Not a Chapter, but Clearing out some stuff

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About the full mame and Names they use (not the code name one)
There's a reason why their Name is not Matched with the Country they are from (I added this to make everything clear even though only probably a few got their country revealed.).
The Cybertronian have reason to hide their Birth name, Change their Names before joining and etc, it is to their own comfort because they either does not feel connected to their birth name (like ScatterShot) or felt It's safer to change their name so their family will be safe even if their name got expose or They just feel like it or the names is to match their Cybertronian Name (Like What Scavenger did to her name, Yes her name is not her birth name, it is the name she use to match the word 'Scavenger') or their birth name brings back bad memories (Like Scrapper's) or they might have other reasons
Will their Birth/Dead Name be revealed in the future? Well I'm not sure yet, Depending how their route Goes.
Will the name be hinted to be Fake or Hinted that it's not Their birth Name? Yes, Some of them will (because only some changes their name), Like how In one of the chapter Revealed that 'Scy' was a Name Scrapper pick instead of his Birth Name.
are their current name related to the Country/Nation they're from? Some yes some no, Like How CutThroat and his btorhters change their name to look less Japanese, They change it Before they joined the Cybertronian (so that is why it's the name put in their Family tree).
About Ages
This one is a bit tricky because I did put the age like 30-35 and stuff, The age Does matter because they don't actually age, It's just how their body will look, Just like how ShockWave is around 50. He's actually way older.
At some of the chapter this is explained why they didn't age when they go pass around 40 or so, if it doesn't then I'm sorry lmao I must've forgot, But you know it now lol.
about Story Theme and Chapters
Theme will be dark, passing this point everything will go down hill dark, I am not sorry if I make it darker than it should it probably already dark before, But I am In the process of Exploring the Outliers ability (or Inhumane ability as it called in this AU), Not sure if there's a chance for comedy anymore but I'll try to put it in once in a while.
At future chapters there might be a Whole Vision of Gore and Violence at some point so be ready (I am Warning now because I feel like I should)
The story chapter maximum will be around 10.000 per each (or sometimes its 10.010 or so but it never go pass 11.000), but special chapter usually around 5.000 or down because there's not much plot to explore there.
There's a lot of Hint of Sexual Activity happening, will there be a Smut chapter in the future? Probably, But it wont be a focus honest- Literally there's only 20% I would write smut in any of my stories but there will be 99% I will write Triggering themes-
is these Characters would actually End up forever with the significant others they have now? Some like Elita/Optimus will, But the others are still in Thin line, they still might break up and stuff and the Ship that isn't progressing might actually not going to be Ended up together in the end, sorry.
will there any Characters Development since the story started At the Middle of Their Life when everything and everyone seems to be perfectly fine with themselves?
there will be A Lot of characters development, But I cannot give them all characters Development on screen or on write and stuff so they might change suddenly or so.
Who are the Actual Main Characters?
The Main characters are actually ShockWave, Even if It doesn't look like it but he is the start of it all and He is involved in most of the plot even if it didn't seems like it, Future plot will Shown him more are a Main Character Antagonist and Protagonist in the same place.
You might Expect Hot Spot to be the main character but no sorry, And Honestly... After this I don't think Hot Spot or the other commanders aside from ScatterShot and MegaEmpress will be seen much in future chapters.
is this story even about the Gestalts anymore?
It Still is, I just want to explore a lot bigger characters, most of the Gestalts story has been revealed at this point and most are still hidden.
Will the Characters original Country/Nation be revealed?
Not really, I don't find it useful to explore unless it's going ti be a major plot point, Scavenger's Homeland was an accident and I just decide to keep revealing it-
CutThroat and His brothers homeland is  revealed on purpose for that one plot point of him and Strafe.
what is ShockWave's role In the story?
He/They (In future chapters Itself going to switch a lot from he and they so I'm slrry if it's confusing I hope you'll just get a hold of it lmao) are the Main Antagonist and Protagonist depending on who See's it.
To those he called 'Children' he is the Hero, But to those That hates him he is A Villain.
To their allies they can't understand their motives.
I can't really spoil much but all I will add is that ShockWave only loyals to two things, Logic and His So Called 'Children'.
How Old is ScatterShot actually? Is he in legal age??
He is 18 and reaching 19 in the Series, He is a legal Age of adult teen. 
what are the Years and times in the Chapters
the chapters are out once a month, and the time followed the month now meaning if I upload it at March it's march in the Chpater's Calendar, For the year they are in the same year as us too so the chapters felt more of a real time diary some sort, I just find it cool even if their world are more advanced.
Will A characters Religion be explored? 
Ok this was a bit tricky, I only explore the ones I know best. I might explore other religion if I have a friend That I can openly asked about the religion or if they are willing to help write a chapter of a certain characters doing their perspective Religion activity.
Because I am Very Scared to misinterpreted Religion, Very Very scared-
Most fo the characters are Just like real Cybertronians, they believe in primus or vector sigma but there are a few that believe in Human Religion (like First Aid)
Some FlowSpade and StreetWise chapter are talking about Islam, Why? I want to Make character Chose different kind of path, While The others are mostly in on something, I decide to put these two to just have a nice conversation and StreetWise trying so hard to Be someone FlowSpade could rely on. 
I just enjoy these kind of relationship where both of them respected  and would indulge on the others Interest and Life, it's the sweet in the bitter or The chapters...
Does Rodimus Have a Plot In the story other than being a college kid?
Rodimus and SoundWave is Also the other Main Characters, The Main 'Main' Characters might be ShockWave but In future Chapters.
Rodimus and SoundWave will Have a major plot point in chapters, And so Will Elita-1.
FlowSpade and the plase Sixers too, Literally anyone That has been Labelled as ShockWave's 'Children' will be important to the plot 
Will there be death of any of the Introduced Cybertronian Characters?
Yes Optimus is going down kids, Cry now/j
lmao just kidding, I have no plan on killing anyone Yes, I love them dearly even if they're a bitch like DragStrip, Actually I kinda love her... Literally I would Date her if I can even if She's a sassy bitch (Or StarScream- or MegaEmpress).
But I probably would kill someone off If I feel like it- sorry, But it wont be any time soon
Will Megatron's Kids be revealed in the future chapters?
is there any future main characters that haven't been revealed?
Yes, And It might be surprising but There are around 4 future unrevealed Main Characters.
I'm going to spoil it and they're going to be...
Perceptor ♂️
Red Alert♀️
Knock Out♂️
They would play more plot role in the future.
Why was this story made?
I find it interesting to explore humans Psychology in the dark way, I find interest in the dark side of Humanity and The Dark Side of Nature.
Not everything is Rainbow and Sunshine, not All pain come Physical, Not all Humans Have empathy and Even those who have could still be evil.
Humans intentions and Ambitions are also my point of interest and so is their Change of Nature after a certain incident, Their fragility and How They could just break but yet some of them still willing to wake up the next day to do better.
I want to explore those Humane Side, I made this not to comfort people- (but if it somehow comfort you and you see yourself in as one of the characters or feel related to them and the problem they've gone through then I'm glad that you find Yourself in these characters and Hope it'll support you to keep up walking foward to a better future) I made this to open the eyes to the real monster (and that is Human and their ambitions).
This made me sounds like a villain lmao
Those are for now,  I hope these answers most of your curiousty for what will coming out next.
The next chapters will appear around September 10th or September 5th.

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