “I- I didn’t mean- No I didn’t mean to be disrespectful I’m so sorry for you parents- I” “Same here, Same here” he Put a hand to his Mouth and lean back away trying to stop himself from laughing.
She put her head to his shoulder trying to cover her giggles, they had stop walking… and the 3 Kids turn to look at them confused…
While Rey Put the Book to cover the mask he was wearing observing them… his lips turn to a smile. He had maybe Give himself a little bet that these two would get along well…
And he was Winning that bet…
Even after Sohan had been in better condition and took the twins back it didn’t stop Sonia and Blaze to hang out, The two would talk for hours or stay quiet near each other and that’s enough.
The older they had become Rey Could see how His Brother Started to Look at her different, there was a small hint of adoration and Love in his eyes, How his voice become softer and gentler when he talks to her… and Rey didn’t miss the fact that she was more playful with his brother, She was Very touchy when it comes to Blaze and unconsciously the two would flirt…
How amusing…
They met in a Dark time, They had connected through pain and Hardship… Sohan doesn’t like Blaze though… only because He was afraid one day The Autobot Communication Officer would hurt his sister…
But that would never Happen, Conscious or Unconscious Blaze would never harmed her… He had fallen for her, down bad as Rey likes to points out.
There was no tears… only a warm knowing smile.
“you love her, For so long haven’t you?” Scara asked him, Husan Froze in place before he almost choke on Air.
“I don’t know what You’re talking about” Husan said turning away “I’m not mad, I would never be mad at that… It’s ok if you didn’t want to come terms with your true feelings, I’ll be here for you every step in the way” Scara Hums.
For someone who’s so ruthless when in battlefield, Behind Closed doors Scara really is a Kind soul, Just like Meaker… both only show their Dark Side when they are dispatch in battlefield or Having to truly take the role as a commander. “Just so you know, I’m always support you no matter your choice” Scara Whispered before kissing his cheek.
Husan Blush and Glance away “You’re Flattering me, I don’t like it” He mutters earning a laugh from Scara.
Then Scara’s Phone rang… Scara Move away to grab it, it was a call from Uziel… why was Uziel calling? He answered the call
Husan Watch as Scara body became tense “yes, Yes… Understood” Scara spoke to the person In the end of the call “I accept, When will we leave? In 10 minute? Understood I’ll meet you later” Scara end the Call.
“Who was that?” Husan asked “Ultra Magnus, Something happened to the Phase Sixers… he need me to come with him to check, I’ll be back later” Scara spoke as he went to his armor stand, Wearing his Armor one by one putting them in place.
He went to grab a few stuff and threw them in a Bag, He threw the bag to his back “I can come with you-“ “No… no stay in the base, I’ll be fine I promise” Scara told him before kissing his cheek again and leave the room.
Computron look between them before jumping to the bed and nuzzle to Husan’s Side.

“I can’t believe in the end of the Vacation we End up with this problem!” Olivia shouted annoyed.
Blue has Manage to escort everyone out of the place and anywhere around them and Talia had Put up a barrier so No Humans could come closer to their Location just to be safe…
M I n e
A Voice spoke around them, Talia had her back against Olivia the two eyes darted around them. One of Olivia hand had turn to a sword while Talia hold her breath ready to shout her power at what ever creature is Hunting them down…
“SixShot!” they both heard Blue Shouted and quickly raced toward the direction, they were met with an unexpected sight.
Sion was holding his head as he falls to the ground on his knee letting out an animalistic Growl, in front of him was a Shadow like woman standing… with a wide smile, Blue was a few Meters behind him she had stepped away when he had starting to tremble.
T̵̫̏͜ë̷̫͍̞͍̮͉̙͕́̓̆̉̀̕͜͝͝s̵̗̅̿̈́͋͜͝t̷̘͛̊̈́ ̴̠̙̜̬̦̺̿̾s̶̱̩̿̈́̊̄̒ṳ̵͔͌̀͐̿͂̊́͝͝b̸̯̜͇͂͗j̸̩͒͐̀͜e̸̳͆̆̀̉̃c̸̗̯̹̤̠͆̈̎̌̑͛͘͜t̶͍̝́̋̃̀̉͌̿̿ ̶̛̳͇̥͍̻͑̆͆̍̑͑̌̀͜0̵͇̥̙̬̩̥̹̺̌͛̅̈́̒͜͝6̴̢̞͍̭̯̗͎̞̯͋̒̿͑̌͑”
The woman spoke, Her smile became wider showing her sharp teeth as she reach down
Ă̶̘̹̹͍̅͗f̵̥̰̊t̸̮̦͕̣͇̍͛͒͊͊ͅe̵̛̗̻̍̄̂̒̋͝r̶̼̭̥̤̣̱̱͚͓̃ͅ ̸̮̹̫̦̰̰̦̋͊͌̅͆̎͜ą̴͉̹͈̭̀͌͠ͅl̵͓̺̣̫͇̯̝̞̼̒̉̈̊͆͒l̴̗͎̀̿̐̾̀͗̀́ ̸̣̹̠̞̳̖̹̋̉̐̽̂̈́t̴̨̧̬̘̺͔̮̙̍̄͝h̶̟͂͗͑̽͝ì̶̮̂̾̕ş̶̡̝̼͚͇̍ ̷̧͖͓͍̜̻͍̠̾́͌̚͘y̵̨̨̛̛̝̩̯̯̞̥̑̈́̿͒́͋͝e̸̢̡̢̳̲̯̪̳̳̐̍̀̑a̷̛͔͆͛̇͒̚r̵̢̜̲̻̉́̑̎͆̂̋̕͜͠s̶̥̰͙̟̣̫͗̿̈́͌̿̔́̇̔,̷̝̃̿̔̐̈́ ̵̛̛̰͈̳͓̥͗̾̅͂͋͂̀ͅẂ̵̢̘͖̣̬͒̊̾̂͝͠ë̷̢͖̼͓̤́̚ ̴̢̮̜͔̼̙̻͚̫̠̐̆́̈́͝h̸̼̫͕͓́͜ą̶̻̼̦͎̱̣͗̃̒̑̋̚͠v̶̡̧̰͙̳͙̗͓͉̾̾̀̈́e̴̢̖̼̹̟̼̥͋͒͜͠͝ ̸̢̩̺̝̆̑̅f̵̲͙̫̖̗͕͎͉̩͌̂ì̷̛̠̯̳̋́̓̓̂͠͠ṅ̸͔͍̾̄́̏̎͂̂ḁ̸̜̙͚̎̓̅͝ḽ̶͚͎̣̗̙̘̑̇̏̀̏͂̒́l̷̨̢̧̝̊̓̎́́̚y̷̹̥̖̟͎͐̇̉̇̍̏̀̚͝͝ ̷̛̦̱̯̾̔͐͗F̷̧̭́̿̋͗ǫ̶̨͚̥̥̻̏ų̷̠̼̻͉̈́̅́n̴̢͖̜̲͕̦̻̼͍̂̌̃͑̆̀̉͝d̸̝͖̪͋̃ ̵͚͙̱͚̹̗̤̫̄̐y̴̺̲͖̮̤̹̦͉͚̿̇̈́̂̆̌͠ǫ̴̜̺͖̠͚̹̳̌͂ų̵̛̥͛͌͛̍ ̷̧̦̹̱̹̟͉̞̍̀͊͜a̸̬̪̬̳̭̦̲̤̦͛̀̑̅͒͆̈̐͝g̶͔̠͈̳̦͌̅͛a̶̮͆̎i̸͈͙̥̞͕̞͇͚͛̾̽ͅn̸̡̛̼͓̹̭͖̅̇̇̿̄ͅ”
Before she could touch him, Olivia Launch forward and attack, the Woman disappear from sight “I don’t know who or what you are but you are not! And will not! Lay a finger on my Commander! Not when I’m around” She Had Shouted out.
“Test Subject 06?” Blue Whispered as she glance at Talia who shrugged then her gaze lock in to Sion who was still holding His head
i̷̯̠̿̐̓͝d̷̢͆̏͂́̈́̈́̚̚͠í̵̯͇͙̖͎͇̻̋̂͜n̵̢̓̑̀͒́̽͘g̸̦͍̠̲̱̝͔͕̖̑͛̿̓̿͆̚̚̚ ̵̧͙̪̥̮̻͜͜͠h̵̡͉̬̤͂̐̓͗̏̕ȉ̵̪̹̜̎̑̔̌͠͝m̶̢̤̣̘̭͕̼̯͚̋̀͝ ̷̖̪̺̏ȁ̸̻͑͊̽̀͝ŵ̷̘̤̠̖͇͓̻̙̠̌a̴̖̼͕̝̼̣̭̿́̎̄̌̔͜͠͝͠y̴͈͉̲̏̍̍̑̈́͒̚̚ ̵̥̫̲̅̈́̇̍̐̌͘͠f̸̦̽̔͑͛͊̋̂ř̵̢̟̈́̓̈́̀̆̅̓o̶͇͛̒̃̀̿́̒m̵̼̩̺͎̊̄ ̸̲͖̥̹̮̪̈́̅̉͒̎͛̇͊̕ͅư̴̺̟̺̣͕̖̞̋̓̌̍͊̊̈̑͝s̷̛̪̓̏͌̔ ̴̨̛̰̼͔͎͈̅̂͜f̵̧̘̯̻̳͙͆̈̑̂͋̊̈́ǒ̶̡̙̹̠͔͚̚r̵̟̦͖̋̋ ̷̧́̓̅̏̓͌̕͝ͅt̸̨̩̥́̒͌̔̔̿͘h̴̯̗̼͗̎́̔̂̈̕̚͝i̶̳̱͂͛͛s̴͕̱̝̩̟͕̋͂ͅ ̷̢̛̫̤͓̥͂̍̆͊̉̀̅̒̆͜l̸̤̝̤̹̟̼̍̍͂͘o̷͈̰͉͚̜̓̊̿͂̋̃̓͛͜ñ̷̫̓͋̾̀g̷͚̟̭̗̺̗̙̝̞̔̈́̽̆̇”
Her voice was died out with the sound of the wind
The woman appear again not far from them, She mutters something under her breath and smile again “OverLord” Talia whispered out, Olivia turn around and Sion was in his winged wolf form… but it was smaller than usual, Even if it was smaller it radiate a Dangerous aura…
OVERLORD!” Talia shouted her name when Suddenly Sion lunged forward to strike her, Olivia had used her sword to throw him away and Jump to stand in front of the other two Phase Sixers.
“SixShot! What the hell!” she shouted panicking, The wolf only let of a snarl as it stand in front of the Shadow lady, Guarding her… he was…. Guarding her… from them… there was smoke coming out of his Mouth, His red eyes shines By the Moonlight….
The shadow Woman Mutters something again, Before Sion ears perked up and he lunged forward to strike again.
Talia keep her mouth shut, She hesitant to hurt him… instead she grabbed Blue and pull her away while Olivia Punched the wolf’s Snout, Throwing him back.
“this is Not you! Snap out of it!” Blue shouted but Sion Didn’t hear her… her voice drown on by something else…
They were no one to him…
SION!” Olivia Shouted as she slam him to the ground, He let out a Howl of Pain before biting her arm, hard enough to make blood flow faster than it should.
She ignored the pain but she let him go when he slapped her face with his wing.
Both side was Injured badly and yet none stepped down… she had always wanted to fight him in his full power but he always hold back but this time… it excite her how he didn’t even hold back his power against her.
How amusing… but she knew that this is not a good thing, That woman… who ever she is, is controlling him with some sort of spell? Or a code.
Some kind of Code scientist would use to control their Test Subject…
Test Subject…
Their Creation…
Sion… might not even be Human all along…
With the new realization Olivia stepped back, Looking at the winged wolf With fear… It makes a lot more sense of How Sion always can’t connect with Humans no matter how he act… it always makes so much sense how Sion never bothered about his past like the rest of them…
It makes so much sense how Sion Never truly existed in the past because he never existed as a citizen… he was never a citizen of earth… he was never a truly living being…
Olivia took a step back “Oh? Scared are you… realizing the truth is a Scary thing” the Shadow woman laughed.
“all this years You had been led by something you didn’t even know… your Commander is a Scientist creation, Our creation our first successful creation for this world revolution” The woman cheered to herself “But He had escape because of his own Curiosity of the outside world…” she sigh.
“and someone took him from us, We have been looking everywhere for him… for our perfect first creation” the woman Spoke “But now we have found him… You had lead yourself to your own doom the moment you entered that Abandon Cabin”
“the cabin… in the other planet, that baby” Talia whispered out “that baby was a Virus made by us… to look for our Perfect creation” the woman laughed.
They had fallen to the trap so easily…. They had put their commander in danger… they had found the truth… all those information… those files it must contains what SixShot is
The woman mutters a few sentences again and Sion attack forward but before he could hit Olivia something shot him back…
Sion was thrown back, Blue and Talia turn to see who shot him, And Shaan appeared his purple claw hand turn to a blaster raised up and smoke coming from it… he clearly had shot Sion… behind him Uziel, Voleta and Scara appeared…
Stand Down SixShot” Shaan Spoke
“That is not his name, he will not listen to you” The woman giggles, Sion snarl before Launching forward and Shaan good hand raise forward he was holding something in his hand… but he let Sion bite down to his arm instead of using what ever is on his hand… Scara step forward but Shaan’s gun hand gesture to the side silently telling him to stand down.
Shaan ignored the pain when Sion’s bite down further, He could rip Shaan’s Arm off… blood was Trailing down Shaan’s Arm “SixShot is your Name, It is the name she had given you!” Shaan Spoke staring straight to Sion’s blood red eyes that glares up at him.
She had given you a name, A Name that had proven you are alive, You are just like us” he continued Sion respond with a snarl but he didn’t bite down deeper.
The woman frown she mutters a few words “She had Given you that name, That is your real name, That is who you are! Listen to me SixShot! She wouldn’t want you to return to them, She had led you to me… your home had let you to me” He opened his hand to show some sort of Collar
It was definitely belong to an animal because of how It looks, It was black and there’s some kind of box in the middle of the color, Sion’s eyes darted from Shaan to The collar and they could see his glare slowly disappear “She was your home, they Had taken her from you… That woman had taken her from you”
‘if not she would have been alive today, they taken her away from you… from us’ but Shaan never let out those words… even though he never said it Sion could hear those words loud at clear.
Something flashes between his memories, a Spotless Cheetah smiling back at him she was wearing the exact same collar Shaan was holding.
“you said you wanted to be like us right? To be alive for real…”
“let’s start by changing your name… SixShot had a good ring to it How about it?”
then from now on SixShot will be your Name! No more test subject 06!
Those voice rang through his mind, He felt like he had heard those voice before… slowly he let go of Shaan’s Arm, Eyes still lock to the collar…
‘as Long as that somewhere is with her… I always feels like home’
His own voice rang through his mind…
“Don’t ever forget me, and thank you for everything”
That voice spoke again…
“Test Subject 06… no… that’s not the name she wants… SixShot… no need to fear… You’re safe now”
That was Shaan’s Voice, SixShot Gaze went to Shaan who was staring down at him… “She want you to feel alive” Shaan Whispered out.
“but you will never be alive when you still Believe you are Test subject 06” they shake their head “You are SixShot, Not Test Subject 06” Shaan gaze went to the shadow woman who was growling at him. 
“Test subject 06 has died, The one you’re looking for has long gone” Shaan Told her, SixShot turn to look at her and at Shaan “Destroy her” Shaan whispered out.
Sion look at her before he Walk slowly towards her as his body starting to turn bigger to the size the others knew a giant wolf… he lunged forward but something, another beast had attacked him…
The beast has the shaped of an elephant, the Shadow woman climb on it “We will meet again” She said before they disappear to thin air.
And silence hit them…
Olivia falls to the ground “Olivia” Blue gasped out, “She’s losing blood fast, ScatterShot” “understood” Scara quickly Went to her side and start to patch up her wound as best as he could.
Shaan made his way toward Sion, who was half laying on the ground… he notice the Decepticon head Scientist… he sat up, Shaan raise a hand to touch him and Sion lean closer letting him caress his muzzle and then it clicked around his neck.
Sion look down, The collar was clicked into place… “you might not truly or fully remember her, But that collar once belong to her… it was the collar that leads you to us” ‘To your new home’
Sion didn’t answer, The collar felt comfortable… he push his head further to touch Shaan’s Chest… from how determine Shaan talk about this ‘Her’ he felt like it was not him that had once lost this ‘Her’… She might also be someone Shaan had hold dear…
SixShot has a good ring to it…
SixShot first him so well…
He is SixShot, He always been and always will be… even if he retired from the Cybertronian even if he left, SixShot will still be his name… Not Sion… Sion was His code name… and SixShot was his real name
He is SixShot…
His heart and mind reminded him again and again… it had put him in ease “SixShot” Shaan whispered out his name… his name… As his hand reach to pat the wolf’s ear.
His Name…
He was Alive…
He’s alive…
He could feel emotions and he could Feel desires, He was Alive… ‘she’ had taught him how to be alive.
This is Him, It always been him… his past doesn’t matter because this is the life she had led him to, a Live of Protecting and adventure… a Life where he truly could find Home… even if She can’t be with him when he goes through this life, she was always been with him in spirit… and In Shaan…
She had left her legacy with him through the Collar…
“that Collar has a recording in it… if you want to explore your past even more then use it when you feel like you need it” Shaan told him before one of his hand brush to the box On the collar.
“ShockWave” Shaan turn to the Person that had called his code name “Do… me and Olivia have out past?” blue nervously asked.
Shaan nodded “every phase Sixers have a past life, Sadly I am not the one that carries your legacy… I do not have knowledge of your past” Shaan told.
“do you know who have them?” Olivia asked, Shaan hesitate as his Antenna flick once and shake his head “I am Unsure, When Tarn Legacy was hold by Afterburner… I hold SixShot’s… But I am unsure of who holds yours, We had found you on a sinking boat, Unconscious and Alone without any belonging so we don’t really know who you are” Shaan gesture to Olivia.
Olivia eyes went wide as she put a hand to her mouth “You were in a weak state and we couldn’t match your face with anyone, It’s either you were an Agent, Or you were born in a Place without a Name… or who knows, You had agreed to go through our Lotus Projects the moment we explain it to you like you seems to be thrilled to know that you are able to forget about who you are" Shaan explained clearly.
“while Black Shadow… has been with earth agency before going with our Lotus Project, even with that I am still unsure of who holds your memory… forgive me” Shaan gave a small bow.
“You had lost your past but there are still future to look forward too” Scara whispered out as he Move a strand of hair from Olivia’s Face, he could see the shock and distressed look from the Phase Sixer “All of you have lost a lot of things… but you’re still together, You are each other’s home…” he spoke again.
Sion… no… SixShot made his way Forward and nudge Scara by the Neck, Scara smile and let him nuzzle to his neck, He would usually push SixShot away but This time he let the wolf find as much comfort as he can… SixShot let out a grateful rumble.
After a few hours they finally manage to fix most things before they flew back to the base… it was 12 am and Voleta was Slowing down the flight to make everyone more comfortable.
Blue was asleep leaning to Olivia while Talia was in the other side of the room Sleeping on her own, Uziel was sitting next to Voleta to keep the DJD stay awake-
While In a different room of the ship Scara was sitting on the ground while SixShot head on his Lap, SixShot mask was no longer covering his face as Scara Stroke his hair in a slow rhyme… the Collar was still on SixShot’s neck he doesn’t want to take it off even when he was transformed to A Human… it… had put his mind at ease somehow
Quietly Scara let out a melody to sooth him every time he started to tremble in his sleep… Scara had closed his eyes it felt like taking care of a baby… the thought made him chuckle… the door slide open and he opened his eyes to see Shaan walking into the room.
He sat down at the end of SixShot’s feet, the two stays silent… and Scara let out a song of melody again, Shaan Antenna perked up and turn to look at Scara before his body relaxed and lean to the wall, Scara could see his antenna slowly went down… he was Lowering his guard…
He slowly put a hand on SixShot’s feet… before he close his eyes and the Visor that shows the one optic went black… he listened to the melody…
And he had truly relaxed slowly falling to sleep, Scara smile seeing how quick Shaan had fallen asleep… It seems that he had Sooth not only SixShot but Shaan as well…
Scara did not sleep that whole fight back, He had kept singing the melody in a slow rhyme till they arrive back at the base… when they handed Scara gently nudge Shaan’s Shoulder and he could see the Visor brighten up and shows a singular red optics Went online… Shaan look around the room and his antenna raises when he lock eyes with Scara “we have landed, Time to get off the ship” Scara answered his Silent question.
Shaan Nodded “Of course, Commander… thank you your melody is… quiet soothing” Shaan Complimented before standing up to leave “I don’t mind To be your melody again Whenever you need to relax” Scara Offered jokingly, Shaan stop by the door “I will think of it” he spoke before leaving.
Scara Smile Down at SixShot before he stretch his arm and with all his strength he pick SixShot up.
They don’t see each other as Siblings, But Shaan called them their Children, Who ever had caught Their eyes… they will Took Guardianship Custody of them, And called them their Children.
Shaan Watch as Scara carry SixShot Away, their Antenna raise curiously as they tilted their head to the side, Voleta Stand next to them before poking them, they glance down at the Smaller Cybertronians
(From this point on ShockWave will be using He/Him, I’m saying this so it wont confused any of you)
Voleta Gesture something with their hand, Giving a few Hand sign ‘Have you took interest to the Technobot Commander, Father?’
“That is a Logical question, I do see Potential but it will be heard trying to get close to Him” Shaan answered before slowly looking back at where Scara left ‘You could always ask SixShot’ Voleta Gesture again “I could, I might when I have the time to talk to him” Shaan Agreed.
Voleta was one of those of his ‘Children’ that called Him Father or Mother or any Parental name... Aside from Voleta There Was Floella, Silvally, The Predacon and His giant Drill Worm.
Elise Called him ‘Bestie
And the rest called him by his name, they see him as a guardian figure and not a parent figure even if he called them his children… they treat each other as friends… but sometimes Siblings dynamic could be found between them… like how Floella See’s Megaera as Her older sister.
How his other Children see SixShot as an older brother Figure, He had never officially adopt any of them so they were never officially siblings… well he did adopt Elise… and Voleta-
‘ScatterShot is Sensitive, Get close to him by being gentle and reassuring’ Voleta gesture as they snap their finger in front of Shaan’s Face, Shaan’s holographic One eye flicker in and out of existence for a few second before he nodded “Advice Receive, I will take it to Consideration” he told them.
Voleta seems to be pleased by the answer because they turn around and leave, Shaan watch them leave before going to his own separate way…
He opened his phone right when he received a Certain text from Someone He haven’t seen in a long time…
[Rodion-Hotaru Audel]
<[I’ve been acting weird, Out of consciousness… It’s like when I’m thinking of something SoundWave could hear and tell me About it and when I ask did I say it out loud he nod, It seems like I just had a new hobby to just mutters out my words, Help]
Oh… that, It seems like He did not know the fact that Sohan could read minds… should he spoil it for Rodion? Should be play along? Shaan Antenna flick once before he answered the text… he decide to play along
[It is a concerning new Quirk, Maybe you need more rest and Ease up the stress]>
He answered knowing he might be wrong, Rodion respond with a heart emoji.
Shaan turned around “I thought-” “no one else is here, I was about to ask if this Means the threat Towards SixShot going to be much bigger than we expected”, Uziel asked as he walk to stand next to Shaan.
Uziel was One of ShockWave’s Children… one of the children that Doesn’t really like to be refer as his child in public, just like Sohan the difference is Uziel would Call him ‘Father’ or ‘Mother’ or ant parental name when they’re alone, The other ShockWave ‘Children’ already knew about Uziel being involved with Shaan and his little Family party.
That was also why He was Always and mostly assigned a mission with SixShot, so Shaan could keep an eye on them.
“your concern is Logical, It is reasonable… do not worry I will try my best to handle the situation” Shaan tried to reassure him, Uziel gave a nod before leaving…
Shaan sigh, he wasn’t expected to be involved into something like this and yet he knew he was about to!
It hurts even if he was the one that suggested it, He felt Pain in his chest…
Why did he even do that? Breaking up with someone he probably love? And yet He did it anyway … their relationship started at Valentine and ended at September that’s already almost a year? No probably half a year
Light let out A sigh of defeat, Why did he do that? Maybe because he rather ends it here than having more heart break and Lose a friend, But right now the Heartbreak is stabbing him!
“Got dumped?”
Oh great! Not them-
“Well Jokes on you I dumped my ex, So fuck off” Light Snarl, Shaan look him down before sitting to the seat in front of him “Hey didn’t I just told you to Fuck off?!” Light Snapped
“for someone who dumped their ex you look like A mess” Shaan chuckle ignoring the Annoyance from Light “oh what? Are you serious going to kick me while I’m down?! Why don’t you play with your Beloved Children instead of Messing with me?” Light mocks.
Shaan lean to the back of the Chair “hm… Speaking of Children there’s a reason why I’m here”
“of course, What Is it?”
“do you know anything about ScatterShot?”
And Light Froze before he shake his head and turn away “no, Why did you ask? He only teach us in the morning… really haven’t got a clue of what kind of person he is” He gave a Honest answer.
Shaan close his eyes behind his Visor before opening them again “Damn it, Draelyn Busy” Light mutters glaring at his Phone, He look toward Shaan suddenly having an Idea “How do you feel about a one night stand?” he suddenly asked.
Shaan’s red holographic Optic went wide “Pardon?” “I need to let out some steam, Need to forget all this horrible feelings, I can’t drink alcohol because I’m allergic to it so my other option is losing my mind by having sex so… “ Light move his finger here and there “Draelyn is busy, and you’re here so… I’m just asking if you’re down or not, If not I can find someone else” He said.
He could always asked someone else, It wasn’t hard for him if he want to fuck or get fucked- honestly it’s a bad habit that he should stop…
Shaan just frozen there staring at him, Suddenly Light starting to feel uneasy, He sigh and stand up “Fine old man, I’ll get someone else”
“Wait…this is just a One night stand correct? No feeling involved only pleasure?” Shaan asked, Light Nodded
Shaan Surprisingly Gently push him down to the bed before leaning forward to playfully bite his neck, Light Let out a moan.
Holding to the Mad Scientist “We are not going to talk about this the comment were done” Light breathe out, Shaan gave a silent agreement.
When he woke up everything Crashing down to him, His head felt painful… sore throat and He felt weak.
When he glance to his side, the Crimson haired man laying there still asleep and Half Naked, how did they ended up switching roles again? His antenna flicker in annoyance.
He hate to admit but It was enjoyable…
Shaan shake his head before he was about to slide off a pair of Hand wrap around his waist “where are you going?” Light Asked “Change, I am in need of New clothes” he lied, If he was Honest… he hated this.
He glance back at the Crimson man who look up at him with still a dazed eyes “you agree this is only a One night stand” Shaan reminded him, Light let go of him “I know, I know”.
The crimson man sat up and stretch “Thanks by the way, It really helps” Light told before jumping off the bed with ease, he should stop running around fucking or getting fucked by people just because he wanted to let out steam, Just because he wanted to forget…
“this is probably the first time I appreciate your existence, Anyway I need to get going, See you around ShockWave” Light jump off the bed he went to the door, before he pause and turn to look at Shaan “the way ScatterShot Fight… remind me of a porcelain Doll dancing on a stage, He could easily read others intentions… so what ever it is you’re looking for from him, I’m sure he could already tell… just… be gentle when around him he doesn’t like shouts and Screams especially if it’s thrown towards him” Light Spoke.
Shaan’s antenna perked up, Maybe agreeing to this have some benefits to him too- “Bye” Light told before leaving the room.
The scientist waited for a few second before standing up but they suddenly stumble down… crap it felt so painful…who would expect Light could be Harsh, Maybe it’s because he was letting out all his frustration… Shaan would do the same if he was in the same situation- but that’s for future him to worry about.
Right now he need to get a change of clothes.
The Vacation lasted longer than they expected and now Megatron still wont give them a mission… because of the SixShot incident they’re stuck in the HQ, Well not really but the Team has been told to take no mission as a phase sixers.
Talia sigh, She was about to return to the DJD because of this but she decide not to… she doesn’t want to face Nickel right now… literally.
“Hey there little rabbit” a Voice called, She raise her head up, And as she expected Affan was standing there, He was After all the only one that dared to call her that “Affan, Don’t call me that” She frown behind her mask but she did not Use her power against him or Threatened him.
She was all bark and No bite when it comes to him… and even her bite are like small baby kittens bite, Affan laughed “Sorry, I still find it adorable to call you that also” he raise a hand “Thanks for the bracelet, I appreciate it” he told her.
Her eyes sparkle behind her mask, Her heart felt at ease when she knows he appreciates her gift “are you… busy today?” Affan asked, Talia paused for a moment before she shakes her head “No, Not really… Is there something you need?”
“It’s… been a long time and Would you like to watch a Movie with me? And maybe just hang out?” He asked her, she nodded “of course! That would be pleasant” She answered it made him smile.
It has been a long time… and she honestly been waiting for these kind of time.
Where they both could just hang out with each other again..
“So which movie do you want to Watch?” Affan asked “do they have… Su-” “Supernatural Genre? Yea they do, want to watch it?” of course he knew, she knew he knew about her more than anyone and even more than herself…. “yea”
He bought the ticket and they waited for a few minutes, Just sitting in silence or talking to each other catching up with what the other one has been doing.

The Movie lasted for 2 hours and they exit the Theater room after it ended “Hey I need to go to the bathroom, Could you wait a bit?” Affan asked, Talia nodded.
Then he left.
She lean to the wall and turn on her phone, looking around the chat she had muted this Whole time… and see if there’s any important Notification, there’s no important Notification as she expected.
“hey” she didn’t look up “Hey!” this time she did and faced with a guy standing not far in front of her and a few other guys behind him, She raise a brow behind her black glasses “my man over here thinks you’re cute” one of the guy in the back said.
Talia gave them an Unamused look “That is a Non Valid point, You have never seen my face, We have never talked before, I have never met you or any of you. You cant just call a woman cute and expected her to be flattered by a word from a mere stranger” Talia was spitting fact before looking back to her phone.
This situation is uncomfortable and she hoped Affan return soon “Well, we could try to get to know each other~ I always have time for someone like you” The guy was persistent, Talia shake her head without even looking at him, she didn’t even answer him with words.
The next thing she knew was one of her hand being grabbed and pulled forward, making her look up at him as her body stumble forward…
She could kill him in a heart beat
But she didn’t
“that’s disrespectful for not listening when someone is talking to you” He told her.
“what kind of man are you? Do you expect me to feel some kind of excitement by your treatment? You’re not even my type” She glared pulling her arm away from him.
She just realized how quiet it is… was she alone here with these weirdos?! Her heartbeat starting to spiral out of control… this somehow brings sort of flashback she didn’t want… some flashbacks she didn’t even remember.
“Come on give me a chance Beautiful” He never seen her face, why would he call her that? Her face is literally covered by a mask and a black glasses… “I’m here with someone, so fuck off” She huffed “Oh you mean the dude shorter than you? We know” one of the guy spoke.
“he’s been taken care of”
That word hit harder than it should, For once Talia looked terrified…
She opened her mouth and ready to Stop all of their Heartbeat but her fear and anger stopped when a familiar voice shouted “OI! BASTARD!” Affan shouted from behind the guys.
They all turn around and Talia relaxed when She See’s Affan standing there, Holding on a person twice his size by the neck before dropping the person down “You think you can get rid of me?! Try better losers” Affan chuckle as he wipe the blood off his mouth.
That look on his face… the look of rage and annoyance…
The next thing Talia seen was a battle scene.
Affan against 6 people, Bigger than him… and yet he still manage to have the upper hand “Watch out” Talia shouted, She lifted her dress and kicked the weapon that was aimed at Affan “Thank Tal” He smirk at her, She smile…
Somehow even in this condition, When it’s with him… it’s always so reassuring, It gives her nostalgia feelings that she didn’t even know she have.
Feeling of Fear and Excitement.
It took them around 10 minutes to rake them all down.
Affan step on the Man chest, It was the man that had grabbed Talia’s Hand “Oh hey, I know you” Affan snickers “You’re our classmates from 8th grade, Man you really fucked up… now that I see it I know all of you” Affan spoke.
There was a smile on his face but Talia knew full well the look on his eyes were murderous.
“still like picking on Her huh? Disgusting” Affan glared “h-her?! You mean that’s her?!” “Who else do you think was it? I’m well aware you were stalking us and I’m well aware you remember me” Affan Snarl pushing the Man’s down to the Ground even harder.
“Listen here Dumbass, My threat stills stand no matter How old or how Much we all had change, Don’t you dare try to lay a finger on her, Understood?!”
Do… they know them? Does she supposed to remember them? Everything is so confusing right now.
The man Under Affan nodded
“come on let’s leave” Affan mutters before moving away from the man and he grabbed Talia’s hand as he pulled her along away from the place.
Talia let herself being pulled along

“Hey Stephen!” Bladen perked his head into his Brothers room, He look around And Stephen wasn’t there…
He slowly walk inside and went to the desk next to the bed, There was a book opened and scribbled with writings… He does not know any of these writings… what the fuck are these???
Are these… Names?
‘Amir Junaid’
‘Kamrah Ali’
‘Noman Naeem’
And a few other names, Bladen never heard of these names before are these the names in one of Stephen New case?
And Bladen turn around “oh There you are! What are these?” He asked holding the book towards his brother, He notice Stephen flinch before making his way toward him and grabbed the book “It’s Nothing” Stephen mutters.
“Steph… if you’re hiding something it’s best to tell us you know, so if you’re in trouble we could help you” Bladen Told.
Stephen sigh “I was… planning to change my name” He told “Change your name? What for?”
“It’s… I don’t know, I just feel like I’m not connected to the name anymore… I want to be a new person” Stephen glance at the book, He wanted to change his name… because he wanted to start fresh of new page.
But he doesn’t just want any name, He wanted one that connects to his Religion. “I can help pick out names for you”
“no thanks, this is something I have to do for myself, But thanks for the offer”
Something he wanted to do for himself ‘Stephen’ was the name given to him by someone he didn’t even remember existed, only a glimpse of memories… “actually, I might going to ask a certain someone… I’ll be going on” he said before running out of the room.
Bladen watch his brother leave before then realizing why he was here in the first place- crap and he just let Stephen ran off!!!
Names, honestly most of them didn’t even use their real name as a real name… Like how Scarlett’s Name is Just names she put together to match her code name Scavenger, and just like the others…
Their real name has been hidden behind sand, Some of them still use their Actual name like Sohan and Rodion… or Meaker.
But when it comes to Shaan… name is nothing important to them.
Their real name had been buried by time and Swipe away to the depth of the ocean, Name is nothing to them… the Name Shaan Wallace was The name Orion used to give him.
Honestly he’s the same like SixShot… ShockWave is the name he had chose to be His, ShockWave IS him... Always be and always will be no matter how things changes, The name Shaan will soon be covered in sand and Buried away to the past while the name ShockWave would stick around with him till the day he decide to die.
“Are you ok?” A familiar voice asked, Shaan didn’t need to look up to see who it is, well of course it was Elise… “oi, Shocky?” Elise waive her hand in front of Shaan’s face, finally the Decepticon scientist look up from his phone and face to look at her “Is there a problem?” he asked
Elise gave him a concerned look “you’ve Been spacing out lately… I’m… worried that’s all” Elise spoke, She lean to the table still giving Shaan that concerned look “I see, It is logical for you to be worried but as you can see I am doing just fine” Shaan told her.
“but there is something that’s been on my mind lately” He mutters.
Elise sat on the table in front of him and look down to him “Shoot” she made a playful gun gesture with her hand, He look up at her and she could see the hint of smile on their face before it disappear.
“I do not think it’s a good idea to leave Rodimus out alone in a foreign Country, what had happened to SixShot made me rethink of That choice… it seems like I need to keep all my children close, who knows what kind of people are after them” Shaan explained his trouble “You’re not wrong… but He’s with SoundWave do I don’t think we need to worry that much after all SoundWave could read Anyone’s mind” She Told.
Shaan shake their head “but he cant read a mind of People that have inhuman power, it’s like static to him… although he might be able to connect the dot of what they’re thinking it still is not enough” that made Elise frown, Now she’s starting to understand Shaan’s worries for her Son…
She was always Shaan’s Favorite, From the start Shaan always wants what best for her and Shaan knew how much she loved her son… and how much people out there wanted Rodion’s Power… he had Made Rodion a Part of his ‘Children’ just to protect him from the past corrupted Senates and Primes, from Galvatron…
Even if they’re retired right now it doesn’t mean they’ll stop looking for him, Doesn’t mean they will give up from trying to take him in… from trying to take his power for themselves.
“Should we send someone else there?” Elise mutters, Shaan Stare at her before his antenna flick and shake his head “no, It would be… A mess, SoundWave being near Rodimus is already a thin line, if we send someone again the enemy might know where Rodimus is… we cannot risk that” He told her, She nodded.
“I… sadly can not keep a close eye on SoundWave” Shaan sigh, Sohan always distance himself from Shaan… at first Shaan was glad but at times like this they actually felt like they should’ve pulled Sohan closer to them when they had the chance… “why not… ask megaton to stand by our side?” Elise suggested.
A good idea… that’s exactly what he needs! Meaker had Sohan’s cassettes and if They’re on their side Sohan had nothing else to do but to Stand with them…
Shaan stand up from his seat “I’m going to go and Visit Megatron, are you coming with?” he asked her.
“I see, so It seems like our target is no where to be found in the HQ” a Man mutters.
{Medium flowy Orange Hair, Sebastian Parker Nickname Sebastian.
Use He/Him
(Ex)Code Name Sentinel Prime, used to be a prime but ‘Retired’ now work with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist.
Age around 43-47 years old, height 6’10 feet.
He used to control the police all around Earth, And even now if he’s retired those who knows him would still kneel down and wait for his command. He is known to be stern but also arrogant, What Scary is that he find himself being the Right one and Could Easily manipulate The Security Protocol in any Nation.
Medium flowy orange hair (sometimes change it to blue or red but mostly orange), Blue Eyes}
{long Blue Hair, Zeidan Pramit Nickname Zeidan
Use He/him
(Ex)Code Name Zeta Prime, Used to Lead the Autobot before ‘Retiring’ now work with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist.
Age around 50+ (doesn’t age more because even if they’re retired anyone who had become a Cybertronian wont Age After reaching 50 year aka cant die of old age or body change older) years old, height 6’8 feet.
He find his way is the best, He was the Caused that Made things worse while he rule the Autobot, the reason why the Government made another side ‘The Decepticons’ because of how Zeidan would go out of control with the amount of power he holds, everyone is so glad he retired now… but they didn’t know that he’s secretly now Working to bring the Cybertronians down.
Long Blue Hair with a few streak of Yellow, Brown Eyes}
{Colorful Red, yellow and blue hair medium long, Praneel Ulva Nickname Praneel.
Use She/Her
(Ex)Code Name ‘Senator’ Proteus, Used to Be a part of the high council of the government and Cybertronians before ‘retired’ now work with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist.
Age around 40-49 years old, height 6’6 feet
If you think MegaEmpress is bad you’re wrong- this Lady is… what her ex coworker like to called a Devil in angel clothing, once she smile others would Do as she ordered, her word are as sweet as venom… she had broke a lot of rules the government gave the Cybertronians for her own selfishness and yet no one ever put her in jail because once she gave them the look they would drop all the charges… although this Little Trick of her Never works on ShockWave, They could see right through her lies…
Colorful Red, Yellow and Blue hair Medium long hair tied to a pony tail behind, One eye blue (left) and one eye Yellow (right)}
{Bald, Derik Miles Nickname Derik
Use He/him
(Ex)Code Name ‘Senator’ Decimus, used to be a part of the High council of Cybertronians and Government before ‘Retiring’ now work with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist.
Age around 43-47 years old, height 6’8 feet
Honestly he’s just a normal dude that find Zeta Prims Idea a little interesting and The payment for his Job with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist very generous, he honestly a neutral party… he doesn’t have the urge to Scheme like Sentinel or Proteus or RatBat or the others… he just here because he's pain generously and he hangs with his buddies (lmao)
Bald hidden behind a helmet, Blue eyes}
{Short dark pink hair, Henry Teal Nickname Henry
Use He/him
(Ex)Code Name ‘Senator’ Heretech, Used to be a high council of The Cybertronians and government before being kicked out from his position now work with the ‘Unknown’ Scientist.
Age around 48-50+ years old, height 6’10 feet
He means good, he just fucked up in the head. He thinks he’s god (god complex and It’s worse than ShockWave) he does not like others talking back to him… he have his own cult and They pray to him every day… literally a fucked up guy don’t know why he still alive or still here but the government knew they fucked up when they recruited him and Instead of retiring they actually dropped him from his high and kicked him out.
Short dark pink hair, Orange eyes}
“ah~ that’s too bad, but what about our other Target?” Praneel asked as she lean back to her seat, Sebastian hums “it seems like your Last encounter With SixShot had put Our Dear ShockWave guard even up, our ‘Spy’ inform us that ShockWave starting to keep a way closer eyes to his ‘Children’…”
“there is other Inhumane Outliers, Why don’t we just go after those ones?” Derik Asked “Because if they aren’t under ShockWave Watch… then they haven’t knew what is going on, We need to take down the ones that Know and The one that will Take Over ShockWave’s work before taking him down…” Zeidan huffed.
Praneel Sharp colorful nails plays with the empty glass in front of her “time to find a new way” she hums

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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