Proposal Discussion

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Ships in the chapter-⭐💗❄️💮🔥🪶🌌🦪

All he heard that day was Scream…
“PLEASE STAY AWAKE, STAY WITH US STEPHEN” someone… someone calls his name.
The White haired man Was laying on the Cold hard Ground blood was everywhere leaking from his injury, Ambulance and reinforcement was in the scene. His fellow Subordinates try to stop the bleeding.
He thought he was about to die… until he felt someone lifting him up “You idiot” A familiar voice… a familiar comforting Voice….
“stay with us StreetWise, Because if you die… I’m going to beat you Back to life” The owner of the Voice snarl, Stephen smile.
{White messy Hair, Stephen Winter Pravare, Nickname Stephen
Use He/Him
Code Name StreetWise, Police Deputy Chief, Detective and A second in command of the Protectobots
Age around 22-27, Height 5’9 Feet
He always rely more in his knowledge than his Strength, Always know what’s best for his team and what isn’t. Smart, Understanding and Brave, But at the same time his selflessness and his bravery can caused him harm while trying to protect the others, he felt like he need to protect everyone even if it means to lose his life.
White messy spikey hair, Red rose eyes behind Blue Visor}
The white haired man open his eyes he glanced around the room... this wasn’t in the scene of the crime… where is he, He tried to sit up but he felt the pain struck through his Chest… pain… he let out a whine
“Stop” He felt a hand gently push him back to lay on the bed “Shana…” Stephen called out her name, The woman with the hijab just nod “You scared most of us you know… Fidvi was crying when he try to safe your life” The woman sigh, she sat down on the chair next to the medical bed.
{A woman with Hijab/Veil, Floella Saalima, Nickname Floella
Use She/Her
Code Name FlowSpade, The second in command of Megatronia, A Decepticon Spy.
Age around 20-25, Height 5’4 Feet
She’s quiet only speak when she knew it’s necessary, She’s a woman of a few words. She let her actions do the work than her voice, If she can’t say anything nice then she shouldn’t say it at all that’s what she’s always reminded herself. Words can hurt people worse than physical attack. She’s wiser than the other thinks and more talented than she looks.
Raven Hair hidden Behind a dark grey Hijab/Veil, Violet Eyes behind Red eye contact}
“I heard you threaten me that I you would beat me back to life” Stephen Joked, He try to laugh but his throat hurt so much. Even if Floella mouth was covered by a mask he could see her smile and she gave him a nod.
“so what are you doing here?” He ask lifting one hands up to gently stroke her mask, Floella Rolled her eyes and move His hand away from her mask “Not close relatives, unclean” She warn him, Right he forgot about that.
“I’m Just worried for you” She admitted as she gently put his hand back on the bed “Awe, Just admit that you love me” He teased, She wasn’t flustered she was used to this iind of conversation when talking to Stephen, She just chuckle and shake her head.
“Sorry I have to cancel Our date for that Mission” Stephen Apologize earning a Angry look from Floella, she gently slap his shoulder “I’m not worried about that! I’m worried about your life, Going a Date isn’t important if you’re not alive!” She Half shouted worried were written everywhere in her expression, Stephen gave a weak smile “thank you for worrying” he spoke.
Floella huffed and look away, She’s always confusing… to Stephen she’s interesting, Floella never wish for anything expensive, If Stephen bought her an Accessory she always refuse it without hesitation, If he gave her something expensive she will slap him and told him it’s unnecessary and will not take it, she never want him to spend his Money for her. She’s not the type to rely on him or anyone else, even if they’re dating she always told him to keep his distance, To Not touch her.
She’s smart and Even if for most man a woman like her will be called difficult because of how she refuse a lot of things woman would accept, To Stephen she’s interesting. Even if they’re going out on dates She still didn’t call him her Boyfriend and He accept that, Even going on dates she always pays for her own stuff. At first Stephen was confused but the more time he spend with her He felt like he start to understand her, He even starting to Learn about her Religion because to him it's interesting just like her.
even if he can't Read most of the Arab word and she laugh at him.
“Hey” Floella snap her finger in front of his face to snap him out of his thoughts “huh, Oh what is it?” Stephen ask glancing at her. “I need to go, Fidvi will be here soon and I still have stuff to do” She Spoke before standing up, Stephen nod.
She’s an interesting woman, Always do things on her own without needing the help of a man. She’s not clingy, she’s not touch starve, She’s not obsessive, She’s not Seductive, She doesn’t get jealous… a woman that can control her Feelings and her Emotions. A woman that can Control her word and her mind.
A perfect Spy and Interrogator.
“Hey Floella” Floella glanced at the door that slide open revealing Megaera “Yes ma’am?” Floella ask, Putting on her mask on after she finished putting away her Weapons. She stand up and walk toward her Commander “Do you need anything?” She ask.
“Not really do you know where Diamond is? I cant find her” Megaera ask nervously rub the back of her neck, Floella shake her head… she doesn’t remember meeting Traviata this morning or even after she came back she only went pass Lucy and Monica but that’s it.
“did Traviata did something wrong?” a woman ask from behind Megaera “Well she haven’t report from her last mission so I thought I’ll go look for her” Megaera spoke turning to look at the woman with a pink and Black armor.
{Long pink with a shade of black pony tail hair, Lucy Claire Luana, Nickname Lucy.
Code Name LunaClub, an aerial of the Megatronia
Age around 20-25, Height 5’5 Feet
She’s energetic, Cheerful and A Hot Headed. She always up to mischief and Games, Her playfulness sometimes Can bring her into a lot of Trouble, If trouble can’t find her she goes looking for trouble! So be careful or you’ll fall into one of her playful childish pranks!
Long Pink with a shade of black flowy pony tail hair right eye covered by a long flowy Hair, blue eyes behind Red visor}
Lucy let out an ‘ohhh’ she turn to look at her twin sister who was texting on the phone, then she look back at Megaera “Have you try contacting her?” Lucy Ask.
{Long Blue with a shade of black pony tail hair, Monica Heartville Luana, Nickname Monica.
Code Name MoonHeart, an Aerial of the Megatronia
Age around 20-25, Height 5’5 Feet
The opposite of Lucy, She’s calm and Cold. Less friendly than her sister and more Of an introvert, She refuse to go to a crowded place or a party because she thinks it’s better to keep working and finished todays chores, or just relaxed alone. She likes relaxing and Just love the peaceful silence.
Long blue with a shade of black Straight pony tail hair right eye covered by a long Straight Hair, pink eyes behind Red visor}
“I have, She didn’t answer as usual” Megaera sigh, Classing Traviata… always Refuse to answer things that she feels a waste of time.
“I’m sure she’ll come around, She’s like a Raccoon she’ll be back before you know it” Monica spoke didn’t look up from her phone “well, I guess you’re right” Megaera Sigh.
“or~ … I can Help you look for her outside! I was about to go to the Store to buy some stuff maybe I’ll meet her on the way there” Lucy Offered, Megaera nod “If you did find her please tell her That I’m waiting for her report in my Office, thank you Lucy” She spoke before entering her office “Yes Ma’am!” Lucy shouted.
“I expected Hun-Grrr to be dumb-“ Bolt Spoke earning a Bonk on the head by Husan “I expect you to Be worse” The Terrorcon Commander let out a dark aura. “Geez Calm down boss, I was just rereading the Cybertronians Info, And you… well… you’re a little too far from what the info says” Bolt Sigh.
“Hm? Oh that Yeah, I guess I am… the only similar thing me and That Info have is just the Appetite” Husan Nod to himself, He’s not an idiot, He love doing housework and Always keep everything Clean in his Room and the Terrorcon’s Shared Quarter, and He acted like he’s the dad of the group instead of a Ruthless Leader that doesn’t know how to read.
“wait here says Hun-Grrr ate Humans if he want… do you… eat humans?” Bolt ask him glancing at his commander with fearful eyes, Husan shrugged “I do, Sometimes what about it?” He spoke in a blank Tone like nothing was wrong, the door to a Certain room Open and Bolt Squeak he ran to hide behind the New Person.
{Pastel Green Hair, Silvally Taliya Zealaa, Nickname Silvally.
Uses He/Him and She/Her (Biologically a Woman, but uses both pronounce, In Gender she still use Female as her Gender)
Code Name SinnerTwin, A member of the Terrorcons and an Assassin.
Age around 23-27, height 5’9 feet
She’s Quiet, More likely rarely came out of her room, An aloof One but at the same time she’s very open toward her gestalts and sometimes even joke around with them, even with her Aloof, Mysterious and Serious attitude she still have a soft spot for Cute and adorable things… but she would pretend like she doesn’t when someone pointed it out.
Short Pastel Green Hair, Yellow Eyes behind Red Visor}
“What is going on?” Silvally Sigh, She haven’t sleep after her last mission and she’s very tired, She doesn’t have time to deal with what ever these two got in mind… she yawn “Boss Ate Humans!” Bolt Spoke hugging Silvally tighter from behind hiding away from Husan. “so?” Silvally ask blankly.
“Bolt I’m tired ok, I have no time for you, I need to get my coffee… go Find one of your Brother And Annoy them instead” Silvally groan, Bolt finally let go and walk away “fiiinneeee” the Purple haired boy groan before running away again.
Silvally sigh in relief and went to the Kitchenette “Another All-nighter?” Husan Ask, Silvally nod grabbing her mug and fill it with coffee “I found a lead… Last night” She Spoke taking a sip of her Coffee “I see… are you going to report to Megatron?” “mmm… maybe later after I actually got some sleep, He would be worried to see me in this kind of Situation” She’s not wrong, Meaker was after all the type to always making sure that all his Subordinates have decent amount kf Sleep and Food, Even for a leader who owns the tittle of a ‘Warlord’ he’s quiet kind towards them.
“Instead of Drinking Coffee you could’ve go to bed” Husan sigh, Silvally shrugged “I still have some work to do, Trying to finish them today” She put down the Empty mug in the sink and stretch herself Before going back to her room. “Go to sleep first damn it” Husan Half Shouted.
Silvally didn’t listen she just slam close her door, Husan sigh again… what should he do about this? “Commander”
Husan turn to look at Ripton who called him “Your meeting about to start in 20 minutes, Please get ready and head to the neutral Headquarter, Room 23 And Hallway 1” Ripton Reminded him, Husan Nod “Thank you Ripton, I’ll head there right now”.
After the meeting the Commanders somehow ended up talking about their Love Life…
“I though you have Eyes For Meaker” Mohan Spoke, Megaera gave him a Disgusted expression “Ew! No! I see him as an Older Brother, I don’t see him as a Romantic Interest!” Megaera half Shouted “That makes sense” Meaker nod to himself, it would be very awkward if she actually see him Romantically…
“if you’re still Available Pyera I would date you” Megaera Flirt toward the Torchbearer Commander who nervously laugh and shake her head “Not looking for a relationship Right now” She Admitted “you know if you’re that desperate to be in a relationship I have a few man that Would love to date you” Elise Wink at The Megatronia Commander.
{Short pink hair, Elise Olivia Audel, Nickname Elise
 Uses She/her
 Code Name Elita One, Commander of the Female Autobots.
 Age around 40-46 years old, Height 6’8 Feet
 Beautiful, Smart and Brave but at the same time she could be both serious and Playfully Tricky. She always so Understanding and kind Hearted but sometimes she can’t help but to teased others just to play around with them... But there are time where She decide to be the mature one... That's a very rare time- she mostly is an Immature child.
Short pink hair, baby blue eyes}
“I’m into Boobs ” “Megaera Please We don’t need to hear you say that!” Scy Tried not to laugh while next to him Oracle and Mohan was dying of laugher. “Did you know That FlowSpade First impression when Joining My Gestalts was ‘I don’t Mind Working with The Lesbians’ Literally that’s what she said” Megaera Laugh.
WORKING WITH THE LESBIANS” Mohan wheeze “ok ok, Out of my Love life… what about you Silver~” Megaera change the subject she glanced at The Aerial Commander who was being quiet this whole time, Silver flinch and Gave her a nervous smile, Mohan laugh Vanished he glanced at The Aerialbot Commander too, There was a hint of Hope in the Stunticons Commander… Silver look back at him noticing the look before closing his eyes.
“I’m… I’ve been In a relationship before but now I’m a free bird” Silver Spoke, His robotic Wings behind him Flutter Happily “what really?! I didn’t know you used to be in a relationship with who?!” Holly Ask Curiosity. “well, A Woman, We broke up because apparently she cheated on me” Silver nervously laugh.
“I can’t believe she Just let go a precious Diamond like you” Mohan Mumbled, Apparently loud enough for every Commander in the room to Hear, Silver’s Face Went Flustered “W-What?!” Silver Let out, Mohan Just Realized what he said and quickly look away “I mean that as In a platonic Way ok!” He try to defend himself.
Elise and Megaera just gave the two man a Mischievous smile “Is Scarlett Single Scy?” Pyera Quickly Ask, Scy Stare at her surprised “Well yes she is? Why?” “I THOUGH YOU’RE NOT INTERESTED GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP!” Megaera Shouted, Dramatically feeling Hurt.
“are you Single Scy?” Elise Ask, Scy shake his head “No, I’m in a relationship and happy” He spoke for once Proudly and feeling proud of it “wait with who?” Holly ask, He felt like he missed so much “it’s a Secret” Scy tone was Mischievous and playful “You know what we should care about is… Them…” Scy pointed at Both Husan and Oracle. They both look back at him.
“what?” Oracle Ask confused while Husan Just stare while eating a candy “are you two available to be in a relationship?” Orion Finally spoke, This whole conversation he just chuckle and laugh watching them all Having a funny weird conversation. “Uh… no, I probably don’t have any interest” Oracle Shrugged “… I was .. Looking for one” Husan Whisper looking away from everyone.
“YOU WERE?!?” Both Elise and Megaera gasp, Husan was the Type to act like an Idiot in front of the others, and act like A ruthless Beast… and of course they got worried When He said he was looking for a Partner “I hope who ever become Your partner didn’t end up being a Sex Slave of yours” Megaera dramatically said “WHAT AM I TO YOU HUH?!!? I’M RUTHLESS DOESN’T MEAN I’M INTO THOSE KINKS!” Husan Shouted.
“so what’s your type?” Meaker ask, Husan Face Flustered “uh… Someone that could Rely on me more, someone Loyal I guess, Im not really into a Flirt I like the Tsundere but a Close Friend type too” He Sigh “So someone you can get along with even outside being in a relationship?” Holly tilted his head, Husan Nod.
“And Obviously Someone that doesn’t like going out that much! Because I myself would get Tired following them Everywhere, Like to the mall or to a Park or something I hate it” Husan Whined “So You’re looking for an Introvert?” Elise Spoke, Husan Nod
“you can Date Oracle see how that goes” Meaker joked “NO” Oracle Snarl while Husan Laugh. “seriously someone that can rely on you? I wonder who would rely on you” Megaera Sigh, Husan just smirk trying not to Break his ‘I’m an Idiot and Unreliable’ persona in front of them.
“So… how about you two, How’s the Marriage?” Megaera ask Glancing between Orion and Elise. “Marriage life doing ok, even though I think she wants a divorce” Orion Whisper the last part, Elise Snorted and Rolled her eyes “I would ask For a Divorce if You Didn’t stop PUTTING STICKERS ON EVERYTHING” Elise Shouted in frustration earnings a laugh from Meaker and the other Commander.
“It’s Fun” Orion sigh “No it’s not, it’s annoying” Elise huffed.
“Out of Conversation, When will the oh so Mysterious Technobot Commander join us in one of these meeting?” Megaera ask pointing at the empty seat, It was always empty since every Commander have their own Seat ever since they joined, and ScatterShot’s one always empty, No one ever sat on it.
Meaker and Orion glanced at Each other “Well… we don’t know?” Orion shrugged he himself questioning his answer, While Meaker just shake his head in defeat “can l... and by that I mean all of us here at least see what they look like?” Megaera blink 4 times quickly Trying to Seduce the two Leader, Elise Bonk her Head and she let out a painful yelp.
“Well…” Meaker nervously scratch the back of his neck “I know what they… He looks like” Husan Spoke the other Commanders look at him “WHAT REALL?!” Holly Ask Slamming his hands on the table “Yeah, He was And still CutThroat’s, RipperSnapper’s and Blot's friend… they talk about him sometimes mostly Blot… Blot likes to talk about him, And CutThroat show me some pic of him” Husan Explain nodding to himself.
“all this time you Knew him but you didn’t tell us?!” Mohan half Shouted “I don’t.. ‘Know’ him, I just Know he existed… and It was an Old photo so Im not sure if he already change or not” Husan Corrected, he’s not wrong he doesn’t know Scara, He only know Scara exist. “Speaking of RipperSnapper… I heard my two New Member actually took interest in him” Pyera Sigh “What?????” Husan Stare at her confused and disbelief “Yeah, The Twins… StormClash and SkyBurst I heard them talking about him yesterday” Pyera nervously look away.
“Just talk right? That’s normal” Megaera chuckle “SkyBurst said he’s good looking and kind StormClash agreed, and When I ask them how their day has been going, StormClash start talking so Highly about RipperSnapper… I hope… he’s not annoyed if these two will end up… bothering him in the mere future” Pyera clap her hand together in front of her and lifted it up “I’m so sorry if he’s annoyed” She apologize toward Husan who Stare confused.
And the Terrorcon Commander laugh “Calm down, If Ripper is annoyed he’ll say it up to their face… and I clearly did not expected this” Husan Wave his hand in the air.
“another Interesting news~ Heard From FlowSpade That StreetWise about to ask her hand In marriage~” Megaera glance at Holly who laugh “ah Yes! He was so Excited about doing that, He said he would need her Gestalts blessing before he actually proposed to her, So what do you say Commander? And Of course he said he wanted to learn her Religion because... before Actually asking her hand in Marriage he wanted to Really understand her.” Holly explained 
“awe, what a Considerate Gentleman… well when it comes to me I would approve but I can’t say the same to the other 3” Megaera smile “wow are we going to have a wedding being organized soon?” Orion ask Excitedly “You’re ban from helping organize wedding” Elise glared at him, Orion whine looking down at the table like a sad puppy expression.
“Speaking Of hand in Marriage…” Silver Smirk glancing at Holly “Blades Ask me if he have permission to Proposed to SlingShot yesterday” “wait really?! Is that why he’s so Tense yesterday???” Holly Gasp, He did not know about this one!.
“Jazz’s and Prowl’s anniversary is coming up” Orion Spoke, Earning a few gasp “wait really?! How long have they been married?” Megaera ask, she didn’t realize those two are together! “3 Years” Elise answer nodding to herself.
After a few more minutes they decide to actually end the talk and went back on their own way. Elise and Orion was Bickering and arguing about Something stupid while making their way back to the Autobots HeadQuarter, Pyera was talking with Holly they follow behind The two Autobot Leaders, Oracle and Scy was discussing something with Meaker while making their way back to the Decepticon HeadQuarter.
“Commander Wait!” Silver ran to Mohan Side gently tug the other Commander’s sleeve “What Is it?” Mohan glanced at him confused, stopping his step.
“I was about to Offer if you and your Gestalts want to have a movie night next sunday with the Aerialbots, FireFlight told me that it’s better to Invite the Stunticons” Silver Explain nervously looking away “oh… uh… well I’ll text you if they agree” Mohan shrugged.
“That would be great! Thank you Now Flight will stop Bothering me” Silver Cheered before waving at him and left, Mohan stare as the Aerialbot Commander left “Did he ask you on a date?” Megaera gasp suddenly appear next to Mohan, Mohan let out a Threatening Snarl “No, Mind your own Business” He glared at her before stomping away.
Megaera Giggle before following them back to the Decepticon HeadQuarter, Husan Just follow in silence staring down at the ground. Pyera’s word keep spinning in his mind ‘The Twins are interested in RipperSnapper’ He wasn’t sure if he should warn Pyera… Ripton was Ignorant and Straightforward at the same time he can be an asshole… if what Pyera said is true… Husan wasn’t sure if he should be Careful with the Situation.
Ripton could’ve hurt one of them or both if he wants to, And he’s not the type to… understand Love… Ripton would call them foolish…
What ever happened Husan is going to end up dealing with it.
“Hun-Grrr!” Husan glance at who ever called his name “What?” “Can you accompany me To the mall? I don’t want to go alone” Megaera whine “Why don’t you ask Pyera?” Husan ask back, Stepping a little away from her. “She said she’s busy! Please! I promise I’ll buy you one snack!” Megaera whined, Begging him.
Husan Wasn’t in the mood to eat anything but he let out a sigh “Sure let’s go” He spoke between his breath, He just want her to stop annoying him, Megaera eyes sparkle with Joy “YAY! Come on! Let’s go right now” She grabbed his Arm And pull him away “have fun you two!” Scy Wave at them.
“She’s at it again huh” Meaker sigh, Oracle nod while Scy laugh nervously “oi! Kid Hurry up” Oracle Snarl Half shouting at Mohan who was walking far away from them, Mohan look up from his phone and huffed “Yea! Yea! I’m coming!” He rolled his eyes before walking faster toward them, Pushing his Phone into his Pocket he walk beside Scy, Didn’t want to go anywhere near Oracle.
They two never have a good relationship, More likely Mohan always feels annoyed by Oracle while Oracle always think Mohan is just a Tiny Brat!, Scy was always the bridge between the two of them… well he and Holly are the Bridge for most of The Commander’s Relationship toward one and another.
“Senpai!!” “Senior!”
Ripton turn around “Oh, Storm, Skyla… how have you two been?” he Greeted the Twins, Storm quickly jog towards him and Hug him. Ripton tense for a moment before he chuckle and pat her back while Skyla Just Smile at him, He smile back.
She Blush and look away, Ripton Blink twice Confused, Is she mad at him? No That might not be the case he notice her rotors were fluttering And she was still smiling just staring at the ground. Storm let go of the hug and giggle “Senpai what are you doing here?” He ask her rotor twitch Curiously.
“Oh, I was on my way back from a Friend’s room, He ask me something about a Date” He bluntly Said, the Twins felt like A Rain Just Crashed down on them… they both stare at Ripton with a confused, Disappointment and Frozen Expression.
“date?” Storm Finally spoke trying to keep her cheerful tone but she fail and it sounded more of a thread “yes, he was asking me all the perfect place for dates, He said he’s going to proposed to his Boyfriend while on a date” “Oh! So he didn’t ask you on a date but he ask you for advice?!” Skyla Finally spoke, she sounded hopeful.
Ripton nod “Yes, Oh did I word it wrong in the first place? Sorry You both must’ve got it the wrong idea… I’m completely not interested in Him” Ripton chuckle, He could see both Twins have the same Reaction… their rotors flutter In relief and their Expression soften, Storm expression went back to the Happy go lucky Girl she is and she quickly Grabbed his Sleeve and hug it “Senpai! Do you want to accompany us? We’re going to the Mall to buy some stuff” She offered.
“Storm accidentally left her toothbrush in our old apartment, There’s no way going back there…” Skyla explained she let out a Sigh, oh that makes sense “Uh, sure why not” The Twins looks Happy and they dragged him to the Subway and out of the Cybertronians HQ.
Thankfully he wasn’t wearing his Armor and so are the Twins, They only wore their rotors if they were wearing their armors… people are going to stare so much, And would take pictures… Ripton hated the SpotLight… he always try to stay low… so that his Parents wont notice he still exists.
“Senior are you ok?” Skyla Ask putting a hand on Ripton’s cheek “ah Yes I am, Sorry I just got a quick flashback" Ripton Apologize, It wasn’t like him to apologize or to act so kind towards someone. But Somehow he felt like he shouldn’t and he can’t be rude to the Twins. They show so much emotions they didn’t even realize it.
“Senpai! Question! Question!” Storm called out waving her Hand in the air, Ripton didn’t even realize she already in another shelf and they’re already in the store. Ripton glanced at her “Yes?” he ask.
“which one looks good on me?” she lifted two pair of Shirt “I though we’re going to buy tooth brush” Ripton raise an Eyebrow “Well when you decide to have that flashback of Yours me and Skyla end up dragging you to the clothes store” Storm huff.
“Storm also accidentally left half of her shirt in our old apartment, So she Had to buy more” Skyla Explained from behind Ripton giving her twin a disappointed smile “Hey! It’s not my fault I overslept” Storm Whined.
Ripton chuckle “What a Clumsy Little Kitty” he Spoke Bluntly smiling at Storm, Storm Look up at Him their eyes met, A blush creep out to her Face she let out a Silent Gasp “did I say something wrong?” “No! No not at all, You’re just making me flustered” She admitted looking away.
“If she’s a kitten, what am I senior?” Skyla Ask Pointing at herself, Ripton smile and Put a hand on her head “You’re a Butterfly” He Spoke.
Somehow him saying those tings boost the Twins Energy, Storm became more Touchy and Talkative, Skyla Started to laugh and talks too but she always try to keep her distance. Ripton wasn’t sure how and why did he end up being dragged around the mall by the twins, He wasn’t the one to complain the twins didn’t really ask him to bring their stuff… thankfully. But seeing how Storm had to carry so much Ripton just had to offer helping her.
She refuse at first but in the end she let him carry half of her stuff while Skyla giggles at How Embarrassed her sister is.
They decide to take a break in one of the Restaurant, Ripton was sitting on the opposite side from the twins they’re facing each other, he founds out that Skyla favorite food is meat while Storm Rather eat Vegetables, That’s a really opposite thing that he didn’t expect but he thinks it’s adorable how Skyla silently gave her Portion of Vegetables to Storm while Storm gave her The Meat. “Senpai~ say Ahh” Storm Pointed a spoonful of Food at him.
“This is Ridiculous” Ripton Spoke “come on I want to try it with you~” Storm whine, Ripton Sigh he slowly move Forward he open his Mouth “ahh” this is ridiculous and embarrassing, But Storm looks so happy… he took the food into his mouth… what ever made her happy… if it’s something simple he would do it.
Ripton?” That Voice-
He almost choke on the food he quickly pull away and notice Husan was Standing there, Next to him Megaera giggling like Crazy. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!
He definitely is choking on his food, He smacked his chest so hard Until it stopped and he stand up quickly “Commander” Ripton spoke, The Twins stay Silent just stare at Husan and then Ripton, They noticed the terrified look on Ripton’s face… is Something wrong? They exchange a glance at each other before looking back at the others.
“What are you doing here?” Husan and Ripton as at the same time.
“I got dragged, And you?” Husan Pointed at Megaera who was still giggling “I was…” he glanced at the twins who stare back at him… they look like a lost Puppy… he look back at Husan “Helping the new Member On Shopping, They apparently forgot to bring a few things with them and had to buy a new one” He spoke in a more confident and Emotionless tone.
“Sure…” Husan Answer, He doesn’t seems to believe Ripton, But he’s not going to Lecture the man now… not in front of everyone especially not in front of the Twins he doesn’t want them to get the wrong way.
“Hey Husan, we Should get going… Mohan start Yelling at me through text” Megaera Smirk giving the Other Commander a wink, Husan didn’t seems to understand but he just shrugged and nod at Ripton before stepping away and walk out of the restaurant. “have fun with the date you three~” Megaera Teased before sprinting away.
D-Date?!” Skyla Blushed, Storm quickly Put a spoonful of food in her mouth pretending like she didn’t hear anything, Ripton felt like his career going to end… this was so embarrassing, His boss had to see him like this… oh primus…
He stumble back to his seat “Sorry Senpai I didn’t know” Storm apologize “huh? No… don’t Apologize, It’s fine” Ripton Spoke waving his hand at her, Storm Smile.
“Senior you’re not in trouble Right?” Skyla Ask worried “ah No, My Commander is… very Calm” Ripton Tried to reassure them.
“Ripton…” when he came back he already expected this, Husan was standing there not far from the door to Ripton’s room “we need to talk” Husan spoke before walking toward him pulling him harshly leaving a mark on his Arm and forcefully sat him down on the couch.
Ripton didn’t fight back, He know he was in trouble the moment Husan Notice him with the Twins, Husan Stand in front of him glaring him down while Ripton just Stare at the ground… fuck… he’s in trouble.
“What were you really doing with the Torchbearers Twins?” Husan Spoke “I told you, I was helping them with shopping nothing else” Ripton Sigh, He wasn’t lying… but for what Husan Saw He knew that Husan wont believe him.
Husan Snarl “Ripton, do you not understand your situation with the Torchbearers Twins right now?” he Ask, Situation? What situation? Ripton slowly shake his head , No he doesn’t.
“I expect you NOT to get too involved with them if all of it just a game for you, I will not Hesitate to Rip you apart if I heard a warning from Pyra Magna about you Messing around with the Torchbearers Twins feeling” Feeling?! What? Ripton finally look up at Husan, There was rage in the Commander’s eyes… rage and Disappointment.
“They are a new member, I will not be pleased if you Decide to use them as a toy and Broke them” Husan Continued “what? Toying with them? What are you talking about?” Ripton finally spoke, What is going on?!
“It is not like you to Let other Have their way like that, To act so kindly… And when you do act like that… It was always because you want to break them in the end… I will not have this attitude of you, I will Rip you to pieces myself if you dare lay a hand on them” Husan Snarl “You are dismissed… oh and, Focus on your Mission... There’s no time to play around” He spoke before walking back to his own room leaving the confused Blue haired man alone.
“Toying… with them?” some how he does feel right doing that, He was only want to see the smile on the Twins, he lean back to the couch staring at the Ceiling… maybe it’s just his older brother instinct to Spoil them, Maybe he just missed Spoiling Cutler and Bolt… That’s why He act so kind towards the Twins… yeah… maybe that’s it.
The Door to Cutler Room slide open and the blond Haired man walk out while focusing on his phone “Cutler…” “Yes Big Brother?” Cutler respond, He seems to be in a good mood “are you down to play a Multiplayer Video game?” Ripton ask, He could hear something hit the ground… must be Cutler’s phone “REALLY?! WHERE DID ALL OF THIS CAME FROM?! LAST TIME I REMEMBER YOU DON’T LIKE VIDEO GAMES” Cutler Ask worriedly, He quickly rush toward his Older Brother “Are you sick or something?!” He ask again.
“… hm? No, I just… I miss you” Ripton smile reaching out to pat Cutler’s Head, Cutler stare at him with a surprise expression “you’re drunk aren’t you?” Cutler ask again this time he sounded more nervous “I’m not” Ripton sigh, Why does it seems wrong? To others… when he chose to be kind to them… Well he guess it’s his own fault for Years being the ruthless perfectionist…
“and Here I thought you wont Miss me~” Bladen Teased Smugly watching as his Boyfriend entered his room, The Aerial glared at him behind his Visor.
{Short orange Hair, Slade Shepherd Ridley, Nickname Slade.
Uses He/Him
Code Name SlingShot, A member of the Aerialbots (and also an Ex-Military Member)
Age around 26-30, Height 5’6 Feet.
Arrogant, Hot Headed and Reckless, He always think he need to proof to the others that he can handle everything himself, he can be very Harsh to himself or the people around him, he’s sarcastic and easily annoyed when he’s not in the mood to Chit chat. But when he is he can be very playful and Mischievous.
Short orange hair, Blue eyes behind orange Visor}
“Shut up” Slade snarl, He sat down next to Bladen. He lean himself to his Partner earning a snort from the Protectobot “be quiet!” Slade warned him.
Bladen usually Talk back, adding sparks in the fire but this time it was one of those strange day where he just do what Slade said. Bladen Smile and went back Reading the paler he was Reading earlier while Slade lean to him and stare at the ceiling thinking of something.
“hey! Why are you being so quiet?!” Slade Snarl, Bladen wasn’t sure if he should laugh, chuckle or talk back so he sigh and Gently pat Slade’s Forehead and his Hair, he heard a few complains from his partner but then it died down to just silence again.
Slade shifted and hug Bladen free Arm Nuzzling to it “FireFlight being an incompetent asshole again” Slade finally spoke up burying his head in Bladen's shoulder “Incompetent asshole?” Bladen almost chuckle “he accidentally crash toward Skydive then me and Air Raid Did nothing to help he just float there laughing!” Slade huff, clearly annoyed by today’s events.
Bladen smile, he wanted to laugh but he knew that would make Slade even angrier… to be honest he doesn’t really care, and so he let out a laugh, Slade Growl Glaring at him before deciding to Hit him on the Head earning a painful Yelp from Bladen.
“not Funny Afthole” Slade Snapped, He cross his arm in front of his Chest and look away from Bladen glaring at nothing “ah I’m sorry Love” Bladen Chuckle. To him angry Slade is adorable! Too adorable he can’t stop making his Boyfriend Mad just to see those Adorable Reaction and Anger.
To him Slade is adorable in every single Way, no matter what the others say… He always think Slade is Adorable! And he always occasionally reminded his Boyfriend that He’s adorable, Just to see that Flustered and Angry expression.
“awe Are you angry?” Blades teased, Poking Slade’s cheek, Slade slap his hand away “Back off Ceiling Fan!” He cursed, Adorable! Bladen Giggle “Rude Thing to Say Bird Brain” He Talk back, Slade Glare at him, A death Glare taunting him, daring him to say it again and see what will happen.
“Bird Brain” Bladen without hesitation Spoke again, He smirk when Slade start blaring his Teeth letting out a snarl like a wild Dangerous animal… well To Bladen… that Slade is a tiny kitty cat… “what? All bark and no bite kitty cat?” Bladen teased again.
Bladen Snickers, Before he could do anything Slade Grabbed him and threw him across the room, his back hit the wall it left a mark on the wall and Bladen falls to the ground coughing blood “Take it to far?” Bladen still manage to out a teasing Smirk on his face as he glanced back at Slade who was definitely pissed…
“Yeah! You did!” Slade snap, He stomp toward his Boyfriend who was Still on the ground, He grabbed Bladen by the shirt and pulling him up to a kiss, It taste Like Blood… Slade pulls away and wipe the blood away from his mouth, Looking away from Bladen who Stare in shock before Giggling. That was a horrible choice-
Slade Dropped him back to the ground “Stop giggling!” He snarl , Bladen did. He sat down and stare at The Aerial.
This is the guy he fell in love with, someone who used to be his Rival, And then his Best friend… and now his Boyfriend, He was So nervous to proposed to Slade fearing that the other man would reject, Saying he’s not Ready and that might made their relationship awkward, loosen and break… even if he already got Confirmation from The other Aerialbots.
“Hey, What’s up with you? You looks distraught” Slade Ask, Bringing Bladen back from his Thoughts. Bladen stare at him confused before shaking his head and stand up “nothing, Just thinking about StreetWise’s condition” He lied, Slade Stare at him “oh! Yeah I heard he was in the Hospital!” Slade nod to himself “what happened?” He ask “well there was a bank rob, The Robbers have… guns… and they were taking hostage and stuff happens I wasn’t there but I heard StreetWise jump in front of his Subordinate protecting them from a Bullet, the bullet apparently hit really close to his heart… he could’ve died but thankfully Aid and Ratchet Manage to safe his life” Bladen sigh in relief.
“I see… so uh… Another reason why Im here is because… I was about to ask if you want to take a flight? FireFlight is Grounded, SkyDive is Busy Studying, Air Raid is no where to be found and SilverBolt isn’t around either… and I easily get Sleepy when I’m in a flight alone” Slade rub his shoulder nervously. “hm? Isn’t there other Aerial too? Like PowerGlide and Track also can fly and there’s also Swoop, and-” “Is it so hard to say Yes when your Boyfriend ask for company Huh?!” Slade glared at him.
“Ok calm down kitty cat, I’ll go with you” Bladen chuckle “Call me kitty cat one more time I will end you” Slade Snarl before leaving the room, Bladen followed behind him “we both know you wont” Bladen Smirk, Yeah… they both know he wont…
They say he was the Prince Charming, a Dazzling Angel From Heaven, His Voice is a Melody to their ears… how could someone be that Perfect? He’s smart, He’s fast, He’s kind, He’s patience and He’s good Looking.
But even something that perfect have Flaws, Something that Angelic have mistakes…
{Medium Crimson Wavy Hair, Light Spencer Archie, Nickname Light.
Uses He/him
Code Name LightSpeed, A member of the Technobots (an ex-Racer, A Technology Specialist, An Engineer, An Actress, A Teacher, A Computer Scientist)
Age around 24-27 Years, Height 5’9 Feet
He’s well Known by All the Cybertronians and even the normal world Society, multi Talented and A Gentle Personality being mixed into one, He’s smart and Very Kind… there aren’t many that spoke ill of him, and added to that he’s very Selfless and Having a lack of self confidence. He’s allergic to most food and Drinks, Needing to use a Special medicine so he can eat them. And he always wish to be able to fly and reach for the stars
Medium fluffy Crimson Wavy Hair, Violet eyes behind Blue Visor}
“here you go” The Crimson haired man gently Gave Scarlett her Papers back, She accidentally trip and fall… clumsy her! She hated it that must be so embarrassing! She take the paper from him slowly while looking at the ground “Thank you… and sorry that you have to Help me pick them up” She sigh.
Light was just Passing by and notice Scarlett struggling on collecting the papers and no one is helping her, Well maybe because not much people is around. Scarlett was almost in tears while she try to Count and collect all the papers, When he Passed by He notice how Struggling she is and decide to help. “Mhm… no you don’t need to apologize, It was my own choice to help you… I hope I didn’t miss any papers” Light spoke looking around, He didn’t see any papers lying around anymore.
Scarlett start to count the papers in her hand slowly “they’re all here, You got them all thank you again” Scarlett nod “No need to thank me, Really…” Light Smile. “oh… ok, What… why are you here? Autobot?” Scarlett finally ask, She glanced up at him and her Heart Skip a beat.
“ah well, I was here because I’m in my way to give Commander Scrapper The New Blueprint that Optimus Prime made, asking for him to take a look at it” Light Explain, They were in fact in The Decepticon HeadQuarter. “Oh! Scrapper! I can take you to him” Scarlett Offered a little too excited.
Light smile at her and nod “that would be nice, Would you mind leas the way?” He ask, Scarlett nod and quickly led him to her Commander.
He remind her of Her Brother… Her younger Brother, Scarlett doesn’t talk about him that much because he’s no longer in this world, and Seeing Light reminded her of him… her sweet little Brother. “Oh, You’re Scavenger if im not mistaken” Light Spoke breaking the Silence, Scarlett nod “Yes How did you know?” She ask, Light pointed at her hair with two finger… a Gesture of Pointing without being rude “Your Hair, It’s Scarlet… and the aarmor you wore are the same color as Commander Scrapper, I remember the Only Scarlet Haired Constructicons is Scavanger” he Explain, no he didn’t say sites because she’s a woman, He Was Observing her Hair and armor color instead of Her Body shape.
“yes you got it all right! I’m the only one with this color of hair” She nod “are you planning on Coloring it green or black?” he ask, She shake her head “I like it Scarlet” “I think it fits you too, It makes you stand out more” Light nod to himself.
That’s the same thing her Little Brother used to told her… he liked her hair Scarlet because not just that it fits her name it also made her stands out more… why does this guy remind her of her brother? “and you are?” She ask him.
“ah Apologies! I forgot to introduce myself, I’m LightSpeed a member of the Technobots” He spoke, LightSpeed? Oh the Person Scarlett has been Hearing about, The Dazzling Angel From Heaven, The Sparkling Autobot? Huh… he doesn’t really look that attractive for her, maybe because she already Think he’s similar to her brother, or maybe he is similar to her brother! And that just made her want to hug him and never let go.
“do you have any siblings?” She ask out of the blue, Light close his eyes and smile “Yes, I have an older Brother he passed away when he was 2 and I have 3 Younger Siblings… they all passed away 6 years ago in an incident” Light Spoke the smile still didn’t disappear from his Face.
“oh, I’m sorry to hear that and Sorry for asking” Scarlett Whisper, Light shake his head and open his eyes “you should not apologize, I am Not hurt or offended by the question… after all It’s all in the past now, what’s important is to keep looking ahead and Reach for a better future” Light Chuckle.
Scarlett nod understanding, Yeah she understand! After a few minutes they finally arrive and Light Handed the Blueprint to Scy before politely asking permission to leave, He says Goodbye to Scarlett before Making his way back to the Subway and back to the Autobot HeadQuarter.
When he was back he could feel a few eyes on him, some bots called out his Code Name and he glanced at them giving them his Usual Dazzling Smile and a Wave before making his way back to the Gestalts Side of The HeadQuarter.
Sometimes people ask him if he’s tired of smiling, Tired of being Kind and being polite… and he always gave them the same answer ‘No, Never’ he said that with a Proud smile, That wasn’t a lie… he never gets tired of it, Helping those who needs, Being polite, Giving without expecting anything in return, He was always that kind of Person ever since he was a child.
The only time the smile falter from his face was when he heard the news of his family’s death, Light lock himself in his room for Days, Crying and Grieving. But that was all in the past now, He put the smile back on his face like nothing happen… to him it’s better to cherish the memory and Use it to move forward instead of holding it tight and stay in one place.
“Hey Light” LightSpeed Glance and notice the Forensic Scientist “Ah Strahan! It’s been a while” Light step towards his Gestaltmate. The difference between the two of them are far…
Light Was An Angel, he truly is kind and Polite, he’s Pure while Strahan was the devil, Using his kindness and Friendliness as a Mask to hide his sinister thought.
“it has hasn’t it? A few days ago I met with Nova” Strahan Spoke “I met him too, He usually in the Lab, You should stop by once in a while” Light Offered, Strahan gave him a nod “I should, I probably will if I wasn’t so busy” He sigh, His Wings dropped expressing how Disappointed he is
But Deep down… Light felt like he knew he’s not as pure as the other thoughts he is, he always have this wish to have Wings, To fly to the Stars, To reach Space and explore the Galaxy… even if it’s a simple wish, to him wishing something like that… trying to be So Selfish isn’t a pure thing, It's a Poisonous thing… he hated his Selfish wish and so he always try to ignore it, He can’t admit that he’s jealous of Strahan… He tried not to be… but every time Strahan’s Wings made a move He always felt jealous.
He wanted wings… he wanted to be free and fly… what a selfish wish… a poisonous wish… “What’s With that look again?” Strahan spoke, Gently Moving Light’s Hair away from His face and pulling his head up to look straight at Strahan.
“Jealousy, You can’t lie to me” Strahan chuckle, Light’s eyes Widen he was expecting Strahan to Mock him but instead Strahan smile “Remember Your Space Project? The one that you need our Commander’s agreement before Making it?” Strahan ask, He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and Handed it to Light.
“Open it up” Strahan glanced at the paper and then back at Light, Light Stare at him before slowly looking down at the paper and he unfold it… his eyes widen, he felt like he was going to cry…
[LightSpeed Personal Project- Space Hologram, Reality Anti Gravity Machine.
Approved ✓
ScatterShot, Technobot Commander]
There’s even their Commander’s Signature and A Stamp of Approval, He look at Strahan and then back at the Paper “how did you, This Isn’t a lie right?! You know if this was you lying we’ll be in big trouble” Light nervously ask, he wanted to make sure this was not one of Strahan pranks… but even Strahan would know Pranking something like this was just painfully horrible.
“I have his Voice recorded of the Approval too If you want proof” Strahan pulls out his phone, clicking on a few things and handed it to Light he pointed at the play button “Play it” He spoke, Light Click on the play Button nervously.
<Is… is it on?>
An unfamiliar Voice, Sounds like a woman but a little too rough to actually be one? Light couldn’t make sure.
<Yes Commander it is> That was Strahan’s Voice…
<ah Uh … ok so… LightSpeed I approved of Your Personal Project… Please do your best on Making your dream a reality, I would love to see it one day of course if I could haha… I’m still… quiet Nervous and I’m very busy, Sorry that I can’t meet you face to face ever since I joined… but Please do your Best on this project of yours! I’m counting on you> the Voice ends.
“see… I’m not joking” Strahan Spoke taking his Phone from the stunned Light. “when did you met… when did you met Commander?” Light Ask.
“a few days ago with Cutler, Apparently ScatterShot haven’t met us face to face wasn’t because he think lowly of us but it was because He’s shy and Have a very Horrible Social Anxiety” Strahan Nervously laugh, Light Smile and Giggle… yeah that makes sense, ScatterShot does sounds like he’s on edge when talking through the recording.
“Thank you, Strahan… oh what about Affan’s and Nova’s Personal Project did he approved too?” Light ask, He would feel horrible if Strahan only handed their Commander his Personal Project Request, Strahan nod “I hand him everything that we were needed to ask permission from him… he approved most of it but he denied Affan’s request of Having a Motorcycle that made out of Bomb” Strahan sigh, He was Relieved that Scara quickly refuse the Request once he read it.
Thankfully his commander Know which one is safe and which one is… well just plain stupid and Dangerous.
“so, Why don’t you Go and start making that project of yours? Commander ScatterShot would be Pleased if he heard you Manage to create it! And if you need anything Space related we could always ask Blast Off, and Commander ScatterShot apparently also A Specialist on those Realm” Strahan spoke His wings twitch Excitedly, Light Smile widen he look down at the paper in his hand “Do you think he would see my work?” He ask hoping that maybe one day he could actually met his Commander.
He always wonder what his Commander looks like, And from just hearing Scara’s Voice he could Imagine his Commander is maybe Younger than him or maybe a little feminine “He did say he would love to see it if He can, So I’m sure one day He’ll come to see your work.. all of your work” Strahan reassure him, Strahan knew that Light was always wanted to meet Scara.
He always wanted to see his Commander to be just as normal as the other Gestalts Team, To not Doubt their Commander’s existence… even without meeting him or talk to him Light Always looks up to Scara.
“Thank you Strahan” Light Looks so happy, Strahan Nod “Anytime”
“Where’s Groove?” Stephen ask, Holly Shrugged “Dunno, He’s probably on a patrol” “or Smoking Weed” Fidvi Joked “when I’m out of here im arresting him” Stephen playfully smirk, Holly laugh.
Fidvi and Holly was Accompanying Stephen at the Hospital Room, While the other two… who knows where they went. The door Slide open revealing Floella.
“Oh sorry did I came in the wrong time?” Floella ask Nervously, Holly shake his head “no not at all! You arrive at the right time, Fidvi Break shift was about to End and I was about to leave… Silver texted me something about an urgent meeting” Holly Explained, Floella nod understanding before stepping into the room.
“Lady MegaEmpress was also Given the news, We were supposed to be Sparring but suddenly Commander MotorMaster had to dragged her away saying something about a sudden meeting” Floella spoke, Fidvi pulls out a chai next to the Patient bed and pat on it telling Floella to sit there.
Floella smile behind her mask she bow her head a little at him before sitting down “So you have nothing to do?” Stephen Ask, Floella nod “Apparently yes, That’s why I came here Early” Floella answer.
“and here I thought it’s because you miss me darling” Stephen dramatically look Hurt, Fidvi pinch his cheek “Stop That” Fidvi Warned, Stephen whined “I don’t understand how you can Handle him Floella, But If you two end up married I wish you the best of luck, He’s an overgrown Baby” Fidvi Complain.
The Word Married made Floella Giggle, yea the News Has Spread alright, They’re not even Betrothed yet and everyone already thinks they are, Only Because Holly Can’t shut up and keep teasing them. While Floella looks like she’s not even bothered by it, Stephen was Flustered… he quickly punch Fidvi shoulder it only make the medic laugh.
“Big Baby is Embarrassed” Floella joked “I, Politely and Kindly ask you to be quiet Milady” Stephen sigh, Yea he was embarrassed, even if Floella already know he was about to proposed to her he still feel a bit embarrassed and on edge even if he knew whenever he’ll do it she wont say no… it’s still tense! He’s the one that isn’t ready here!.
Fidvi look down at his Wristwatch and notice the time, He stand up “oh My break is over I need to get back to work, I’ll see you later!” he spoke before quickly leaving the room. “aren’t you also late for your meeting Commander?” Stephen ask glancing at Holly who apparently got distracted by the Fish Floating in the TV… Holly glanced at him before looking at the time his expression change to distressed “You’re right! Oh No Oracle is going to kill me?” Holly Half Shouted and quickly ran out of the room.
“so why are we having another meeting in the same day?” Oracle ask as he sat down next to Scy.
because Someone decide to send me a blueprint of a spaceship shaped Butt” Scy Glared at Orion as he put the blueprint on the table, Orion blink twice “wait what?! WAIT OH PRIMUS I SEND YOU THE WRONG BLUEPRINT” Orion shouted, Meaker and Elise glanced at it and giggles it is a Spaceship shaped like an ass, Very detailed explanation too….
Silver took a peek and a worried mixed concern expression appear on his face, He wasn’t sure what to say what is this?! While Mohan and Husan was already losing their shit laughing until one of them fall from their chair while the other one choked on air, Megaera just stare in confusion and Disappointment while Oracle sigh “Why did you even have this?” Oracle Ask a reasonable question.
“this was the Blueprint I made when I was Drunk with Hot Spot, we were joking around about Making Vehicles out of… ridiculous stuff and the next thing I know we drew this blueprint” Orion explain “You both got drunk and Decide to make a whole ass Blueprint?” Meaker chuckle, Orion nod.
“This is why Sometimes I wonder Why I’m with him” Elise Spoke earning a laugh from Meaker while Orion groaned.
“Speaking of Hot Spot… where is he?” Silver ask looking around the room and his fellow Commander isn’t here, Holly is always Late to matter how Fast he is, There’s always something that holding him back from arriving at time. “he’s Probably on his way” Oracle spoke glancing at the closed door.
“So Where’s the real Project Blueprint?” Scy Ask “Uh I probably left it at my office, I’ll send it to you later” Orion sigh “If I end up with a Blueprint of a Motorcycle shaped Penis I swear I will Beat you up and use your Blood To Make a new Blueprint” Scy threaten.
“motorcycle shaped penis” Mohan Wheezed, This time Oracle was Trying to hold his laugh while Megaera looks more disgusted by the topic and Silver was so done with this situation he was so glad Holly wasn’t here or the poor bean will be confused as hell. “Trust me we don’t make that Blueprint… not yet” Orion Spoke “NOT YET?!?? ARE YOU PLANNING ON MAKING A BLUEPRINT OF A MOTORCYCLE PENIS?!?” Scy Shouted and That’s it… Oracle was laughing.
IF YOU DO I AM NOT HELPING YOU BUILD IT AND IF I SEE IT I WILL DESTROY IT” Scy Threaten, Meaker Horribly trying to hold his laugh but fail.
“I can’t believe I got called back here just to hear about man talking about ass and dicks” Megaera sigh, She wish She was sparring right now… this is a waste of time… for once she’s the reasonable one and As Usual Silver looks so done with the situation the others were laughing and giggling why Scy threatening Orion who was trying not to laugh at all. He knew he was in the wrong but it’s still funny-
Speaking of Commanders… “… We all forgot to Inform Pyra Magna about this meeting” Megaera spoke It made the whole room went Silence… and the door slap open revealing Holly who was running out of breath and Pyera behind him “I did not get inform… or is it a meeting that I shouldn’t go to?” Pyera ask nervously “oh no we actually forgot to Inform you” Orion spoke “Come join us” Meaker Gave a smile
“why is there a blueprint of a butt on the table?” Pyera ask blankly staring at the Blueprint on the table and the laughter return.

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