What is the Real meaning of the word Love?

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Ships- 💗🌸🐺☄️🍁🧪📸

They always fear her… fear her for her Voice and Her Loyalty… sometimes They ask her… ‘are you lonely?’ and her answer always ‘No, Never’
Loneliness was never something she feel, She enjoy being alone unlike Sion who felt Lonely being avoided by Others, Talia was always feel more alive when she’s alone…
She hated the fame and the looks they gave her when she walked passed…
•|Tarn How are you?, I hope you’re having fun|•
That was a Voice Mail from Kaon… Talia smile, it has been a long time since she met the other DJD, She wonder if they’re doing ok without her… “Oi Tarn!” Talia look up from her phone and turn to look at Olivia who was Standing behind her “What are you Doing here OverLord?” she huffed annoyed by the other’s Presence near her.
But Olivia doesn’t seems to care instead she Walk towards Talia and Observe the new scar behind her Back “Does it hurt?” Olivia Asked as her finger trace the new fresh scar behind Talia’s back “Don’t touch me and… no it doesn’t hurt, Not anymore at least” Talia Spoke looking away, And yet didn’t make a move to push the Taller Phase Sixer away “Does the stab go through your front too? Is there a scar there?” Olivia asked curiously.
Talia rolled her eyes and turn around, there was a scar… close to her chest, She was only wearing A Bra and a Pants- to be Clear she didn’t expect Ms. Big Lips over here would just burst into her room and start asking her about the recent Injury she got! “Nickel did a Good Job on It, She’s an Excellent medic” Talia complimented “She’s also a great mom” Olivia chuckle “I bet she Lecture you for getting yourself in this kind of injury” She added with a laugh.
“I’ve been through worse and you know it, but yeah she did lecture me about it” Talia sigh in defeat, She never liked Nickel’s Lectures but she always had to put up with it if she wants to stay alive- somehow that little medic is scarier than any of the DJD or The Phase Sixer! “well, What did your mom tell you?” Olivia Asked Teasingly leaning closer toward the shorter phase sixer “she’s definitely not happy about it” Talia chuckle amusedly
{Light blue hair, Nickel Ellen, Nickname Nickel
Use She/her
Code Name Nickel, DJD’s and Phase Sixers medic.
Age around 30-35, Height 5’0 feet
Small but Deadly, that’s her! She might not be the Head of the Decepticon Medic but she’s still one of the best medic the Decepticon have, Her Specialty is In Forensic Scientist and other unusual medical conditions… She’s the only medic that’s able to Patch up An Injured Phase Sixer like new.
Long light blue hair tied to a bun and yellow eyes}
{Dark Purple Hair, Voleta Folca Stafford, Nickname Voleta
Use any type of Pronounce (Mostly They/them)
Code Name Vos (ForeStock), DJD’s Scientist
Age around 17-23, Height 5’2 feet
They don’t talk much, usually either using A Book to write down what they wanted to say or Use hand sign to talk, or… other ways like Using a Phone… even if they doesn’t talk much doesn’t mean they don’t understand others… they know every language on earth and even outside Earth, aside from that they Mostly acted like a Feline and enjoy hiding In small places to jump at People to scare or kill them.
Long dark purple hair, Red eyes(?)}
{Blue with Yellow streak hair, Henrik Cramon Cevamt, Nickname Henrik
Use he/him
Code Name Helex (Crucible), A member of the DJD (Everyone’s annoying Cousin/hj)
Age around 24-31, Height 6’11 feet
“can be a bit childish” that’s what Tarn would describe him, he have an unique Ability Of Pyrokinesis and He use the power to burn his victim or just to joke around, He can create another two set of arm using the Flame and he can heat it up or Cool it down the way he wanted it. Even if he jokes around most of the time he still get the job done.
Spiky Blue with yellow streak hair, Red eyes}
{Short blond hair, Tertius Sinan Saaz, Nickname Tertius
Use he/him
Code Name Tesarus (ScissorSaw), a Member of the DJD (Probably Everyone’s tired dad-)
Age around 30-37, Height 6’11 feet
He Doesn’t show that much Emotions on his face but he’s actually very Emotional, He enjoy simple little things and He’s the one that keep everyone in check, as a member of the DJD of course he enjoy torturing his Victim but There’s more to him than The Joy of Torture and Violence (he Doesn’t like Horror movies-)
Short blond Hair, Red Eyes}
{Medium Red Hair, Kaiden Ambrose, Nickname Kaiden
Use he/him
Code Name Kaon (Amp), DJD’s communication Officer.
Age around 20-27, Height 5’5 feet
He’s blind… like… super Blind- there’s no eyes- sometimes he wore a Visor or a black Glasses to hide the Hole where his eyes supposed to be, he might not be able to see things but he use his Electrokinesis to help him with his daily activity, from Walking around the hall to doing the mission he’s assigned on. He Had a Soft spot for animals especially Canines.
Medium Red hair… dude doesn’t even have eyes-}
“Will she be ok?” Tertius asked, Nickel nod “She’ll Be Fine, and Next time you’re being careless I will End you myself!” She Threatened The Phase Sixer, Talia Visibly Flinch before letting out a nervous laugh, she was sitting om the medical bed with her armor off, her back facing the other DJD… Voleta was sitting Next to her while Glancing at her Bleeding back.
Nickel turn to look at the Boys “HEY! DIDN’T I TOLD YOU three to get out?!” She Shouted, The Three Guys Flinch before Quickly making their way out of the medical bay “geez all of you are overgrown Children” Nickel huffed glaring at the closed door before turning to look at Talia and Voleta “what did you do this time? Came back from a Long week mission, Black Shadow Dragged you in here all blood up!” “not My Fault I was caught off guard” Talia huffed.
Nickel was about to Scold her again but instead the Shorter Woman shut her mouth and sigh before going to Clean the Blood from Talia’s back.
“Oh and about your offer, Sorry Tarn… I need more time to think about it, Since you know… I also have to deal with these Guys too” Nickel Spoke “that’s Reasonable” Talia agreed.
“How’s Your Injury?” Sion asked gently touching Talia’s Back “It’s Getting better… Sadly the injury affected my voice too” Talia answer “So you can’t use your voice?” “Can’t, I hope that’s ok?” She look up at him, Sion didn’t think twice before nodding “of course… we are at Vacation now so Your Voice is not needed, You should take some rest”
Talia smile behind her mask before nodding back, Sion phone rang and he excuse Himself to take it and leave. Talia watch him go before she went to the Living room. It was a big room, The main room of the Villa… this Villa is Big and Comfortable but Deep down she can’t feel truly safe around here… something isn’t comfortable but she can’t get herself to say what it is! “are you ok?”
A voice asked, Talia turn around to see Blue Standing not far from her “Yes I am fine” Talia lied, She didn’t want to ruin this vacation for the others just because she felt uncomfortable and Unsafe! They deserve a rest. “you’ve been standing there for 5 minute and I thought you might’ve been in trouble or something” Blue chuckle, She made her way next to Talia “don’t worry I just space out for a moment, Got a lot of things in my mind” Talia explain.
Blue smile softly before playfully nudging her to the side “Come on, Lighten up were on a vacation to time to think for work all you need to do is just… relax” the Taller Phase Sixer Spoke, Talia Slowly nod “I know I know, I’m just a Workaholic you know me” Talia joked “Then clean your mind, Get Some fresh air… and a nice warm Hot tub and candles-“ “You lost me the moment you said Hot Tub” Talia joked again, Blue laugh and Shake her head.
“Want to swim?” “it would be ridiculous to swim in a hot tub” “That’s… that’s not what I meant and you know it” Blue Playfully pinch her shoulder, Talia giggle “ok ok, Sure why not… we can invite OverLord too” Talia gently smacked Blue’s Hand away from her shoulder

She felt something was wrong… ever since Meaker asked to talk to just Sion alone she knew something wasn’t right, but they just didn’t want to tell the other Phase Sixers… as Usual Sion rather Be by himself and she couldn’t blame him for that, Other than being the only Guy in the Team he was also a Loner by heart and An Introvert, Just like her… but most of the Times Blue and Olivia Dragged her around.
It was easier to Drag someone with the same gender as you around other than the opposite gender- (especially if you drag them to a public Bathroom, That would very much be awkward if you drag an opposite gender to a public Bathroom-).
Talia was alone now in the kitchen, She does know where Sion went, Olivia was In the living room while Blue probably asleep, She look down at the necklace she was wearing… she always wear it, But it was always hidden behind her armor… now that she doesn’t wear her armor, Her necklace is open for others to see.
It was a symbol of a dove, She had it ever since she was little even if she doesn’t understand why or when did she gets it… but the moment she was awaken as a Phase Sixer… she was already wearing the necklace, she wasn’t sure if it’s a gift or something she buy/made for herself. She didn’t dare to take it off, Maybe it could be something important related to her past? Just like Affan…
“hello SixShot” She Answer, Sion sat down next to her “You ok? You look… lost” Sion ask, Talia turn to look at him surprised even if her face was still hidden behind her mask, deep down she was surprised “Maybe… I don’t know” “Having Self Reflecting moment? Trying to figure out your past again?” Sion asked.
Talia look away “Maybe… I just… I just want to know… what happened to me back there, Who am I used to be and… I just felt lost, Like I don’t belong here… maybe I always feel that…” Talia sigh, Sion listen to her before looking at his hands that was on the table in front of them “Yea, We all wonder about that too” Sion whisper.
“Where we came from, who we used to be, Who’s our real name, why are we here… where’s our Family” Sion Spoke softly “But we’re Phase Sixers, who ever we are in the past… that ‘us’ agreed to go through the Experience of being a Phase Sixers… at least you have AfterBurner who can guide you, And I’m sure that’s enough” Sion reach out to pat her head “He wont tell me anything” Talia grind her teeth annoyed.
“Maybe he didn’t because he wanted to protect you, Maybe… there’s something in your past that made you agree to go through the experiment” Sion Spoke, His voice was calm and Reassuring, It was… Full of comfort…
“I heard ScatterShot finally Took the Role as A Commander for his Gestalts” Elise Smirk as she bump Orion by the waist, Orion stumble to the other side before he heard His Wife Laugh “Very funny, Bumping me when I didn’t expect it” Orion pout behind his mask annoyed “and Yes, He did, He give me the report this morning about their training apparently… His Very Heartless when it comes to it” Orion gave the paper he was holding to Elise who accepted it and Look at It.
She laugh again “Aweee sweetheart this is adorable he even make small doodles in the Back of the Paper, will he do this to all of his Reports?!” Elise asked hugging the paper “Elise… he’s not a child, You can’t play mother for him, And I believe he doesn’t know you” Orion folded his arm in front of his chest “I can Play Mother if I want to! I read his files ok…” Elise look down at the drawing behind the paper
“how could anyone do such a thing to a child?” She whisper “… I don’t know, But WheelJack has been his legal guardian for years, Meaker and Uziel is right there behind him” Orion sigh “And that’s why he need a mother Figure! In his life he’s surrounded by Guys” “Maybe because he wanted to be Surrounded by Guys, You read his files… You know what his Mother did to him” “yes but a single woman mistake shouldn’t make him think that all woman are The same… shouldn’t make him think all Mother Would do such a horrible thing to their child…” Elise Whisper, She Lifted a Hand and Touch Orion’s Masked cheek.
“he need someone who can show him that Not all Mother is Horrible, He need Someone to make him See that A True Mother… Is a Mother who Love her Children, I play mother with the rest of the Autobots why can’t Him too? He’s one of them who need this help…” She smile at him.
She was always so passionate about equality, If she wasn’t being a big meme lord and a Unbearable troll she was So Passionate about Trust, Equality and Always Try to fix Others… she always see their pain even when Orion can’t, Always see what they needed when The others look away. Elise was a true leader…
She Have soft spot for all the Autobots, Seeing the other no matter how old they are as her children, She was A Mother To them all… and now that She realize Scara finally going out of his shell… maybe She could be a Mother to him too.
Those were some of the reason Orion loved her, No matter how unbearable her Pranks and jokes are she was always a SweetHeart and A Reliable Leader “Alright then… Just don’t rush thing with him you might scare him away” Orion finally sigh.
“you know I never rush things about these stuff Prime, Anyway… You step on a gun” She pointed at the ground before laughing “This is a cheap trick and I hate you for it” Orion glared, Elise lean closer and peck his mask “Sure of course, you hate me~ what ever you said Darling” she Giggle.
They never cared about each other… if they can be Honest about it… Sometimes They just doesn’t think it’s necessary for the other one to be in their life.
That’s what Scara and Sion used to be like, At the Time Scara hair was long while Sion’s Hair Was fluffy and Went down to his Shoulder.
Sion doesn’t find Joy in Even communicating with anyone especially Scara, In the many mission they assigned to, Scara always Discuss the Mission with Uziel while Sion somehow just left…. And Came back to nap or something, the man rarely spend time with the time Hell he mostly not even In the Mission… he’ll ran off somewhere to Nap or to Read.
Scara never Try to intervene with The Phase Sixer’s Little Behavior, as long as it doesn’t Give a Disadvantage to their Mission he doesn’t really care, But Then After Months Of Being assigned together Slowly Sion started to Come around, And Even Chat for a little while before Leaving again.
The next thing he know is He’s Falling for the Technobot Commander.
Little did he know, Scara Actually Liked him since the first few Mission they went together, Scara liked how Sion mind his own Business and only talk when he thinks it’s necessary.
Scara could see his discomfort in socializing and The Technobot Commander could Clearly understood that, that’s why Scara never approach him unless Sion approached First, Both after all have issues with communicating…
Uziel Even almost laugh seeing the two dance around Each other feet, Running in circle and Try to get a hold of one and another…
At first… All Sion see was the In Command Commander ScatterShot, But After Scara Reveal a little bits of his past… Slowly Sion could see the Nervous Wreck behind those stern and Strong Commander, He see the Person behind those Armors.
And Sion Knew at that Moment he fall for the Commander so Hard, like he falls into a well drowning in this Feeling and He doesn’t want to get out at all.
And ever since then, He wanted Scara to be Happy… he wanted to see the Commander Smile, truly Smile… he wish to see it… Scara might not need a Knight in Shining armor, and so He’ll be His Loyal Wolf.

Sion eyes widen when in front of his Scara cuts His Hair with one swipe from a Knife he was Holding, the Hair falls to the ground Mixed with the Blood around it before Scara Flip the Knife and Strike toward the enemy…
Sion watch with awe, No matter How long or short Scara hair is he still looks so mesmerizing… For once in his life he froze in place… he let his whole guard down as he watch Scara fight, Next to Him Uziel stare at the Battle.
“You know… why not try asking him out On your next Mission?” Uziel Suggested, Sion glance at him before looking away “I don’t know what you’re talking about” He try to deny it, Uziel shake his head “I know you Since we were Little SixShot even if you don’t Remember our past I still Can read you like an open book” Uziel Almost laugh.
“Ask Him out before He slipped away, the worse thing he can do is Rejecting you” he pat Sion’s shoulder.
“Love is a strange thing isn’t it?”
Silvally and Husan look up from what they were Working on to look toward Ripton who was looking down to his Book “Pardon?” Husan Raise an eyebrow.
“Love is a Strange thing… I can’t seems to understand that feeling… like… what is love? Why do we feel love? What’s the point if in the end love only Bring pain?” Ripton look up from his book. “I have been having that question in my Head, And I can’t seems to find the right answer for it… How can I Love someone… if I Don’t even Know what Love Feels like” he added
Silvally tap on her phone once before looking away… What is love? “Love is a feeling you Have for Someone, a feeling deep enough to make your Heart beat faster… Loving someone is Like… caring for that person more than anything or anyone else… Loving someone Romantically… also means You can let them go” Husan answer, Behind his Visor he glance at Silvally for a few second before Closing his eyes.
Silvally doesn’t seems to realize his Gaze, she was too busy looking at the blank screen of her phone, they both heard RipperSnapper Closed his Book “Just as I thought…” RipperSnapper Murmured “But I read that Love is also not something you should play with… You can’t use another person, To Hide away your true Feeling for a certain someone… but why is that so hard to understand, You have no Word to Say in this Matter Husan… you don’t understand what Love is… Not Now… not tomorrow…” Ripton whisper talking to himself but the two could clearly hear him.
Husan didn’t say anything to object, He felt heavy… his chest felt heavy like it was being hold to the ground… sinking down, Ripton word spinning in his head “I can’t understand Humans Emotions… I tried so Hard and yet I CAN’T Seems to Understand it!” Ripton Snarl, Cursing to himself while shaking his head, He stand up from the Chair and Walk to the exit “I’m taking a walk” He spoke, Didn’t wait for an answer as he left.
He walk along the Hallway… Eyes lock to the Ground… What is Happiness? He can’t seems to get it right… he can’t seems to understand it… what is anger? What is sadness? What’s despair and what’s Love?
He doesn’t understand it… his Brothers can Understand those feelings and can truly express those but why can’t he? Why? Why? Why? Why?! Why was it so hard for him to understand… to feel…
He felt empty inside… he felt like… Nothing… he always act so Cold and Bored in reality he just doesn’t understand feelings, He doesn’t know how to express feelings…
Other than Disgust and Annoyance…

He Can see it.
He can see it as Clear as day…
He wasn’t the only one that can Snap Light out of his perfect prince Persona anymore…
“ShockWave… That thing… is an Ass” Light Snarl, He almost crush his phone in his hand as Their conversation turn from Gestaltmate to ShockWave, This was something new? Michael wasn’t really Sure about it but this was Not the first time Light Started Getting heat up in anger when talking about ShockWave.
Michael shake his Head and Pat Light’s Head “Man if you keep talking about them I’m starting to think you like them more than me” He joked, Light didn’t look surprised he stare at his Boyfriend with a blank and disgust look “Why would I like someone like them?” Light Made a disgusted Noise “they’re annoying…frustratingly annoying” Light Huffed.
Michael shrugged, He can see it…
He can see it as light as day…
What would he do if one day they didn’t work out? Eh He could Always let Light go… That was something he and Scy had discussed… knowing Light… Michael could clearly see that their relationship wont go far but He always wanted to try before failing… “You know, I heard They’re good Looking behind that mask of theirs” Michael Smirk.
Light grind his teeth “What are you up to? Don’t tell me you like ‘Like’ them… ugh, Look Mich… I would Gladly Let you go for your happiness but Please not with that… Cyclops” Light shudder it made Michael Laugh “no! Of course not!” he shake his head… glad to know Light have the same Mindset as he is, it made him at “I’m Just saying you’ve been talking about them a lot And I’m just listing the people you might be with when we broke up in the future” Michael sigh.
Light blink before he shake his head “Well if you’re listing that put Draelyn on the top and that thing on the Super bottom, No way I would Be with them ew” Light Shudder again “Draelyn On the other hand is hot… Literally” “Oh yea I can agree with that she is definitely a Catch” Michael Nod, he knew About Light and Draelyn Relationship in the Past and he can agree with Light Calling the Stunticon Good Looking.
“but talking about break up, really ruin the mood of a date Michael” Light chuckle “Awe im sorry, I just thought it’s the best time since we have been talking about other people and stuff… so Do you have any Change of Subject? How’s your Career going?” Michael asked.
“Doing good, Decent, Tired and I still have a bunch of Script I need to remember, You? Heard you got suspended because you and your gestalts reveal Scavenger’s Identity” Light chuckle “It was all Scrapper’s Fault… He’s the one to blame” Michael defended Himself it earns a Chuckle from Light.
It made Michael smile, At least if they really end up breaking up… he hope they can still stay as Friends… close friends… he doesn’t want to end things in bad terms with Light… that would definitely destroy them both and he doesn’t want that to happen, Light has been through so much in his life and he doesn’t deserve to be hurt again… (well Mentally and emotionally hurt-) “hey… I know this might be too early to say but, If things don’t work out between us… can we stay friends?” Michael asked
The question seems to take Light by surprised but a smile quickly appear on the Crimson haired Man’s Face “Of course… I wouldn’t want to throw away the things we’ve been through only because we aren’t In a romantic Relationship”.
Michael Smile back, the weight in his shoulder leaves him and his heart was pounding so loud he was sure Light could hear his Heartbeat right now…
Ripton has been having issues… this feeling of imperfection make him excited at the same time make him sick… je doesn’t want to be perfect, Nothing in this world is perfect after all but… he Hated how He can’t understand Simple Human thing…
Is he even a human?
He bleeds
He lived
He can Read
He have Bones and Organs
So he is Human… but why can’t he understands Humans Emotions? Why Can’t he Create His own Emotions??? It just felt so wrong
He flinch when he felt a bonk on the head, Ripton look up “Sorry! You just seems Conflicted… I had to Bonk you to get your attention” “uh… Do you need anything?” Ripton asked nervous, Fiacre just stare at him before he shake his head “Nope!” “Then why did you just do that?” Ripton hold himself from letting out a growl.
“You just seems conflicted… Even Talking to me now I can see that you’re confused about something… If you need someone to talk to I’m here for you” Fiacre offered a Hand, Ripton shake his head before pushing his Jair back “We never even talk before and you offered to Spend your time listening to me?”
Fiacre Nodded without hesitation “Why?” “Because I want to help others, I don’t like seeing Others looks so down and So… lost, even if we don’t know Each other that much Then I want to know you!” The Aerialbot Cheerfully said “… you’re weird” “Mhm! I know, Do you want to be friends? We can start from there” Fiacre Offered, Hands Still Waiting for Ripton to shake it.
Ripton stare at him for a few second before letting out a sigh and accepted his hand “Sure why Not” He Flatly Spoke, It made Fiacre smile wider.
“So… since you seems sad, Do you want to go to a Café with me? I Know this nice place… oh do you like Dessert?” Fiacre Asked, Ripton shifted “Uh… Sort of?” “Is that a Yes or a no?” “…Maybe? I… haven’t ate Dessert before… wait maybe I have I… can’t remember?” He admitted.
Fiacre Gasp “YOU HAVEN’T?! then I’m treating you to Some Dessert! Come on!” Fiacre quickly pulled him along, Ripton almost stumble forward but he manage to keep up.
“H- Hey Slow down” “No Can Do! We have no time to Waste!”

Ripton Eyes widen staring at all kinds of dessert on the table in front of them “Thank you” Fiacre said to the waitress who smile at him and nod Before walking away, Fiacre Lean To Ripton’s Seat “So? Eat as much as you want! And whichever you want” The Aerialbot’s Wings flutter.
Ripton came down from his Shock and He gave a nervous smile “… how to… eat these? Umm… I know About dango and Mochi but… What… what’s that?” “That’s Called a banana split” That answer earn a nod but It seems like Ripton was still confused… “How’s Your Childhood RipperSnapper?” Fiacre asked tilting his head away to the side.
“I don’t think were close enough to talk about those” “I mean like… is it bad, Good or decent” “Oh… It’s … Complicated” “You use to Live rich” “Yes- How did you?” Ripton slowly look at the Aerialbot “I can see from the way you walk, The way you talk and How you Behave… It’s all well coordinated, all High and Mighty, Your way of Dressing too… but How come you never have dessert? I thought people like you Have all the dessert you want in the world!” Fiacre Asked.
Ripton gave a smile “I never have dessert, Because… Well Because I never ask for one” He made up an excuse, But it seems like lies doesn’t Go through Fiacre “I’ll Ask you when we’re close enough, So Here Let me show you the Wonder World Of Dessert!” Fiacre throw His arm in the air…
Oh this is going to be a long day…

“Ack! Too sweet!” Ripton shiver “oh so you don’t like sweets that Much? Ok I’ll keep that in mind… So what’s your favorite so far?”
“the Strawberry Cake and ice cream Sundae” Ripton murmured “So I’m Guessing your Least favorite is… the ones that’s too sweet?” and Ripton nod.
“I feel full for just eating these” he whined it made Fiacre laugh, Ripton’s Phone Buzz and he pulls it out… it was a message from Storm
-Storm C.T-
<[Me and Skyla Wanted to go to the Movie, Do you want to Join Us?]
Ripton look at the message, He wasn’t sure what to answer… should he decline or accept? Fiacre lean Closer to him “You should join them If you want!” Fiacre Hums “That’s not It, It’s just that… I’m not sure if I should deny or accept, I feel nothing for the offer” Ripton Sigh.
“… oh that is difficult” Fiacre Nod Understanding before he shoved a spoon full of Cinnamon into his Mouth.

“SoundWave… I don’t seems to understand this… ‘Text’ WheelJack Send me” Shaan handed their phone to the Decepticon TIC who accepted it and stare down at it… Sohan’s Visor lit up before he crackle to a Laugh, How does he find it Funny? It’s Illogical… Shaan shake his head “WheelJack: called ShockWave Boomer, Very Laughable and True” Sohan Finally spoke after He calm down from his laughter.
Shaan looked even more confused “I don’t seems to understand this ‘Boomer’ Word, Would you mind Explaining to me?” Shaan Asked, Sohan Laugh again… “Text says: ‘Ok Boomer’, Refers to Is a Catchphrase and internet Meme that used to Dismiss or mock Attitudes Typically associated with people born in the two decades following world war 2” Sohan explain again “It is illogical to call me that, I am not Older than 50 Years old… I have not been born Around world war 2” Shaan Shake his head.
Sohan tilted his head to the side “ShockWave: Real age Unknown… 50 Because you Join The Earth Reinforcement 50 years ago, Query: How Old is ShockWave actually?” Sohan Asked, Shaan one Optic on his Visor Wider before he let out a cough and turn around “Irrelevant” “SoundWave: Query is Relevant, ShockWave: Keeping Secrets” Sohan Talk back.
“That’s enough SoundWave” Shaan Huffed annoyed, He doesn’t seems to like the subject of His Real age…

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