Valentine Day

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This was uploaded at Valentine in ao3 lmao sorry for being late


It’s valentine Day!
The whole base is being decorated by Valentine’s Day Decorations! The red and purple color turn to white and Pink! Everyone was enjoying their Valentine Day while doing their works!
But… Valentine Day was one of the Day... Light Had to admit he Doesn’t enjoy…
Because of the amount of Chocolate he Got! Outside the Cybertronian base he got Chocolates inside the base he also Got Chocolates, He doesn’t know what to do with all of these Chocolates he can’t say no because he would feel bad for it! Thankfully Ruby would want Eat some of it but of course she can’t help him to eat all of it… he wish he was Affan Right Now!
“Affan! Heeeeellpp” Light Whined, Affan who was sitting on the couch chuckle “you can just gave them away again or Sell them” Affan Suggested “but I don’t want to be seen as ungrateful, I am Grateful for these gifts I really do I just can’t eat it all” Light Whined
Then there was a knock on The Door To the Technobot shared Quarter, Light made his way to the door and it slide open “ah Just the man I was looking for!” Michael Chuckle giving Him a Finger gun and a wink, Light Body Tense “oh MixMaster! Why are you here?” Light asked “I have a free ticket to a movie theater, I was supposed to go with Long Haul Since he’s a sucker for some Romance Movie but apparently he have a sudden call to The Hospital, so he cancel our plan” he lied.
“and?” “and I was wondering if you want to go with me instead? Unless if you don’t like Romance Movie” Michael offered “… I play a lot of Romance Drama… I would Love to go with you” Light Chuckle Michael looked relieved “Cool cool, So um… if you’re ready now we can go now or do you need to get Ready first?” Michael asked “I can go now” Light Respond.
They both made their way to Light’s car and Drove to the Theater “hey, Sorry that this was so sudden” Michael break the silence, Light Shrugged “You don’t need to apologize” “so How’s Valentine day been treating you?” “I got too many Chocolates, I can’t eat them all… I swear If I get one more Chocolate I’m going to throw up” Light whined “oh… I see” Michael look a little nervous.
“What about Flowers and Stuffed animals?” “I got that a lot too, Even balloons, Some Other Sweets and I don’t know some people proposed to me for some weird reason and some ask me to be their Valentine… I turn them all down” Light Sigh “I guess a Super Star Like you doesn’t need anything else huh?” Michael chuckle weakly, He wanted to give Something to Light but Light Doesn’t seems to need anything…
Light Stop the car, They have arrived “Well, that’s not true… I have something I wanted but I guess I could never get it” Light Smile at Him before opening the car door and walk out of the car, Michael look confused.
“Happy Valentine Day SweetHeart~” Cutler purred, Pinning Strahan to the Table “Cutler I have work” “It’s Valentine day, Lay off” Cutler Whined before Kissing His Lover’s Neck, Strahan hold a moan, He closed his eyes and look away “Cutler… please” He Let out a Low whisper “I need to work” Strahan complain.
Cutler Frown, He grabbed Strahan’s hand and put it to his chest to feel his beating heart “Then do me, Work on me” Cutler Flirt pulling the hands up to kiss it and nuzzle to it “don’t tell me you got turned on every time you see me work on a dead body… is this one of your fetish or kink?” Strahan look disgusted “are you going to kink shame me then?” Cutler Teased giving him a smirk.
Strahan sigh and smile back before pushing Cutler away “If you want to do it here then sure… but I would want you to clean everything up” Strahan Warned his before slowly sliding down his Coat from his body and it hit the Ground, he slowly step closer to Cutler hands roaming to Cutler’s armor before snapping it open and threw it away leaving The Terrorcon with a tight shirt he was wearing, Cutler Whistle “This is more like it” He Smirk.
And Strahan lean to him closer and kiss him passionately
“Can I ask why?... Uh… with the Chocolate and Flowers?” Scy Asked confused pointing at the Chocolate and Flowers that was scattered everywhere in the Constructicons Shared Quarter, he had return from a meeting… and he did not expected this all to happen HE LEFT FOR 2 HOURS! Hollis turn to look at the mess and shrugged.
“Oh that, Yea… you see apparently some People didn’t get the idea that you were… ahem… taken and they keep sending chocolates and Flowers for you… so I decide to commit my crime” Hollis Folded his arm feeling proud of what he had done “but You made a mess out of it” Scy Gave a nervous smile at his Lover “oh those mess? No that wasn’t mine that was Scavengers” Hollis pointed at the pile of Flowers, And suddenly Scarlett Head pop out from it.
She shake her head getting the petals out of her now Very messy Hair “Welcome back Commander!” she Greeted… oh… yea this is Wait… Scarlett never got this much Flowers before “who are they from?” “Mostly From an Anonymous Sender! I feel so Loved It’s beautiful!” Scarlett giggles “and the chocolates?” Scy turn to ask Hollis “Those are Long Haul’s and MixMaster’s Mess, The Stuffed animals is BoneCrusher’s mess… “the burning kitchenette Is mine, I had to burn those gifts they send you… of course I picked up a few that’s probably just out of gratitude or Platonic Adoration… like this one” Hollis pulled out a Box of Chocolate and handed it to Scy.
Scy opened the Chocolate box “who’s this from?” he asked the color does looks very familiar… “Hot Spot, He even send some for the other Constructicons” Hollis Answered, Scy Chuckle of course how could he not Notice, Holly had Always gave everyone a Chocolate based on their Cybertronian Design, No wonder Holly seems to be very busy Lately in the past few weeks and Today it seems his energy has been Finally Drained for once.
Holly looks so tired in the meeting no one dared to wake him up when he accidentally fall Asleep, Megaera And Oracle chooses to Stay back in the Meeting room waiting for Holly to Wake up “Well I should Thank him it looks nice” Scy Smile behind his mask “It Tasted Sweet and Delicious too” Loden Commented “as Usual sweet and Delicious” Scarlett added “I don’t Usually like Sweets and Surprisingly Hot Spot remembered that and Gave me a Dark Chocolate” Hollis Chuckle.
“Somehow He made mine Spicy… His effort is very appreciated, How did He know I can’t handle Sweet?” Bolan Spoke, Something seems missing Scy looked around “Where’s MixMaster?” he asked “Man trying to score A Date with the Dazzling Prince!” Loden Laugh.
“… LightSpeed deserved better than Him” Hollis Commented earning a Laugh From Bolan and Loden “I think it’s sweet that he Actually trying Something for once… but isn’t LightSpeed dating DragStrip?” Scarlett asked, The room went to Silence before Scy shake his head.
“no, MotorMaster told me they’re not Dating” Scy corrected the miss understanding “Oooh! That means MixMaster Have a Chance!” Scarlett look excited “Dibs on being best Man in the wedding!” “Loden that’s not how it work, not all date end to Marriage” Hollis Glared “I want to be the Flower Girl!” Scarlett Added In the Fire, Hollis glared at her too but both of them didn’t care at all “I’m the Cupid!” “What?! Wedding doesn’t have a cupid you idiot!” Hollis Shouted at Bolan who look back at him with a Smug expression “Not with that Attitude!” Bolan Talked back at the Medic.
“I’ll pull the String so you can just Float around in circle at the Wedding with your Little wings, Bow and Arrows” “SCRAPPER don’t encourage them!” Hollis Scolded His Commander.
“we should do this in your Wedding too” Scarlett Gasp “Actually… that reminds me” Hollis look at His Commander right In the eye “When are you going to propose?” He Asked in a Serious tone, Scy Flinch and Look Anywhere but His Second in Command “W-well” now He’s getting awkward, His other Gestaltmates looked at him curious and waiting for answers while Hollis Was Looking at Him with suspicious.
“uh… you Know I just got a Call From OnSlaught uh I got to go” “You know if you Don’t have the guts to Propose I can propose to you” Hollis Bluntly Suggested “No- Uh- I um… we talk about this Later, I- uh- I need to- go” Scy quickly Flee from the Scene.
The room fall into silence “I shouldn’t have asked that” Scarlett whisper feeling guilty before Burying herself back in the file of Flower and just bury her guilt with her “no actually You did the right thing for asking that” Hollis Corrected her “He’s Been avoiding that Question for Years” The medic glared at the closed door in front of him before leaving to his Own room, and there was silence again
“… I once accidentally Walked into Scrapper making a blueprint of Something and he freaked out the moment He notice I was standing next to him watching him work” Bolan Pointed out breaking the Silence “all I know is it’s something about proposal” “Dude we know you like to joke around but Come on not the time to give our hopes up” Loden pointed at Him, Bolan just shrugged “suit yourself”
Nova walk into the Technobots Lab, It was empty… he went to his desk and notice an Unfamiliar Box on top of his desk, He picked it up oh could this be a valentine gift? He rarely got one and he doesn’t really care about it… who was giving it To him? Or could they might be misplaced it? Maybe this was for Light, Before He Put it on Light’s desk he notice a Small note attacked to it.
‘To: Nova’
Oh… Oh… it was for him, Nova opened the box there was a note On top of it and he picked it up.
‘Hey There Nova!
I know you were about to give this to LightSpeed’s desk so I had to just put a Note outside the box so you wont do that, It’s a pain but at least you’ll read this note instead of him.
Ok So first of all I’m sorry I can’t Be there at New Year and I’m sorry that Probably can’t be With you for Valentine Too. I want to be there, But I end up having another Mission Right after I came back So… Yea For once Megatron an Ass.
I know you don’t really Like Sweets so I tried to get something that suits your taste, I hope you like it I’ll repay it all when I get back, I promise
Oh… Nova look inside the box It was a Heart Shaped Cake… it made Nova Smile, Such a Flattering Manner, Nova open a drawer in his desk and pulled out a Fork, He cut the cake with the fork and Took a bite… it doesn’t taste that sweet, He Liked it.
Nova finally sat down and lean to his desk while Eating the Cake, He doesn’t really care for Any Valentine gifts… but It always took him by surprised every time Daniel gave him a Valentine Gift… and He always Enjoy it.
The door to the Technobot Lab Slide open “Hi Handsome Do you like the gift?” Daniel Purred stepping inside the room “I though Megatron send you away” Nova Chuckle Pointing the Fork at Daniel who walk closer toward him, Daniel Snickers “Well I got back early So I guess That note isn’t important” He climb up on Nova’s lap, Nova watch him careful while Taking another bite of the cake.
Daniel Trapped Nova on the Chair “Oh?” Nova Chuckle As Daniel Remove His Visor and His Mask before reaching Out to remove Nova’s Helm and put it on the desk, Daniel reach to pull the Fork away from Nova’s mouth and placed it next to the Cake “I did Say I would Repay you didn’t I?” Daniel Purred staring down at him with a Playful and Lustful Stare.
“don’t you think we should do this in your room or mine?” Nova Asked calmly Leaning his head to his hand “I though you like the feeling of Challenged playing it a little Extreme… and Dirty” Daniel Smirk, Nova looked Surprised but then he close his Eyes and smile “well then…” he opens his eyes again looking At Daniel with Predatory Stare “Then… why don’t you give me a show?~ Dead End
Silver tilted his head to the side confused “Um… what?” Silver asked, Mohan was standing in front of him one Hand Holding a box Pointing it at Silver who was confused “I said Here, It’s for you” Mohan Spoke, He look away face Flustered “um… thanks?” Silver Thanked him before taking the Box from him and Slowly opens it, The Aerialbot Command’s Wings Flutter And His Face Started to Blush.
“Thank you MotorMaster… did you made this yourself?” Silver asked lifting the Plushie from the Box “w-well I remember you said something about Wanting a Valentine gift from me so Why not… and Yea I guess That’s hand made from me” Mohan shrugged, Silver Was Drunk that time! He didn’t mean to tell Mohan That!! “ah I see, But you know You don’t need to I was drunk at that time…” Silver Nervously laughed.
“Well I know that but I just want to give it to you” Mohan Huffed, Silver Smile Gently at Him and look down at the Plushie in his hand it was a tiny him, His Cybertronian form SilverBolt… holding a Heart Shaped Pillow, Adorable!!! Silver Step forward and Gave Mohan a quick peck on the Cheek before leaning away.
Mohan quickly turn to look at the Aerialbot Commander, Face Red and Flustered while Silver was Smiling at him so Gently “Thank you MotorMaster, I really appreciate it, I’ll give you something in return for white day” Silver Promised him “W-Well you can return it now with a kiss I wouldn’t mind” Mohan Mumbled looking away, Silver Looked surprised but he giggles before leaning Forward again “look at Me Commander” He Told and Mohan did.
Silver Kissed him…
Mohan almost gasped, A few second later Silver pulled away “sorry I’m very Clumsy at it” He Nervously giggle, Mohan just look at him With surprised and look absolutely Love Struck “I hope that pays it?” “y-yea… th-that would… do” Mohan Finally answer “Good, Oh Sorry I got to go, SkyDive needs me” Silver turn around…
He look back at Mohan for a moment “I’ll see you in the next Meeting Commander” Silver smile at him before Walking away, Mohan just slowly nod watching as he walked away…
Silver might look calm but after He was far enough from Mohan He falls to the ground, his face Flustered… he can’t believe he just did THAT! He put a hand to his cheek and he just lean to the Wall while sitting on the ground. He pulls the Plushie up to his face and cover his face with it, Hugging it to his face.
Mohan Looked so Cute when he’s flustered! Silver wanted to pinch His Cheek!! But he manage to hold that urge to do that, Mohan looked so innocent and Adorable! He would never thought he would think of that! But Mohan was Cute!!!
“Are You ok Commander?” Someone asked, Silver quickly look up
{Short Dark greyish Hair, Stamos Scanlon Sean,
Use He/Him
Codename StarScream, Decepticon second in Command (Leader of the Seekers Trine)
Age Around 30-34 Years old, height 6’0 Feet.
He Doesn’t like Meaker that’s for sure, he’s arrogant and Sometimes can end up being Rude to others but he Would Always Take care of the one’s with Wings… at least he would Be more Gentle to them, aside from that He’s easily annoyed and easily become an annoyance. He’s very proud of His Rank and his ability.
Short Dark Greyish Hair with a Steak Of red, Red Eyes}
“StarScream!” Silver Gasp surprised, He quickly stand up on his Feet “Hey there SilverBolt, Why were you sitting on the ground?” Stamos asked confused, Silver hold the Plushie close to his stomach and look away “Well uh… I just…” “oh? Does someone have a Valentine day Partner?” Stamos Teased glancing at the Ploshie “It- It’s not like that” Silver Look embarrassed.
Stamos look at Silver amused “Come on kid you know you can spill it all out on me” He Chuckle, The Aerialbots are like… a bunch of Kids in his Eyes even if they’re legally adult, Silver’s wings Flutter it Made Stamos Chuckle again “Who is it?” “w-Well…” Silver look a little Awkward “Oh god Is it one of Meaker’s Loyal Follower?” Stamos look disgusted “Maybe…” Silver Wings was giving a mix of emotions.
“Lay it on me who? ShockWave? BreakDown? Sounders? Fr-“ “MotorMaster” And Stamos Wings Shiver in disgust “You could do better than that Bolt” Stamos sigh “Well.. He’s cute” “He’s Not-“ “He’s Adorable, I think he is trying to change and he has been trying to get my attention for the past few Weeks…” “Bolt I’ve been observing him acting like a lost puppy following you around hoping for you to pay him on the head for doing a good job” Stamos Bluntly Spoke.
“he’s Attention Starve” “So are you” Silver Talked back but in a nervous and gentle tone, Stamos Chuckle “Alright, Alright I’ll let you be with your love life but If he ever did harm you… I will end him myself” Stamos Threaten, Silver’s wings flutter as he look away “Oh god don’t tell me he got you Love Struck by being Cute” Stamos sounded Tired but it made Silver’s wings flutter even more “He did didn’t he?” Stamos Asked and Silver’s wings Flutter!
It Flutter so much that Silver Was so sure his wings could damaged a wall or throw themselves at someone! “God you’re so Hopeless Romantic” Stamos Sigh and Shake his head before grabbing one of Silver’s Wing and it stop fluttering immediately it gave a Little Flutter and it folded up. “I think Maybe I should give him a chance… should I StarScream?”
“hm… it’s your choice Commander, I’ll support what you choose even if I don’t like the choice” Stamos Spoke giving him a thumbs Up.
“You told me you wanted something but you couldn’t have it…what was it?” Michael ask as they both walk out of the Movie theater “Ah It’s… It's nothing actually” Light Nervously look away “Come on~ I want to give you something for Valentine’s day but I don’t know what, So if I can get you this one thing-“ “this Date to the Movie was already Something MixMaster” Light Interrupt him.
Light was about to get in to his car before he turns around to face Michael “You know, Fooling me to go to the Movie With you was probably one of the Idea” Light smile at him behind the mask, He was wearing a mask and a Sunglasses so that None of his fans would recognize him. Michael blink a few times before he acted confused “What? Fooling you? I would never” He lied.
Light lifted his phone, It was Bolan’s post on The Cybertronian Social Media posted 2 hours ago right when Michael asked Him out telling him that Loden was In the Hospital- and the post was About Loden, Bolan and Scarlett watching Hollis burn down a few Valentine’s Gift with the Caption ‘Whole Gestalts here to watch our Medic angrily burned most of your gift for our Commander! W/o MixMaster and Scrapper’ and Light Scroll down to the comment.
[>BlackSh4d0w: Where did those two went?
»BoneCrusher: Mixy trying to score a Date with The Crimson Prince while Scrapper Is Still in a Meeting.]
“So? It was a pretty adorable tactic but You can’t fool me MixMaster” Light giggles “You don’t hate me do you?” Michael asked sheepishly “No… never, not at you” Light Whisper “in fact You could’ve asked me straight out no need to hide in the bushes… it’s not like I would Decline” Light Spoke before entering his car.
Michael felt his face Heating up, Crap- he put a hand to cover his mouth before going to the other side to enter the car “So where are we going now?” Light Asked him “huh? We can go back to the HQ if you want” Michael spoke “But we’re on a date aren’t we? A Date with the Crimson Prince is something Really rare not even a VIP or a OnlyFans can Get~” Light wink at him, Since when does Light Become this Confident?!
Michael straighten his body Posture “Do you Drink?” he asked, Light Shake his head “You know I have A lot of Allergies, and Alcohol is one of them” “so what can you eat?” “Are you asking me out on a dinner date now?” “Very funny LightSpeed” Michael folded his arm in front of his chest, Light Was leaning to the Steering wheel smiling at him “have you ever kissed a guy before?”
“I’m an actor with an Open Bisexual career of course I have” Light Rolled His Eyes amused, He Gasp when Michal push him to his Chair, Pulled his mask down and Unexpectedly Kissed Him, His Whole Persona falls out and Light Started to Forget his Lines… but he kissed back. It felt like he was in heaven, He wrap his arm around Michael’s neck deepen the kiss.
A few minutes later they pull away to catch some air “I-… I-…” “bet that was what you wanted, and Oh look the Flustered Light is back” Michael teased before going back to his seat “You know I know about you Practicing those Lines, It’s Valentine day and You were expecting someone to ask you out that you would not Decline, So You Practice those lines” Michael pointed out.
Light was Flustered his Glasses was Falling off and Michael Can clearly see his Surprised and Flustered face “You’re cute you know” Michael Snickers “I- I… I am?” Light Grip on the Steering wheel with shaking hands “hm.. you can’t drive like that, System! Auto drive to the Nearest 5 star Hotel” the car drove on it’s one “Wh- why are we going to a hotel??” Light asked Nervously.
“what? You know if you don’t want to you clearly can stop it” Michael taunted, This was NOT in the Scrip! Michael is unexpected, Like nothing he ever done is written in the script, he doesn’t need to remember lines, He always just go with the Flow and It made Light Both Amazed and Scared, This man have no rules in his life, Nothing to keep him Back from moving Forward… “I found these in your car” Michael Spoke calmly pulling out 4 piece of papers “I kinda read them and I just realized these are the lines you Use to Speak… did you seriously all this time Talk to me and the others using lines as if we’re in a show?” Michael asked, He sounded sad and betrayed.
“Is all the… talk we ever had are just you thinking it’s all a Drama show? All this time the Light I was talking about wasn’t the real you…” “It’s… I-…” Light can’t answer, He can’t… He never thought this would happen “You know what, Tonight I want to see the real you, No more Script, No More Lines, No more Rehearsing… This is real life, Not your drama show” Michael Threatened, In a good way of course Light Knew that.
“I… I don’t know what… to say or do without… Rehearsing it first… I need to be Perfect it Needs to be perfect I-“ “Do you have OCPD?” Michael Quickly asked, Light Froze before he slowly shake his head “I’m Just scared” Light Whisper “scared of what? Messing up? Everyone messed up you don’t need to-“ “Traumas… I can’t messed up or… or…” “or?” “They’ll Hurt me, Lock me away… if I messed up I’ll be useless, How can I be the Perfect Prince if I show One Flaws? How can I be… what expected of me if I fail a single test? I just… I don’t want to be locked away alone in the dark anymore” Light Cried.
Michael eyes widen and he crush the papers in his Hands before leaning closer and Kids Him this time more gentle, He wipe the tears away from Light’s face “Hey tonight, Today and till the next day and the next… I’m going to show you that you don’t need to be perfect, you don’t need to be afraid… who ever hurt you, I’ll hurt them I’ll destroy them… no one will find the bodies” Michael Threatened, Light Gave a small smile before giggling “Sorry, I didn’t mean to just… throw it all at you like that” Light Apologize.
“no no you don’t need to apologize” Michael move his hair away “You don't need to apologize, You don’t need to be a perfect Prince… because no matter what you do you are still the Crimson Prince” the car stopped “We’re here” “are you seriously going to fuck me?” Light Chuckle “I did tell you I’m going to shoe you that you don’t need to be perfect and you need to let loose, also I would Need all your Rehearsing Papers aside from the one you use for An actual show… I want to burn it all” Michael Ordered.
“of course” Light Sigh “Hey, Don’t think that I don’t you you’ve been attracted to me~” Michael smirk it made Light Gasp “Did my Gestalts-“ “Nah Scrapper Told me” “Commander… Scrapper?” “Yes he can read people Like an Open book, And to be Honest I’m flattered that someone like you could like someone Like me, and here I thought My Love wont be Returned” Michael dramatically pose, Light Laughed a genuine laughed… it wasn’t the usual gentle and quiet laugh this was a laugh it was loud and Michael liked hearing it.
He never heard Light laughed like this, It might not me a prince like laugh but It’s a true and real Laugh… it’s like the Bird finally Flew out of it’s cage…
“hey and if you’re not ready we can just sleep and Probably order a bunch of Hotel food to see which one is Good” Michael joked, Light Nod while Laughing, He can’t stop laughing and Michael doesn’t want him to stop either…
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA” Bladen laughed when he notice Fidvi entering the Protectobots Shared Quarter “I have… too many-“ Fidvi Whined “try pulling My move” Stephan joked as he point at his Door there was a note written on it saying ‘I don’t take Valentine Gifts, Because I don’t celebrate it’ “I did the same” Bladen pointed at his Door that says the same “But I think it’s rude to just… not accent” Fidvi whined.
“Blades don’t you think Slade wanted to celebrate Valentine with you?” Graham asked, Bladen Just shrugged “I told him through text if he Wanted he can ask me and all he answered was with ‘K’ and never asked for a date so I’m guessing he doesn’t want one” Bladen Explain.
“have you checked on him?” Holly asked “no” Bladen Bluntly Answer “FireFlight was still Injured in the hospital maybe SlingShot doesn’t want to leave his brother? You should buy him a gift and Went to see him… also Buy FireFlight some too” Fidvi suggested “But-“ “Blades, You’re a Horrible fiancé” Stephan added, Bladen groan “Fine… I’ll go do something about it” and he left.
They argue
More likely She always end up Snapping at him for doing something She didn’t agree to, And Yet she wonder why… he was still so Calm and Gentle with her.
She might never physically harm him but she knew her mouth can spit out some Hurtful words but he never yell back or insults her even if she’s not around he never talk Ill of her… “Orion” She Called, The Autobot leader froze in Place, oh no! Real name is being used! Oh crap! Is he in trouble?! Wait what did he do this time?! Is she in her period? Oh no! Did he forgot something?! Oh fuck-
“Orion!” she called out again louder this time, Orion quickly sat up and walk toward Her “Yes Honey?” “Here… Happy Valentine day” Elise Took out a box Of Chocolate from behind her and a Plushie of Orion’s Cybertronian Form, Orion Blink Twice before he accepted the gifts and Smile at her behind him mask “Thank you, I appreciate it” He Thanked her, she gave a small smile before looking away anywhere but him.
He pulls his mask away and kiss her Fore head “Sorry I was so busy I can’t give you any Valentine Gift” He apologize, He sound so gentle and loving… she turn to look at him and lifted the hand where there was a Ring “You already gave me something more Precious than any Valentine gift can be” her smile Widen, He look down at her before Giggling making Her blush “Don’t laugh at me!” Elise Pinch his Cheek.

“Sorry, Sorry it was just… it’s the first time you said that to me it made me feel funny inside” He Apologize again.
He was Always so calm when it comes to her, He was calm… gentle and Loving… he was already the perfect Valentine Gift for her… maybe she should tone down the Rough Words, she doesn’t want to lose him…

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