Chapter 10

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I wake up refreshed and hungry? But I don't hear Ana or bully. Am I getting better again? Wow this was short lived... 3 weeks I count wow time flew. Today I get to see him. I text him. "Good morning"
I go downstairs and start to make breakfast for my mom and me and him but I'm not letting him ruin my mood. I'm listening to music and smiling my. Mom comes down first and I kiss her good morning and her belly I can't wait to see the baby she due In a little bit. c section cause she was so small. I ask her how many more days she says 14 she can't wait to meet her other baby. I will always be hers but I want one of my own. Oh well! I ask mom orange juice or coffee. She answers I pour the juice and deliver. Then he gets up and smiles kisses my mom then walks into the kitchen with me. He winks where my mom can't see. I roll my eyes and keep my mouth flat lined I plate my mom and then plate myself but make enough for him too I was being semi nice he should like it. Instead he makes eggs and takes some of the pancakes. We all eat I. Silence too my mom feels pain. She's screams first a Little one but it gets worse I can tel from her face. I grab sweatshirt and in already in shorts so pull on yet another pair of sweatpants and help my mom walk to the car. I have been through this drill. Fake labor but her vein so small it's too much she passes out. I have him carry her the rest of the way to the car and he drives us to the er. He carries her in and they hook her up. I should go so I'm not late to my date but it's my mom. I text my date telling him I'll be late family's issues I'll explain later and he texts back " okay beautiful let me know when I can leave to seen you again" I ask doctors how long it should take they say over night so I tell mom I'll be back but get some sleep that I love her and with that I leave.

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