a twisted past

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{Short Dark Blue Hair, Uziel Magnus Miguel, Nickname Magnus/Uziel
Use He/Him
Code Name Ultra Magnus, Rodimus Second In command (Literally his Baby sitter)
Age around 23-30, Height 7’0 feet
He’s serious, Selfless and reliable, He’s very respected by the Autobots and even the Decepticons… with all those fame Deep down he really is just a normal guy with self esteem issues, He can easily doubt his Own Action even if the others can’t see it… he’s just trying his best (the Others see him as a serious and successful Commander while he see himself as a failure and a mess-)
Short Dark Blue hair, green eyes behind Blue contact lenses}
“Ultra Magnus?! You Knew Ultra Magnus?!” Husan asked surprised when he see’s … the one and Only ULTRA MAGNUS! In Scara’s room “Of course I do, I know SixShot of course I know Magnus” Scara snickers, Uziel Gave a nervous smile before standing up “I uh… Sorry I need to catch up with SixShot” “oh right… he came back already didn’t he? Man a 2 week Mission was probably one of the shortest mission he ever had” Scara sigh
Uziel nod, he turn to look at Husan both men flinch and awkwardly look away from each other “uh… Hun-Grrr is it? It’s nice to see you” “It’s nice to see you too uh… sir” Husan nodded, this was way more awkward than when Sion was here “Drop the sir Commander please, Just call me Ultra Magnus” Uziel nervously chuckle…
THEY BOTH NEED SION TO LIGHTEN UP THE MOOD! The aura in the room is so awkward, the door Slam open “Hey hey~ I’m back!... Oh hey Mags” Sion Look at Uziel who look back at him, Uziel Flinch before grabbing him by the arm and Pull him to the Bathroom “SixShot I didn’t Know Scara Knew Commander Hun-Grrr” Uziel had his Back on the bathroom door looking at at The Phase Sixer with worried in his eyes.
Sion smile confusedly behind his mask before it clicked in his head “oh Right! Sorry, Should’ve told you, You see Scara did told me about him… I guess I just forget to tell you“ Sion nervously laughed “is Something wrong with it Magnus?” Sion asked as his laugh died down “It’s Not that it’s just… You and I both rarely in his life and… Somehow Coming back Here to visit just feel strange… and I feel like I’m being overly protective” Uziel mumbled.
Sion step back a little and nod “Yea I can see why, he change a lot… huh?” Sion gave a sad smile and Uziel nod, he has… Scara has Changed a lot…
“I’m Ultra Magnus and You must be Commander ScatterShot right? It’s an Honor working with you for this mission” Uziel spoke formally.
It was their first meeting, Scara was still 18 at the time and Uziel was around 23… it was a long age gap, and it was the same day where Scara met Sion… Since Scara refuse to go with another Gestalts member or the people that would Leak his existence the Decepticon and Autobot Leader has decided to send Uziel and Sion as his supervisor in his First Mission…
Sion was cold, and doesn’t really work well with the team while Uziel and Scara Always argue from times to times…
Scara Scream as he falls to the ground “ScatterShot!” Uziel shouted rushing to his side “That was Reckless! You should’ve Listen to Me! You c-“ Uziel stopped before he look away “I told you I don’t take orders from anyone and especially from you! Your plan Suck!” Scara Shouted back but not as loud as Uziel earlier glaring at the Autobot… “W-Well there are good reason to listen to me and not to charge forward into danger!” Uziel Close his eyes still wont look at Scara.
Scara Snarl “If you want to lecture me look at me you coward!” “It Would Be inappropriate to look at a woman when The front of her chest armor is Gone!” Uziel Shouted, Scara Flinch and Even this time Sion turn to look at them, he flinch and look away again, both man felt embarrassed beyond belief, Scara on the other hand… He’s not pleased being called a ‘Woman’, He Stand up even if His feet begging him to stay down.
One hand cover his chest while the other lifted and punch Uziel by the Face, Breaking a few of his Helm “I’M NOT A WOMAN!” Scara scream loud enough to even make himself flinch. Scara pull his hand back before he step back… “sorry” he whisper before walking back to his vehicle, He entered his spaceship “I need some time alone” He mumbled before flying off… there was silence between the two of them.
While Who ever just shoot Scara down was already under Sion’s Paw “Oooo you messed up” The Criminal Whistle, Sion almost Laugh but he hold himself from doing so “You should probably go after him” Sion spoke, even the Criminal nod-
Uziel touched the damaged part of his helm and it was… very much damaged from Scara’s punch.. he stay there for a moment before running to his Vehicle and drive off…
“So, Do you want to go to jail or do you want a death sentence?” Sion joked looking down at the criminal “Prison Please” The Criminal answer “Good Choice”
“Didn’t I said I want to be alone?” Scara Sarcastically Asked “you did” Uziel Nervously answer but he still followed the Technobot Commander’s Spaceship finally Scara sigh and Land on the ground “what do you want?” Scara jumped out of his Futuristic Spaceship, It wasn’t a big spaceship probably only 1 till 3 person would fit.
Uziel open the door to his truck and jump down “Look I just want to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to uh… I didn’t know you would be that mad to be called a ‘Woman’” Uziel apologize, Scara annoyed look turn to amusement “it’s Fine… don’t call me that again next time, it brings back bad memories” Scara huffed, He can’t stay mad at Uziel- especially not when Uziel Apologize “Oh, Apologies… I should’ve pay more attention” Uziel sigh looking down at the ground.
Scara reach up to gently pat the taller man’s Cheek “Hey it’s alright” “First time accidentally being so disrespectful huh Magnus? That must’ve feel horrible” Sion suddenly appear on top of Uziel’s Truck “SixShot!” Scara Glared “Be quiet Ninja Consultant” Uziel Snarl, they both said it at the same time which made Sion laughed, It definitely lighten up the mood.
“what’s Yours and Ultra Magnus’s relationship?” Husan asked nervously walking up to Scara “Hm? Mags and I? We’re just friends, More like siblings Relationship or close Cousins thing... I dont know how to explain” Scara answer. “he and SixShot used to date but Surprisingly they still get along after breaking up” Scara Added
“how long have you actually known SixShot?” “hm… around 2 or 3 years” “How long have you two been engaged?” “oh about that, That was a joke… we’re just dating but we both liked to make joked about it saying one and another is our Fiancé” Scara laughed.
Husan wasn’t even mad, He can’t be mad at that- he smile seeing Scara laugh, the Technobot Commander really has open up to him more and more the more they know each other… “Hey, Commander… Have I ever told you your laugh sounds adorable?” Husan flirted, Scara stop laughing and look at him with a gentle and beautiful smile… “Well, You have… this is the 5th time I heard about it and I’m never tired hearing of it” “Same here” Husan Grabbed his Waist and pull him to a kiss.
Scara didn’t hesitate to return to kiss and wrap his arm around Husan’s neck pulling him deeper to the kiss…
The bathroom door Open
Sion whistle Amusedly “we left you two for a Few minutes and you can’t get your hand off from each other?” The Phase Sixer Teased before he was Playfully shoved by Uziel “You’re the one to talk” Uziel glared at him, Sion shrugged like he didn’t even know what Uziel was talking about but he definitely know…
Scara pulls away while smiling at Husan, Husan smile back “Yea You’re the one to talk SixShot if This was you I bet you already got me Pinned down somewhere” Scara quickly turn to glare at Sion, It made the other three men laugh even Sion “He’s not wrong, Horny Dog” Uziel Pinch Sion’s cheek “Not a dog” Sion complain trying to glare but it end up to a desperate annoyed look, he pouted like a child.
“Is there someone else you know? That I should know?” Husan asked “ThunderWing, We’re in a relationship” Scara simply answer
W H A T?!?!” all three men shouted, Scara Flinch “It’s a Joke Calm down” He wave his hand up while the other one cover one of his ears “oh thank primus” Uziel sigh in relief “Sorry ScatterShot” Husan Nervously pat Scara’s Head “You three need to tone it down” Scara Whined.
“I swear to god if you and ThunderWing fuck I will never Forgive you and No One will find his Body!” Sion Glared pointing at the Technobot Commander “Calm down, Me and Him only met once and That meeting was a mess… I blew up his Whole base, No way we’re end up in any sort of Relationship outside of Enemies or Rival or Just Dislike each other” Scara Chuckle amusedly.
Uziel and Sion Exchange glance “You wouldn’t know how that could Go so wrong and turn to a romantic Relationship” Uziel Spoke slowly “Oh right… I forgot you two started out Hating the guts out of each other before dating” Scara Mumbled.
“hey But we did broke up after 4 years” Sion Pointed out “Thank primus we did because I wont be able to handle you for another Year… a Year in a relationship with you is a year of torment and pain” Uziel joked earning an annoyed glare from Sion. “Fuck off” Sion Snarl.
“Hi there MotorMaster, My name Is SilverBolt” The mech offered a hand to shake, Mohan look at him up and down before smacking his hand away “tch whatever” Mohan Look away annoyed “MotorMaster that’s not how you supposed to behave” Meaker Almost snarl at him, Mohan Rolled his eyes and folded his arm in front of his chest annoyed “Why Should I even be respectful to him? He’s a Flyer”
Silver doesn’t seems to be offended or hurt by the word his smile didn’t even falter or there’s ever any Emotions on his face showing that he was hurt by the word… “he is not wrong Megatron sir, I don’t mind his attitude towards me don’t worry” Silver Turn to look at the Decepticon Leader who look surprised at his word defending Mohan who’s clearly being an Asshole.
Mohan hates him… every bits of him he hates…
That Bright color
That damn smile and Oh so patience attitude!
It drives the Stunticons Commander crazy and Mad!
Their first year of being Rival but at the same time working together was probably The year that pissed Mohan so much! Silver Always lets him win a bet or a Challenge, The feeling of victory was nice but it annoys him how Silver Never actually got mad for losing or Being defeated, Instead the Aerialbot Commander congratulate him and offered a hug which Mohan Harshly refuse by Either smacking the Aerialbot Commander or Pushing him away harshly.
And Yet even that didn’t make Silver Smile fall, That Stupid smile always on the Commander’s face… it Makes Mohan Furious! And Yet As times passed by He starting to get used to the smile and how Silver act, his Violence and Harsh Push turn to a more Playful one… Until one day he didn’t know why Suddenly his Heart always skip a beat when He see’s the Aerialbot Commander.
From Hating everything about the Aerialbot Commander to Adoring everything he did, Mohan Started to feel embarrassed and stunned when The Aerialbot Commander was so close to him, He started to feel Protective of Silver…
Starting to look for The Aerialbot Commander attention at all times, He knew the old him would laugh at him for being so desperate for the Aerialbot Commander’s attention but he doesn’t care about it… he would still Aim for the Aerialbot Commander’s attention and maybe… his affection… he was trying so hard to Keep it a secret, keep his feelings to himself but he know he’s not that good at keeping it in.
The others already know he had a crush of the Aerialbot Commander and He wasn’t sure if Silver knows it too but just never Bring it up to him or is the Aerialbot Commander is just that oblivious? Either way Mohan didn’t care…
He used to hate how Silver Fly around in the sky like nothing in the world can stop him from Soaring across the Sky, Now… he adored how those wings Fly and how the Aerialbot Commander’s Body gracefully soar above the sky, Silver looks so happy when he’s flying even if he doesn’t fly that high… and Mohan used to call him weak for having a fear of height now? Mohan Comforted him If He start to had a panic attack when he was flying too high or falling from a high place.
Now Mohan wont hesitate to pick him up when He can’t even move, Silver always have a little Episode when he wont be able to move every time he look down and realized how high up he is right now or any possibility of falling from where he stand… and that’s where Mohan always Had to pick him up and Carry him around, Little did the Stunticon Commander know that doing that actually comforted The Aerialbot Commander… and Maybe Why Silver Felt more comfortable being near Mohan now.
“Optimus and Megatron Have a Mission for You and Me, Just the two of us… it’s a simple mission Of Finding a rare and Unique ore” Silver Spoke Snapping Mohan out of his dazed thought, The Aerialbot Commander placed down a file in front of Mohan and The Stunticon Commander stare at the file for a few second before grabbing it and start reading the information on it.
Silver sat down across from him with his usual Smile… stupid smile… Mohan wanted to punch that smile from his face at the same time he want to pull Silver to him and kiss the Aerialbot Commander for being so damn Adorable! “I was thinking on Changing Hairstyle what do you think?” Silver Suddenly asked, Mohan slowly glance at him “I uh… don’t know? Why should I care? It’s your choice what ever you choose it’ll still make you look like a loser and stupid” Mohan insulted trying to avoid himself from breaking character.
Silver smile didn’t falter instead he smile Widen and he let out a giggle “do you think I look good like this? With This hair?” Silver asked, like the insult Mohan threw at him didn’t even affect him, It didn’t… Silver never took any of those insults to heart and Maybe that’s how he manage to deal with Mohan for all these years “Tch at least this Hair Made you more likeable, Bet if you change it it’ll make your ugly face looks uglier” Ah so Mohan doesn’t want him to change his hair…
That’s good… Silver doesn’t want to change his hair too, He was just making sure if Mohan liked his hair or not… Mohan look back to the files but They both know his focus was at Silver… it’s easy to tell because he’s been reading the same page again and again while trying not to glance up at the Aerialbot Commander while Silver just sitting there across him with his usual smile…
“Stop it” Mohan Snarl annoyed, Silver tilted his head to the side innocently “Stop what? I didn’t do anything” he spoke defending himself, it wasn’t a lie he was just sitting there watching the Stunticon Commander being Adorable… “Tch, Stop Staring you’re distracting me” Mohan can’t even glare at him, Silver can’t help but giggle again… the Stunticon Commander always know how to amused him it’s adorable.
Silver close his eyes “alright then… I’ll close my eyes if it makes you Concentrate better” The Aerialbot Commander spoke softly and there was a hint of tease in his voice, Most people might missed it but Mohan didn’t! That Tone make the Stunticon Commander flinch and Gulped before trying to focus back on reading, Silver always know where to push his buttons to get the reaction the Aerialbot Commander wanted and Mohan hated it.
After a few minutes of silence, Mohan Finally manage to focus on the files of course he would glance up at Silver every now and then… the Aerialbot Commander kept his eyes closed, keeping his Promise to try and not be a distraction, but it was always so hard For Mohan to not pay attention to him if he’s sitting RIGHT THERE, in front of him, Calm and relaxed like Silver Believe that Mohan wouldn’t kill him when he’s guard is down or someone wont come up to him and hurt him…
It's like the Aerialbot Commander knows that whenever he’s with his dear Rival… he was safe and Protected, Silver was never as relaxed as he is now unless he’s around Mohan which surprised most people… and Mohan felt pride in knowing that The person he Adored actually feel comfortable and Relax around him!
Aside from that…
“Don’t you think this would be a better job for the Constructicons?” Mohan asked breaking the silence, Solver Hum and Slowly nod before opening his gorgeous eyes “That is true, but Apparently Scrapper said the Constructicons have a little private personal project and they would be out of commission for who knows how long” Silver Explain “so why us?” Mohan asked again “There’s literally a bunch of other Cybertronians that would fit for this shitty job” Mohan added Annoyed.
Silver Didn’t stop smiling at him “I was the one assigned to the mission, Optimus and Megatron told me I could bring who ever I want and I decide to bring you, I thought it’ll be an interesting time for the two of us you know… away from out team, But if you don’t want to I can ask someone else no problem” Silver Spoke calmly, Mohan Look at him surprised but then the Stunticons Commander nervously rub the back of his neck and look away from Silver and the file.
He slowly dropped the file on the Table in front of them “I don’t mind… spending times with you” Mohan Mumbled “Good to know! I’m really glad you didn’t turn me down” Silver happily respond as his wings flutter… cute…
He was cute… and Handsome even if some People didn’t think he is but to Mohan he was handsome and Cute… and Gorgeous… and Attractive… Silver was always so Adoring.
“Commander, Focus” Silver snap him out of his thoughts “huh? Oh sorry, So when are we going to leave?” Mohan asked trying to get back on track, Silver didn’t seems to mind Mohan Sudden lost of reality, To him it was rather Cute and Adorable… even if Mohan denied it… Silver would always see him as cute and brave. “next week unless if you want to go earlier or do you need more time?” “No, Next week will do, Text me the time and the information I needed… that isn’t in this file” Mohan lifted the file and tossed it to Silver who calmly catch it.
Silver nod before standing up “well then, I’ll see you soon Commander” the Aerialbot spoke before stepping back and went to leave the Decepticon Break Room, Mohan quickly stand up “Commander!” he called out and Silver turn to look at him, Wings raise up curios “yes?” “You look… Better in white” Mohan nervously complimented, The Decepticons around them look at him surprised.
After all he wasn’t the type to throw out compliments or give someone a pat on the head for a job well done… Silver Pause for a moment before his gaze soften “of course… Thank you for your input Commander, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind” Silver spoke before leaving the room. And when he left he heard Mohan shouting for the Decepticons to stop staring.
But this time Silver didn’t really care, He can’t help the feeling of Excitement in his heart, Mohan Complimented him… a genuine compliment… it made him feel so happy.
After Silver left the Break Room he felt like his knees was about to gave up on him! He can’t believe Mohan just complimented him! He took a deep breath before he continue his walk trying to stay professional he acted like the compliment didn’t Strike something in him. But his wings wont stop fluttering every time he repeated that memory!
He see her, Unlike the other student… who ignored her existence… he see’s her and he dare to approach her “Hi there, I’m Affan…” the 1st grade with Brown hair offered a hand for her to shake, The 3rd grade look at him surprised and Confused her black hair cover part of her Face as her purple eye look at him “and you are?” he asked, The girl slowly accepted his hand “T-Talia… I’m Talia” The girl Spoke, She sounded so soft and Nervous
“do you want to be friends?” the boy asked
That was the Question that change the rest of their lives, The girl accepted and the two became friends…
Affan was the Hot Headed Troublemaker that always pick a fight with others and even teachers, He was always a problem and Even got suspended from school a lot
While Talia on the other hand was Quiet, She was the quietest girl in her class and not even her classmates care to even talk to her…
She was always bullied by her Classmates… no matter where she goes they always called her a witch, a Monster and a creepy girl… she doesn’t know what she did, She didn’t do anything and they just decide to bully her ever since she was little… and ever since they became friends Affan was her shield… he was her Shield and her sword.
He stand up for her and would harm anyone that harm her, No matter How much Talia Told him to stop hurting others he would always do it because they hurt her… it always made her feel grateful, She was weak… that’s what she know… she wasn’t strong enough and always Hide behind Affan for Protection, From her friends… from the girls… from the boys… from her school and even from her own family…
They called her weird
Everyone called her weird…
But Affan was the only one that called her Unique and beautiful, He told her being different is beautiful and it means she’s one of a kind… it always made her feel special…
It was always the two of them against the Horrible world, He was her Shield… he was Her Sword… and he was Her Voice…
And She was His Sanity, His Only Bridge to reality…
Others think their dynamic are weird, They didn’t mind… Talia didn’t mind… And Affan didn’t mind either…
But one day everything changes… when that day happened… she was around 17 and he was around 14…
Talia Uses her Voice to scream… She Scream that night the bullies has gone too far… No one Knew what exactly happen that night but they all know What Talia Voice can do… it hurts others, But in reality it wasn’t her voice they should be worried about. She could easily Control’s others Heartbeat whenever she wanted to she just use her voice as a distraction for others to think that her Voice was her greatest weapon.
That night… Was a mess, Talia almost killed Those Teenagers… Sometimes she wonders why she didn’t just kill them off instead of letting them lived, they had hurt her… but worse they had Harmed he was in bad Shape that He can’t even Breath properly… he was dying… it scares her…
She doesn’t want to lose him.
Ever since that incident Talia was too afraid to talk to anyone else other than Affan… the Two decide to move out of their family’s house and Decide to rant an apartment for the two of them, Another reason for that was also because Talia Refuse to Talk or see her own family and she even refuse to eat or drink… it worries her Mother.
Living in an apartment alone with Affan made her feel safer, She dropped out of school and Didn’t want to leave the apartment, Affan was always the one that Take care of everything… he didn’t mind. In fact he still treat her the same which Made her feel bad, But every time she try to grab the Door knob to exit the apartment she always end up crying and Throwing up.
She doesn’t like alcoholic drink, She threw up when she smell the smell of it… She Always so scared when there was someone else other than Affan in the apartment sometimes people wonder how come they aren’t dating? How come they Aren’t engaged? If their relationship was that special well… Their Relationship was never meant for romance, It was… and always be…
Do you want to be Friends?
Both understand their situation and Romance was never an option… never an option in this kind of situation…
When Meaker and Orion came to their door… it all fall down…
Talia was taken to the Decepticon side and Affan to the Autobot, When Talia Join the Phase Sixer experiment she forgot everything about her past… but Something that she cant and never forget…
Affan was her Shield and Her Sword, He was her Knight… it surprised Meaker when Talia told him that she still remember who Affan is, and still remember their friendship just not the things that didn’t involved him… she forgot everything but him… she forgot her own name, her age and her education…
But not Him.
She remembers him…
And for the first year she ran back to him, she always stick by him even if she doesn’t remember herself… the reason she remembers her real name was because Affan called her that… so she stick with that name..
‘Talia' that’s what he called her, That smile when he see’s her… that familiar comfortable feeling when she’s around him… sadly her job was never easy… she was Needed to go to mission for days and weeks and even Months… their friendship falls apart… Even if in the end they both will see Each other as Acquaintance instead of a close friends… she would always remember that old train of thought.
That He was Her Shield, her sword and Her voice
And She was His Bridge to Reality…
Talia stand in front of the Technobot shared Quarter, She knocked and the Door slide open revealing Strahan who look surprised “Tarn?” he ask confused “is AfterBurner around?” She asked “Sorry he's out on a mission But you can wait inside if you want” Strahan offered, Talia quickly shake her head “no thanks uh” she refuse the offer before pulling out something from her pocket.
“give him this from me it’s a late gift” Talia handed it to the Forensic Scientist, Strahan accepted it and nod “alright, anything else?” “no that’s all, thank you Strafe” She spoke before stepping back and Leave, Strahan look down at the box before going back inside.
She wishes she could maybe talk to him, But the other Phase Sixers are waiting for her… she let out a sigh of disappointment, It’s been a long time…
“Are you ok?” “No… maybe? Just need some rest My head been spinning around lately” Oracle sigh, Next to him Blayde sat down and put a hand on his shoulder “maybe you should rest, I’ll deal with the boys” his Second in Command offered, Oracle shake his head “No… I’ll be fine don’t worry Blast Off” He sigh again they sat there in silence before Brendan came in and Sat down next to Oracle.
They both look at him confused “What?” Brendan asked confused “Where’s Vortex and Swindle?” Oracle asked, Brendan shrugged “I though they were with you guys”

VORTEX!!!!!!” Oracle Shouted across the Hall Chasing after Valen who was laughing like a maniac, the other Decepticon move out of the way when the Combaticons ran by while Brendan and Swindel was apologizing to them for the ruckus, Blayde had her Sniper out Trying to shoot her brother from a far but Valen was too fast.
Another day another Trouble, Earlier Valen decide to mess around Again and… apparently it doesn’t pleased Oracle of course it doesn’t , Valen got himself in another trouble! And Oracle always the one that had to CLEAN it up!!
Another few hours passed by they finally manage to catch Valen… thanks for The Protectobots help-
“Geez Oracle you need to get some rest” Holly Laugh playfully smacking him om the back, Oracle let out a ground “How can I rest when Everything I’m trying to rest one of these idiots always start Trouble” He Gesture towards his Gestalts, Blayde Flinch while the other just shrugged. Holly look at hem before looking back at Oracle “there’s always an option for you to let your SIC takes control while you rest I’m sure Blayde is capable enough to deal with them” Holly spoke again.
Oracle glance at Blayde who tense up “… I’m not sure Hot Spot, I’ll think about it” he spoke but his gaze didn’t left Blayde, Holly smile behind his mask and He step away “Alright then, I’ll leave you to it… Had something else to work on, Come on Guys” The Protectobot Commander turn to look at His Gestalts before walking away.
“make sure to get enough rest Commander” Fidvi Points at Oracle before following his Commander, The other Protectobots followed… Oracle Sigh, even the little medic told him to rest this is so embarrassing…
The other four Combaticons just stand there before Swindel Lean to Valen “I think we should tone down the Ruckus for a few weeks, OnSlaught does look tired-“ He whisper while Valen just slowly nod “Commander should we head back?” Brendan asked trying to hide the nervous in his voice, Oracle Didn’t answer for a few second before he sigh and gave a small nod “Yes, Let’s lead back” He told.
Affan was driving his motorcycle around the city, Avoiding people taking Photo of it or him… he stop to the side of the road for a moment when he look up to see a Private Cybertronian Jet flying away, that’s not the Phase Sixers Ship but why was Talia on it? Was she going alone again? If she’s going with the DJD she’ll be using the Peaceful Tyranny instead of a neutral Cybertronian Jet… maybe for once finally she gets A Vacation?
He need to stop worrying about her After all she have her own independent life now… she doesn’t need him, Affan shake his head before Continuing to drive.
A few minutes has passed and he jump down from His motorcycle, He made his way back inside the Gestalts Hallway, How long has he been gone? Shouldn’t be that long… he entered the Technobot Shared Quarter “ah AfterBurner you’re back” Light Greeted “How did you know it was me?” Affan asked teasingly “well CutThroat came in here a few minutes ago dragging Strafe away while NoseCone Had a Mission to do so who else would come inside without knocking” Light explain before making his way toward the shorter man.
“Here, Strafe said it’s from Tarn for you” Light Handed him the box “Tarn? She was here earlier?” Affan asked, there was a hint of hope in his eyes thankfully it was hidden behind a visor, he doesn’t wanted Light to get the wrong idea… but it seems like Light catch on by the tone of his voice… Light Smile soften “Yea I guess, Strafe was the one answering the door and I heard she was asking for you, When Strafe offered for her to wait she said she doesn’t want to and handed him that box to give it to you” Light Explain in a calm tone.
Affan look down at the box in his hand “I see… uh… thanks LightSpeed” He nod before leaving to his room…

Affan sat on his Bed with the Box Placed on his lap, He open the box carefully and look Inside, His eyes widen before he slowly lifted the iten that was inside…
He observe the item closely, this wasn’t a native earth… it wasn’t from earth and he know that… it’s a bracelet but what used to make it, He can’t remember any of Earth’s material, it looks like crystal but it’s more lighter and lifting it he doesn’t feel anything at all… it’s connected like magnet, He take one bead away. There was no string attaching them, and when he put it back it’s like it never left before.
He found a note in the box…
[This isn’t much but I hope you like it, Haven’t talk to you in a long time… last mission The Phase Sixers Explore a strange Planet, while waiting for the others I found these Colorful Stones scatter all around the place so I decide to pick them up, they weight nothing it’s like holding up a cotton candy, And They have some kind of Magnetic Energy for one and another… I thought it was pretty cool so I made it to small beads and gave it to you, They changes color depending on your emotions
I didn’t have time to make more, I only made three so I gave that one to you… I hope it helps you, if not it’s still looks like a pretty Bracelet
Well that confirms it, it’s not from earth… but is it safe to use? He observe the bracelet and Flip the paper, Oh there was another message behind the paper.
[P.s it glows at dark like a night lamp, so You should probably put it somewhere where it’s light wont bother you when you sleep sorry, And I did Do some research and Nickel helped me Identify the things and its safe to use… but not safe to swallow, I hope you wont eat them]
Oh that answers it, Affan chuckle at the last part before putting the paper down and wore the Bracelet, The Beads started to change to match up his size… that can do that?! It feel more as if it was a Cybertronian Technology even if it’s not.
He'll thank Talia later when she get back, Or… he can text her… it has been a long time since they talk face to face or through calls and text.
“MixMaster?! What are you doing here?” Light asked confused making his way toward his Boyfriend, Why was Michael in the Studio? The Filming Location… why was he here? In full armor and he was driving his Cybertronian altmode here… of course it attract some attention! “Mixy?” Light whisper reaching out to Gently Caress the man’s cheek.
Unexpectedly without saying Anything Michael grabbed his hand and yanked it forward making Light Stumble to his feet and his body collided with Michael’s armor “Mi-“ He wasn’t able to finish when Michael hugged him… Light wasn’t sure what to do but slowly he wrap his arm around the taller man… “hey what’s wrong?” light asked softly.
“I Miss her” Michael mumbled, Hiding his face on Light’s shoulder, they were definitely attracting attention but both of them didn’t care even if there’s some people taking a photo “her?” “Scavenger” “ah… what happened?” “Left, She left month ago” Oh… O H! Light Lean his head to Michael’s and try to comfort him in their probably awkward position of standing…
Draelyn look at them for a moment before making her way to them “is he ok?” Draelyn asked Light while pointing at Michael “Scavenger left a month ago and he miss her” “Scavenger left? Like… left the When?” “a Month ago, after Valentine...” “Today is April my man, she left for a month and a half… and what do you mean she left? I heard the news about her at March” Draelyn spoke, Slowly Michael lifted his head to look at the Stunticon confused “what?”
“did you even see the news? Scavenger saved three kids… while wearing full Cybertronian armor, If she left she wont have her armor that would be super illegal and Megatron would’ve come for her but he didn’t… she didn’t left at all” Draelyn explain, Michael look confused before he pull himself away from Light “SweetSpark Can I borrow your phone?” He asked looking down at Light, Light nod before taking out his phone, Put in the code and handed it to Michael.
Michael accepted it, He froze in place for a moment before a Knowing Smirk appear on his face “We’ll talk about your phone background later~” he glance up at Light who flinch before going back to search for the news “What day?” “March 2, the 10 pm News at Italy in a small neighborhood” Draelyn informed.
After a few minutes, Michael felt so glad and annoyed By WHY THE FUCK DID SCY TOLD THEM SCARLETT LEFT?!? He Handed The Phone back to Light before giving his a quick Kiss on the lips “Thanks SweetSpark, I’ll text you later” He purred “Draelyn I owe you one” he salute at Draelyn before rushing off, Light stand there… face flustered and behind him Draelyn was Laughing her ass off… people definitely took photo of that and The internet is so going to laugh at him.
Light looks like a cat frozen in place staring at nothing, After a few second he manage to get himself together, He blink a few times before he gulp and fix his Hair nervously “need a Slap to Get you back to reality? Lover Boy~” Draelyn Teased, Leaning Closer to him with a Knowing smile “No… I’m back now don’t worry” Light Shake his head while still fixing his hair even if it wasn’t out of place, that’s just a little quirk of him.
When he’s Nervous he would always fix His hair no matter how Perfect they already look. Draelyn snicker and Nudge him playfully “People are so going to talk about that just happened” She giggle and Light playfully push her away.
She loved him…
But he didn’t know that…
Not yet.
Unlike her sister Monica Isn’t loud, or Openly Affectionate toward the one she liked… Monica was Patient… she knew The Man she loved didn’t even know she existed or maybe he just ignore her existence but she still love him, To her he was… so cool, He was gorgeous and A Great man… she wasn’t sure how to describe him, Unlike her sister who can easily describe the person she liked with full adoration.
Monica wasn’t sure how to Describe hers, Because she never felt this emotion before… hell she rarely feel any emotions in the first place! He always watch him…
Keep an eye on him
Making sure he’s safe it’s not that he can’t protect himself she just felt like her protection is needed.
Monica wasn’t sure hoe to act around him, So she always just stay quiet while Stealing glances at him, Even if he never glance back at her it is enough… just being near him is enough for her, She was too shy to walk to him… she doesn’t need to talk really… he doesn’t talk much either.
Monica Stay Quiet about her Little or maybe big crush on Him, But of course the rest of her Gestalts knew about it and Thankfully Megaera didn’t really disagree with her Taste Unlike how Megaera told her Sister that StarScream was a bad Choice for a partner.
“Conclusion: Heart race beating too fast, Query: MoonHeart: Doing Fine?” Sohan voice snap her out of her though, She look up at him, She could feel herself blushing and she slowly nod “Yes Sir, I’m ok” She spoke, Sohan didn’t Question twice before looking away and went back on his way, It was rare for them to accidentally met each other or being put in the same mission.
But she didn’t care, she cherish the small moment they have even if he doesn’t…
She know he would never return her feeling… that made her sad but she’s not as Reckless as Her Sister, She understands other have feelings too…
Sometimes she feel sorry for Stamos-
“When You first told us you liked her as in You have a crush on her and you wanted to spend your life with her… I thought you were joking” Holly spoke breaking the silence between the two of them, They were on their way back after an emergency call and Stephen was Sitting next to him while He Drove them both back… apparently Stephen manage to accidentally got injured while saving a child and his Cybertronian alt mode (Vehicle) was still in repair-
Stephen look up from the blood that was covering his knees and mostly his left leg was covered in blood “oh? Is this a conversation about my love life?” he asked smugly, Holly laughed “Yes it is… when will you propose to her?” his commander asked, Stephen smile Slowly face and he look back down.
When? To be honest he wasn’t sure, Even if he know she wont reject… he was still afraid of rejection, Afraid that he isn’t enough… he was unsure of himself if he’s enough… unsure if he was the right person, Not if she is… he was worried that… what if he’s not ready? What if she’s not ready? And If he move too fast everything might fall apart… “Stephen…” Holly snapped him out of his thoughts, Stephen shrugged “I uh… not sure” “You’re doubting yourself again…” “Yes I guess so” He Let out a weak chuckle, Holly looked at him worried before looking back at the road.
“Well you shouldn’t, Don’t doubt yourself… as long as she doesn’t doubt you, You shouldn’t doubt yourself. She believes in you, and you believe in her… you dare to see the world in her point of view, Living in her Point of View… and I think that’s enough” Holly Spoke “She trusted you and you need to trust yourself…” He added, yea he know nothing about any romantic love, Heck he never felt it before and he was sure he probably wont feel it in the future.
But he know about Trust and He know about what it means to be with someone even if He wont experience it. Holly can be wise if he wanted to, he can be demanding and he can be Strict… only his Gestalts would see those side of him.
Stephen didn’t look at his Commander, He just stare at the window next to him seeing his own reflection “I’m Scared of Rejection” “you can never know the results unless you give it a shot” “Maybe… I’ll try” Stephen murmured while looking out to the window... if Only he was as brave as people think he is… he tried and tried but there’s a little voice in him that always told him he’ll fail… he’ll fail and it’ll all crumble down.

“what did you do this time?!” Fidvi asked surprised when Stephen entered the Medbay… limping and one of his foot was trailing blood from the knee behind Stephen Holly just smile behind his mask while looking Innocent “I might’ve gone over board” Stephen nervously said “Might’ve?” Rajat Asked sarcastically glaring at the Protectobot
Holly Giggle “he fall from a 3rd floor building while a fire was raging inside” The Protectobot Commander explain, Stephen just gave the medics a thumbs up while they both stare at her with a mix of Anger, Frustration and Worries.
After a few Minutes they finally Patch up Stephen’s leg while at the same time scolding him for being reckless and Stupid, While he just nod along. He know better than to talk back to a medic! He’s not Bladen he won’t take the risk-
“Should be careful next time” Fidvi mumbled before helping Stephen down from the Medical bed “it’s ok I’m fine First Aid really” Stephen try to reassure his brother, But Fidvi was still worried about him… “No you’re not fine you almost broke a bone” Fidvi reminded him “Well but it didn’t break did it? So everything is good” Stephen smile, The medic huffed and shake his head “don’t talk back when the Doctor is scolding you” Rajat Flick Stephen’s ear “Ow! I’m sorry” Stephen quickly apologize.
The door to the Medbay open and Strahan blink at the Scene before slowly stepping inside “What is it Strafe?” Fidvi asked confused, Strahan pointed at Him “Optimus going to dispatch a Group to a mission, they need a medic you’re going with them while Ratchet Optimus wanted to meet you” Strahan Informed, Both medic look at each other confused and unsure before they slowly nod and went to get ready.
“guessing I’m not needed in the field?” Stephen joked “Well you’re injured so No, Get some rest” Rajat spoke waving him off, Stephen chuckle before leaving the Medbay, Walking felt painful but he can manage and Fidvi did say he’s allowed to walk just as long as he didn’t pull anymore Ridiculous Stunts while his leg is still in the process of healing the damaged.
you’re so annoying, Stop contacting me ever again” Ripton sigh before ending the phone call “Who’s that?” Silvally asked confused and Curious “no one important” Ripton close his eyes before putting his phone in to his pocket, Silvally blink before she smile “another one of your… Creepy fans huh?” She teased, Ripton didn’t have to answer she already knew it was, the Terrorcon Second in Command lean back to his seat.
They were at a Public Restaurant so Ripton Hold the Urge to throw his phone away- he does want to make a scene “Cheer up” Silvally wave her hand up in front of him with a smile… Ripton smile back…
They both turn to look at Skyla “SkyBurst… hello, Where’s StormClash?” Ripton asked “She’s Uh… still shopping for clothes, she told me to find somewhere to eat while I wait for her so… yeah, How have you been?” Skyla Nervously spoke “I’ve been decent, You?” “Tired” Skyla Gave a smile “Why don’t you Join us for lunch? We were just about to order” Silvally suddenly offer.
Ripton turn to look at her surprised before he Glare at her suspicious behavior “that would be nice of you… If you don’t mind it” Skyla Nervously look at the ground “Of course not! Invite your Twin too The more the merrier!” Silvally Smile offering the seat next to her, Skyla Return the smile before sitting down “Thank you” she nod and Silvally nod back.
Ripton stand up “I’ll go Inform Storm” he spoke before leaving “W-wait You d-don’t know where she is!” Skyla Shouted for him but he already left the restaurant, She let out a sigh “Don’t worry, Ripton will find her for sure” Silvally giggle…
The two stay in silence, Awkward Silence… before Finally Silvally spoke up “So you like him huh?” She asked Mischievously, Skyla Flinch “W-well… I’m not really sure…” She quietly answer, Silvally watch her reaction Closely before speaking again “well you don’t need to worry about anything… he have no interest in me, think I’m annoying” Silvally sigh looking away “To be honest… I wouldn’t mind Backing down if You like him…” Skyla Whisper.
Silvally turn to look at her confused “As long as He was happy I think that’s enough, That’s what love is isn’t it?... Letting the one you love go so they can be happy” Skyla Smile at her again, Silvally’s eyes Widen before she return a comforting Smile “For a kid you do know a lot more than I expected” “I don’t think we have that much age gap” Skyla Chuckle amusedly.
“That is true… what about your sister?” “I’m sure she’ll learn one day, But if you want… I can convince her to back down… I know you told us the things he did because you want us to be afraid of him… but we’re not” Skyla Answer “Well… actually No, that would be Ripton’s decision to do so… and when he went to look for her I feel like He doesn’t want to lose Any of you” Silvally close her eyes.
Skyla Felt her Heart Skip a Beat! Ripton… doesn’t want to lose them?... it made her feel… glad… happy even… she felt so relieved… “You know you’re pretty beautiful” Silvally smirk still closing her eyes, Skyla blink “well you’re beautiful too” She complimented back “pfft- no I’m not, I look like a guy” Silvally open her eyes to look at her with amusement “well then you look very Handsome” Skyla corrected herself.
Silvally look surprised before she laugh and reach out to Mess with Skyla’s hair “You’re So adorable and Precious!” She Lean closer giving the Torchbearer a Side Hug “I am?” Skyla asked Confused and Surprised, she didn’t push Silvally away “Yes you are, Such an Innocent soul~” ‘No wonder Ripton Adored you’ she didn’t say that part out loud…
“which one should I choose?” Storm was occupied trying to pick the right dress she should by, she look between the two dress in front of her and she frowned, She would’ve asked Skyla for some help too bad Skyla Left and Her Phone is Already out! AND SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHERE SKYLA WENT! This sucks! “maybe I should go back Later” She sigh, She was about to step back and leave before she felt a hand touched her Waist…
Storm was about Hit who ever it is but she stop herself when she see’s a Familiar hand point out at the White and Blue Dress “That one look Bright, It’ll fit for you… why don’t you try it?” Ripton Voice was calm and Soothing… Storm felt like she could melt right here right now “Senpai? What are you doing here?” she Look uo at him Surprised “Just Coming to pick you up” Ripton smile.
His hand left her waist and he went to stand next to her “so… do you think the dress would look good on me?” She asked pointing at the dress he was pointing at, He Shrugged “only one way to find out, Try it on… I’ll wait” He Spoke.

“So? What do you think?” Storm gave a twirl, Ripton Look up from his Phone and he felt his Heart stopped, he blink a few times before he answer “You look Gorgeous” He Complimented, Storm Face Flustered before looking away “t-thank you… I think I’ll get this one” She whisper.
Ripton walk forward and gently tug her hair to the side of her face before he lifted her head up to look at him “You Wear Makeup… why?” he asked curiously “e-h?! Is it that Visible?!” she asked back “not really, But I guess My eyes just that good” Ripton Chuckle, Storm gaze away from him, She felt her heart beating so fast! She could Hear it… and she was so afraid that Ripton might hear it too! “I just think maybe It wont hurt to wear Makeup” she answer quietly.
“ah I see… if you are afraid about your appearance do not be, You’re already beautiful without a Makeup” Ripton Complimented, Storm felt she was going to faint! This must be a Dream! They haven’t seen each other for a month or two and Ripton Suddenly appear and Start Complimenting Her?! Flirting?! She wasn’t sure what he’s trying to do but it’s definitely killing her Heart!! “i- I think you look good too senpai” She Talk back.
Ripton blink twice before he laugh “Well thank you~” he Wink at her… this is DEFINITELY A DREAM! THERE’S NO WAY! Ripton step back and his hands went to his pocket “come on, Your sister and Silvally is waiting for us we better hurry up” Ripton Spoke. “Silvally?” Storm asked confused
“SinnerTwin, Silvally… same person” “Oh… her” Storm Nervously look away “Hey, I know you might not like her but… Maybe you could get along? For me?” Ripton smile at her, Storm hesitate for a moment before she slowly nod “I guess” she whisper out.
After A few minutes they finally arrive back at the Restaurant, Skyla and Silvally was Surprisingly getting along! They both were Talking and Laughing they didn’t even realize Ripton and Storm has arrive.
Ripton motion To Storm to sit next to him and she did “Seems like you two are having fun, I thought One of you would’ve start a fight” Ripton chuckle amusedly, they both turn to look at him and Silvally smirk “Come on now Ripton I know you we’re aiming that at me~ how Rude of you to assume I’ll start a fight” She dramatically look away pretending to be offended by his word, Ripton sigh and shake his head before he Reach out to flick her forehead, Silvally whined and Glared at him.
“that hurts!” she whine while the two bickers Skyla turn to look at her sister “you got the dress you wanted?” she asked and Storm nod “Senpai help me out a bit with the Choosing” “That’s Great! So what do you want to eat?” Skyla handed Her the Menu “You haven’t order Yet?” Storm asked confused and Skyla Shake her head “we were waiting for the two of you” She Responded.
Storm look at the menu before stealing a glance at Ripton who was now arguing with Silvally… even though they’re arguing they still look like they’re close, Ripton stop mid argument when he felt like someone was looking at him. He turn to look at storm.
They made eye contact before Storm Quickly look away “You Know~ Ripton used to be a Dancer and a singer, Of course before he join the Cybertronian” Silvally chuckle earning the twins attention “Silvally!” Ripton warned her “is it true Senpai?” Storm asked, Ripton didn’t answer instead he look away “it’s all in the past none of it are important” Ripton spoke “Come on don’t act so Moody about it, I’m sure they wanted to Hear you sing” “Silvally, It’s all in the past I don’t sing anymore or dance… especially Dance I don’t dance” Ripton Sternly Refuse.
“It would be Interesting to hear you sing Senior but if it’s out of your comfort Then we wont force you to do it” Skyla Smile at him, Ripton expected that answer from her of course she know how to deal with everything more responsible and adult, He Smile back “Maybe One day when I do feel comfortable on Opening my past” Ripton promised them.
Storm’s eyes Sparkle with Excitement “Then I’ll be waiting for it Senpai!” “take your time” both twins says it at the same time it made Silvally giggle “They’re So adorable right Ripton?~” She lean her head to both of her Hands “I don’t know if you’re planning something or not but if it’s something stupid and caused drama… back off” Ripton Warned her, Silvally giggle again “Aweee is that what you always see me as? A Mischievous person?” She joked earning an eye roll from Ripton.
“You’re not hurt are you?” Sion asked While Kneeling down next to the Technobot Commander “I’m Not… stop asking!” Scara Snarl Glaring at the taller Man before Slapping Sion’s hand Away from him. “Geez Just trying to be nice” Sion murmured.
They didn’t get along… at first Sion was The Type to Leave the Team behind while Scara was the Hot Headed one that always ran into danger for no reason… they were never a good match Both have different view of the world and The Battlefield… Every time one of them try to get along with the other one it always the other one thay push them away.
Scara look away from Sion before he took a deep breath and sigh “I’m… fine, Don’t worry about it… aren’t you going to go on an Investigation or something?” Scara asked, Voice more Softer than before, Sion Stand up “Not really… Uziel Was doing that and I was… just Wanting to Know How you’re doing after that last mission” Sion Spoke rubbing the back of his neck.
“You start paying attention because you know I’m mot really a Guy!” Scara Snapped “Wha- What?! No! Of course not! I- that’s not it!” Sion quickly answer “I… always, Wanted to actually talk to you but Never got the time because Your Scent is- no I Shouldn’t-… Sorry I uh I made things awkward, I’ll just go” Sion Nervous step back before turning around to leave but Scara Quickly Grabbed His arm.
“Hey Now! What the fuck did you just said? My Scent??? What are you a dog?” Scara asked Confused and Annoyed, Sion Stop before he turn to look at Scara “Well actually I’m a Wolf” he Corrected “Like a werewolf or something?” Scara asked again “not really but close enough” Sion Nod “And About your Scent it’s just… I just see so much pain in you that I can’t help but to observe you-“ “You can… See others past?” Scara Asked confused.
Sion slowly nod “you can say that, I can’t really see other past but… I can Feel the things they’ve been through by just Smelling the Air around them, I can Smell their intensions and Their Darkest Secret too” Sion Spoke, now Scara felt a Bit terrified being near him- no wonder he’s one of the Deadliest Decepticon “Don’t be Afraid… I wont use it against you” Sion Try to reassure him, Scara wasn’t sure how Sion know he was afraid but that’s probably either one of Sion’s ability to see others emotions or Scara’s face Says it all…
Or both-
“I just… I Smell and feel a lot of pain from a lot of people I’ve encounter and… Yours might not be the worse one suffering in this world but You were Lonely… You lost Someone you cared didn’t you? And You lost everything… You reminded me of myself… well.. Only if I remember who I used to be” Sion Weakly Chuckle, his gaze dropped to the Ground while Scara Look at him.
Scara let go of his hand before Tackle him to a Hug “Don’t Cry” Scara whisper, Sion’s eyes widen “Don’t cry for me… if you’re just like me then you know Crying was never something we can do Naturally” Scara Added “And so does Smiling” Sion whisper before returning the hug.
He understands him that’s what Important for Scara… He might not know About Sion’s past… Sion doesn’t know about it either but at least they understand each other and that’s enough… Emotions weren’t something they can easily get a hold on but they both try their best.
“Your Hair is so Soft” Scara whisper Making a mess of Sion’s Hair “Hey! Hey! I just Brush it” Sion Complain but he didn’t push Scara away “yea right, Your Hair is always so messy no matter what you did to is so why should you be worry if I Mess around with it?” Scara Giggle, Sion Pouted before letting go a sigh and just let the Commander do as he pleased.
He let Scara Pat his Head, he Doesn’t want to admit it at First but it does feels nice…

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