A Nightmare of the past

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“Old Friend, It’s nice to see you… How’ve been?” Orion greeted as he see’s Shaan entered the room, Shaan gave him a nod and sat down on one of the Meeting Chair “I’ve been Doing Decent, You?” “Doing better”
SHAAN! BESTIE! My boiii!!!!” Shaan Flinch when Elise Tackle hug him and nuzzle to his shoulder “where have you been I miss you!!! I have no friend to Help me with pranking Orion!” “Excuse me?!” Orion shouted.
Shaan rolled his one holographic eye and tried to Push Elise away but her grip was too strong, Meaker who was sitting across from the mad Scientist Chuckle, Shaan look at his Leader silently begging him to Help him, But Meaker only smile and lean to Oracle who was sitting Next to him.
Before starting a Conversation with the Combaticon Commander, Oh he’s definitely not going to Help Shaan! The Mad scientist Never felt so betrayed!!
“How about you? How’s your day been?” Meaker Asked the Combaticon Commander who raise a brow and glance at him “What is it that you try to achieve by asking me that?” Oracle asked “I’m trying to achieve the information of Your well being” Meaker Smile, Somehow he manage to make that smile look Innocent-
Oracle Stare at him before he finally let out a sigh and answer “I’m Doing decent, I appreciate you asking… how about you?” “Have you taken any rest? Eaten anything?” Meaker asked back Quickly “I have… eaten, I took an hour nap before the meeting, You have nothing to worry about” Oracle Answered again.
He wanted to hate the Decepticon Leader but that’s too hard if Meaker was always so nice, Megatron was a Rough and Demanding Leader in Battlefield but… Meaker, The man behind the armor was a Calm and Kind person, He always try to Get along with his Comrades, with the Decepticons even with Stamos…
Even if In Battlefield he switch 90% and Most Cons are likely afraid of him, but they always adored him… and When Outside the Battle Both Cons and Bots See him as an outstanding figure, a true leader… and someone who’s easy to talk too…
It's just… Oracle hates the person Meaker become every time he Wore the Megatron Helmet (or the Bucket Head as a Certain young prime called it *cough*Rodimus*cough*).
“Rodimus isn’t here again?” speaking of the devil- “Nah, He’s still out” Jazz told before leaning his head to the Table he wanted to close his eyes but his Head was bonked by a file from the man next to him, Jazz Glance up and let out a whine when his Husband Glared at him.
{Short-Medium White Haired man Preston Waylon, Nickname Preston.
Uses He/Him
Code Name Prowl, Autobot second in command
Age around 31-36 years old, height 5’8 feet
He’s known for his Strict attitude and His Serious look… others either like him or hate him there’s no in-between, Even if with his Reputation in the end of the cliff he still had done his Job well done and will Dedicated his Life to his work for peace. Somehow he is Married to Jazz… Honestly everyone was surprised about it-
Short-Medium White hair, Blue eyes sometimes hidden behind a blue/yellow Visor}
“What a Shame… I was Hoping to Catch up with him” Meaker sigh, Oh… they haven’t met for Months huh? Or was it a year? Oracle wasn’t really sure what relationship does the Decepticon Leader have with the Young Prime but They seems close.
The Young Prime was probably one of the few people that dared to Mess with Meaker when he’s wearing His Helmet.
The door slide open and Scara Walks In, Uziel followed behind.
Uziel sat down next to the Prime “Sorry I’m late sir, There’s been… a commotion I had to deal with first” Uziel apologize, Orion Shake his head and Put a hand on Uziel’s Shoulder “don’t worry about it… we haven’t start the Meeting” he could feel Uziel body became less tense and the man smile.
Elise let go of Shaan and her attention went to Scara “it’s Good to finally meet you” She greeted, Scara tense up and He nod “I’m Elita One, I’m sure you already know me from Orion” She smile at him, Scara nod again “The Wife that bully him every day, Yea he told me about you, He said to be careful around you or you’ll snatch me and take me away” Scara Answer he was very skeptical of his own answer, Elise blink twice before turning to look at Orion who look away nervously.
“I can’t believe you told those things to kids now” She gasp offended by it, Orion was a Nervous mess “It was a joke” “I Do Not snatch people Commander, Do not believe him” Elise Turn to look at Scara again, But the Other Autobots Commanders (except for Pyera, Elise and Scara) slowly look away- she would… she would Snatch someone and Unofficially adopt them as her own and no one can stop her!
Shaan Flick Elise’s side “can’t you see you’re scaring the poor thing?” He Huffed, The woman just let out a nervous laugh and lean her head to the desk.
“Glad for you to finally joined us” Holly sat down next to the Technobot Commander, Seems like he just arrive and he looks like a mess “What’s up with you?” Oracle asked ruffling The Younger man’s Hair, Holly lean to the touch while letting out a Purr “I’ve been busy! Tired! I just finished a Bunch of work!” Holly Whined, He lay his head on Oracle’s shoulder.
Making himself comfortable by hugging the Combaticon Commander, Oracle just huffed and let him do as he pleased “No fair you never let me hug you” Megaera Whined “The only People that have that privilege are Hot Spot and Scrapper, He’s been like that from the start and probably till the end” Mohan rolled his eyes.
“Maybe One day I could Hug you?” Meaker Joked, Oracle look at him surprised, Everyone does! “Yea right, you’re probably one of the last person that would earn the privilege” Oracle responded, Meaker laughed “then I shall Try my best, If hugging you is the price then maybe I wouldn’t mind Facing any challenges you got for me” Meaker Smile at him.
Oracle just look so confused behind his mask and Visor, Honestly the other Commanders could see his expression so clear- his Visor went wide… just like his eyes as he stare at the Decepticon Leader “I was Simply just messing with you” Meaker chuckle before playfully rubbing Oracle’s Hair.
Oracle was out of word, He didn’t respond he just look away… “I remember when he said those to me- scare me shitless” Stamos Finally said out loud, next to his Sohan Played a Voice recording of Laughing Crowd.
Do not Speak…
They would never listen to your voice.
A Boy sat in his classroom, quiet… He didn’t speak… he listens to the sound around him…
And then for the first time in his life, someone approach him, He look up from his desk to meet a gaze of a woman “Hi There! I’ve been observing- I mean I’ve seen you alone… a lot so O was thinking you might want some company?” She offered.
“Oh sorry I shouldn’t assume” She quickly Added, The bot opened his notebook and scribble some word on it before turning it to look at her ‘Its Fine’ was neatly Written on it.
It brings a smile to her face, She pulls a chair and sat down in front of him “So I’m guessing you don’t speak much?” she asked, He nodded “Can you speak?” she asked again he nod again.
“I’m Maliya, You are?” She asked, The boy look down at his notebook before scribbling some word to it.
And show it to h er.
“Mohan? That’s an Interesting name!” She giggled…
That was when he met her… someone he adored so much… someone he loved.
She spend so much time around him since that day, They started to hang out and even Mohan dared to talk to her with his Natural Voice (Of course when they’re alone), Maliya was Talkative… she was super talkative and always so energetic.
Sometimes others wonder how the two click together, Sohan was quiet and independent while Maliya was Energetic and Clumsy… she always needs Mohan’s help for mostly everything!...
10 years has passed since they Became Friends…
It wasn’t his, the kids… they weren’t together at the time and Maliya Had admitted she commit something she regretted, She was In a dark Place and She had no where to go at the time… She Was Stuck, She felt lost and alone… So she did something She regret…
A few week later At 2 am Sohan’s Door was Knocked Violently, It awoken the silent man… he rush to the door to get it…
It Was Maliya, Covered in rain and mud, She was Sobbing… without hesitation at that Moment Sohan pilled her to a hug, not knowing why she was in such a State. It seems to calm her down as she return the hug, He could feel her body Trembling and her cries became louder…
“HelpmepleaseHelpmeIdontknowwhoelsetoturntoplease” She cried, Sobbing to his shoulder, She kept repeating those words in a quick pace he can’t even make up most of the things she said… all he know is she’s in distressed…
“Shhh… hey it’s ok, I’m here, I’m here for you… Don’t worry” Sohan whisper to her ear as he try to comfort her, a Year they haven’t been in contact and now she’s here… crying on his shoulder seeking for comfort… where have she been? He wanted to ask but he know now’s not the time to do so…
After a few minutes he manage to calm her down, Get her to Shower… borrowed her clothes and Made her some warm Tea, Sohan sat down across from her. He tilted his head waiting for an explanation why, why have she come here after a year of disappearing from his life? Why have she ran to him? What has happened? Why was she crying? There’s thousand of Questions he have in his mind
Maliya smile sadly at the cup of tea on his hand “You always made the Greatest tea” She mutters, she misses the taste… “I would’ve made you some snack if you gave me a heads up warning before coming over” Sohan huffed “Sorry” she whisper.
She put down the cup of tea… her hands went to her stomach, Gently she rub it “I… I dropped down from school a year ago, Sorry… I know we promise to go to college together but… I just, Sohan I don’t know what to tell you I… I’m tired, I’m so tired of… everything… Of school, Of life, of my father I… I just” She doesn’t seems to be able to explain.
Sohan Stand up and went to sit next to her, He lift a hand and gently move her hair away from her face, She Gave him a sad smile and Gently grab his hand to put it next to her cheek… she lean her head to it, It comforts her…
“Things has been so difficult” she whisper before pulling out something from her Pocket… she hesitantly handing it to him, Sohan accepted it and observe the object.
It was a pregnancy test… and it’s…
Sohan look at her And back at the pregnancy test and then back at her, She could see the confused and disbelief look on his face “I’m Disgusting, I know” She Mutters looking away, No that’s not what he wanted to say… that’s not what he wishes for her to think of herself!
He put down the pregnancy test and hugged her, Silently telling her he’s here for here, He would always be here for her… he would always be with her no matter how hard the situation is… Maliya Started to cry again as she return the hug… she buried her face to his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry” She whisper between sobs, Sohan wasn’t sure why she’s apologizing… but he just gave her a nod to ease her Stress… how long has she’s been Hiding this? How long has she’s been Pregnant? And why now?... Why now has she ran to him? Sohan closed his eyes and They both silently Comforted each other.

6 month after that night, Maliya Has moved in with him… while Sohan was Busy with School and Work, She was Busy with her own work…
“They can hear you” She giggles when Sohan kneel and touch her stomach, Gently caressing it… there was softness in his eyes… fondness and adoration “They?” He look up at her “Twins… The doctor told me they were twins” She Announced.
She could see the glimmer of Excitement in his eyes “Twins?!” he look back at her stomach “I bet they’re going to be little devils, Running around and causing Mischief” He joked “How do you know that?” She teased leaning down “Because they’re yours” Sohan look up at her.
Her Heart skip a beat when she saw the smile on his face…
Oh how could he be so happy? Sohan Loved them… like they’re his… and he Loved her.
Sohan kiss her before stand up, He was a bit taller from her “They will grow up to be as smart as you” He whisper to her before placing a kiss to her forehead… “One more month… they might born” She whisper, Without him she wouldn’t know what she’ll do..
 Without him she would still be in those dark places of her mind… she was thankful she ran to him when he know she needs help...

When the twins were born, She Never seen Sohan so Emotional before… the man was making a weird mixed noise of a Squeal and a Gasp… the Sight of him Holding the twins… It’s such an adoring Sight.
“Have you named them?” Sohan asked, While he Was Holding one of the twins “Not yet… Well I was thinking of naming this one Francis” She chuckle at herself, Francis… is that really what she could come up with? Oh well the child would at least stuck with that name- “You can name that one” she turn to look at him.
She could see the sparkle in his eyes, He look down at the child he was holding “Ruan” he Whisper… “Francis and Ruan Walker… I like it” She mutters, Sohan look at her confused and surprised “Walker?” that was his last name not hers…
Maliya nodded “You’re their father right?” she joked, she almost panicked when Tears started to fall From Sohan’s face but she relaxed the Moment she realizes that was tears of happiness…
“Rumble, Frenzy! Desist!” Sohan Shouted at the two troublemaking teen!.
{A short purple Haired teen (Sometimes black and red), Ruan Walker.
Uses He/Him
Code Name Rumble, SoundWave’s Cassettes
Age around 17-22 years old, Height 5 ’0 feet
He is trouble wherever he Goes, the kid is Chaos With Legs and Mouth! A literal Gremlin! No one can tell him what to do not even Megatron… unless they’re SoundWave then he’ll listen only until SoundWave turn away and he’ll go back on his mischievous ways again! He likes to get himself in trouble
Short Purple haired with red eyes behind red visor}
{A Short Black with Red Streak haired teen (Sometimes full purple), Francis Walker.
Uses He/Him
Code Name Frenzy, SoundWave’s Cassettes
Age around 17-22 years old, Height 5’0 feet
Which One is he? Who knows! He likes to mess Around, If His twin was Already bad then He’s worse, If His twin was a Demon then He’s the literal Devil! He likes to stir up trouble And Watch as everything unfold, he finds it fun to just caused other To Create the problem and take the blame… but if someone look at it closely they will find that he is the torch that lit up the fireworks… Someone really need to call SoundWave on him-
Short Purple haired with red eyes behind red visor}
Both Ruan and Francis stop their Little Fist fight and quickly step away from one and another before pointing at each other “It was His fault!” they both shouted at the same time, Trying to blame the other one. Sohan looked at them before he shale his head in defeat and sigh “Enough, no more arguing…” he told them.
He doesn’t want to tell the two of the truth, Even if they’re old enough to know… every time he wanted to tell them he just couldn’t not when they both look at him with that Innocent look (even thought this two are far from being innocent) he just couldn’t… and after years he finally gave up on trying to tell them about the truth.
When he look at them without their Visor they always remind him of her, Of their Mother… they both have her eyes, And maybe a little bit of her attitude although they’re way worse than she ever be… she’s still a troublemaker back in the days…
What hurts him was how they sometimes ask what similarities do they have with him? The shades of red on their eyes is different from him and their face or original hair color doesn’t match him at all, Sometimes Sohan liked to joke and said ‘Gender’ and just left.
And They sometimes ask about their mom… she only stays around till they were 6 years old before dying because of a Plane crash, their memory of her that much, They still remember what she looks like or how she sounded but they didn’t get to grow up to Know her… when they’re down they always come to him and ask about their mom.
It hurts to remember about her but the two would always and constantly remind Sohan of her… That He have responsibility to take, she left the twins in his hand and He is their Father Blood related or not he has always been the father that was there for them.

“What’s up with Computer over there?” Stamos asked as he stop his step to stare at Sohan who was clearly trying to hold something in, His Body was Trembling… he stare at The twins who (thanks to his silence) has return on Bad mouthing each other “is he going to burst in anger or something?” Stamos added.
Meaker shakes his head “I don’t think that’s what’s going on here, StarScream Get SoundWave To a calming place I’ll deal with the twins” He ordered, without waiting for an answer he Made his way toward his Tic, Stamos gave him an Offended expression but followed soon after.
“Rumble, Frenzy why don’t we go play video game in your room?” Meaker offered earning the Two twins Attention “Really?! Is dad letting us play now?” Oh right he forgot about how Strict Sohan can be (he gave them Schedule to play and Study… a very good parents but when it comes to the Twins with Sugar rush all the time, the schedule it's like torture), Meaker turn to look at the mech who’s apparently having a mental crisis before looking back at the twins “I’m the one offering I’m sure he wont mind”
And with that the twins cheered before running off followed by Meaker, He gave Stamos a pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Stamos Let out a sigh and Put a hand on Sohan’s Shoulder “Hey Buddy, Want to talk about it? How about going Karaoke?” Stamos Offered, he didn’t received any answer from Sohan “Want to go to the park? How about a cat café?” and that earns a respond “Cat… café?”
“Yea let’s go to a cat café, to clear your mind” Stamos Voice was surprisingly gentle, He had dealt with this situation before (Because Meaker always throw him to deal with it-) Sohan visor lit up a bit and gave him a weak nod.
Stamos Wing raise up Proudly before Grabbing Sohan’s hand and pull him along.
After a few minutes they arrive at the Cat Café and It really did Raise up his mood, Stamos Smile as he watch Sohan pat the cats That came up to him… and He surprised when 80% of the cats went to him, Sohan Has that kind of Aura where Animals would just come close to him especially felines.
Stamos watch from the side as he drank his Juice, Sohan haven’t even touch his drink and food the man was busy with the cats! Stamos quietly took out his phone and aim it at Sohan who was so focused on the cats… and he took a picture of it, making sure not to use any flash (other than Flash camera being Ban from cat café to not scare the cats) so that Sohan wont realize it.
Stamos put his phone down to look at the picture, His smile went wider as he stare at it… the Decepticon TIC looks so Relaxed in the Picture, A rare Sight indeed… he’s definitely keeping this and maybe Share it to the other Decepticon Commander- nah~ he’ll keep It for his own.
After a few minutes of playing with the cats Sohan finally went back to sit next to Stamos “Thank you… StarScream, I needed this” He Murmured… Stamos Raise a brow and lean closer “Say it louder I can’t hear you~” OF course… he’s feeding the Seeker’s Ego “Thank you StarScream I needed this!” he said louder.
Stamos smirked and ruffled the Decepticon TIC’s Hair “No problem~ You know I’m always here for you” He said Playfully, Sohan let out a huff before pushing him away playfully.
Out of work Sohan really is a Different person, He doesn’t use that monotone voice and not that Formal, It made it easier to get along with…
After an hour of Calming down Stamos finally asked “So… Ready to spill it out? Why were you Suddenly having a Mental crisis?” He dared to ask, Sohan Look away “I… I miss her” he whisper, So quiet Stamos almost missed it.
“suddenly it’s just… It’s one of those days where when I see the twins I just see her… Everywhere they go and whatever they do It just… Today was a mess, I shouldn’t have frozen like that in front of them” he shake his jead, gripping to his Drink.
Stamos can’t say he understands what Sohan was feeling right now, He Knows full well who’s Sohan was talking about… ‘Her’ there was only one ‘Her’ in Sohan’s life and that’s the woman he Used to love… he still love to this day… Stamos felt pity for him, The reason why he even accepted Meaker’s Invitation to join the Cybertronians was so that he could Drawn himself in Work and not think about her.
He was still Grieving even till this day, He just always Avoided it By working and… sometimes when he doesn’t have enough work or when he have a free time the Whole thing dawns on him… “Hey, I’m sure she wouldn’t want to see you Miserable like this… chin up and Let it all go, Let it all out Go cry, Go spewing waterfalls from your eyes, Start Shouting and Destroying Your surrounding none of us going to stop you, unless you harm someone” Stamos spoke.
“I might not know how you’re feeling right now and maybe It’s better if ThunderCracker was the one Talking to you right now… but You can’t always keep all the feeling boiled up inside, You need to let it all out” He added, Sohan Look at her With teary eyes before looking away again.
He wanted to cry… He haven’t cry for a long time, And the last time he cried was when he heard of the news, when she dies… after that he always try to stay strong for the twins… “I’m Here for you, We’re here for you” Stamos put a hand to his Shoulder gently squeezing it to comfort him…
And without thinking Sohan swiftly hugged him, Catching him off guard, Stamos Awkwardly pat his back and let the Decepticon TIC Started to silently Sob while burying his head on Stamos’s Chest. “That’s it… just let it all out” He whisper, This was one of those moments where Sohan actually look weak… and the Man felt weak too.
He felt vulnerable but he know he’ll be ok… Stamos was here… the Decepticon SIC was here, Everything will be fine even if he felt weak.
Want it or not he had to admit, Stamos was Surprisingly A Comfortable person to hug, unlike a certain someone *cough*Shock*cough*Wave! Who always said the word ‘Ew’ every time someone Either- hugged them or touched them… really doesn’t understand the meaning of being polite and not to make people feel disgusted of themselves.
“What happened to Dad earlier? Was he having a hangover?” Ruan asked as he kept his gaze focused on the TV Screen that was showing a multiplayer Game he and Francis was Playing, Meaker was sitting on the couch behind them, the man Look up from his paperwork unsure of what to answer before looking back down at it “Uh… your Father just going through grief”
“Grief for what? Did someone die?” Francis Asked this time, Oh Meaker felt like he’s not supposed to answer these questions after all it’s none of his business… “uh… No, No one die it’s just you see kids when you truly love someone and Then one day you suddenly lose them without saying goodbye, you might carry that pain along with you no matter how long it’s been” Meaker set the paperwork aside before sliding to sit down on the floor next to them.
Their gaze left the TV screen to look at each other before turning to look at Meaker “Dad Miss mom?” Both ask in Unison, Meaker nodded “we miss mom too...” Francis mutters dropping his controller to the ground “Come on now You two don’t start crying… you’ll make your Dad even more worried” Meaker sigh before petting their Head, They both look at him before shakily Hug the Decepticon Leader.
Meaker Tense up a bit but then he relaxed And he gently caress their hair trying to comfort them as they started to sob… these Kids… no matter how Mischievous they get they really are just children in the end, Longing for their mom… Meaker Sigh “Everything will be ok, I’m sure she’s proud of what you two has become” He tried to comfort them.
It lasted for half an hour before the two fall asleep hugging him, The door slide open and Someone walked in “Oh hey SoundWave, Mind helping me putting them to bed?” Meaker look up to see his TIC masked face looking down at him, From how He hold himself up, Sohan was definitely just got down from his breakdowns, Sohan didn’t answer for a minute before he gave a slow nod and kneel down to pick Ruan Up.
Even if The kids had grown taller or bigger To him they’re still just children, His children… his sons… he was so gentle he didn’t even wake Ruan up when he pick him up, Meaker slowly stand up carrying Francis and they both made their way to the Teens Bedroom.
After tucking them in their perspective bed, they both made their way out of the room “SoundWave: Appreciate the help, Thank you Lord Megatron” Sohan spoke, Meaker could Hear his voice crack… he was still in a fragile state, the Decepticon Leader gave a warm and welcoming Smile “You can always ask for our help Sohan, You are not alone anymore” he put a hand on Sohan’s Shoulder.
Sohan open his mouth to speak but no voice came so he just smile behind his mask and nodded “you have a day off tomorrow, Get some rest ok? I’ll see you later” Meaker Said before turning to leave.
Sohan gave him another nod before the door closed behind the Decepticon Leader.

“Thank Primus I’m not allergic to cats” Stamos let out a groan “how was your day going?” Meaker teased, Earning an Unamused look from his SIC “my whole Clothes is covered with cat fur now! I might not allergic to cats but ThunderCracker is! You know how grumpy he can gets when I have cat fur on my clothes” the Seeker whined.
Meaker let out a laugh “but You do enjoy spending time with him don’t you?” He could see How Stamos’s Wings flinch and tense up “W-well… I suppose it’s fine, Cat Cafes aren’t that bad” Stamos admitted as his eyes darted away from Meaker, Meaker Smile At Him “The Cat Café isn’t bad or is SoundWave not that bad to be around?~” Meaker smile turn to a Smirk.
Stamos Flinch again before aiming to Scratch him, Meaker easily dodge before letting out a laugh and start Running away “Come Back here! You better Not spread Lies!” Stamos Shouted, running after him! Meaker laugh louder as The seeker start to chase after Him.
When he wasn’t looking where he was going and He accidentally bump into Someone, Meaker Stumble Back and The person falls to the ground “Lord Megatron…” the person Spoke his name… it sounded like a Threat-
Megatron rub his head before his gaze land on who he accidentally bump into, Oracle was there on the Floor he looks annoyed… thankfully none of them were holding anything- “I- sorry OnSlaught, I didn’t see you there” Meaker offered a Hand, Oracle Stare at it before accepting it and Meaker pulls him up.
“what are you even doing Running around the Hallway without thinking of where you’re going? I thought you know better not to do something so childish” Oracle Scolded “Sorry I was-“ “MEGATRON!” Stamos Jumped behind him and push him Forward, Meaker Stumble Forward, Losing his balance…
With a Quick thinking, Oracle Step aside and the Decepticon Leader falls to the ground with his SIC on top of him, Stamos Wings shiver in pain “Get off me StarScream” Meaker ordered , Stamos let out a groan before rolling off and sat on the floor, ow… he forgot Meaker was always wearing an armor behind that fluffy coat of his-.
Oracle Raise a brow behind his Visor, Oh The Decepticon Leader and it’s SIC is Acting like children right now… how amusing… How Interesting.
The Combaticons Commander tried to hold his laugh as Meaker sat up and Start Scolding Stamos who talked back and Scolded the Decepticon Leader back… Wow… Oracle Shake his head before walking off, He have better thing to do than to Hear them bickers… at least it didn’t get as Violence as when Meaker puts on his helmet.
{Short-Medium Orange Hair Hotaru (Rodion) Audel, Nickname Hotaru or Rodion.
Uses He/him
Code Name Hot Rod (Mostly Called Rodimus Prime), the Arsonist reckless child- Next Leader of the Autobots.
Age around 20-22 Years old, Height 5’8 Feet
He Have a weird special power to control Fire with his mind (thanks a lot ShockWave), He’s reckless and Still Childish for someone his age… always running around looking for fun and refuses to study to become the next Leader… but Honestly deep down he felt like he’s not worthy to take the Role so he doesn’t force himself to learn about it. He just a boy with low self esteem and tried to hide it behind his so called reckless and Loud Attitude.
Short-Medium Orange Hair (Spiky to the back), Ember eyes}
Rodion Look up at the bright Sky he put a hand above his head covering his eyes from the sun “Go to college they say, It’ll be fun they say” he made a mocking gesture with his other hand before looking away from the sky.
He has been stuck here for almost a Year! HE DOESN’T NEED COLLEGE!!!!
I WANT TO PLAY GAMES WITH BUMBLEBEE AND RACE WITH BLURR THIS IS SO NOT FAIR’ he Scream in his head as he kicked the ground like an angry child ‘I miss hanging around Sounders… and I want to Talk to Megs’ He kick the small rock in front of his feet as he start to slow walk back to his dorm room.
This is so unfair, the other Cybertronians doesn’t need College, they don’t go to college but why must he?! He remembers that the Gestalts Commanders are some the same age as him and None of them went to college! HE’S RODIMUS PRIME! HE DOES NEED COLLEGE!!
And he haven’t got a Visit from his parents for the whole college Experience… it made him even more anxious, Yes they pay for him and they still send him things he need but he just starting to feel anxious that they send him away just because He had For once done something (Causing trouble) that so tiring even his parents want to send him away.
No that can’t be right? That’s… his Dad wouldn’t do that and Certainly his Mom wouldn’t! His step started to slow down… he could feel his heard heating faster not out of excitement but fear…
He pulls out his phone, turning it on and he went to the Contact number…
He called..
One ring…
Two ring…
Three ring…
And then his call was Answered
→Hotaru? What’s wrong? Do you need anything?
His father asked, Rodion Didn’t answer for a whole Minutes… more likely he was Trying to speak but he fails to let out a sound.
→Hotaru?.... Rodion?... Are you there?
“hey Dad, Yea I’m here” Rodion answer, his voice was as low as a whisper as he pull the phone closer to his ear
→What’s Wrong?
“W-When am I going Home?” he asked nervously, why was he nervous? He wasn’t sure… but he know he was panicking…
→after you earn a Bachelor Degree, Only 3 more years So hang in there Ok? Roddy
Rodion made a uncomfortable noise, He has been here for almost a year and he can’t Adapt! He was usually an easy type of person to adapt to new places but he can’t adapt to College life… this was Stressing him out “Can I… go home early? I… I don’t want to continue this” he admitted, He heard a sigh from the other line.
→What is it that Made you uncomfortable there? Is someone bullying you? Are the study too hard?
His father asked “n-no none of those it’s just… I don’t think I can keep this up Dad” He told as he open the door to his dorm room and entered, He was alone in this room… of course he was, His parents had given him The best there is even A VIP Dorm room… but still he can’t do this… this was Genuinely Making him stress, Not because of the Homework or the Study but because of His own Traitorous Though.
→I see… Roddy 3 More years and You’ll be out ok, I will send Someone to Help you along if it’ll make you more comfortable, Is there someone In mind you wanted to come?
His Father asked in a reassuring and Gentle tone, Rodion could feel his heard Started to calm down “Anyone… But not Magnus or prowl they’re going to be the death of me” Rodion body shiver, He rather not have those two telling him to do his Homework and to study-
→Alright then, I will send someone… I understand that your mind is not in the right place right now, you don’t have to go through it on your own Me and your Mom will always be one call away if you needed anyone to talk to.
His father reminded him, And Rodion Gave a weak smile even if he know his father couldn’t see it “Thanks dad, I appreciate it” he mutters Nervously
→anytime, try your best ok! We’re proud of you
“I will” And with that he ended the call…
It did help him a little as his mind started to ease down, he look at his phone and he went to sit on his bed and start playing a game through his Phone to Relaxed himself even futher.
Everything will be fine now

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