the torchbearer twins

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Ships in the chapter-🐍🪶❄️

A lady
Someone that His mom always wants him to be, An elegant smart and beautiful little Lady.
Scara Stare at the mirror in front of him, staring at it blankly, He touch the Binder that covers his chest Staring down at it.
She only love him if he was her lovely little girl, If He was A perfect Princess from one of those fairy tale Story she used to read to him before bed.
But she never see him for who he is… it hurts him… he always hated to be reminded that, To be Reminded that he used to be treated like a little Barbie doll by his own Mother… by his own parents…
The door Slide Open, Scara Flinch and Head quickly turn to look at the Door. Whuan walk in and stare at Him for a moment before blinking twice and lifted the bag in his hand “here” he finally spoke.
“thank you” Scara started to Calm down, he tiredly drag his feet toward where Whuan is and grabbed The bag “Is something wrong?” Whuan ask the young boy shake his head “no… I’m fine"
“you should Try going outside more often” Whuan suggest, Scara turn around and went to put the bag On his desk “I do get out” “I mean outside of Missions… tell you what, Have you ever went to a Park?”
“I have… mom took me to one once” Scara spoke blankly, he start to took out each items from the bag, When he lifted a box of sashimi he stare at it confused… he didn’t ask for this… did he? He turn to look At Whuan with a confused look.
“My Treat, You haven’t ate any actual food since yesterday, So I bought you that” Whuan Answer Without even waiting for any question… Scara Blink and look at the box, he open it.
“Salmon right? The one you like?” Whuan ask, And Scara slowly nod “Thank you” He Whisper loud Enough for the older man to hear.
The Savannah cat Woke up and Meowed, He jump down and went to Scara, Trying to get the Sashimi “Heeeeeyyy, No bad Kitty! That’s not for you” Whuan grabbed the cat and lifted Him up away from Scara who was about to give the cat one of the Salmon.
“hey No! You eat that” Whuan gave a Glare at Scara “Computron Has his own food, You have your own” He continued “But he want the fish” Scara Spoke defending the Mischievous Feline.
“Scara Shoza” Whuan spoke in a Dark threatening tone, Scara Make a small squeak noise before Quickly nodded. He need to remember that “I didn’t mean to Scare you” Whuan sigh, He went to Grab one of the wet cat food with his free hand and crack it open.
He put the opened canned cat food to the ground and Computron jump down from his arm and quickly Ate the food.
Scara sat on his Bed “I know” Scara spoke, Whuan threw a shirt at him “please wear something, you're going to catch a cold” the Older man spoke “I’ll be going now, Prime needs me for a mission” Whuan pointed at the exit door, Scara nod “ok… stay safe, and thanks for the food”
“I will, And you’re welcome… I’ll be back in a few weeks, Try to stay alive till I get back” He half joked Earning a chuckle from Scara.
“You know you actually look better Like that” A white hair man whistle, The other Rolled His Eyes behind His blue visor.
“what? The new armor or the New hair color?” The curly haired Young man ask.
{The White Haired, Bladen Ester Pravare, Nickname Bladen.
Uses He/Him.
Code Name Blades, Aerial of The Protectobots.
Age around 20-22, Height 5’9 feet.
A Brash Fighter, Childish and Playful, He always down for a fight and would probably be the one to Started it. Aside from being a hot headed and Blood thirst Fighter, he’s a loyal friend someone you can Always talk to and rely on in battlefield.
Spikey short white hair, Blur Eyes}
{The Medium Wavy hair, Strahan Fearghus Colson, Nickname Strahan.
Uses He/Him And She/Her (BiGender)
Code Name Strafe, Forensic Scientist of the Technobots (Or mostly Known as the Aerial Of the Technobots).
Age around 20-25, Height 6’0
Friendly, Playful, kind, and Cheerful! That’s what they think of him as. But Once he enter the battlefield… The whole place became his Playing ground full of blood and Suffering, sometimes other wonder if His Smile was a fake or is it real? Let’s just say he’s a Screw loose that can’t be fixed.
Long Wavy White Hair, Golden Eyes hidden behind a blue Visor}
“sorry to Interrupt, Strafe… Optimus Prime need to talk to you, Neural Dorm, Hallway 12, Room 203” A Medium red hair young man spoke as he lean to the Entrance to the Break room, Strahan stand up from His seat “Of course” He gave the medic a nod before glancing at Bladen.
{Medium flowy red hair, Fidvi Aiden Pravare, Nickname Fidvi.
Uses He/Him.
Code Name First Aid, Medic of the Protectobots (Or nurse in Training under Ratchet or Autobots Medic)
Age Around 18-23, Height 5’4 Feet.
A pacifist, always believed that there’s other way to solve things without using Violence or commit any Damaged, Gentle even to an Unalive object. Kind, Anxious but at the same time he’s a very determined Person, always try to do what’s right.
Medium red hair, Brown eyes behind blue visor/Sometumes Prefer using a Glasses.}
“talk to you later” He tap on the table before leaving, Bladen only wave at him.
Strahan made his way to the Neutral side of the HQ, He have to use an Underground Train to go there, The Cybertronians base of Operations Are all underground so normal citizen wont… ‘Find out’ or more Likely No weird Journalist coming investigating and stuff.
Going through the Underground from HQ to HQ needed them to use an Underground electric Train.
The train was quiet, and empty it didn’t bother Strahan… some people might get a feeling of fear and Uncomfortable, But Strahan was so used on this situation he felt more like home in the silence, than the Crowded place.
There’s nothing to see while riding the Underground Train, looking out of every window there’s only… Dirt and rocks or maybe Metal covering the Surrounding of the track.
The Train stops…
“Alone Again I see, You know you really are Mysterious” Strahan Glanced at the new arrival, A Brown Haired man walk into the train and sat across from Strahan. And the train start to move again.
“NoseCone… It’s been a long time” Strahan greeted giving the older man a smile.
{Brown haired man, Nova Conner Tecguaret, Nickname Nova.
Uses He/Him.
Code Name NoseCone, Second in command Of The Technobots. (Or Regulator Scientist)
Age around 27-30, Height 6’0 Feet.
Calm, Collective, Careful and a perfectionist when it comes to his Project or a plan, He always think Things through very detail before doing anything risky (the others called him slow), He choses not to Fight brashly or violently… sadly no one ever cared to actually listen to him (who’s probably right most of The time but no one cares)
Short Brown hair, brown eyes hidden behind a blue visor}
“It has hasn’t it? A month or so? The last time we met” Nova chuckle, Even as a Gestalts… without a Clear condition or the well being of their Commander, The Technobots doesn’t work together that much.
“Yeah, So how are you?” Strahan ask starting a Conversation to make the place less lonely and quiet “I’ve been doing well, and you?” “I’m good” Strahan nod to himself.
They don’t have much to talk about, But Strahan always try to have a conversation knowing how Awkward Nova felt, trying to Ease the mood.
The train stop, Strahan stand up “This is my stop, I’ll see you later” Strahan spoke, Nova gave him a nod “I hope so, It has been a pleasant experience… talking to you again” that Made Strahan smile proudly.
He wave at the older man before jumping out of the train.
When the Train leave, He was left with silence and loneliness… he walk across the hall searching for his Destination.
He arrives In front of the room where Prime wanted to meet him, when he entered the room Orion was there and so is Meaker… and a certain someone Strahan Wishes he didn’t meet today.
“Strafe, Thank you for joining” Orion Greeted, Strafe Try to keep the smile on his face as he walk toward them and stand next to the Yellow haired man.
{Yellow hair, Cutler Takeshi Roraey, Nickname Cutler.
Uses He/him
Code Name CutThroat, Aerial of the Terrorcons.
Age around 23-26, Height around 6’4 feet.
Cruel, Sadistic and Blood thirst, A sick Minded Human… if you can even call him that- he’s manipulative and obsessive, Always find Tricks to get what he want and Can be a little… Trigger happy sometimes, he wont hesitate to rip anyone to pieces in a brutal way.
A side Yellow Hair, bright red Eyes}
Cutler Glanced at the man next to him…
Beautiful Golden Eyes, dead… but still looks so Beautiful, sometimes he didn’t know why Strahan choses to hide those beautiful Eyes.
The moment he laid his eyes on those Beauty, He felt like something has stabbed his heart and Feed it to him…
Why cant they ever Get along? He wishes that maybe just a day… casually talking with Strahan, Having fun but… every time they met it’s like combining fire and Gasoline, They always fight.
No matter how kind Strahan looks, He knew that that was a fake Persona… the real Strahan was ruthless and Cruel, He can see I through those golden eyes… but yet maybe that’s why Strahan hated him, Why he wanted the other man Dead.
Because he knew… knew the truth… the truth behind those eyes… the eyes of a Heartless killer
“I Would be Grateful if You listen to Him and stop staring at me” Cutler blink he notice that Behind Strahan’s Visor the other man was staring back at him with a glare.
Cutler didn’t say anything instead he just Look back toward the two leaders.
“Don’t you think this would be easier for Jazz and Prowl to do the job? Or maybe SoundWave?” Strahan spoke “It would, but Both Prowl and Jazz is in The Expedition team with WheelJack and a few other Autobots, when they came back I was planning on giving them a vacation till next month” Orion answer.
“and SoundWave is in no condition to do anything right now… he’s In Bed Rest and All his mission will be Taken from him till the end of next month” Meaker Spoke, Nodding to himself.
“You can Decline this Offer and We’ll find someo-“ “I’m In” Strahan Cut Orion’s Sentence “You don’t need to force yourself, we can always ask the othe-“ “I said I’m in” Strahan spoke again trying not to sound rude or desperate for the role… but he did horrible on trying to cover it up.
“… Very well, your departure will be the Start of Next month at 5 Pm, The rest of the Info will be send to you later, Both of you are dismissed” Meaker Spoke, Both Strahan and Cutler step back before walking out of the door.
Strahan was heading to the Train Station, He stop his step when he notice Cutler was Following him “What do you want?” The Smile disappear from his face, There it is… the monster.
“Why did you accept the offer? Though you’ll be to annoyed to Do this… spy and Undercover mission with me” Cutler spoke, Didn’t mind the Death glare given to him by the White haired man.
“…. Because I don’t trust you to be near anyone else other than your Gestalts… you’re dangerous, I don’t want anyone getting hurt” Strahan spoke in a cold and Emotionless tone, not even rage… just… empty.
Cutler tried not to show his disappointment, He gave a Predatory Smirk covering the Despair he’s feeling “Well I thought you just can’t imagine me being with someone else” He purr.
“in your dream” Strahan stare at him blankly, turning around and continue his walk to the Subway.
The moment the other man disappear from his sight, Cutler smirk disappear and it turn to a frown… why? Just why can’t they get along?
He look down to his claws, maybe his Parents was right… he was destined for her and no one else, Cutler shake his head and turn to the opposite direction, Turning to another Hallway deciding that he just stroll around here for a moment before returning to the Decepticon HeadQuarter.
Strahan could never Liked him back, The Curse she put on him… owning him as her own no matter where he is, Pushing everyone away from him… especially someone he had took interested to.
“CUTLER!” Cutler turn around, Strahan was standing there, One hand rest next to the wall “… would… I was going to ask you, If you want to ride the Train with me” Strahan spoke.
Cutler stare at him confused and dumbfounded “… bro you can just say no, No need to stare at me like that” Strahan let out a low snarl “Oh sorry, It’s just so sudden… of course why not” Cutler walk toward him and they both make their way to the Subway.
Oh… he understands now… the light was flickering and it was empty as hell, Nice place for a horror movie…
They waited for the train in silence, Cutler Glanced at Strahan every once in a while… Strahan looks… scared? How could a Forensic Scientist… scared of this? Well He shouldn’t judge someone by their job-
“Did you watch something scary before you were send here?” Cutler ask, Strahan huffed and Pretend like the situation didn’t bother him “No! And why would you care?!” wow… nice Respond.
Cutler decide not to Talk back, and quickly both of them went back embracing the silence.
Gasoline and Fire never gets along, water and Fire can’t embrace one and another without hurting the other one, Fire…
Fire was never a friend, When it’s small it might not be hostile but when it’s big it’s like a Lion’s roar.
Fire was a thread to whatever it is bound too.
He was the fire
And Cutler was a river, always moving but in the end always knowing where to go… Always know what Choices will be good for him and which one is bad.
But for him? Strahan didn’t know, who he’s supposed to be… he always admire Cutler, But he was to Shy to admit it and every time he tried to get along with Cutler it always end up with Fighting.
To him it’s worthless trying, So he stop trying…
“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!?!” Strahan snarl Glaring at Cutler, A Hand on the other man’s Neck, Cutler Glared Back “OH YEA RIGHT BLAME IT ALL ON ME! “ Cutler shouted back sarcastically a claw gripping on Strahan’s hand that was holding his neck.
“maybe you should just fuck off! And mind your own business” Cutler Voice was Cold and Venomous, But Strahan Didn’t back down “Make me” he taunted.
They were In the middle of the Break Room, The neutral break room and the Cybertronians there staring at them like they’re watching a free show.
Behind Strahan there was a Terrified Decepticon on the ground, Shivering in fear.
“Autobot shouldn’t be wasting it’d time to safe a Decepticon” Cutler pointed out, Claw Grip tighter to the hand on his neck, it drew blood and Ruin Strahan’s sleeve but Strahan doesn’t care instead his grip on Cutler’s neck tighten “I can’t just stand around and watch you kill someone that did a simple mistake” Strahan Snarl again.
“a Simple Mistake?” Cutler start to laugh dryly “You don’t even know what he did, You better watch your own Back Strafe… sometimes the people you defend might be your enemy” Cutler Warned, He forcefully step back making Strahan grip on his neck loosen.
He let go of Strahan’s hand, Behind his visor he stare sadly at the mark he just left on The White haired man’s wrist. Cutler then stare at Strahan for a moment before walking away out of the Break Room.
Strahan let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, he stare at the blood now covering his sleeve he stand up straight before he himself left the Break room, He just wanted to go back to his own room now.
He doesn’t care what ever that Decepticon did to make Cutler mad, But he knew he can’t just stay back and watch… the others might fear of interrupting Cutler but he’s not afraid of doing it, and he will do it again if it’s to safe someone’s life.
He stop In his track when he notice Cutler was leaning to the wall not far from him, Crossing his arm glaring at the ground. Cutler look up and glanced at him when he notice Someone’s else was there.
They didn’t speak, Strahan look away and kept walking. Ignoring the other man.
“I was defending your Commander, That mech was talking shit about him… I guess I went overboard and Almost killed him…” Cutler spoke, This took Strahan’s attention, Finally Strahan look at him confused “why do you even care about ScatterShot? Certainly I don’t… they’re not even with us-“ “he, Uh ScatterShot a he/him… We have a little History” Cutler spoke quickly.
“Don’t Lie to me” Strahan let out a low growl, Cutler Chuckle dryly “I’m Not, His name is Scara… our parents were… well friends and so we end up getting dragged together, and I guess You could say I’m his childhood friend” Cutler stretch himself like a cat and walk away, He glanced back at Strahan “I’ll Introduce you to him” Cutler Spoke.
Strahan stare at him skeptically but he followed anyway, the silence… it came again, they rarely had things to talk about that didn’t drive the other one mad but Strahan Guess being quiet is the best option than Starting a fight.
It was always him that lash out in anger, While Cutler was… genuinely trying to get along Strahan was the one that push him away again and again.
They went to the Subway “Guess they fixed the light” Cutler Spoke, Hoping it would start a conversation between them, But Strahan only Hum and nod he wasn’t interested at all.
“So… do you need a bandage for that?“ “No, It’s fine… it’s just a scratch” Strahan spoke looking down at his blooded Sleeve, Cutler Gave a silent nod and went back to shutting the hell up. It’s so hard to know what topic of conversation that would Excite Strahan… even if Strahan looks so happy and Cheerful when someone else talk to him.
Guess it was just him, Cutler wasn’t anybody important to him… Cutler knew Strahan hated him, wants him dead… guess that’s why anything he tried didn’t work… he was after all just someone who Strahan Hated the most…
After a while they arrive in front of a door, Strahan guard was Up he was already getting more and more suspicious of what Cutler is planning, after all this hallway they’re in is… more likely an abandon Autobot hallway, and Cutler has been texting on his phone but he wont let Strahan to see what or who he was talking too.
The door slide open revealing a room, Tiny and seems like someone was Living in “We’re coming in!” Cutler shouted, He grab Strahan hand and pull the other man inside like it was nothing.
When they enter the room the door slide close “Ok what are you planning?” Strahan Glared, No one was here other than them “Nothing” Cutler Spoke, Strahan forcefully pull his hand away from Cutler Grip, Glaring at the Terrorcon Suspiciously.
He glanced around the room, the silence creep him out “look man what ever you’re planning Do it quick this is creeping me out” Strahan whisper he wrap his hand around himself the room was cold… like a dead body, he Glance at Cutler Hoping to see a hint of Something Mischievous or sadistic but Cutlet stare at him confused.
“I’m not going to fight back” Strahan Whisper Staring at the Ground nervously “…. Primus! Strahan Fearghus Colson what the fuck did you thought I was Planning to do with you?!” Cutler Try to hold his laugh “I don’t know! You took me to an Empty room, It’s either you’re going to kill me, Torture me or… or… F-.. You Know!” Strahan Snarl.
“No, No finish that sentence I want to know what’s on your thought is” Cutler Teaser “F… Frag Me?” A smirk appear on Cutler’s face, This was the first time he see Strahan Blush. Cutler Lean closer to the Shorter Man.
“well~ if you want to do that last one we can talk about it La-“ “Ew, If you two are going to fuck at least don’t do it here” a New Voice spoke, Making Strahan Flinch and Punch Cutler’s face, The Terrorcon stumble backward holding his jaw that was now bleeding.
Strahan turn to notice a man… a teenager was standing in front of another door, seems like a Training room. “Cutler welcome… and uh… you’re, One of my Subordinate that He insisted for me to meet right?” Scara ask nervously, He walk toward them.
“Strahan, My Code Name is Strafe… you’re ScatterShot?” Strahan spoke, Scara nod “That is my Code Name, My name is Scara… sorry I didn’t meet any of you in person” He apologize, Strahan Smile and shake his head “no it’s fine, Cutler Explain to me when we’re on our way here” Strahan spoke giving the younger man A Smile.
He was surprised knowing how young Scara is, but talking to Him feels like talking to someone older than him, Scara was tall for someone at his age… every Commander was tall, But he was Of course shorter than the other Gestalts Commanders.
After a while Strahan and Cutler Finally left, they Make their way to the Subway “You know you don’t need to escort me” Cutler Chuckle but he gave a smile, Strahan smile back looking away “Let’s just say… It’s a way of saying thank you… for letting me meet him” Strahan spoke.
“well, You could’ve return the gesture by stop getting mad at Most things I Said” Cutler Joked “I’M NOT-… Getting riled Up” Strahan whisper the last part, he did it again… got riled up by something so simple.
“Sorry” Strahan apologize, Cutler shale his head “It’s Fine, Don’t apologize it makes things weird” he was so used to Strahan shouting and hearing Strahan apologize to him make him feel like it’s not right.
“You know another gratitude Gesture… you can Give me a One-Night stand” Cutler Wink at Him definitely joking, But Strahan stare at the Terrorcon, He was Blushing at the Suggestion “W-What the fuck!” Strahan swore, Cutler laugh “Chill Man! It was a joke” He wave his hand on the air.
“If you want to Fuck or get in a relationship with me at least ask me on a date first geez” Strahan Cross his arm and look away again Flustered “… Do you… want to?” Cutler Ask, Strahan shrug still avoiding eye contact “if you’re down, I might have Free Schedule… uh next Month?” Cutler nervously spoke.
“next month? CutThroat… next Month… our mission is next Month” Strahan Rolled his eye “Exactly! A spy Mission and a date? Since it would only be the two of us… In Paris~ heard it’s a Romantic City~” Cutler Purr, Strahan Gave a low Chuckle.
“alone together In Another city for probably a week or more, It sounded more like a honeymoon than a date” Strahan Chuckle again, Finally looking at Cutler with a smile “I’m down with any of it” Cutler smirk giving him a wink again.
“…mhm… alright, next Month right? I accept” Cutler expression beamed hearing those word, If he can’t get along with Strahan by just being acquaintance or a friend maybe Taking a romantic Turn would do? Does he even… see Strahan that way? Or was he just that desperate to earn the Technobot’s trust?
“your train is here” Strahan Push Cutler’s chest Playfully as the Train Stop in front of the Station, Cutler Chuckle “Look who’s being touchy now” He flirt, Strahan ignored him and push him again.
“get out of here” Strahan Huffed, Cutler gently Grab Strahan’s hand and pull it up to kiss his palm “I’ll Be seeing you next month Princess~” Cutler Smirk didn’t disappear as he let go Of Strahan hand and step back, he look at Strahan from up to down before walking away entering the train.
Right when someone walk out of the train and the door Closed, The train start to drive Away, The person watch as it disappears and Glanced at Strahan who seems to have a dreamy love-Struck look on his face “What is Going On with you two?~ did everyone miss something?” apparently that snapped Strahan out of his Thought.
“mind your own Business Blades” Strahan Snarl, He drop his hand to his side and look away “Wow, Chill… relax… I was just curious because you look like something good just happened and I heard the rumor that you two got into a fight again” Bladen Defended himself putting both hand in front of him in a defensive move.
“it’s Nothing important” Strahan Spoke “Nothing Important? I walk out of the train I saw him Kiss your palm like a ‘Gentleman’-” he make mocking a gesture with his hand “and you have that Dreamy Look on your face Like you’ve been waiting for him to make a move like that for years” Bladen Explained, He was Smiling while Strahan was Flustered.
“look at you~ last time we talk about him you were so mad at him, You hated him now… oh primus~ your expression is priceless” Bladen Teased again “Blades Shut up!” Strahan Glared.
“ok, Ok I’ll shut up” Bladen Chuckle.
Strahan huffed and walk away, he wanted to just lay in his bed till tomorrow come. He wasn’t even sure why He accepted Cutler offer, or why he even go with The whole weird Adult talk with Him. Strahan didn’t see Cutler as a Romantic type it took him By Surprised when Cutler started to flirt.
Strahan hated Cutler, For no reason… and now what? Going on a date with Cutler For no reason too? He could never get along with Cutler No matter how hard they try to get along, Well guess only Cutler ever try and Strahan just push him away fro no reason.
Cutler Watch your Manner! Don’t raise your voice toward your Parents” His Father Warned.
Cutler glared at him “Sweetheart, This marriage will help our family Business…” His mother spoke in a gentle and sweet tone, But Cutler didn’t care… he doesn’t want this.
Arranged Marriage?! Seriously?! And they just tell him now… A WEEK BEFORE THIS DAMN MARRIAGE THEY ARRANGED HIM IN?!? “don’t you think Cutler Have the Right to say no to this?” His older Brother Spoke defending him.
{Short Blue hair, Ripton Snowden Roraey, Nickname Ripton.
Uses He/him
Code Name RipperSnapper, Second in command of the Terrorcons.
Age around 26-29 years, height 5’10 feet.
Arrogant, And Hates everything that is inferior… at the same time he have low self esteem, Meaning he hates himself the most. He’s cold at times, and can be Overly protective when it comes to his two brothers, Surprisingly Hun-Grrr trust him the most to hold the position of second in command than the other Terrorcons.
Short Blue hair, Green eyes behind Red Visor}
Their Father cross his arm in front of his chest and Shake his head “No, sorry son we had already Prepared everything” their father Coldly Spoke.
“why are you guys even think of doing this?!” The youngest of the sibling ask confused, Hiding behind Ripton.
{Short Curly Purple hair, Bolt Thomas Roraey, Nickname Bolt.
Uses he/him
Code Name Blot, a member of the Terrorcons.
Age around 15-18 years, Height 5’2 Feet.
Naïve, Annoying and definitely stinky! He doesn’t like to shower even if he shower he would still stinks, aside from the horrible stink he’s a genius that creates acids, Used to be a designer for his family company… now? A stinky scientist that creates dangerous acids.
Purple short curly Hair, Red eyes hidden behind red visor}
“because it’s for Business and because none of you took this company Seriously, we need to form a Strong Connection with Agatha’s Company” Their Mother Explain, But it seems like Cutler Didn’t take any of it Calmly instead the Blond haired Teen Snarl loudly.
A loud Slap could be heard all across the room, Bolt Squeak and grip on Ripton Shirt Tighten, His body was Trembling in fear while Ripton took a step back, Defending his youngest brother staring at Their Father With fear Written everywhere in his face.
Blood Started to drop from Cutler’s mouth, he look down at the ground, His cheek felt… painful… “how many time do I told you to watch your Manner!? You Lived in my House You Go By My Rules! Don’t you dare questions my choice!” Their Father Threaten.
“It was Agatha’s choice to pick you, So you better Behave or I Forced you to Behave” Cutler Didn’t look away from the ground, His brothers could see the Spark Disappear from Cutler’s eye as he watch his blood stained the Expensive Carpet under him.
Their Father step back and Leave the room, The mother stay there stare at her Son with worried and Pity in her eyes before she walk pass him too and left the room
Without giving comfort, that was always what happened… without pushing His youngest brother Ripton slowly walk toward Cutler and Pull the younger teen to his Embrace “It’s Going to be alright, I’m here” Ripton whisper to Cutler’s ear, Bolt Reach up and Pat Cutler’s shoulder trying to comfort his older brother.
“We’re nothing to them” Cutler Muttered, He wrap his hands around His Older brother and start Sobbing, Ripton pat his Head, Letting Cutler cry on him, Smearing Blood and tears everywhere on his Blue Suit.
It was always him… always him to do the job, To comfort His brothers, To Play with them, To Read Bedtimes Story to them, He was always the Parents figure for Both of his Younger Brothers… not their Parents and not the maid, It was always Ripton.
“shhhh… shhhh… Everything will be fine, Lets hope tomorrow a better day” Ripton Whisper Nuzzling his Head to The Blond Hair.
“I want to leave” Cutler sobs…
“… I will find a way” Ripton spoke, Promising his brothers… he was tired seeing this, Tired of seeing how miserable their life… even with Money, Fame and everything that People would ever Wanted… they’re life was just Miserable behind closed doors.

3 Years Later
They ran away the moment the Wedding was Happening, Let’s just say… Cutler Dump her so bad. 3 Years and Ripton already see the change from his brothers, Cutler Became more Sadistic, Rebellious and can be Cold hearted sometimes. He wasn’t the little brother Ripton remember but Every night he could see the Old Cutler.
Crying, Clawing and Screaming in his sleep, Ripton always have to calm him down every Night.
And Bolt… well Bolt is bolt, He’s already stinky before they even got here in the first place, But Ripton didn’t mind his Smell, He got used to it… their parents used to get mad at him for it.
“excuse Me, Do you know where The train station is?” Pyera ask to a random Person, The person turn around and Pyera felt like her Heart beat stop for a moment.
“Train Station? Do you mean the Subway? Uh… I think you just need to follow that hallway over there and then turn right, Then Walk till you find another Hallway With the writing ‘Hall 5’ turn to Hall 5 and from there keep walking again, if the corridor start to change color from white to Greyish Blue then you’re at the right track, keep yours eyes out for a Sign that said ‘Neutral corridor 024’ go there and then turn Right, And then turn left… and you’ll just need to follow another long hallway until you find one that have the sign ‘Subway Station’ or something like that… I hope that helps” The Woman spoke.
Pyera did NOT hear Half of those, She was staring down at the other Woman who look back up at her with a confused and yet nervous Look “Um… Hello? Are… are you listening?” The woman nervously spoke snapping her finger in front of Pyera’s face.
Pyera blink, Her though return to reality “Oh sorry, I’ve lost in thought” Pyera apologize, The Woman giggles “It’s Ok, I can take you there if you want… I was heading back there anyway” The woman Offer
What an Angel’ Pyera Awed… every Woman she met here Recently Are Beautiful! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!? “Of Course, Thank you” Pyera spoke, The woman take her hand “No need to thank me, Now let’s go” She turn around and lead them down the hallway.
Pyera followed behind her “I’m Guessing you’re new” The woman started a Conversation, Pyera nod Respectfully “Yes, I’m Pyra Magna” Even if the woman wearing a mask Pyera could see Her smile “oh, So you’re the one Scrapper told us about, It’s nice to meet you Commander Magna, I’m Scavenger one Of Scrapper’s subordinate” she introduced herself.
{Long Scarlet Hair, Scarlett Gelain Valley, Nickname Scarlet.
Use She/Her.
Code Name Scavenger, One of the Constructicons.
Age around 27-30, Height 5’0 Feet.
Other than Her Beauty there’s nothing to Praise about her… that’s what they say, She’s an Airhead and Most cons Describe her as Worthless and Unhelpful, She always try her best to be Helpful and Kind but it’s just so hard when everyone kept pushing her away and tell her to just Sit in the corner and wait. It is true that she’s not Talented, and she’s easily persuaded that’s why most of her Gestalt try to just… put her in a box ‘For dumbass’ and told her not to go anywhere or she’ll probably get herself in trouble.
Long Scarlet hair with a Shading of Green, ember eyes behind red Visor}
“oh… I heard about you from MegaEmpress” Pyera Spoke, Scarlett Nod “That isn’t unusual, and if you’re going to ask about me collecting ‘Junk’ then… It’s true… since I don’t have anything to do I tried to find Exciting Hobbies Like collecting stuff” Scarlett spoke, It’s like she doesn’t even feel insulted by any of it…
“I’m Used to the cons talking about me Behind my back, Good or bad things… Mostly bad, here we turn right” She Pointed to her right before turning to that direction, Pyera Followed “You don’t have anything to do? I thought The Constructicons would be the most busiest of the Gestalts” Pyera Spoke, Or She might be wrong…
But Holly did tell her that the Constructicons are the one that help build this whole Headquarters from Decepticon To neutral and even Autobots, They even constructed the Subway.
Scarlett Nod “We are… well Let me correct that sentence ‘They’ are, Most of the time they told me to… well Sit still and let them do the hard work” Scarlett sigh, She make a disappointed gesture with her hands. “Why is that?” Pyera ask, Scarlett just shrugged “I’m not Talented enough I guess, I became more of a burden to them than a helpful member” Scarlett spoke.
The more they start to get to know each other the more Pyera realize that Maybe Scarlett isn’t as bad as Megaera said… well Yes she’s a little clumsy, Easily lost track of what she’s doing or what she’s talking about, She likes to collect Things to get her mind off from Boredom… and She even sometimes had to Purposefully take care of her appearance… OUT OF BOREDOM, No wonder her hair looks like she never have a single bad hair day, And It’s so Soft!!!
Scarlett let Pyera Touch her hair, It’s soft! Soft and Fluffy! And this is the work of Someone that got so bored of doing nothing… “Scrapper never assigned you in anything?” Pyera ask, she kept patting Scarlett’s hair “mhm… He did assigned me in some stuff, Filling out paperwork, Counting on all the stuff we have in stock… or maybe even ask me to join them in the battlefield” Scarlett spoke “But well, Today is one of those days where ‘I shouldn’t do any work because they don’t think I can’t manage’” She huffed disappointedly, She pointed at another Turn and they both turn to that direction.
“But you’re good with direction” Pyera Compliment Earnings a giggle from Scarlett at the same time she shake her head “No, I’m just so used to roam around here because I’m bored… so I always remember which way is which… and Because I also help Scrapper with the Design of this place” Scarlett Spoke Proudly.
“We’re Here!” The shorter Woman cheered pointing at the Place in front of them, Pyera Eyes sparkle With Excitement “Thank you Scavenger! You’re a life savior” She Sigh in relief, Scarlett chuckle “no I’m not, Oh here’s the Train arriving just in time!” Scarlett spoke.
Right after than a train stops on the train track and the door slide open “Go on, that train will lead you to the Autobots HeadQuarter, I’m guessing that’s where you’re going” Scarlett spoke.
Pyera Nod, She gave one last Pat on Scarlett’s hair before stepping forward and entering the train, She turn around and realization Hits her “Wait! Can you come with me? I need someone to… help me find my room” Pyera Spoke nervously, Scarlett stare and she started to giggle.
She step forward and enter the Train “Sure! I can show you around and even the secret rooms there” Scarlett spoke excitedly, it’s been a long time since someone Actually needed her help with something! And Pyera was nice, Scarlett like her… she’s not rude and she’s fun to talk too.
“That’s Great, I’m so glad” Pyera sigh in relief
“I can’t… I don’t even know How I should… why???” A woman Ask with a low and worried Voice staring at The man That was Hanging Upside down From the ceiling, Somehow Manage to get one of his feet stuck there.
{Long Brown Hair, Blayde Oakley Bryson, Nickname Blayde.
Use She/Her
Code Name Blast Off, The Combaticons Second in Command and An Astronomer.
Age around 29-36, Height 6’5 Feet.
They say She’s Heartless and Ignorant, But To be Honest she’s just aloof and more likely Socially Anxious, While her ego can get the best of her, she still Manage to Finish her job in a Picture Perfect way, Earning her trust is hard but once She trusted Someone her loyalty Will never falter. She cat easily get frustrated when it comes to something her Brother Did.
Long Flowy Brown hair, Brown Eyes hidden behind purple Visor}
{Long Black hair with a hint of Dirty Green, Valen Xandor Bryson, Nickname Valen.
Uses He/Him
Code Name Vortex, Aerial of The Combaticons and a Decepticon Interrogator.
Age around 26-29, Height 5’9 Feet.
Playful, Sadistic and clever, He’s so intelligent that he uses his intelligence to Be an Idiot, He rarely took things seriously but once he did take something seriously… things about to go bloody, He always find joy in the pain of others, Always laugh while the other suffer. He likes to annoy others and Manipulating them to do his bidding.
Long Black hair with a hint of Dirty green, Blood red eyes hidden behind crimson red visor}
Valen Giggle “Hi Sissy!” He cheerfully greeted his older sister, Didn’t seems to be bothered of how he got one of his feet stuck in the ceiling, Blayde Just stare with a concern and annoyed look mixed into one. “Here, The Oil you wanted” A Dirty Blond hair Boy walk out from a room holding out a bottle of Oil, He lifted it toward Blayde and Blayde Took it without even looking away from her Brother.
{Short dirty blond hair, Swindel Leaman Coalson, Nickname Swindel.
Use He/Him
Code Name Swindle, a member of The Combaticons, Con-Man and A successful Banker.
Age around 20-26, Height 5’5 Feet.
One of the Cons that still have contact with his Biological family, he’s as Smart as Valen when it comes to Reading people through their Body posture. He’s a Sly fox and a Kleptomaniac, He’ll try to get his hands on everything he wanted no matter how dirty the method he need to use. Smart but His Nature to be Greed and Selfish can be his weakest point.
Short dirty Blond Hair, Purple eyes}
Blayde gave Swindel The Money before walking toward where Valen is, Swindel wasn’t even going to tell her to pay for it… but oh well, more money For Him!, Blayde Stand on her tip toe, Opening the Bottle of oil “Stay Still!” Blayde Hiss, Valen Didn’t stop moving around “no I’m not going to let you pour that thing on me!” He complained like a child, Blayde Sigh in defeat.
She didn’t care at all but she’s too tired to deal with this… to deal with him! Can’t she just get a day of Vacation without any disturbance!? “Brendan Can you hold him in place?” Blayde Shouted.
{Short Dark Greenish black hair, Brendan Lawvel Tidfrith, Nickname Brendan.
Use He/Him
Code Name Brawl, a Member of the Combaticons.
Age around 30-35, Height 6’7 Feet
Short temper at the same time He can be passionate when it comes to the things he enjoy, Easily get distracted by simple things, his brain isn’t his Greatest Weapon… Even if he’s aggressive toward others he would always treat his Gestalts mates like family. Can get overprotective at times… and can be more helpful than Swindel and Valen-
Short dark Greenish Black Hair, Ember eyes behind Orange Visor}
Brendan look up from the pistol he was polishing, he stare at the situation… huh he did not realize until now that Valen was Upside down. “Uh… sure” He put the pistol down and make his way towards them.

Oracle was Walking back to the Decepticon Gestalts Corridor Wing, It was surprisingly Quiet maybe because the Stunticons are out to Do some Mission while the Terrorcons are out of commission, he Remembers something about them Going on a Mission too… but he wasn’t sure he did See Cutler A while ago in the Train.
The Constructicons we’re all Busy, Meaker and Orion was planning on expanding the Autobots HeadQuarter side, the Seacons and the Predacons are Rarely seen around unless they actually come around they have their own HQ Separated from the Main HQ just like the Protectobots, And the Megatronia… they’re probably busy dealing with themselves.
Oracle Sigh, It’s been a tiring day, He just want to go to his room and rest… But that plan was crushed when he opened the door to the Main room of the Combaticons… he see’s the chaos In front of him, Why is he not surprised????
“OnSlaught! Sir Welcome back!” Swindel gave a nervous and friendly greeting to his Commander, While Oracle was speechless staring at the scene, Valen was still upside laughing like a maniac down while Brendan trying to stop Blayde from trying to Injured Her Young Brother Using the now broken Bottle Of Oil.
“… I’m not going to ask, Call me when you need me” Oracle Only spoke before closing the door in front of his face and walk away from the Place, He need a Peaceful place to rest! He was so tired… “Oracle? You look… fucked” Oracle look up, Even if his whole face is covered by a mask and a visor if Someone can realize he’s not in a good shape… it must be very fucking Obvious that he need Proper rest.
“yea so wh-“ “Calm down there Commander” “… Megatron?” Oracle finally look up, What is the Decepticon leader doing here??? “That is me” Meaker Nod, Oracle frown behind his mask, He doesn’t have the strength to deal with the Decepticon Leader. “I was About to call you but You seems like you aren’t in the best of Shape and mood” Meaker pointed out.
“Wow… what gives it away?” Oracle Sarcastically spoke “Your walking posture, it’s like you would fall off the moment a Gust of wind Hits you” Meaker sigh “and from where you just came from… I’m guessing your Gestalts didn’t make the situation better” Meaker nod to himself, Oracle Didn’t respond he just rolled his eyes behind his Visor.
“Here” Meaker lifted a piece of paper and a key toward Oracle “What?” “You can Rest in my room for a while if you want, I don’t use it that much” Meaker spoke, Oracle Stare at him then at the Items in his hand “I don’t need your help” Oracle Let out a snarl. “I know you hate me but I need to keep all my Commanders In good shape and in check, I can’t have you falling out on me now, Go on take it” Meaker huffed.
Oracle Glare but he finally gave up and Lifted one of his Hand to accept the Keys and paper, Meaker handed it to him “Good, let’s go” “wait… you’re going to lead me there? I know my way around-“ “If no one Is Going to Watch over you I’m sure you’ll fall in the middle of walking now Let’s go” Meaker turn around to walk away, Oracle sigh and followed the Decepticon Leader.
Meaker Wasn’t wrong, every 3 to 5 minutes Oracle Would start to doze off and almost fall face first to the ground if Meaker didn’t constantly Pull him up before he could even hit the floor. The whole walk to the Decepticon Leader Room was Just Meaker trying to Drag A very tired Oracle there, Sometimes even a few Cons ask if he needs help with It But Meaker always refuses.
When they did manage to get in the room Oracle quickly Stumble to the long couch, his visor started to flicker and dimmed. “geez At least sleep on the bed” Meaker Sigh, He threw a Blanket at The now Sleeping Oracle.
They didn’t get along well But Meaker always try to get along with him because he wanted to look after all his Commander no matter how difficult they can be *Cough* StarScream*Cough* looking at Oracle now he reminds Meaker more About A Certain someone… and speaking of that certain someone, They knocked on the door before it slides open Revealing a Person with blue hair and Blue Jacket, His face is covered by A mask and A red Visor “Lord Megatron?” The Person Spoke.
Meaker nod “What is it SoundWave?” he ask.
{Blue Hair, Sohan Walker, Nickname Sohan
Uses He/him
Code Name SoundWave, Decepticon Communication Officer (And probably Third in Command).
Age around 34-36, Height 6’1 feet
He’s quiet and Talented, but of course he’s a king of Sass and Meme, if he decides that he doesn’t want to listen to anyone or anything he’ll blast music from his phone. He Knows what he’s doing and he know he’s doing it with sass and Style!
Blue hair, Golden eyes hidden behind Red Visor}
“StarScream Need your assistance” “ah… I’ll be there soon” SoundWave nod before leaving the room.
“Oh no Im going to be late!” a Woman with turquoise long Hair with a shade of Blue Ran through the street, Before she know it she accidentally bump into someone, she falls down to the ground.
“ow…” she hold her head felt like she just hit something hard “Excuse me are you ok?” The other person, The person she just hit ask. She look up her aquamarine eyes met a Green Eyes.
“y- yes I am, Im so sorry I didn’t mean to clash into you” She apologize, The man shake his head and reach his hand down for her to accept. She does and he helped her to stand up “It’s Fine, Why were you in a hurry anyway?” he ask “Well I-“ she stop herself from saying it, Oh no she can’t tell a complete stranger where she’s going! It was a top secret job after all, the man tilted his head before noticing something on the ground.
He Kneel down and pick it up he handed it to her “Are you maybe In your way to the Cybertronians HQ?” the man ask She quickly look at him with Confusion and surprise written everywhere in her face “h-How did you” She wasn’t able to finish when he pulls out something from his pocket, her eyes widen.
In his other hand is a Decepticon Badge “I’m an Alliance, My code Name is RipperSnapper, And you are?” he ask opening his hand again for her to shake “Code Name Storm Clash!... I’m a new member” She Introduce herself nervously shake his hand, after a few second they pull away.
“Outside Work you can Call me Ripton, hm.. even though we might not meet each other that much because were both in different faction, Gestalts and General Rank” Ripton spoke, Storm Nod in agreement.
{Long side pony tail turquoise hair, Storm Claeborm Toshani, Nickname Storm.
Uses She/Her
Codename StormClash, a member of the Torchbearers, Autobot's Aerial member.
Age Around 22-25, Height 5’5 feet
She’s Overly energetic, Always up for a challenge and just a hot headed woman, She would never back down from a fight or a challenge. Always believes that she could do it… but she can be a little shy when she met new people, and she’s clumsy always forget the time… she’s unorganized and Messy.
Long Right single Pony Tail with turquoise color and a shade of Blue, blue eyes}
“im… storm, eh Im sorry I need to go I-“ “I can take you there” Ripton spoke knowing that she was heading to the wrong direction “ah really Thank you senpai!” she sigh in relief.
Ripton didn’t mind the ‘Nickname’ he ignores it “Follow me” He spoke before walking away, She followed.
Ripton though the walk will be silence but he was wrong, Storm was… very much overly talkative but at the same time she’s shy and maybe the silence made her feel awkward “I have a twin sister, Do you have a Siblings?” She ask, Ripton nod “I have 2 younger brother” “oh so you must be the oldest right? Waaahh that’s so cool I always want to be an older siblings, Sadly my twin sister was the oldest out of the two of us” She sigh in disappointment.
Storm shows a lot of emotions from her body movement, Face expression and her tone of voice like she’s not even trying to hide any emotions… “Are they also… you know a member?” she ask again, Ripton nod “CutThroat and Blot” He answer.
After that she started another random question and he answer, On their way to the HQ somehow she manage to make him laugh and the two started to tell jokes and Throw playful remark at one and another, it was a comfortable Conversation.
“hey! Trust me it’s natural” Ripton tried to push Storm’s hand away from his hair “no its nooooot no one have blue natural Hair” Storm Spoke in a teasing and accusing Tone of Voice “come on tell me your real Hair color I bet Its blond” she wink at him “why do you think it’s blond?” Ripton Raise a brow "Because Blonds are Hot~” and that made him laugh when she wink at him.
“It’s Raven” “your real hair color is raven?” She gasp in surprised “yes” he smile “maybe you should let me See your hair in raven one day! I really want to see it!” she cheerfully spoke. “maybe if I feel like it” He taunted earnings a Disappointed awe from her they both stop in front of a building “we’re here” he Spoke pointed at the building “thank you senpai” She Cheered.
Ripton Eyes soften and he ruffle her hair earning an annoying ‘Hey!’ from her “You’re welcome” Ripton Spoke.
“I think you should go now” Ripton spoke gently pushing her to the entrance, Before she leave she turn to look back at him “Will I… meet you again senpai?” She ask nervously, Ripton stare at her before he sigh and gave her a smile “If you know where to find me then Yes” He gave her a wink, a Blush creep up to her face but she gave him a wide smile before waving at him and leave.
Ripton wave back, His smile disappear the moment she’s out of sight. He took out his phone… there was a text from Cutler to meet him at a Café, He should get going… Cutler could be very annoying if he’s late.
“So what is it?” Ripton ask as he sib his drink “well… Stupid to say but…would you wish me luck next month?” Cutler spoke then he took a bite from his slice of cake, It’s definitely took Ripton off guard he stare at his younger brother confused. He placed his drink down.
“any specific reason? You’re not going to meet Dad and mom are you?!” Ripton Stare at his brother Worried planted very visible everywhere in his face, And an unfamiliar Gentle and Reassuring look appear on Cutler Face he gave his brother a gentle smile and slowly shake his head “no, Don’t worry… but im glad that you’re still worried about that” Cutler Spoke.
He was glad no matter how hey all change Ripton still worried about their family situation, Still will protect him if Their Parents find them… still will treat them like his brother “Im going on a date Next month… at the same time an undercover Mission, In another Nation for 15 days” cutler Spoke.
Ripton slam his hands on the Table loud enough to Bring attention to them, He stand up staring at his brother with Confusion and terror “WHAT?!? WITH WHO?!” he shouted, Cutler Wave his hand away at the people that stare at them and they went to do their own business.
“Calm down” Cutler Sigh, For once it wasn’t him that shouted. “Strahan, In both the date and the mission… wish me luck and return safe because Ik afraid he probably would kill me if I make a mistake” Cutler Gave him a nervous smile, Ripton face turn from confusion to amusement “Seriously? How did you even get him to go on a date with you?” he ask Skeptically “I let him meet Scara, And he said he 9wes me so I ask how about a date” Cutler smirk proudly.
“oh primus You’re digging your own grave” Ripton chuckle and shake his head, he was happy for his brother but this is just too much. He somehow felt sorry for Strahan, Having to deal with Cutler for 15 days?! Man that Must be sucks “I know you’re feeling sorry for Strahan” Cutler Glared at him and Ripton laugh “well I do feel sorry that he had to spend the whole 15 days with you” The older man teased earning an Offended gasp from Cutler.
After they finish they decide to walk back to the HQ, When they both entered someone Shouted “Senpai!” Ripton turn to look at the Owner of the Voice, It was Storm standing next to a similar Woman but only that she have a shade of red instead of blue and she didn’t wear a visor, her pony tail aim to the left.
{Long side pony tail turquoise hair, Skyla Brookly Toshani, Nickname Skyla.
Uses She/Her
Codename SkyBurst, a member of the Torchbearers, Autobot’s Aerial member.
Age Around 22-25, Height 5’5 Feet
She’s calm, Gentle and Always think first before doing anything especially if it’s something risky, a reasonable woman, Responsible and organize she’s the opposite of her twin sister Storm but even with their different the two always gets along, The oldest out of the two and she’s overly protective at times.
Long left single Pony Tail with turquoise color and a shade of Yellow, Yellow eyes}
The two were wearing their Respective Cybertronians armor by the look of it they’re Helicopters Build… it fits her, Ripton wave back at Storm it seems to bring Happiness to the Woman she sprinted towards him and stop right in front of him “What do you think?! Do I look good?” She ask her eyes sparkle behind her visor “It looks perfect on you” Ripton spoke, Her rotors flutter Happily it made Ripton smile he forgot Cutler was with him.
Cutler stare at him surprised his Eyes widen and then glanced at the shorter Woman “and who might you be?” Cutler ask, Turning Storm attention to him “oh Sorry, I’m storm a new member” “an Autobot” “Y- yes” Something about Cutler Made her feel uncomfortable and… nervous, Ripton lifted a hand and Smacked Cutler’s Head “Sorry he’s just naturally Scary”, Ripton spoke, Storm just giggle and nod understanding.
Skyla walk up to her sister, Gently Tug Storm’s sleeve and lean closer to her “uh… Stormy who are they?” She ask to her sister nervously “ah Skyla, This is Ripton he’s the one that help me find my way here” Storm introduce Him, Ripton Gave her a nod and Skyla nod back “Senpai, This is my twin sister that I told you about” Storm tilted her head to Skyla “I’m… Skyla” She introduce herself.
“and… who’s he Senpai?” Storm glanced at Cutler “Ah this, My dumb younger Brother, CutThroat” Ripton spoke grabbing Cutler by the nape of his neck “HEY I’M NOT DUMB!” Cutler Protested.
“That Ripton Guy, He seems nice, and he's good looking” Skyla spoke as she unpacked her Stuff, Storm froze in place for a moment something in her chest felt heavy like she just been punch “Y-Yea he is, He’s very nice” she answer her sister.
Why does it hurt? Storm never felt this before especially not when it’s something her sister say… “Something seems to be bothering you sister” Skyla catch on, Gently put a hand on Storm’s shoulder. Storm look up at her she didn’t even realize she was kneeling down “Oh, No everything is fine, I was just trying to count did I miss anything or not, I think I forgot to bring my toothbrush” She lied, Skyla Stare at her she doesn’t seems to believe her lies but she didn’t push it further.
“we can buy one later after we’re done Unpacking stuff, or we can buy now” she offered, Storm shale her head “we can buy it later” She spoke. Her twin sister gave her a nod before walking away.
A knock on the door the two sister look towards it and Skyla spoke “Come in” The door slide open revealing Pyera “Ah sorry did I disturb something?” She ask, The two shake their head “You must be Pyra Magna!” Storm spoke excitedly clearly forgetting what she was thinking a while ago, Pyera nod “I am and you two are StormClash and SkyBurst right? It’s a Pleasure to meet you… May I help you unpack your stuff?” She ask.
“Of course if you want to” Skyla accepted her offer, Pyera smile and enter the room the door closed behind her. “Commander what are we doing tomorrow?” Storm ask excitedly “Well I’m not sure, We wait for the other 3 arrival that’s for sure, and please call me Pyera you don’t need to call me Commander” She responded.

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